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Freelance Ramblings / The Artisan prize ( walk thru )
« on: July 31, 2016, 07:15:06 PM »
GL with this  :(

Quest link


Quest Started By:   Description:
Lebounde ab Dolmen
Level:   0
Maximum Level:   105
Monster Mission:   No
Repeatable:   No
Can Be Shrouded?:   No
Quest Type:   Quest
Quest Goal:
Quest Items:
Earring of the Solstice
Eron's Jewelry
Signet of Might
Signet of the Arcane
Related Quests:
Alchemy Supplies
Baking Supplies
Brewing Supplies
Fishing Supplies
Fletching Supplies
Jewelcrafting Supplies
Poisoncrafting Supplies
Pottery Supplies
Research Supplies
Smithing Supplies
Tailoring Supplies
Tinkering Supplies
Era:   The Broken Mirror
Group Size:   Solo
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
Entered: Sun Jul 10 20:23:30 2016
Modified: Sun Jul 24 03:47:22 2016
You say, 'Hail, Lebounde ab Dolmen'

Lebounde ab Dolmen says 'Ah, Sirenea! Good t' see yeh. Back fer more [work]?'

Lebounde ab Dolmen says 'Yeh've proven t' be a quite the explorer in recoverin' meh equipment. If yeh can prove t' be a true craftsman then meh finest prize is yer's.'

Lebounde ab Dolmen says 'I'd recommend yeh read through the 10 chapters of Liber Brassica Felix when yeh get the chance.'

Lebounde ab Dolmen says 'I suggest yeh have a chat with Aid Grimel out in New Tanaan.'

Lebounde ab Dolmen says 'Yeh should speak t' Eron Nurwistle next time yeh head through Dragonscale Hills.'

Say work to get any (TS) Supplies quest which you qualify for (you must have max skill and a max evolved trophy in that tradeskill to qualify. 15% mod items from Luclin etc. don't count).

Deliver 1 Artisan's Seal of Alchemy to Lebounde ab Dolman - 0/1 - Halas
          SUB QUEST:
Deliver 1 Artisan's Seal of Baking to Lebounde ab Dolman - 0/1 - Halas
          SUB QUEST

Deliver 1 Artisan's Seal of Brewing to Lebounde ab Dolman - 0/1 - Halas
          SUB QUEST
Deliver 1 Artisan's Seal of Fishing to Lebounde ab Dolman - 0/1 - Halas
          SUB QUEST
Deliver 1 Artisan's Seal of Fletching to Lebounde ab Dolman 0/1 Halas - 0/1 - Halas
          SUB QUEST
Deliver 1 Artisan's Seal of Jewlecrafting to Lebounde ab Dolman - 0/1 - Halas
          SUB QUEST

Deliver 1 Artisan's Seal of Poisoncrafting to Lebounde ab Dolman - 0/1 - Halas
          SUB QUEST
Deliver 1 Artisan's Seal of Pottery to Lebounde ab Dolman - 0/1 - Halas
          SUB QUEST

Deliver 1 Artisan's Seal of Research to Lebounde ab Dolman - 0/1 - Halas
          SUB QUEST

Deliver 1 Artisan's Seal of Smithing to Lebounde ab Dolman - 0/1 - Halas
          SUB QUEST

Deliver 1 Artisan's Seal of Tailoring to Lebounde ab Dolman - 0/1 - Halas
          SUB QUEST

Deliver 1 Artisan's Seal of Tinkering to Lebounde ab Dolman - 0/1 - Halas
          SUB QUEST


 Quest Items:
Earring of the Solstice

Eron's Jewelry

Signet of Might
  SUB QUEST Related Quests:
Aid Grimel No. 1 - Blacksmithing
Aid Grimel No. 2 - Brewing
Aid Grimel No. 3 - Jewelcraft
Aid Grimel No. 4 - Pottery
Aid Grimel No. 5 - Tailoring
Aid Grimel No. 6 - Fletching
Aid Grimel No. 7 - Baking

Signet of the Arcane SEE ABOVE

Speak with the Artisan - Halas
Obtain the Transmutation Case - Halas
Combine your earrings in the Transmutation Case - ALL
Deliver your Melded Treasure to the Artisan - Halas

After turning in all 12 seals, the next step appears:

You say, 'Hail, Lebounde ab Dolmen'

Lebounde ab Dolmen nods approvingly, 'Yeh proven t' be a true craftsman, very well. Head back t' meh house, just south of Shanis' place. On meh table yeh'll find a small box. If luck's on yer side and yeh got a steady hand yeh should be able t' meld t'gether yer Solstice Earring, Taldarius' Signet, and Eron's Jewelry. Head back t' meh after yeh succeed.' He pauses, 'Well... If yeh succeed.'

Go to his house, click the door and you'll port inside. Click the little box on the table:

You dig through the various objects on the artisan's table and recover a small ornate box.

It's a 3 slot box which you combine:
Earring of the Solstice (NOT Xanthe's Earring of Nature)
Signet of Might OR Signet of the Arcane (caster & melee reward of Aid Grimel PoP super TS quest)
Eron's Jewelry (caster or melee version)

This combine is failable, but when you fail you get the quest items back. AFAIK you don't have to do this combine in Halas, and you don't have to be in his room. Once you leave the room you cannot get back in.

You have fashioned the items together to create an unexpected product: Expensive Mistake

The result of this combine is Expensive Mistake. This is the item you are supposed to get and can finish the quest with. Hand it in to Lebounde:

Lebounde ab Dolmen holds up the mangled mass of gems and leaves that was once your prized treasures. He inspects the mass carefully and then looks at you, then looks back at it, then back at you. He breathes heavily and begins chuckling before looking back at the mass again and erupting in uproarious laughter. He places the tangled mess in his pocket and wipes a tear from his eye before calming himself enough to speak, 'My god, Sirenea. What a mess yeh made! Truth be told, I dinnae really expect anyone else t' be able t' make use of that finicky little box. Yeh gave it yer best try and I respect yeh for it, fine enough work t' earn somethin' at least. Maybe with this yeh be less likely to mess up yer next project.'

You have been given: The Artisan's Prize

* is i missed any portion please add below

Freelance Ramblings / Re: Evolving Eye of Decay and Eye of Life
« on: June 21, 2016, 09:54:25 PM »
For those wanting to know how to evolve the eye's...

Even tho the Eye of Decay says "The eye awaits the Vanquisher of Vim and Vigor" it is actually wrong per that post.  It seems the Eye of Decay needs Vanquisher of Wither and Decay achievement to evolve.

