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Messages - Furro

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Raids: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 23 - 25
* Tentative, depending on turnout *

Event Information

Channel FLRaids:raids
Gather Point Announced in channel
Time 8pm EST, 7pm CST, 5pm PST
Min. Reqs. Level 125 and 20,000 AA
Flag Reqs. Refer to related strategy posts for details

* Read our Raid Guidelines post before attending.
Feel free to tell your friends, guildmates and enemies about our raids.  We have plenty of room, and welcome everyone.  Thanks!


Freelance primarily uses in-game chat channels for communication. 

For players who enjoy voice chat, Freelance Discord server is available.  Not everyone is comfortable with voice chat, and it is for this reason Discord is optional for Freelance raids.

In-Game Channels

* No Talking in /Raidsay

To join an EQ in-game channel, simply type: /join channelname:password.  For channels without password /join channelname.

Channels to be in during Freelance raids:

Channel       Classes           
FLHeals:healsCleric, Druid, Shaman
FLTanks:tanksWarrior, Paladin, Shadowknight
FLCC:ccEnchanter, Bard, Ranger, Druid
FLDPS:dpsMonk, Ranger, Rogue, Berserker, Beastlord, Shaman, Bard, Magician, Wizard, Necro, Enchanter
cpigs:pigsAny - When player not flagged for current target
TBAAny - Additional channels for special raid split coordination as required

Item Distribution Overview

Freelance distributes items based on DKP and Raid Attendance (RA%).

Each player's current DKP holdings up to 1000 is multiplied by their RA% resulting in Effective DKP.

During raids, players can only use their Effective DKP to purchase items.  Item purchases from that night and any previous raid nights for the month are subtracted in real-time from a player's Effective DKP only.

Players opt-in on items they are interested in.  Winners are determined by highest current Effective DKP.  Ties resolved via /random 1000, highest wins.

Each "Real Life" person is allowed to opt-in for an unlimited number of items.  The only restriction is that for equipment, the person must be able to equip/activate the item.

Following the above processes, any remaining items are placed in the FFA pool to be distributed only when announced in /raidsay.  FFA items are associated with their standard base cost by category, as indicated in the Item Base Costs (IBC) table below.  Anyone can loot FFA items.

Item Base Costs:

Category     Slot     Type     Base Cost     FFA       Retro Content
LOOTPRI/SEC, Range     Weapon     
LOOTArmor     Non-visible     
LOOTBracer     Visible     
LOOTGloves, Head, Feet     Visible     
LOOTArms, Legs     Visible     
LOOTBreastplate     Visible     
LOOT-     Tradeskill (TS)     
RUNE-     Spell     
AUG-     Non-visible     
N/A-     Misc.     

* Note: Current expansion AUG costs are as follows: SLOT 22 are 10 DKP and Slot 18/19 are 50 DKP.

* Note: Current expansion bag items is classed under LOOT category for 100 DKP.

Expansion    Ruleset
The Outer Brood    Current Expansion
Laurion's Song    Retro Content
Night of Shadows    Retro Content
The Pie CrusadeRetro Content

Freelance Raid Team - Pie Management Dept.

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« on: January 02, 2024, 09:27:54 PM »
Tuesday, January 2, 2024 - Update

Added Raiena to Co-Raid Leader role under Raidsay Authority.

Added Raiena to FL Tanks role under Raid Authority.

Removed Dimbly from FL Heals and Loot Distribution due to inactivity.

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: Freelance Loot System
« on: January 02, 2024, 08:54:57 PM »

DKP Penalties

Penalties are issued for various infractions related to item distribution.

Penalty     Cost     Conditions       
Looted incorrect item
Incurs quintuple (5x) associated category cost of item penalty.     
Looted an item out of turn
Looted an item not awarded to you.  Incurs double (2x) associated category cost of item penalty.     

Cleaned up and simplified penalty for loot mishaps to 5x associated category cost regardless of reason.

DKP Penalties

Actions below constitute a violation and will incur quintuple (5x) associated category cost of item penalty.

Action     Cost            
Looted incorrect item
Looted too many items

Freelance Ramblings / Re: Switching raid toons
« on: December 17, 2023, 04:28:09 PM »
No, transfer of DKP from one character to another is not permitted.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - Update

Strategy posted based on our win a couple weeks ago.

