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Messages - Raiena

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Sunday, July 22, 2024 - Update.

Strategy updated to include differences when choosing Brigadier at event start.

See everyone in-game! :)

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: LS - Pal'Lomen - T3 - Final Fugue
« on: July 20, 2024, 05:35:58 PM »
Saturday, July 20, 2024 - Update

Strategy post and trigger package updated - Changed to Stack on Boss for Hot | Cold Flames

Event Map Updated - Deleted west campfire location


Make sure trigger packages are enabled

See everyone in-game! :)

Saturday, July 20, 2024 - Update

Corrected Jester spawn percentage.

See everyone in-game! :)

Ranger / Re: How to Ranger *Laurion's Song Edition*
« on: June 12, 2024, 11:18:16 PM »
Updated for Laurion's Song.

Changes: Nothing basically. Stay in Archery always unless you literally can't.

Additions: Added a link to a YouTube video of active playing to go alongside the written guide.

Thanks for the update Fin.

25th Anniversary Raid - Paineel - Inner Turmoil

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Katta Castellum
NPC Name: Ghrald McMannus
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Various mobs spawn during event.

Emotes and ground auras come into play.


Stack and move with MT.

Burn on engage.  Use AE damage when appropriate.

Prioritize Adds: Sandman, Siren, Pixie, Longing, Terror -- Clean up any remaining adds.

Tanks - Face sandman and longing adds away from main raid (due to frontal AE damage, Silence, Mana Drain, Stun).

CC - Do not Charm or Mez any mobs (achievement).

Casters - When emoted, move to trees with yellow auras and/or pick up trash on ground quickly (achievement).

Self Recrimination - Avoid large purple aura (achievement).

- Face Sandman and Longing adds away from raid

Healers and Paladins:
- Splash Heal on failed emotes (triggers warn)

MA Kill Order: Sandman, Siren, Pixie, Longing, Terror, other adds

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

A disconcerting stranger

Regret    Caster AE DoT 145k + Mana Drain (36s duration)
Effect Message: Regret overwhelms you over things you didn't do.
- Indifferent


Various adds spawn throughout event.

A construct of agony--
- Charmable
A construct of anguish--
A construct of pain--
A flamePyromania - Single Target - 250k DD
1st Person Emote: A flame starts to spread to Soandso
A longingBaby's Breath - Frontal AE 230k DD + Mana Drain + Stun (100' range)
Effect Message: Baby's breath washes over you.
- Possible add spawn emote: A longing begins to build.
A pixieCatatonia - Invulnerability + Snare (single target, 12s duration)
Effect Message: Your body shuts down as your mind retreats.
Collapse - Feign Death (single target)
A sandmanAmnesia - Frontal AE SILENCE (150' range)
Effect Message: You forget to feel safer.
A sirenMelancholy - AE Melee & Caster Slow (100' range, 18s duration)
Effect Message: You heed your desire to do nothing.
A terrorFear - Fear (single target, 12s duration)
Effect Message: You flee, leaving behind all that scares you.
A visionary--

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with A disconcerting stranger and saying keyword prepared

A disconcerting stranger says, 'Good, good, one of the seekers. You must have come here to learn more about yourself. All the choices that have led you here to this moment have been your own. And I am here to see you through to the end. I am here to let you free yourself and see what is inside. Are you [prepared] to learn who you truly are? What you really feel? Or, should you be unwilling to learn, you may [leave].'


- Uncharming and Unenthralled
-- Don't attempt to charm or mesmerize any constructs or longings.

- Compulsion
-- Never fail to appease a compulsion.

- Self-Acceptance
-- Do not allow yourself to be overcome with Self-Recrimination.


Event Reset:

When one of the creatures is left alone the entire scene fades.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-05-19 (11:30am)  - Duck Emote - Duck
- Duck Emote - Success
- Flame Emote - Run Away
- Pixie - Collapse - Stand
- Trash Emote - Pick up Trash
- Tree Emote - Hug the Trees

- Event Reset
- Event Start

Healers & Paladins
  Healers & Paladins  2024-04-11 (12:08am)  - Trash Emote - Failure - Splash
- Tree Emote - Failure - Splash

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Thursday, May 09, 2024 - Update

Strategy post updated.