So, lets focus on the achievements when they are called for....going well so far....

can we get a list of /ach that will evolve this kisted below :

Freelance Ramblings / how do i make this mask
« on: June 21, 2016, 09:52:29 PM »

how is this mask made

name                                                  link
Mask of Immortal End               

Shadow Knight / Re: Shadow Knight guides
« on: June 15, 2016, 03:54:56 PM »
Shadow Knight Tanking

/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 12000, /disc Deflection - timer fixed
/do 3 (taunt)
/alt act 9400 (Hate Attraction)
/rsay Deflecting %T

10 Min Taunt - My 2nd Super Taunt aggro key (10 min reuse)
/timer 6000, /disc Unflinching Acrimony
/do 3 (taunt)
/alt act 10392 (ageless)
/disc Repel
/rsay <> Tanking %T

/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 9000, /disc Doomscale Mantle
/alt act 865 - Presence of Fear removes Vizat's Skin to ensure best use of Mantle.
/rsay Tanking %T
/disc Repel

/timer 600, /bandolier Activate Tanking (1H+Shield)
/alt act 732 (Mindless Hatred)
/do 3 (taunt)
/alt act 9400 (HA)
/disc Repel

/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 4500, /disc Impudent Influence or Carapace
/pause 5, /useitem 17 (bp)
/useitem 24 3 (Soul-Hewn Plate Breastplate) - removes Skin for best use of Carapace.
/g Tanking %T.

/pause 1, /alt act 822 <Explosion of hatred>
/pause 1, /alt act 749 < explosion of spite >
/pause 1, /cast 8 <Bargin >
/pause 1, /cast 9 <Disgust>
/pause 1, /cast repel

Hate (Mash) - Non-damaging Hate build-up key without taunt
/timer 20, /cast 8 (terror)
/do 9 (disarm)
/alt act 650 undead instant snare or something...
/cast 9 (Demand for Power)
/cast 10 (Torrent of Misery) -- this still goes off if you are mashing the key fast.
-- don't want to break mez etc using this key (other ideas?)


Tap (Mash)
/disc Repel or /useitem 24 11 (Necromatic Dragon Bone)
/cast 1 - Dire Declaration (24s reuse)
/cast 2 - Touch of Lutzen (12.5s reuse)
/cast 3 - Touch of Holmein (10s reuse) (becomes Touch of Falsin [12.5s] reuse on harder stuff)
/cast 4 - Deceitful Deflection (AE, 6s reuse)
-- It will cast the best tap available when mashed and ensure repel disc is used when up. Used when tap tanking.


Epic+ [5m] - use epic and papers, urn, or bp
/pause 10, /useitem 24 0 (epic in first slot of 2nd bag, 5m)
/timer 3000, /g SK Epic Active! (1m 44s)
/useitem 23 14 (Diplomatic Papers, 5m)
/useitem 23 15 (Overflowing Urn of Life, 5m) - if papers is down
/useitem 17 (BP) - if papers/urn are down

Mini Epic+ [5m] -- hit this if epic is down (mini epic and papers, urn, and bp or geomantra)
/pause 10, /useitem 24 1 (Duskbringer's BP, mini epic, 5m)
/timer 3000, /useitem 23 14 (Diplomatic Papers, 5m)
/pause 12, /useitem 23 15 (Overflowing Urn of Life, 5m) - if papers is down
/useitem 17 (BP)
/useitem 23 11 (Geomantra, 3m) - if BP is down


DPS [1m]
/timer 600, /alt activate 15073 (Banestrike, 1m)
/disc Lacerating Blade
/pause 24, /cast 5 (Bonemaw's Bite 60s reuse) -- (becomes Touch of Holmein on harder stuff)
/pause 8, /alt act 825 - Vicious Bite of Chaos
/cast 7 (Bond) -- 3s spellbar lockout
- All the 1 min. reuse dps stuff combined to make use of some AAs/spells I was neglecting - Excellent!
-- Followup with DPS+ [3.5m] and/or Epic+ or Mini Epic [5m] button since your spellbar is locked out for 3s by Bond spell.

DPS+ [3.5m] - torrent of hate, undead slow or tap, then Juju or Ghoulskin
/pause 10, /useitem 24 10 (Breastplate of Wailing Hatred, 3m 30s)
/timer 2100, /alt act 2018 (Helix of the Undying, slow if undead, 3m duration)
/pause 17, /useitem 24 11 (Necromatic Dragon Bone, 3m)
/useitem 24 8 (Terror's Juju 3m)
/useitem 24 9 (Ghoulskin Shield, 3m) - if Juju is down

VoD/Tv [12m] - Melee Burn
/timer 7200, /alt act 9403 (Visage of Death)
/alt act 742 (Tvyl's Resolve)
/disc Carmine Blade
/disc Reflexive Rancor
/disc Lacerating Blade
-- I start off with this to burn then follow up with Quick Spear
-- (audio trigger: your illusion fades) - click Q. Spear [10m] next.

Q.Spear [10m] - Spear Spell Burn - twin cast spear every 8s
/timer 6000, /alt act 2034 - Gift of the Quick Spear (3m/10m, 16s faster twincast spears)
/alt act 1450 - 1st Spire (1.5m/10m, crit chance, damage for dd and dots)
/alt act 6000 (Harm Touch)
/pause 4, /cast 6 (spear)
/useitem 24 12 (Bottled Essense of Vex, AE DD, 50' range, 5m reuse)
-- (audio trigger: your illusion fades) - click Soul Flay [10m] next.

Soul Flay [10m] - Lifetap Spell Burn - chain cast lifetap (chance for mana for group.
/timer 6000, 12000/disc Unholy Aura (5m/27m, lifetap damage 100%) - if not discing
/alt act 1278 - Soul Flay (3m/10m, (lifetaps, return mana)
/alt act 747 - Visage of Decay (1m 42s/15m, increase spell damage 20%+)
/pause 12, /cast 1
/useitem 24 11 (Necromatic Dragon Bone)
-- This is the 3rd Burn hotkey. Best to wait till 1st spire ends then use this. (audio trigger: your illusion fades)

DoTs! - DoT Spell Burn - load up 4-5 dots for this one.
/timer 9000, /alt act 746 (Reinforced Malaise)
/alt act 6000 (HT)
/do 9 (disarm) -- added for filler
/do 10 (bash) -- added for filler
/cast 7 (Bond) -- cast my one DoT I always have up
-- Don't think I have ever used this as I only have Bond loaded for DoTs almost 100% of the time.
-- If anyone has a better idea for a DPS DoT type button or other buttons please post.

