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Messages - feroxide

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Paladin / Straight up DPS
« on: February 14, 2016, 10:28:19 AM »
This is what i do which seems to regularly come up top of the parse.

Pic 1) These are my First 6 spells.
Pic 2) This is my multi bind set up (the Z associated with 6 spells and hot button #1, you can pick whatever key you like, just make sure its not used somewhere else)
Pic 3) This is my Melee DPS button that i press to commence burn.

Note 1: Hot Button 1 is disruptive percussion.
Note 2: No matter what I do i cannot get reflexive righteousness to work with everything else on my dps button to i have to manually press it..

For Logged in users you can see the actual pictures below, for non-logged in users click the links to google drive images.

Basically what i do is.
Equip my 2 hander, press auto attack. Then I Mash Z (see multi-bind setup and my first 6 spells). It's important to disable bold attacks or you'll get aggro. Make sure you dont forget to bash etc as well..
When it's time to dps burn i press my dps button, followed by reflexive as it does not fire on the button... You can add glyphs here prior to pressing the dps button for a bit more of a boost.. Once the main discs have worn off use thunder of karana to boost your spell dps (but only if you don't need your self only armor of inq as they share a timer).. Once pure forge is down use Holy Forge..

That's about it..
I have not played around with the spells and melee to find the best possible combo.. It's possible that i should move or remove admonish due to its longer cast time.
I mash Z though my dps burn, i have not compared overall impact to dps if i do this vs if i don't.. What i do know is mashing Z when i'm not on a burn doubles my dps.

Things to consider...
Spell 1 (Doctrine) can get confused if a nerco's turn a live mob undead and will screw up the button as it just keeps trying to cast 1, just unmem it if you notice that.. This is not a problem with a normal undead or a normal live mob.


Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Paladin / Re: Paladin Healing and DPS
« on: February 14, 2016, 03:58:31 AM »
This is what i do...

Pic 1) These are my First 6 spells.
Pic 2) This is my multi bind set up (the Z associated with 6 spells and hot button #1, you can pick whatever key you like, just make sure its not used somewhere else)
Pic 3) This is my Melee DPS button that i press to commence burn.

Note 1: Hot Button 1 is disruptive percussion.
Note 2: No matter what I do i cannot get reflexive righteousness to work with everything else on my dps button to i have to manually press it..

For Logged in users you can see the actual pictures below, for non-logged in users click the links to google drive images.

Basically what i do is.
Equip my 2 hander, press auto attack. Then I Mash Z (see multi-bind setup and my first 6 spells). It's important to disable bold attacks or you'll get aggro. Make sure you dont forget to bash etc as well..
When it's time to dps burn i press my dps button, followed by reflexive as it does not fire on the button... You can add glyphs here prior to pressing the dps button for a bit more of a boost.. Once the main discs have worn off use thunder of karana to boost your spell dps (but only if you don't need your self only armor of inq as they share a timer).. Once pure forge is down use Holy Forge..

That's about it..
I have not played around with the spells and melee to find the best possible combo.. It's possible that i should move or remove admonish due to its longer cast time.
I mash Z though my dps burn, i have not compared overall impact to dps if i do this vs if i don't.. What i do know is mashing Z when i'm not on a burn doubles my dps.

Things to consider...
Spell 1 (Doctrine) can get confused if a nerco's turn a live mob undead and will screw up the button as it just keeps trying to cast 1, just unmem it if you notice that.. This is not a problem with a normal undead or a normal live mob.


Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3


Two things... Firstly i really think we need set pallies casting protective proclamation on Lanys and Cal.. The twin cast hits whoever has the mobs attention with a 15% damage mitigation buff that sucks up around 50K worth of damage. This sits in the song window and seems to stack with everything else. The reason i think we need a rotation is so that two pallies don't waste mana overwriting each-others buffs. We need ot make sure whoever is on duty has HOTT up so the clearly see when target swicthes so they can cast again & so that they have their  spell wearing off messages sent to a window that they won't miss. I'm pretty sure and extra 15% mitigation would really help.