* Important: Be sure to delete the entire Trigger Group -- Otherwise you'll have a lingering Paladin splash trigger that was shared during raid last week.


Make sure trigger package is enabled

See everyone in-game! :)

Shar Vahl, Divided - T3 - Under Siege

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Shar Vahl, Divided
NPC Name: Sergeant Hujiid
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Vius Vex is prepared to cross the bridge leading into Shar Vahl with her army.

Zun Vyl Dyn golems are positioned at end of bridge; enhanced by their auras.

At event start, waves of centien adds attack, while periodically Zun Vyl Dyn golems advance forward.

Hovering above, Zakra Tetoracu drop Flickering Shadows to damage and slow defenders.

Wisps spawn periodically to stir trouble.

Various other adds join the battle throughout the event.

Player emote mechanics in play.


Kill Zun Vyl Dyn golems.

Kill Centien waves.

Assigned players to eastern and western towers to root Zakra Tetoracu to bring them down from the sky and kill.

Darkening Heart -  Immediately get cured by a Spiritualist NPC; kw: help.  Penalty add if not cured, Inner Shadow.

MEZ centi adds - Mez tick damages these adds, do not break mez.

Do not allow wisps to transform.  Reminders in raid will be given for groups to engage wisps.  Wisps transform into mischevous shadows.

Assist MA for all other add spawns.



MA Kill Order: ...

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Vius Vex


Darkening Heart400k DoT + Mana Drain (single target, 36s duration)
1st Person: You feel your heart begin to darken.
3rd Person: Light begins to gather around Soandso, ..., and Soandso.
Success Emote: Soandso is freed of darkness!
Cast on Fade: Heart of Darkness - Penalty Add
- Penalty add spawns Inner Shadow
- Inner Shadows heal boss
Luclin's Edict550k Caster AE + Mana Drain + Stun (500' range)
Effect Message: The power of Akhevan destiny strikes you.
Shadow LinkSelf Buff - Increase Current HP by 220000000 per tick (5m duration)
Warning Emote: Vius Vex links its health to the shadows around it.

Aura - Night Fire

Multiple Night Fire auras spawn while boss active.

Night FireExpanding Aura - Mana Drain + Stun
Warning Emote: Vius Vex summons orbs of light and darkness.


Various adds spawn throughout event.

a centi dator--
- Mezzable
- Centi take 5% health damage per tick while mezzed
a shadow master--
- Heals boss
Inner Shadow--
- Penalty add
- Heals boss
- Indifferent
- Spawns while boss active
- Paths South into hallway
- If not killed in time, transforms into: a mischevous shadow
-- Mischevous shadows heal boss

- Players need to 'get noticed' by wisp by standing in yellow aura that appears
-- Success Message: The wisp acknowledges your presence, then fades away.
-- Failure Message: A will-o-wisp transforms, seeking to cause dangerous mischief.
-- Ignore Message: This wisp ignores you, as you have recently given yourself to another. You will have to wait until the wisps forget you.
Zakra TetoracuSummons: Flickering Shadows - Target Area Aura 150k DoT + SILENCE + Mana Drain + Snare + Melee Slow (12s duration)
Effect Message: Night fire burns your mind.
Target Area Emotes:
- a Zakra Tetoracu moves near toward the city exit tunnel.
- a Zakra Tetoracu moves near the city gate.
- a Zakra Tetoracu moves to the far south end of the bridge.
- a Zakra Tetoracu moves right up to the city gate.
- a Zakra Tetoracu moves past the middle of the bridge.
- a Zakra Tetoracu moves up to the middle of the bridge.
Zov Vyl Dyn--
- Indifferent
- Knockback aura
- Redirects path to boss location
Zun CentienFour-Barbed Knife - 400k DoT + 25% HP Debuff + 20% Endurance Decrease + Spell Interrupt (single target, 24s duration)
Effect Message: A wicked knife pierces you.
Zun Vyl Dyn--
- Indifferent
- Knockback aura
Zun Zethon TianShining Light - Blind + Snare + Increase Spell Dmg Taken (single target, 24s duration)
1st Person Emote: Light begins to gather in your eyes.
3rd Person Emote: Light begins to gather around Soandso, ..., and Soandso.
Effect Message: Light forms all around you.
Limit Spell: Flickering Shadows
Zun Zethon ViusBursting Shadow - Alters Vision (single target, 24s duration)
Effect Message: The darkness within you starts to grow.
Cast on Fade: Erupting Shadow - 450k Target AE + Mana Drain (150' range)
Effect Message: The darkness within you bursts out.