Purify (Mash)
/pause 2, /tar Wyvern
/alt act 2031 (Purity of Death)
/useitem 24 13 (Cleansing Rod)
/useitem 24 12 (Shield of the Immaculate)
/timer 20, /xtarget target 1 (switch back to group/raid assist target)

(Rest) Buff-1 - Rest disc + permanent buffs
/disc Rest Rk. III
/useitem 23 4 (Stormeye Band)
/pause 7, /useitem 8 (backitem Spikes ds)
/pause 17, /useitem 23 5 (Gunthak Swabby's Eyepatch)
/pause 7, /useitem 23 6 (Bloodmetal Inlaid Gnollish Totem)

Buff-2 (Long) - long duration clicky buffs
/pause 52, /useitem 23 7 (Familiar of the Hooded Scrykin)
/pause 7, /useitem 23 8 (Violet Conch of the Tempest)
/timer 300, /alt act 10395 - Bobbing Corpse
/pause 7, /useitem 9 (The Chiefs Influence)
/useitem 23 10 (Nimbus of Frost)

Buff-3 (Short) --- Short buffs: Skin, stance, etc.
/pause 24, /cast 11 (skin)
/pause 8, /useitem 23 11 (Geomantra)
/pause 17, /cast 12 (stance)
/timer 1800, /useitem 23 12 (Lizardscale Plated Girdle)

Mount[5m] - mount up and invis
/useitem 23 18 (Wicked Steed)
/timer 300, /alt act 10395 - Bobbing Corpse
/alt act 531 (invis)

Voice (Self)
/pause 2, /target Wyvern
/pause 2, /alt act 7000 - VoT -- be nice if this was changed to self only (non targeted), other tanks don't need our help with aggro.
/timer 3000, /assist main
/assist raid
/xtarget target 1 (switch back to group/raid target assist)

ALL my hot keys
DPS [1m]
/timer 600, /alt activate 15073 (Banestrike, 1m)
/disc Lacerating Blade
/pause 24, /cast 5 (Bonemaw's Bite 60s reuse) -- (becomes Touch of Holmein on harder stuff)
/pause 8, /alt act 825 - Vicious Bite of Chaos
/cast 7 (Bond) -- 3s spellbar lockout
- All the 1 min. reuse dps stuff combined to make use of some AAs/spells I was neglecting - Excellent!
-- Followup with DPS+ [3.5m] and/or Epic+ or Mini Epic [5m] button since your spellbar is locked out for 3s by Bond spell.

DPS+ [3.5m] - torrent of hate, undead slow or tap, then Juju or Ghoulskin
/pause 10, /useitem 24 10 (Breastplate of Wailing Hatred, 3m 30s)
/timer 2100, /alt act 2018 (Helix of the Undying, slow if undead, 3m duration)
/pause 17, /useitem 24 11 (Necromatic Dragon Bone, 3m)
/useitem 24 8 (Terror's Juju 3m)
/useitem 24 9 (Ghoulskin Shield, 3m) - if Juju is down

Epic+ [5m] - use epic and papers, urn, or bp
/pause 10, /useitem 24 0 (epic in first slot of 2nd bag, 5m)
/timer 3000, /g SK Epic Active! (1m 44s)
/useitem 23 14 (Diplomatic Papers, 5m)
/useitem 23 15 (Overflowing Urn of Life, 5m) - if papers is down
/useitem 17 (BP) - if papers/urn are down

Mini Epic+ [5m] -- hit this if epic is down (mini epic and papers, urn, and bp or geomantra)
/pause 10, /useitem 24 1 (Duskbringer's BP, mini epic, 5m)
/timer 3000, /useitem 23 14 (Diplomatic Papers, 5m)
/pause 12, /useitem 23 15 (Overflowing Urn of Life, 5m) - if papers is down
/useitem 17 (BP)
/useitem 23 11 (Geomantra, 3m) - if BP is down

Bash+ -- I tend to mash this one mostly for bash/spear (snare so I dont forget)
/timer 85, /disc Repel
/do 10 (bash key# might vary)
/pause 4, /cast 6 (spear, 24s reuse, 8s w/ Quick Spear)
/useitem 24 12 (Bottled Essense of Vex, AE DD, 50' range, 5m reuse)
/alt act 826 (Encroaching Darkness) - triggers if Bottle is down

Tap (Mash)
/disc Repel or /useitem 24 11 (Necromatic Dragon Bone)
/cast 1 - Dire Declaration (24s reuse)
/cast 2 - Touch of Lutzen (12.5s reuse)
/cast 3 - Touch of Holmein (10s reuse) (becomes Touch of Falsin [12.5s] reuse on harder stuff)
/cast 4 - Deceitful Deflection (AE, 6s reuse)
-- It will cast the best tap available when mashed and ensure repel disc is used when up. Used when tap tanking.

/timer 60, /disc Repel
/do 9 (disarm key# might vary)
/alt act 650 (Bony Grasp of Death - undead snare)
/alt act 2018 (Helix of the Undying - undead slow)
/alt act 826 (Encroaching Darkness) - triggers if mob is not undead

/timer 70, /stand
/disc Repel (in case something wants to beat on me when I get up)
/alt act 10395 - Bobbing Corpse
/alt activate 531 (instant invis)
--- I also just hit this when I want Repel in a fight for extra defense or just need Invis.

/timer 1200, /disc Repel
/pause 6, /alt activate 7756 (Death's Effigy)
/disc Rigor Mortis Rk. II
/alt activate 428 (Death Peace)
/disc Terminal Breath Rk. III
--use the best available FD option - 2 min timer to show time on instant fade.

Hate Step
/timer 130, /disc Repel
/alt act 10395 - Bobbing Corpse (just in case)
/alt activate 824 - hate step
/alt activate 531 - invis

HA Pull - (dark blue or lower mob) single pulling with FD/fade and stand and snare. Not as useful after HA nerf .
/timer 1200, /alt activate 9400 - HA
/pause 6, /alt activate 7756 - FD (Effigy)
/disc Repel
/alt act 826 (Encroaching Darkness)

Pet Attack - Go Boner and friends!
/timer 100, /stance Balanced (just to make sure merc is activate)
/pause 7, /alt act 3816 (Companion's Relocation)
/pet attack
/alt act 3822 (Chattering Bones)
/useitem 24 12 (Vicious Rabbit, if Chattering Bones is down)

Hate (Mash) - Non-damaging Hate build-up key without taunt
/timer 20, /cast 8 (terror)
/do 9 (disarm)
/alt act 650 undead instant snare or something...
/cast 9 (Demand for Power)
/cast 10 (Torrent of Misery) -- this still goes off if you are mashing the key fast.
-- don't want to break mez etc using this key (other ideas?)

