« on: February 19, 2015, 09:18:55 PM »
I might be just not seeing it here, but for enchanters, in a lot of guilds and raid teams, Mental Contortion AA debuff is considered one of the most important debuffs to have on boss at any time. When I ask in raid for Mental contortion to be cast, it seems like it is treated as not very critical or just a secondary thing to be done as able. So, two most common things I hear, our tanks lack gear, our healers aren't healing enough. I never hear, hey everyone else makes sure to have mental contortion always up on their boss and we don't. I see this when I play my bard also, a hypothetical order is set for funeral dirge and bladewhirl, and then exactly 0 ppl follow it, for whatever reason, and the people following them give up on the order and everyone just starts casting stuff whenever.
Mental Contortion
1: Decrease All Skills Damage Modifier by 25%
4: Decrease Hitpoints by 3855 per tick
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 25% with All Skills
Before anyone says I don't realize how strained enchanters are: It is a single button press of an aa ability, either you have it up or you don't. I hear during raid, about Nascar, about what type of pizza ppl are ordering, about what type of beer ppl are drinking, about what loot they'd like to win at event, but nobody has the time to maintain a debuff order, they are just too busy. Tank channels and healing channels have to spend a ton of time co-ordinating their efforts in order to have any chance of success and debuffs are equaly as important. Additionaly, I'm not sure the right forum for it, but our dps gets absolutely crippled by improperly timed and stacked adps buffs and clicks, and again I understand it takes some communication and effort to co-ordinate that with in a group, but it is really important. The number one response I get when I ask people about it is, this is just open raiding, you can't expect people to care. A lot of people care, don't assume otherwise, the goal isn't to see how much loot you can get with how little effort. Be a team player.