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with any nearby NPC.


- No Shade
-- Do not allow any of the Zekra Tetoracu to summon flickering shadows.

- Won't-o-Wisp
-- Do not allow any wisps to transform.

- Full Darkness
-- Do not destroy any Night Fires.


Event Reset: ...

[Sat Jun 19 20:34:41 1998] You have failed.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2023-03-22 (9:09pm)  - Add Spawn - Centi
- Add Spawn - Golem
- Add Spawn - Night Fires and Wisps
- Add Spawn - Shadow Master

- Vius Vex - Dark Heart - Get Cured by Spiritualist - Success
- Vius Vex - Dark Heart - Get Cured by Spiritualist (1st Person)

- Zakra Tetoracu - Vulnerable

- Event Reset
- Event Start

  Paladins  2023-03-22 (9:18pm)  - Vius Vex - Shining Light - Splash Cure (3rd Person)

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Thursday, March 16, 2023 - Update

Strategy posted based on our win last week.

DELETE OLD TRIGGER PACKAGE "Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move - Everyone", BEFORE IMPORTING NEW!

Make sure trigger package is enabled

See everyone in-game! :)

Firefall Pass - T3 - The Shadows Move

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Shar Vahl, Divided
NPC Name: Sergeant Hujiid
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:wish

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

At event start, waves of centi adds spawn and attack.  Shortly after, Dusk and Dawn activate.

Dusk HP raised by player mechanic.  Dusk can be damaged once HP 50%.

Dawn is susceptible to player damage until HP 50%.

When both Dusk and Dawn reach 50% HP, they each transform into Midnight bosses and massive constructs activate.

Looming Shadow aura advances across zone perodically driven by shadow bearer adds.

Waves of centi adds continue to spawn throughout event.

Player emote mechanics in play during event.


Kill adds via MA.

When Setting Sun emoted, run away to cancel effect.

When Rising Sun emoted, run to Dawn.

Kill massive constructs.

Kill Shadow Bearers via MA2.  These adds spawn and advance the aura towards raid.  Killing them stops aura from advancing.

- MTO - Keep Dawn and Dusk separated
- MTO - Stack Midnights

- Single target heals on Dusk when confused emote occurs (trigger alerts when)

MA Kill Order:
- MA1 - constructs, centi, bosses
- MA2 - shadows

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Bosses: Dawn & Dusk

Activate Emote: Dusk and Dawn awaken and begin to move.

DawnNight's Death - Target AE - Increases Spell Damage Taken by 100% + Suppression of Focus Effects (12s duration, AE range 100')
Effect Message: You feel the loss of the night, you lose focus.
Limit Spell: Day's Release - Target AE 400k DD + 10k Mana Drain (AE range 100')
Effect Message: The lost energy of the day washes over you.
Rising Sun - Single Target - Decrease Melee Haste by 95% + Interrupt Casting (90% Chance)
Effect Message: Your sun rises, painfully bright. Less so if you stay at Dawn.
Emote - 3rd Person: The sun begins to rise on Soandso... and Soandso.
Emote - 1st Person - Success: Dawn removes your fear of the Blinding Day ahead.
Cast on Fade: Restoring Daylight - Caster AE - 250k DD + 77k Mana Drain (range 1000, AE range 150')
Effect Message: Sudden daylight purges you.
Cast on Fade: Restoring of the Dawn - Self - 3% Heal up to 9m
Effect Message: Dawn is restored.
DuskSetting Sun - Single Target - Decrease Melee Haste by 95% +  Interrupt Casting (90% Chance)
Effect Message: Your sun begins to set.
Emotes - 3rd Person:
The sun begins to set on Soandso.
The sun begins to set on Soandso and Soandso.
Cast on Fade: Sudden Night - Caster AE 650k DoT + Blind + Reversed DS (36s duration, AE range 100')
Failure Emote: It grows suddenly and completely dark.
Sudden Night Casts on Spell Use: Uncertain Magic - Self - 150k DD + Mana Drain
- Setting Sun effect will cancel when player runs away 400'
- When Setting Sun cancels, player may return to raid
- Each player hit by Sudden Night will self inflict percentage damage based on Cast Time of their spell

Looming Shadow - Purple Aura

Looming Shadow - Purple Aura - Expands if shadow bearer adds not killed before they exit the aura.