1 Min. Taunt - My Super Taunt aggro key (1 min reuse)
/timer 600, /bandolier Activate Tanking (1H+Shield)
/alt act 732 (Mindless Hatred)
/do 3 (taunt)
/alt act 9400 (HA)
/disc Repel

10 Min Taunt - My 2nd Super Taunt aggro key (10 min reuse)
/timer 6000, /disc Unflinching Acrimony
/do 3 (taunt)
/alt act 10392 (ageless)
/disc Repel
/rsay <> Tanking %T

Bash-U [12m] -- Bash Buff (mash the Bash button to use the effect from Unholy Guardian).
/pause 2, /disc Unholy Guardian Discipline Rk. III
/pause 7, /useitem 24 10 (Circle of Power clicky) -- likely better use elsewhere but added as filler idea.
/timer 7200, /stopdisc
/do 10 (bash)
/g Bash'em! (Circle of Power Activated)
-- Use this pre-burn/pre vie disc. Bash buff lasts 3 min.
-- Use only if you are not going to need Unholy Guardian for defense.

VoD/Tv [12m] - Melee Burn
/timer 7200, /alt act 9403 (Visage of Death)
/alt act 742 (Tvyl's Resolve)
/disc Carmine Blade
/disc Reflexive Rancor
/disc Lacerating Blade
-- I start off with this to burn then follow up with Quick Spear
-- (audio trigger: your illusion fades) - click Q. Spear [10m] next.

Q.Spear [10m] - Spear Spell Burn - twin cast spear every 8s
/timer 6000, /alt act 2034 - Gift of the Quick Spear (3m/10m, 16s faster twincast spears)
/alt act 1450 - 1st Spire (1.5m/10m, crit chance, damage for dd and dots)
/alt act 6000 (Harm Touch)
/pause 4, /cast 6 (spear)
/useitem 24 12 (Bottled Essense of Vex, AE DD, 50' range, 5m reuse)
-- (audio trigger: your illusion fades) - click Soul Flay [10m] next.

Soul Flay [10m] - Lifetap Spell Burn - chain cast lifetap (chance for mana for group.
/timer 6000, 12000/disc Unholy Aura (5m/27m, lifetap damage 100%) - if not discing
/alt act 1278 - Soul Flay (3m/10m, (lifetaps, return mana)
/alt act 747 - Visage of Decay (1m 42s/15m, increase spell damage 20%+)
/pause 12, /cast 1
/useitem 24 11 (Necromatic Dragon Bone)
-- This is the 3rd Burn hotkey. Best to wait till 1st spire ends then use this. (audio trigger: your illusion fades)

DoTs! - DoT Spell Burn - load up 4-5 dots for this one.
/timer 9000, /alt act 746 (Reinforced Malaise)
/alt act 6000 (HT)
/do 9 (disarm) -- added for filler
/do 10 (bash) -- added for filler
/cast 7 (Bond) -- cast my one DoT I always have up
-- Don't think I have ever used this as I only have Bond loaded for DoTs almost 100% of the time.
-- If anyone has a better idea for a DPS DoT type button or other buttons please post.

Purify (Mash)
/pause 2, /tar Wyvern
/alt act 2031 (Purity of Death)
/useitem 24 13 (Cleansing Rod)
/useitem 24 12 (Shield of the Immaculate)
/timer 20, /xtarget target 1 (switch back to group/raid assist target)

(Rest) Buff-1 - Rest disc + permanent buffs
/disc Rest Rk. III
/useitem 23 4 (Stormeye Band)
/pause 7, /useitem 8 (backitem Spikes ds)
/pause 17, /useitem 23 5 (Gunthak Swabby's Eyepatch)
/pause 7, /useitem 23 6 (Bloodmetal Inlaid Gnollish Totem)

Buff-2 (Long) - long duration clicky buffs
/pause 52, /useitem 23 7 (Familiar of the Hooded Scrykin)
/pause 7, /useitem 23 8 (Violet Conch of the Tempest)
/timer 300, /alt act 10395 - Bobbing Corpse
/pause 7, /useitem 9 (The Chiefs Influence)
/useitem 23 10 (Nimbus of Frost)

Buff-3 (Short) --- Short buffs: Skin, stance, etc.
/pause 24, /cast 11 (skin)
/pause 8, /useitem 23 11 (Geomantra)
/pause 17, /cast 12 (stance)
/timer 1800, /useitem 23 12 (Lizardscale Plated Girdle)

Mount[5m] - mount up and invis
/useitem 23 18 (Wicked Steed)
/timer 300, /alt act 10395 - Bobbing Corpse
/alt act 531 (invis)

Voice (Self)
/pause 2, /target Wyvern
/pause 2, /alt act 7000 - VoT -- be nice if this was changed to self only (non targeted), other tanks don't need our help with aggro.
/timer 3000, /assist main
/assist raid
/xtarget target 1 (switch back to group/raid target assist)

/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 12000, /disc Deflection - timer fixed
/do 3 (taunt)
/alt act 9400 (Hate Attraction)
/rsay Deflecting %T
-- followup with 10min reuse Taunt button above to lock aggro.

Def. 35%
/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 9000, /disc Doomscale Mantle
/alt act 865 - Presence of Fear removes Vizat's Skin to ensure best use of Mantle.
/rsay Tanking %T
/disc Repel
-- (Soul-Hewn Plate Breastplate is an option to remove Skin but 1s cast time)
-- followup with 1min reuse Taunt button above to lock aggro.

Def 20%
/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 4500, /disc Impudent Influence or Carapace
/pause 5, /useitem 17 (bp)
/useitem 24 3 (Soul-Hewn Plate Breastplate) - removes Skin for best use of Carapace.
/g Tanking %T.
-- followup with 1min reuse Taunt button above to lock aggro

Set Roles
/grouproles set Wyvern 1 (group MT)
/grouproles set Wyvern 2 (group assist)
/grouproles set Wyvern 3 (puller, optional)
/xtarget set 1 groupassisttarget

/timer 140000, /tribute personal on - long timer to show I clicked it
/tribute guild on
/trophy personal on
/trophy guild on
/g Tribute Activated!

TRIB (Off)
/tribute personal off
/tribute guild off
/trophy personal off
/trophy guild off
/g Tribute Deactivated!

Spell line up

/cast 1 - Dire Declaration (24s reuse)
/cast 2 - Touch of Lutzen (12.5s reuse)
/cast 3 - Touch of Holmein (10s reuse) (becomes Touch of Falsin [12.5s] reuse on harder stuff)
/cast 4 - Deceitful Deflection (AE, 6s reuse
/cast 5 -  Power
/cast 6 - Stance
/cast 7 - Terror
/cast 8 - PBAE hate
/cast 9 - Bargin
/cast 0 - Theft of hate
/cast 1 - Torrent of agony
/cast 2 - Bite or bond or ???