Second.. Sparkles... I note that normal taunt seems to work really well on them.. what about if we set up some form of taunt rotation.. aggro only seems ot last 1 second and taunt takes 6 seconds to refresh.. what about if we get Zak to bash up a trigger for the the remaining tanks that goes off when their name appears in a particular message to flraids or tank channel.. then. each tank make a sparkle taunt button that does 2 things.. Taunts the mob then says in tank channel something like "Tauted a_sparkle Feroxide next".. When i hear the message i wait 1 sec and taunt.. which then posts something like "Taunted a_sparkle Endotron next" ... All we then need is a set taunt cycle... anyway.. Those are my two idea..


error - posted in wrong raid.


The following guys all have their bows and stuff and need the R3 kill.


Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: RoF - Kael - The Madness of King Tormax
« on: January 15, 2013, 05:49:52 AM »

Just a quick comment... we need make sure that the king and dain are always slowed.. we are low on heals, especially when we have both the dina and the dragon up.. The times when the king broke free in the first and in the second attempt both where when he was not slowed.. I think that whoevere is tanking the king (and the dain when both nameds are up) should announce to raid when there is only 1 min left on slow (30seconds worst case) this should ensure that one of the slowers can drop a new one on the mob before it expires..

I honestly think that our second attempt may have been sucessful if the dain and king remained slwoed.. unfortunatly my shamy went down shortly after the dragon & dain combo poped (due to my stuff up) which meant i was not able to keep checking mobs for slow and reslowing them. I think announcing the expiery of slow will ensure that one slower going down does not result in a mob being unslowed.

Im my opionion the priority should be 1) keep mobs slowed, 1.1) keep tanks healed (both very high but 1.1 is alot easier with 1 done!) and 2 DPSing the dragon to death (when both dain and dragon up).

Each MT checking and announcing slow is about to expire is feasible.  The best place to announce would be FLRaids or /ooc though.  I prefer to avoid /rs for those types of messages, as with events where we do multiple MA calls, instructions, and cardinal calls, it would just add to the noise and potentially be overlooked. 

I'll make note of the above for future runs, and in addition double check our Debuff Assignments for this specific event, to ensure we are covering slow properly (for multi-boss encounters, normally more than one person is covering it). 

Thanks for the observations Feroxide.

See ya in game,

OOC would be good! everyone sees that!... Just a couple of other little things cam worked out on the second dain tanking round... Shield and fist for tank and ramp tank (unequip weapons) so he does not go in to banish stange while everyone is killing the dragon - it may also be worth casting voice of thule on the tank to increase the hate'n.... worked well last week, cam was able to keep aggro, until the king came to visit... (also adjusted my personal strategy to avoid pile's stuff up this week)

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: RoF - Kael - The Madness of King Tormax
« on: January 15, 2013, 04:12:03 AM »

Just a quick comment... we need make sure that the king and dain are always slowed.. we are low on heals, especially when we have both the dina and the dragon up.. The times when the king broke free in the first and in the second attempt both where when he was not slowed.. I think that whoevere is tanking the king (and the dain when both nameds are up) should announce to raid when there is only 1 min left on slow (30seconds worst case) this should ensure that one of the slowers can drop a new one on the mob before it expires..

I honestly think that our second attempt may have been sucessful if the dain and king remained slwoed.. unfortunatly my shamy went down shortly after the dragon & dain combo poped (due to my stuff up) which meant i was not able to keep checking mobs for slow and reslowing them. I think announcing the expiery of slow will ensure that one slower going down does not result in a mob being unslowed.

Im my opionion the priority should be 1) keep mobs slowed, 1.1) keep tanks healed (both very high but 1.1 is alot easier with 1 done!) and 2 DPSing the dragon to death (when both dain and dragon up).

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