Adds Spawn Emote: Shadows coalesce.

Aura Expanded Emote: A shade exits the shadow and disperses, extending the looming shadow.

Looming Shadow   Looming Shadows - Single Target - Inhibits Spell Casting + Inhibits Combat (12s duration)
(Purple Aura)1st Person Effect: Shadows loom over you.
- Aura expands when shadow bearers successfully exit the aura
A shadow bearer--
- Spawns inside purple aura
- Indifferent
- Attempts to reach aura; to advance it
- Killing add before it touches purple aura prevents aura from advancing
- Spawns at 1m 30s intervals


Various adds spawn throughout the event.

a massive construct--
- Four activate when Dusk and Dawn transform to Midnight
a dyek`dator centi--
- Mezzable
a fer`dator centi--
- Mezzable
a wen`dator centi--
- Mezzable

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with Sergeant Hujiid and saying 'ready'

[Thu Mar 09 22:11:34 2023] Sergeant Hujiid says, 'Hail, friend. Thank you so much for coming to help. The Akheva have just arrived. I'm sure what you see here is not the extent of what they will bring to bear. All we hope to do here is bloody thier noses. [Reduce] their forces and make them think twice before advancing.'

[Thu Mar 09 22:11:34 2023] Sergeant Hujiid says, 'It's that shadow that worries me the most. It has been growing a bit since I got here. If you can somehow destroy that thing then I would consider this a win and we can retreat. If we let that thing expand too much we might not be able to stop it. For now they seem to be waiting for more of their forces to arrive. It might be best if you attack them as soon as you are [ready]. If you need to [leave], I can assist you with that.'

[Thu Mar 09 22:11:34 2023] Sergeant Hujiid says, 'Best of luck to you, friend.'


- Stave Off the Shadows
-- Do not allow any shadow bearers to expand the Looming Shadows

- Unending Midnight
-- Do not allow Midnight to return to Dusk and Dawn.

- Within the Shadows
-- Never take Dusk, Dawn, or Midnight out of the Looming Shadow.


Event Reset 1: The centi report to their mistress that the way is clear, there is no resistance remaining.

Event Reset 2: The Looming Shadow has grown beyond your ability to stop. You have lost this battle.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2023-03-16 (02:29pm)  - Adds Active - Constructs
- Adds Spawn - Centi

- Bosses Active - Dusk & Dawn
- Bosses Transform - Midnights Active

- Dawn - Rising Sun - Move to Dawn - Success
- Dawn - Rising Sun - Move to Dawn (1st Person)
- Dusk - Setting Sun - Run Away (1st Person)
- Dusk is Confused - Heal Opportunity - Heal Dusk Now
- Midnight - Looming Shadows - Back Away

- Looming Shadow Aura - Add Spawn - Shadows
- Looming Shadow Aura - Failure - Aura Expands

- Event Reset
-- Event Reset 1 - Centi Report - No Resistance
-- Event Reset 2 - Looming Shadow Aura - Extended Too Far

- Event Start

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Thursday, March 9, 2023 - Update

Strategy posted based on our win last week.

DELETE OLD TRIGGER PACKAGE "Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades - Everyone", BEFORE IMPORTING NEW!

Make sure trigger package is enabled

See everyone in-game! :)

Darklight Caverns - T3 - The Spirit Fades

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Deepshade
NPC Name: a spirit messenger
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Grakaw is trapped by a combination of magics, and must be freed.


Demonstrated Depletion

Weakness Evinced

Manifest Lethargy (splits at 50% into: Manifest Apathy and Manifest Drowsiness)

Various movement emotes and auras to content with during event.


Demonstrated Depletion - Move with Main Tank to avoid Seething Energy.

Weakness Evinced - Stay out of Depletion auras (emotes indicate areas to stay away from).

Manifest Lethargy - Kill Lesser adds first via MA.  When Manifest Lethargy splits, kill Manifest Apathy then Manifest Drowsiness.

- MTO - Move boss out of Seething Energy and Depletion auras.

Healers & Casters:
- During Demonstrated Depletion boss, can position in cave and range heal/dps

MA Kill Order: ...

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics


Boss activates when hit by select spell type (heal or cure or buff).  Spell order matters for achievements.