DPS line up

/cast 1 - tap
/cast 2 - tap
/cast 3 - Duplicitous Audacity
/cast 4 - Dot
/cast 5 - Dot
/cast 6 - Dot
/cast 7 - Dot
/cast 8 - Dot
/cast 9 - Dot
/cast 0 - Dot
/cast 1 - Dot
/cast 2 - Spear

/cast 1 - tap
/cast 2 - tap
/cast 3 - tap
/cast 4 - Tap
/cast 5 - Power
/cast 6 - Stance
/cast 7 - Terror
/cast 8 - Bargin
/cast 9 - Torrent of agony
/cast 0 - Theft of hate
/cast 1 - Torrent of fatigue
/cast 2 - Perfidious Blight

my new hot keys

/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 12000, /disc Deflection - timer fixed
/cast 6 ( stance )
/disc repel Rk. II
/rsay Deflecting %T

Freelance Ramblings / Re: plane of fear raid
« on: June 15, 2016, 01:10:40 PM »
Freelance found this

looks like a BARREL OF MONKEYS !!!!

- Plane of Fear: Revisited: Terror (Raid) - The totems that Terror periodically spawns now have a 5 second delay between the totem spawning and the Aura of Terror being cast on those around it.
- Terror (Raid) - Moved the DoT component of Aura of Terror to a separate spell: Aura of Terror Strike.
- Terror (Raid) - Reduced the frequency that Terror will trigger the spell Displacing Terror on its most hated target but corrected a bug that prevented the spell from causing Terror to find a new, most hated target. Attempted to adjust the zone-in location to match that of the original Plane of Fear, again, for real this time.

Freelance Ramblings / Re: unable to log in
« on: March 26, 2016, 12:23:04 AM »
FIXEDS !!!!!!



Freelance Ramblings / unable to log in
« on: March 25, 2016, 03:52:04 AM »
Freelance team,

i was unable to log in after Wed  patch 3/23.

I keep getting this  message " Unable to launch C:/Users/Public/Sony Online Entertainment/Installed Games/EverQuest/eqgame.exe - 740: The requested operation requires elevation."

any clue how to fix this ???

Freelance Ramblings / new raid to try
« on: March 19, 2016, 11:40:19 AM »
Starting today, March 16, 2016, at 10AM PDT there are TWO new in-game anniversary events for players to enjoy. These events are scheduled to end on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 11PM PDT.

Hate's Fury Sails Again

For our 17th Anniversary, Krasnok's ship, Hate's Fury: The Scorned Maiden, has set sail once again!

Krasnok's 16 new officers will offer a challenge for groups of level 105 adventurers. Each carries a Commemorative Coin as a reward for defeating them. If you can overpower all of them you will be able to unlock the door to Krasnok's cabin and face the Captain himself! To battle him, however, you will need a raid of level 105 characters. Defeating Captain Krasnok will result in raid-quality rewards.

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Grummus!
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:53:13 AM »
Freelance i talked to some folks who have done this raid and it is the same Strat as the group mission

group strat as posted on narogg site

Necromancer / patch notes 2/17
« on: February 17, 2016, 01:39:48 PM »
patch notes indicate;

- Necromancer - The Call Skeleton line of spells have been placed on a shared recast timer. Corrected messaging errors in some early ranks of the line. ---BOO :o

from what i understand;

1. no more individually casting the swarm line  one by one!!!

what i use to do to up DPS;


1. Call Skeleton Mob
2. Call Skeleton Throng
3. Call Skeleton Host
4. Call Skeleton Crush

Shadow Knight / Re: Shadow Knight guides
« on: February 17, 2016, 01:24:50 PM »
 Shadow Knight Tanking

/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 12000, /disc Deflection - timer fixed
/do 3 (taunt)
/alt act 9400 (Hate Attraction)
/rsay Deflecting %T

10 Min Taunt - My 2nd Super Taunt aggro key (10 min reuse)
/timer 6000, /disc Unflinching Acrimony
/do 3 (taunt)
/alt act 10392 (ageless)
/disc Repel
/rsay <> Tanking %T

/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 9000, /disc Doomscale Mantle
/alt act 865 - Presence of Fear removes Vizat's Skin to ensure best use of Mantle.
/rsay Tanking %T
/disc Repel

/timer 600, /bandolier Activate Tanking (1H+Shield)
/alt act 732 (Mindless Hatred)
/do 3 (taunt)
/alt act 9400 (HA)
/disc Repel

/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 4500, /disc Impudent Influence or Carapace
/pause 5, /useitem 17 (bp)
/useitem 24 3 (Soul-Hewn Plate Breastplate) - removes Skin for best use of Carapace.
/g Tanking %T.



/pause 1, /alt act 822 <Explosion of hatred>
/pause 1, /alt act 749 < explosion of spite >
/pause 9, /cast 8 <Bargin >
/pause 9, /cast 9 <Disgust>
/pause 9, /cast repel

Hate (Mash) - Non-damaging Hate build-up key without taunt
/timer 20, /cast 8 (terror)
/do 9 (disarm)
/alt act 650 undead instant snare or something...
/cast 9 (Demand for Power)
/cast 10 (Torrent of Misery) -- this still goes off if you are mashing the key fast.
-- don't want to break mez etc using this key (other ideas?)


Tap (Mash)
/disc Repel or /useitem 24 11 (Necromatic Dragon Bone)
/cast 1 - Dire Declaration (24s reuse)
/cast 2 - Touch of Lutzen (12.5s reuse)
/cast 3 - Touch of Holmein (10s reuse) (becomes Touch of Falsin [12.5s] reuse on harder stuff)
/cast 4 - Deceitful Deflection (AE, 6s reuse)
-- It will cast the best tap available when mashed and ensure repel disc is used when up. Used when tap tanking.


Epic+ [5m] - use epic and papers, urn, or bp
/pause 10, /useitem 24 0 (epic in first slot of 2nd bag, 5m)
/timer 3000, /g SK Epic Active! (1m 44s)
/useitem 23 14 (Diplomatic Papers, 5m)
/useitem 23 15 (Overflowing Urn of Life, 5m) - if papers is down
/useitem 17 (BP) - if papers/urn are down

Mini Epic+ [5m] -- hit this if epic is down (mini epic and papers, urn, and bp or geomantra)
/pause 10, /useitem 24 1 (Duskbringer's BP, mini epic, 5m)
/timer 3000, /useitem 23 14 (Diplomatic Papers, 5m)
/pause 12, /useitem 23 15 (Overflowing Urn of Life, 5m) - if papers is down
/useitem 17 (BP)
/useitem 23 11 (Geomantra, 3m) - if BP is down


DPS [1m]
/timer 600, /alt activate 15073 (Banestrike, 1m)
/disc Lacerating Blade
/pause 24, /cast 5 (Bonemaw's Bite 60s reuse) -- (becomes Touch of Holmein on harder stuff)
/pause 8, /alt act 825 - Vicious Bite of Chaos
/cast 7 (Bond) -- 3s spellbar lockout
- All the 1 min. reuse dps stuff combined to make use of some AAs/spells I was neglecting - Excellent!
-- Followup with DPS+ [3.5m] and/or Epic+ or Mini Epic [5m] button since your spellbar is locked out for 3s by Bond spell.