Boss Activation Order for Achievements:

Achievement   Spell Order
Conscientious Liberation - Heal, Cure, Buff
Unscrupulous Liberation - Buff, Heal, Cure

Boss   Emote
Demonstrated Depletion - The spike in health disturbs something unseen attached to Grakaw. Magic swirls and congeals into a creature.
Weakness Evinced - Positive magical energy disturbs something unseen attached to Grakaw. Power swirls and congeals into a creature.
Manifest Lethargy - Magical revitilization disturbs something unseen attached to Grakaw. Lights swirl and congeals into a creature.

Demonstrated Depletion   Spawns: Seething Energy (white aura)
Warning Emote:
The Demonstrated Depletion begins to glow slightly, drawing a little energy from every living thing in the cave.
- Activates when Grakaw is HEALED (single target heal)
- Seething Energy entities spawn at Demonstrated Depletions location and fan out (occurs at 1m 10s intervals)
- Players react and move to avoid Seething Energy
- Failure results in Discharge
Weakness Evinced   Spawns: Depletion (green aura)
Warning Emote:
- Weakness Evinced sends energy at Grakaw.
- Weakness Evinced sends energy toward the rear of the cave.
- Weakness Evinced sends energy toward the center of the cave.
- Weakness Evinced sends energy at the great spirits.
- Weakness Evinced sends energy at Grakaw and the great spirits.
- Weakness Evinced sends energy into the tunnel.
- Weakness Evinced sends energy toward the rear of the cave and the tunnel.
- Activates when Grakaw is CURED (Remove Greater Curse)
- Depletions spawn at one or more emoted locations (occurs at 50s intervals)
- Players react and move to avoid Depletions
- Failure results in Life Siphon
Thinning Skin - Single Target - AC Reduction up to 350 + 400% Increase to Spell Damage Taken  (18s duration, 1000' range)
Warning Emote:
Weakness Evinced devitalizes the skin of Soandso, Soandso, ..., and Soandso.
Effect Message: Your skin grows thin and dry.
Limit Spell: Slicing Energy - Single Target - 250k DD + Mana Drain
Effect Message: Sharp blades of energy slice into you.
Manifest Lethargy   Envelopment - Single Target - Pull + Invulnerability (36s duration, 1000' range)
Effect Message: You are completely engulfed in Lethargy.
- Activates when Grakaw is BUFFED (Strength or Haste)
- Spawns Lesser adds at HP percentages
- At 50% Manifest Lethargy splits into Manifest Apathy and Manifest Drowsiness
-- Split emote: Lethargy becomes more complicated.

Auras - Seething Energy and Depletion

Seething Energy   Discharge - Roaming Caster PBAE - 600k DD (75' range)
Warning Emote:
Demonstrated Depletion drains power from Soandso, Soandso, ..., and Soandso.
Effect Message: Energy sears your skin.
- Occurs while Demonstrated Depletion is active
Depletion   Life Siphon - Caster PBAE - 550k DD + 20k Mana Drain (150' AE range)
Warning Emote:
Weakness Evinced starts rips the physical endurance from Soandso, Soandso, ...,
and Soandso. Then tries to pull the mental energy from Soandso, Soandso, ..., and Soandso.
Effect Message: A portion of your life's energy is stolen.
- Occurs while Weakness Evinced is active


Lesser adds spawn when Manifest Lethargy is active.

Spawn emote: Several lesser manifestations appear.

Lesser Depletion--
Lesser Lethargy--
- Mezzable
Lesser Manipulation--
Lesser Weakness--

Start Event

Event is triggered by casting a Heal, Cure, or Buff on Grakaw.


- Conscientious Liberation
-- Remove the bonds from Grakaw in the least destructive order.

- Unscrupulous Liberation
-- Bravely remove the bonds from Grakaw in the most destructive order.

- Thick Skin
-- Don't be hit with the Slicing Energy spell while under the effects of Thinning Skin. (personal)


Event Reset:

[Sat Mar 04 20:11:29 2023] With no enemy to battle, the bonds that were manifested reattach themselves to Grakaw.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2023-03-09 (2:21pm)  - Add Spawn - Lesser Manifestations
- Boss Active
-- Demonstrated Depletion
-- Manifest Lethargy
-- Weakness Evinced

- Demonstrated Depletion - Seething Energy - Move with Tanks
- Weakness Evinced - Depletions - Move Away from Location(s)

- Event Reset

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Myconid Mutiny
« on: February 23, 2023, 12:29:05 AM »
Wednesday, February 22, 2023 - Update

Strategy post and trigger package updated.


Make sure trigger package is enabled

See everyone in-game! :)

Friday, February 17, 2023 - Dance of the Demiurge Defeated!

Nice work all!

See everyone in-game! :)

Thursday, February 16, 2023 - Update

Strategy posted.

Everyone trigger package updated.


Make sure trigger package is enabled

See everyone in-game! :)

Upcoming Events & Strategy / NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Dance of the Demiurge
« on: February 16, 2023, 09:21:25 PM »
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Ruins of Shadow Haven
NPC Name: Animist Soren
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Boss: Malthshisku

Numerous creatures and effects come into play during process of creation and destruction.

Various other adds spawn throughout the event, from seasoned performers, thespians and an enthusiastic understudy.

STAGE 1Pre-creation
  Masses spawn at event start
  Malthshisku inactive until all masses killed
STAGE 2Creation & Destruction
   Gods spawn when Malthshisku HP 85%~ and situationally
STAGE 3Multitude of Creatures
When Malthshisku HP 50%~
   Malthshisku despawns shortly after initial adds spawn
   Up to three waves of adds
STAGE 4Re-creation
   Malthshisku respawns when all multitude of creatures killed
     Gods spawn again
STAGE 5Re-creation
   When Malthshisku HP < 30%~
Lethargic Mass returns periodically


Assist MA.

Roaming Lethargic Mass (Red) is priority for Range DPS via MA2.

Multitudes stage - Assist MA and burn a flogrok add.

Masses weakened by use of select spells:

Masses       Weakens       
Energetic Mass(Blue)  Mez 
Impairing Mass  (Green)  Remove Curse
Serene Mass  (Yellow)  Movement Speed Buff (i.e: SoW)
Wearying Mass  (Purple)  Direct Heal
Lethargic Mass  (Red)  Strength Stat Buff

Fake actor adds: a seasoned performer, a thespian, an enthusiastic understudy - Use same weakens bane spell types as masses that corresponds to actor color.

- If run away emoted while tanking, fade immediately then run, do not leash your mob


MA Kill Order:

Kill Order Stage 1: understudy, thespian, performer, Energetic Mass (Blue), Impairing Mass (Green), Serene Mass (Yellow), Wearying Mass (Purple)

Kill Order Stage 2: Bertoxless (Green), Morel Tool (Purple), Bobcat Knife (Red)

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics



Malthshisku inactive until all masses killed

Malthshisku despawns when multitude of creatures spawn.

Malthshisku respawns when all multitude of creatures killed: Well, now you've ruined it! I will have to start all over again! These useless actors will take ages to train!

When Malthshisku HP <= 10%, absorbs actors to heal.  Emote: Malthshisku drains the power from one of the actors and heals.

Enrage Timer: Malthshisku begins to become enraged at the extended delay to the rehearsal and calls for more extras.

All Was Darkness    Target AE 300k DoT + Mana Drain + Blind (24s duration, 50' range)
Player Warning Emote: The darkness of pre-creation gathers around Soandso.
Effect Message: Everything goes dark.
- Occurs at 55s intervals
And Then RestInvulnerability (12s duration, single target)
Effect Message: You rest.
- When Malthshisku casts And Then Rest, players are not emote targeted (unlike when Morel Tool casts it)
Art Requires Suffering    AE DoT 275k + Mana Drain (18s duration)
Effect Message: You start to suffer for someone elses art.
- Occurs at 45s intervals
Calm BodyDoT Melee Silence + Root (12s duration, single target)
Effect Message: Your body relaxes.
- When Malthshisku casts Calm Body, players are not emote targeted (unlike when Bobcat Knife casts it)
Calm MindDoT Caster Silence (12s duration, single target)
   Effect Message: Your mind stops.
- When Malthshisku casts Calm Mind, players are not emote targeted (unlike when Bobcat Knife casts it)
Contented Wandering    Forces player to wander off (24s duration, single target)
Effect Message: You body acts at the will of another's mind.
- When Malthshisku casts Contented Wandering, players are not emote targeted (unlike when Bobcat Knife casts it)
Decay Begins at Creation500k DoT + Mana Drain (24s duration, 20 Curse Counter, single target)
Effect Message: Your decay begins.
- When Malthshisku casts Decay Begins at Creation, players are not emote targeted (unlike when Bertoxless casts it)
- Curse Cure to remove

Masses and Gods

Note: Gods color in brackets indicates initial spawn color; subject to change by player action (achievement: Altered Gods).