DPS+ [3.5m] - torrent of hate, undead slow or tap, then Juju or Ghoulskin
/pause 10, /useitem 24 10 (Breastplate of Wailing Hatred, 3m 30s)
/timer 2100, /alt act 2018 (Helix of the Undying, slow if undead, 3m duration)
/pause 17, /useitem 24 11 (Necromatic Dragon Bone, 3m)
/useitem 24 8 (Terror's Juju 3m)
/useitem 24 9 (Ghoulskin Shield, 3m) - if Juju is down

VoD/Tv [12m] - Melee Burn
/timer 7200, /alt act 9403 (Visage of Death)
/alt act 742 (Tvyl's Resolve)
/disc Carmine Blade
/disc Reflexive Rancor
/disc Lacerating Blade
-- I start off with this to burn then follow up with Quick Spear
-- (audio trigger: your illusion fades) - click Q. Spear [10m] next.

Q.Spear [10m] - Spear Spell Burn - twin cast spear every 8s
/timer 6000, /alt act 2034 - Gift of the Quick Spear (3m/10m, 16s faster twincast spears)
/alt act 1450 - 1st Spire (1.5m/10m, crit chance, damage for dd and dots)
/alt act 6000 (Harm Touch)
/pause 4, /cast 6 (spear)
/useitem 24 12 (Bottled Essense of Vex, AE DD, 50' range, 5m reuse)
-- (audio trigger: your illusion fades) - click Soul Flay [10m] next.

Soul Flay [10m] - Lifetap Spell Burn - chain cast lifetap (chance for mana for group.
/timer 6000, 12000/disc Unholy Aura (5m/27m, lifetap damage 100%) - if not discing
/alt act 1278 - Soul Flay (3m/10m, (lifetaps, return mana)
/alt act 747 - Visage of Decay (1m 42s/15m, increase spell damage 20%+)
/pause 12, /cast 1
/useitem 24 11 (Necromatic Dragon Bone)
-- This is the 3rd Burn hotkey. Best to wait till 1st spire ends then use this. (audio trigger: your illusion fades)

DoTs! - DoT Spell Burn - load up 4-5 dots for this one.
/timer 9000, /alt act 746 (Reinforced Malaise)
/alt act 6000 (HT)
/do 9 (disarm) -- added for filler
/do 10 (bash) -- added for filler
/cast 7 (Bond) -- cast my one DoT I always have up
-- Don't think I have ever used this as I only have Bond loaded for DoTs almost 100% of the time.
-- If anyone has a better idea for a DPS DoT type button or other buttons please post.

Purify (Mash)
/pause 2, /tar Wyvern
/alt act 2031 (Purity of Death)
/useitem 24 13 (Cleansing Rod)
/useitem 24 12 (Shield of the Immaculate)
/timer 20, /xtarget target 1 (switch back to group/raid assist target)

(Rest) Buff-1 - Rest disc + permanent buffs
/disc Rest Rk. III
/useitem 23 4 (Stormeye Band)
/pause 7, /useitem 8 (backitem Spikes ds)
/pause 17, /useitem 23 5 (Gunthak Swabby's Eyepatch)
/pause 7, /useitem 23 6 (Bloodmetal Inlaid Gnollish Totem)

Buff-2 (Long) - long duration clicky buffs
/pause 52, /useitem 23 7 (Familiar of the Hooded Scrykin)
/pause 7, /useitem 23 8 (Violet Conch of the Tempest)
/timer 300, /alt act 10395 - Bobbing Corpse
/pause 7, /useitem 9 (The Chiefs Influence)
/useitem 23 10 (Nimbus of Frost)

Buff-3 (Short) --- Short buffs: Skin, stance, etc.
/pause 24, /cast 11 (skin)
/pause 8, /useitem 23 11 (Geomantra)
/pause 17, /cast 12 (stance)
/timer 1800, /useitem 23 12 (Lizardscale Plated Girdle)

Mount[5m] - mount up and invis
/useitem 23 18 (Wicked Steed)
/timer 300, /alt act 10395 - Bobbing Corpse
/alt act 531 (invis)

Voice (Self)
/pause 2, /target Wyvern
/pause 2, /alt act 7000 - VoT -- be nice if this was changed to self only (non targeted), other tanks don't need our help with aggro.
/timer 3000, /assist main
/assist raid
/xtarget target 1 (switch back to group/raid target assist)

ALL my hot keys
DPS [1m]
/timer 600, /alt activate 15073 (Banestrike, 1m)
/disc Lacerating Blade
/pause 24, /cast 5 (Bonemaw's Bite 60s reuse) -- (becomes Touch of Holmein on harder stuff)
/pause 8, /alt act 825 - Vicious Bite of Chaos
/cast 7 (Bond) -- 3s spellbar lockout
- All the 1 min. reuse dps stuff combined to make use of some AAs/spells I was neglecting - Excellent!
-- Followup with DPS+ [3.5m] and/or Epic+ or Mini Epic [5m] button since your spellbar is locked out for 3s by Bond spell.

DPS+ [3.5m] - torrent of hate, undead slow or tap, then Juju or Ghoulskin
/pause 10, /useitem 24 10 (Breastplate of Wailing Hatred, 3m 30s)
/timer 2100, /alt act 2018 (Helix of the Undying, slow if undead, 3m duration)
/pause 17, /useitem 24 11 (Necromatic Dragon Bone, 3m)
/useitem 24 8 (Terror's Juju 3m)
/useitem 24 9 (Ghoulskin Shield, 3m) - if Juju is down

Epic+ [5m] - use epic and papers, urn, or bp
/pause 10, /useitem 24 0 (epic in first slot of 2nd bag, 5m)
/timer 3000, /g SK Epic Active! (1m 44s)
/useitem 23 14 (Diplomatic Papers, 5m)
/useitem 23 15 (Overflowing Urn of Life, 5m) - if papers is down
/useitem 17 (BP) - if papers/urn are down

Mini Epic+ [5m] -- hit this if epic is down (mini epic and papers, urn, and bp or geomantra)
/pause 10, /useitem 24 1 (Duskbringer's BP, mini epic, 5m)
/timer 3000, /useitem 23 14 (Diplomatic Papers, 5m)
/pause 12, /useitem 23 15 (Overflowing Urn of Life, 5m) - if papers is down
/useitem 17 (BP)
/useitem 23 11 (Geomantra, 3m) - if BP is down

Bash+ -- I tend to mash this one mostly for bash/spear (snare so I dont forget)
/timer 85, /disc Repel
/do 10 (bash key# might vary)
/pause 4, /cast 6 (spear, 24s reuse, 8s w/ Quick Spear)
/useitem 24 12 (Bottled Essense of Vex, AE DD, 50' range, 5m reuse)
/alt act 826 (Encroaching Darkness) - triggers if Bottle is down

Tap (Mash)
/disc Repel or /useitem 24 11 (Necromatic Dragon Bone)
/cast 1 - Dire Declaration (24s reuse)
/cast 2 - Touch of Lutzen (12.5s reuse)
/cast 3 - Touch of Holmein (10s reuse) (becomes Touch of Falsin [12.5s] reuse on harder stuff)
/cast 4 - Deceitful Deflection (AE, 6s reuse)
-- It will cast the best tap available when mashed and ensure repel disc is used when up. Used when tap tanking.