  Masses spawn at event start
  Malthshisku inactive until all masses killed
  Masses weakened by use of select spells
Energetic Mass   Enhanced Energy - DoT Melee Slow + Snare (single target, 48s duration)
- Targets multiple players
- Occurs at 1 minute 15s intervals

- Weakened by spell type: Mez
-- Emote: A creature is forced to lower its energy and activity. This makes it slightly weaker.
Impairing MassSapping Aura - AE DoT Snare + Stat Debuff (150' range, 24s duration)
- Occurs at 1 minute 5s intervals

- Weakened by spell type: Remove Curse
-- Emote: Magic increases the lethargic creature health and confidence. This makes it slightly weaker.
Serene MassContentment - Mesmerize (single target)
(Yellow)3rd Person Warning Emote: Serenity is granted to Tuth, Grog, Rezer, Barth, Oreo, Gearm, Mumbo, and Nahya.
- Occurs at 1 minute 15s intervals

- Weakened by spell type: Movement Speed Buff (i.e: SoW)
-- Emote: The idea of motion is given to a being of contentment. This slightly weakens it.
Wearying MassEnergy Diminished - AE DoT + Cap HP and Mana Debuff 80% (24s duration, 100' range)
(Purple)Warning Emote: The Wearying Mass begins to wobble.
- Occurs at 1 minute intervals

- Weakened by spell type: Direct Heal
-- Emote: Health magic is poured into a creature that exudes depletion. This makes it weaker.
Lethargic MassEngulfing Lethargy - AURA DoT Root + Invulnerbility (36s duration, 50' range)
(Red)Effect Message: Your apathy grows overwhelming.
- Spawns South
- Spawns at event start and periodically when Malthshisku HP < 30%
- Indifferent, can be damaged
- Roams event area
- Stage 1 (event start): Must be killed before last mass dies else event resets
- Stage Malthshisku HP < 30%: Must be killed before paths to North end, else turns into a God (ie., Bertoxless, Bobcat Knife, Morel Tool)
-- Emote when Lethargic Mass transforms: The blob is transformed into a god!

- Weakened by spell type: Strength Stat Buff
-- Emote: A creature of weakness is given a bit of strength. This makes it, ironically, slightly weaker.

- Emote: The Lethargic Mass gets weaker as an outside force counters some of its apathy.
GODSCreation & Destruction
   Gods initially spawn when Malthshisku HP 85%~ and conditionally (refer to Lethargic Mass)
   - Bobcat Knife HP locked at 50% until other Gods killed
When Malthshisku HP < 20%~, emote: The gods make servitors, who will surely make multitudes.
Gods spawn again when all multitude of creatures killed
BertoxlessDecay Begins at Creation - 500k DoT + Mana Drain (24s duration, 20 Curse Counter, single target)
(Green)Effect Message: Your decay begins.
Player Emoted - Example 1: Decay begins to overtake Soandso.
Player Emoted - Example 2: Decay begins to overtake Lineloss and Lineloss.
- Curse Cure to remove
- Occurs at 45s intervals
- Emotes 1 or 2 players; same player can be emoted twice
First Create, Then Destroy - Target AE DoT 500k (24s duration, 70' range)
Effect Message: The destruction seems inevitable.
1st Person Warning Emote: The power of destruction surrounds Soandso.
- Player emoted run away
- Occurs at 50s~ intervals
- 10s warning emote
Bobcat KnifeCalm Body - DoT Melee Silence + Root (12s duration, single target)
(Red)Players Targeted Emote: A calm body is granted to Bluster, Rekzek, and Nimple.
Effect Message: Your body relaxes.
Calm Mind - DoT Caster Silence (12s duration, single target)
Players Targeted Emote: A calm mind is granted to Padraigg, Dillydally, and Marsbar.
   Effect Message: Your mind stops.
    Contented Wandering - Forces player to wander off (24s duration, single target)
Players Targeted Emote: Contentment decends on Yoker, Pinstripe, Rode, and Zamza.
Effect Message: You body acts at the will of another's mind.
- During Creation & Destruction stage, Bobcat Knife HP locked at 50% until other Gods killed
- Calm Body spell cast occurs at 1 minute 5s~ intervals
Morel ToolAnd Then Rest - Invulnerability (12s duration, single target)
(Purple)Effect Message: You rest.
Players Warning Emote: Perfect restfulness is given to Paintstripe, Yoldaly, Laldfar, Marsbar, Linepoint, and Gretul.
- Occurs at 1 minute 10s~ intervals
   Enhanced Energy - DoT Melee Slow + Snare (single target, 48s duration)
- Targets multiple players
- 1 minute 15s intervals


Various adds spawn during event.