/timer 60, /disc Repel
/do 9 (disarm key# might vary)
/alt act 650 (Bony Grasp of Death - undead snare)
/alt act 2018 (Helix of the Undying - undead slow)
/alt act 826 (Encroaching Darkness) - triggers if mob is not undead

/timer 70, /stand
/disc Repel (in case something wants to beat on me when I get up)
/alt act 10395 - Bobbing Corpse
/alt activate 531 (instant invis)
--- I also just hit this when I want Repel in a fight for extra defense or just need Invis.

/timer 1200, /disc Repel
/pause 6, /alt activate 7756 (Death's Effigy)
/disc Rigor Mortis Rk. II
/alt activate 428 (Death Peace)
/disc Terminal Breath Rk. III
--use the best available FD option - 2 min timer to show time on instant fade.

Hate Step
/timer 130, /disc Repel
/alt act 10395 - Bobbing Corpse (just in case)
/alt activate 824 - hate step
/alt activate 531 - invis

HA Pull - (dark blue or lower mob) single pulling with FD/fade and stand and snare. Not as useful after HA nerf .
/timer 1200, /alt activate 9400 - HA
/pause 6, /alt activate 7756 - FD (Effigy)
/disc Repel
/alt act 826 (Encroaching Darkness)

Pet Attack - Go Boner and friends!
/timer 100, /stance Balanced (just to make sure merc is activate)
/pause 7, /alt act 3816 (Companion's Relocation)
/pet attack
/alt act 3822 (Chattering Bones)
/useitem 24 12 (Vicious Rabbit, if Chattering Bones is down)

Hate (Mash) - Non-damaging Hate build-up key without taunt
/timer 20, /cast 8 (terror)
/do 9 (disarm)
/alt act 650 undead instant snare or something...
/cast 9 (Demand for Power)
/cast 10 (Torrent of Misery) -- this still goes off if you are mashing the key fast.
-- don't want to break mez etc using this key (other ideas?)

1 Min. Taunt - My Super Taunt aggro key (1 min reuse)
/timer 600, /bandolier Activate Tanking (1H+Shield)
/alt act 732 (Mindless Hatred)
/do 3 (taunt)
/alt act 9400 (HA)
/disc Repel

10 Min Taunt - My 2nd Super Taunt aggro key (10 min reuse)
/timer 6000, /disc Unflinching Acrimony
/do 3 (taunt)
/alt act 10392 (ageless)
/disc Repel
/rsay <> Tanking %T

Bash-U [12m] -- Bash Buff (mash the Bash button to use the effect from Unholy Guardian).
/pause 2, /disc Unholy Guardian Discipline Rk. III
/pause 7, /useitem 24 10 (Circle of Power clicky) -- likely better use elsewhere but added as filler idea.
/timer 7200, /stopdisc
/do 10 (bash)
/g Bash'em! (Circle of Power Activated)
-- Use this pre-burn/pre vie disc. Bash buff lasts 3 min.
-- Use only if you are not going to need Unholy Guardian for defense.

VoD/Tv [12m] - Melee Burn
/timer 7200, /alt act 9403 (Visage of Death)
/alt act 742 (Tvyl's Resolve)
/disc Carmine Blade
/disc Reflexive Rancor
/disc Lacerating Blade
-- I start off with this to burn then follow up with Quick Spear
-- (audio trigger: your illusion fades) - click Q. Spear [10m] next.

Q.Spear [10m] - Spear Spell Burn - twin cast spear every 8s
/timer 6000, /alt act 2034 - Gift of the Quick Spear (3m/10m, 16s faster twincast spears)
/alt act 1450 - 1st Spire (1.5m/10m, crit chance, damage for dd and dots)
/alt act 6000 (Harm Touch)
/pause 4, /cast 6 (spear)
/useitem 24 12 (Bottled Essense of Vex, AE DD, 50' range, 5m reuse)
-- (audio trigger: your illusion fades) - click Soul Flay [10m] next.

Soul Flay [10m] - Lifetap Spell Burn - chain cast lifetap (chance for mana for group.
/timer 6000, 12000/disc Unholy Aura (5m/27m, lifetap damage 100%) - if not discing
/alt act 1278 - Soul Flay (3m/10m, (lifetaps, return mana)
/alt act 747 - Visage of Decay (1m 42s/15m, increase spell damage 20%+)
/pause 12, /cast 1
/useitem 24 11 (Necromatic Dragon Bone)
-- This is the 3rd Burn hotkey. Best to wait till 1st spire ends then use this. (audio trigger: your illusion fades)

DoTs! - DoT Spell Burn - load up 4-5 dots for this one.
/timer 9000, /alt act 746 (Reinforced Malaise)
/alt act 6000 (HT)
/do 9 (disarm) -- added for filler
/do 10 (bash) -- added for filler
/cast 7 (Bond) -- cast my one DoT I always have up
-- Don't think I have ever used this as I only have Bond loaded for DoTs almost 100% of the time.
-- If anyone has a better idea for a DPS DoT type button or other buttons please post.

Purify (Mash)
/pause 2, /tar Wyvern
/alt act 2031 (Purity of Death)
/useitem 24 13 (Cleansing Rod)
/useitem 24 12 (Shield of the Immaculate)
/timer 20, /xtarget target 1 (switch back to group/raid assist target)

(Rest) Buff-1 - Rest disc + permanent buffs
/disc Rest Rk. III
/useitem 23 4 (Stormeye Band)
/pause 7, /useitem 8 (backitem Spikes ds)
/pause 17, /useitem 23 5 (Gunthak Swabby's Eyepatch)
/pause 7, /useitem 23 6 (Bloodmetal Inlaid Gnollish Totem)

Buff-2 (Long) - long duration clicky buffs
/pause 52, /useitem 23 7 (Familiar of the Hooded Scrykin)
/pause 7, /useitem 23 8 (Violet Conch of the Tempest)
/timer 300, /alt act 10395 - Bobbing Corpse
/pause 7, /useitem 9 (The Chiefs Influence)
/useitem 23 10 (Nimbus of Frost)

Buff-3 (Short) --- Short buffs: Skin, stance, etc.
/pause 24, /cast 11 (skin)
/pause 8, /useitem 23 11 (Geomantra)
/pause 17, /cast 12 (stance)
/timer 1800, /useitem 23 12 (Lizardscale Plated Girdle)

Mount[5m] - mount up and invis
/useitem 23 18 (Wicked Steed)
/timer 300, /alt act 10395 - Bobbing Corpse
/alt act 531 (invis)

Voice (Self)
/pause 2, /target Wyvern
/pause 2, /alt act 7000 - VoT -- be nice if this was changed to self only (non targeted), other tanks don't need our help with aggro.
/timer 3000, /assist main
/assist raid
/xtarget target 1 (switch back to group/raid target assist)

/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 12000, /disc Deflection - timer fixed
/do 3 (taunt)
/alt act 9400 (Hate Attraction)
/rsay Deflecting %T
-- followup with 10min reuse Taunt button above to lock aggro.