Boss HP% AddsThe Actors
When Malthshisku HP <= 90% and onward periodically
A seasoned performerAcoustic Assault - Directional Rear AE Mana Drain + Knockback (75' range)
Effect Message: Sound assaults your ears, making your head ring.
   Acoustic Echo - Target AE 400k DD + Mana Drain
Effect Message: Amplified echos of sound slam into you.
A thespian   Ground Punch - AE 350k + Stun + Knockback (50' range)
Player Warning Emote: Echoes gather around Soandso.
Effect Message: The ground shakes and roils.
   Personal Punch - AE 330k + Stun + Knockback (single target)
Effect Message: You are punched!
An enthusiastic understudy   Spore Contagion - Viral DoT 390k (42s duration, 45' range, single target)
3rd Person Warning Emote: Contagious spores attach to Blanto, Crusher, and Toout.
Effect Message: Spores begin to grow on your skin.
   Spore Spurt - Directional Frontal AE DoT 375k + Mana Drain + Melee Slow + Snare (24s duration, 45' range)
Effect Message: Spores strike your skin at deadly speeds.
- Frontal AE, face away from raid
Boss HP% & Timed AddsMultitude of Creatures
When Malthshisku HP 50%~ and timed onward
   Malthshisku despawns shortly after initial adds spawn
   Up to three waves of adds
   Initial Emote: Enough! On with the play! And these creators did as they were meant to do, they created! Multitudes they did make!
   Adds Emote: The multitudes grow.
A flogrok   Froak! - Directional Frontal AE 250k DD + Knockback (75' range)
Effect Message: Modulated sound damages your entire body.
- Frontal AE, face away from raid
- Frontal AE, tiny conical damage area

Emote: A flogrok takes a deep breath.
A fly girl   --
A mep hit   Elemental Blast - Target AE 550k DD (40' range)
3rd Person Warning Emote: A mep hit summons energies around Soandso.
Effect Message: A blast of elemental energy slams into you.
- Player emoted run away
A shill skin   Mind Break - Target AE 12k Mana Drain (40' range)
3rd Person Warning Emote: A shill skin directs mental power at Soandso.
Effect Message: Your mind cracks significantly.
- Player emoted run away
An elder elf   Entangling Ground - Target AE DoT 120k + Root (40' range, 18s duration)
3rd Person Warning Emote: Roots begin to sprout under Soandso.
Effect Message: Roots grasp your feet.
- Player emoted run away

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with any NPC in event area


- De-Illusion
-- Destroy every fake actor with counter magic.

- Multitudes
-- Allow the gods to create at least sixteen creatures.

- Altered Gods
-- Force every god that appears to change color.


Event Reset:

[Fri Feb 10 22:06:35 2023] The actors, having nothing to do, return to their places.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2023-02-15 (2:35pm)  - A mep hit - Elemental Blast - Run Away (1st Person)
- A shill skin - Mind Break - Run Away (1st Person)
- A thespian - Ground Punch - Run Away (1st Person)
- An elder elf - Entangling Ground - Run Away (1st Person)
- An enthusiastic understudy - Spore Contagion - Viral - Run Away (1st Person)
- Bertoxless - First Create, Then Destroy - Run Away (1st Person)
- Impairing Mass - Sapping Aura - Get Out of Green Aura
- Lethargic Mass - Transforms into a God - Failure
- Malthshisku - All Was Darkness - Run Away (1st Person)
- Malthshisku - Boss Active

- Event Reset
- Event Start

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Myconid Mutiny
« on: February 16, 2023, 09:20:30 PM »
Thursday, February 16, 2023 - Update

Strategy posted and updated to reflect our recent win.

Everyone trigger package updated.


Make sure trigger package is enabled

See everyone in-game! :)

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