Def. 35%
/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 9000, /disc Doomscale Mantle
/alt act 865 - Presence of Fear removes Vizat's Skin to ensure best use of Mantle.
/rsay Tanking %T
/disc Repel
-- (Soul-Hewn Plate Breastplate is an option to remove Skin but 1s cast time)
-- followup with 1min reuse Taunt button above to lock aggro.

Def 20%
/band Activate Tanking (1h+Shield)
/timer 4500, /disc Impudent Influence or Carapace
/pause 5, /useitem 17 (bp)
/useitem 24 3 (Soul-Hewn Plate Breastplate) - removes Skin for best use of Carapace.
/g Tanking %T.
-- followup with 1min reuse Taunt button above to lock aggro

Set Roles
/grouproles set Wyvern 1 (group MT)
/grouproles set Wyvern 2 (group assist)
/grouproles set Wyvern 3 (puller, optional)
/xtarget set 1 groupassisttarget

/timer 140000, /tribute personal on - long timer to show I clicked it
/tribute guild on
/trophy personal on
/trophy guild on
/g Tribute Activated!

TRIB (Off)
/tribute personal off
/tribute guild off
/trophy personal off
/trophy guild off
/g Tribute Deactivated!

Spell line up

/cast 1 - Dire Declaration (24s reuse)
/cast 2 - Touch of Lutzen (12.5s reuse)
/cast 3 - Touch of Holmein (10s reuse) (becomes Touch of Falsin [12.5s] reuse on harder stuff)
/cast 4 - Deceitful Deflection (AE, 6s reuse
/cast 5 -  Power
/cast 6 - Stance
/cast 7 - Terror
/cast 8 - PBAE hate
/cast 9 - Bargin
/cast 0 - Theft of hate
/cast 1 - Torrent of agony
/cast 2 - Bite or bond or ???

DPS line up

/cast 1 - tap
/cast 2 - tap
/cast 3 - Duplicitous Audacity
/cast 4 - Dot
/cast 5 - Dot
/cast 6 - Dot
/cast 7 - Dot
/cast 8 - Dot
/cast 9 - Dot
/cast 0 - Dot
/cast 1 - Dot
/cast 2 - Spear

/cast 1 - tap
/cast 2 - tap
/cast 3 - tap
/cast 4 - Tap
/cast 5 - Power
/cast 6 - Stance
/cast 7 - Terror
/cast 8 - Bargin
/cast 9 - Torrent of agony
/cast 0 - Theft of hate
/cast 1 - Torrent of fatigue
/cast 2 - Perfidious Blight

Freelance Ramblings / plane of fear raid
« on: January 23, 2016, 01:39:35 PM »
Freelance found this

looks like a BARREL OF MONKEYS !!!!

Freelance Ramblings / PLANE OF HATE RAID
« on: January 22, 2016, 04:08:39 PM »

i found some strats on plane of hte raid here:

maybe we can try it

More info

what i did:

parked main pet ( Suspend back up pet )
deployed Fire pet
spammed nuke and employed pet ( while mob was below )

what i noticed:
up to 55%, Fire pet was nuking like a champ !!!

[Thu Jan 21 19:50:30 2016] Gimamam delivers a critical blast! (2476)
[Thu Jan 21 19:51:00 2016] Gimamam performs an exceptional heal! (5368)
[Thu Jan 21 19:52:30 2016] Gimamam delivers a critical blast! (4476)
[Thu Jan 21 19:53:00 2016] Gimamam performs an exceptional heal! (5368)
[Thu Jan 21 19:54:40 2016] Gimamam delivers a critical blast! (6476)
[Thu Jan 21 19:55:50 2016] Gimamam performs an exceptional heal! (5368)

i stood in one spot  up to 55% after 55% left fire pet up top, and noticed fire pet was nuking thru the floor and all damage was landing

[Thu Jan 21 20:00:30 2016] Gimamam delivers a critical blast! (2476)
[Thu Jan 21 20:03:00 2016] Gimamam performs an critical blast! (5368)

i moved with raid, up and down. I also noticed that if DOt was not cursed cured it spawned a tentacle mob in spot i was standing. This was confirmed all times we tried this event

[Thu Jan 21 19:50:28 2016] You tell your party, 'Cure plzzz..........'
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:28 2016] Nintap delivers a critical blast! (104603)
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:28 2016] Wind of Malosinete -> Anashti_Sul,_Damsel_of_Decay00
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:29 2016]   You have taken 32500 points of damage.

i once had both dots and called for Curse cure and used Distillate of immunization,
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:52 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay says 'You will not evade me Foaaniel!'
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:52 2016] You have been summoned!
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:52 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay is pierced by YOUR thorns for 117 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:52 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay hits YOU for 51787 points of damage.
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:52 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay is pierced by YOUR thorns for 117 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:53 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay hits YOU for 56664 points of damage.
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:53 2016] You have been knocked unconscious!
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:53 2016] You have been slain by Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay!

i noticed once Tanks went down, DPS was stagnant, i then started tells with Return of the Exile mage

Thu Jan 21 20:01:32 2016] Sancus  /tells foaaniel, must have coordinated  max dps when she ports down and if she isn't dead by the time she ports down 2nd time there is too many roots and they wiped it out. You must do at least 3mil DPS at that time. u cannot let her go back up after this

Suggested FYI;

Raid Move's @ 54% down and to right of tunnel
Tanks move when she ports
tanks gain aggro
tanks call BURN
wizzie MAX BURN
zerker MAX DPS + Aura
BST Max Burn
Fl raiders do the most damage we can

We need to massive MAX BURN MOB down on first time we go down. I was talking to a mage in Return of Exile, and they coordinated wizards, mages, zerkers, Rog to unleash there biggest burns on mob to equal 3 Million on mob during  bottom potion of this  event.


Freelance Ramblings / COTF HA have gotten nerfed
« on: November 21, 2015, 01:05:43 PM »

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