Everyone trigger package updated.

OKAY TO MERGE WITH EXISTING TRIGGER PACKAGE "Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid - Everyone"

See everyone in-game! :)

The Unkempt Woods - T3 - The Artisan and the Druid

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Laurion Inn
NPC Name: Thornel Grayleaf
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:Click Door 4

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Stage 1: Assault Troopers and Spotters

Protect the Elddar camp from incoming attacks.  If too many Elddar are killed, event resets.

Players who venture out may be spotted and targeted for damage.

Assault Trooper waves spawn at a distance and charge toward the Elddar camp.

Prevent War Wasps from swarming the raid.

Stage 2: Ogna, the Artisan of War -- Jangle, catapults and other adds

Disable catapults from launching attacks on the Elddar camp.

Jangle casts a frontal beam that will knock players off the plateau.

Jangle provides weapons for Ogna.

Adds spawn throughout event.

Protect the raid from the effects of Sticky Tick Tocker.

Jangle seals the area and casts Haze Bomb.


Stage 1: Assault Troopers

At event start, raid is summoned to the Elddar camp.

Trackers - Locate and max range kill Spotters.

Kill Assault Trooper waves.  First wave spawns at event start, followed by two more waves three minutes apart.

Players emoted with War Wasps run away from raid until buff fades, minimum 500 steps.

Once add waves are dead, move northwest to stage two plateau area using the Lev Up map label.

Stage 2: Ogna, the Artisan of War -- Jangle, catapults and other adds

Stay mounted for this portion of event.

Assigned group take out the four catapults as well as the indifferent adds surrounding them.

MT position Ognar in the center of the three weapon racks.  Ognar will tether and reset to full HP if moved past the weapon racks.

Adds spawn at Ogna HP percentages.

Use Efreeti Carpet mount to prevent being knocked off plateau from Jangle's knockback AE.

Jangle Axe Toss - Stack on Ogna to share damage with raid (trigger warns).

Sticky Tick Tocker - Use Rune clicky when emote fires to avoid massive AE damage to raid.

When Jangle seals the area and calls out defective unit number, move into the vacant space to avoid Haze Bomb.

Event Area Map for Stage 2:

In-game locations and map file available in Map Locations area of post.

Haze Bomb Unit Grid:

- Position Ogna in center of three weapon racks
- Add Tanks stack mobs on Ogna

- Splash through damage caused by Haze Bomb

MA Kill Order: Catapults, Adds, Ogna

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Ogna, Artisan of War

Sticky Tick Tocker   Single Target (30s duration)
1st Person Emote: A small ticking device clings to your soft skin.
Cast on Success: Mended Skin - Caster AE - 100k Heal (1000' range, 200' AE range)
Cast on Fade: Tick Tock Boom - Target AE - 750k HP DD (1000' range, 100' AE range)
Effect Message: The tick tocker explodes.
- Cast rune to protect
Igniting Shock   Single Target - 575k HP DD (1000' range)
1st Person Effect Message: You are zapped.


Defective Unit Emotes:

Jangle shouts, 'What made unit one's fuse stop? I guess that one won't pop.'
Jangle shouts, 'Looks like a high failure rate, that unit two is just not great.'
Jangle shouts, 'Unit three was not made by me!'
Jangle shouts, 'Unit four was always very poor.'
Jangle shouts, 'That fifth unit isn't gonna do it.'
Jangle shouts, 'Darn that unit six! That's one I need to fix.'
Jangle shouts, 'Seven always unlucky. That unit was always yucky.'
Jangle shouts, 'Well, unit eight doesn't seem to work so great.'
Jangle shouts, 'Unit nine is not mine!'

Haze Bomb   Caster AE DoT - 450k HP + Mana Drain + Increase Spell Damage Taken by 175% + Inhibit Defensive and Offensive Abilities + Alter Vision (1000' range, 80' AE range, 60s duration)
Limit Spell: Igniting Shock - Single Target - 575k HP DD (1000' range)
- Occurs when Jangle is about to unseal the area
Wind Burst   Caster Frontal AE - 100k HP DD + KNOCKBACK (1000' range, 80' AE range, 60s duration)
Warning Emote: Jangle appears, waving his arms and chanting, 'Make the winds blow and away you will go!'
- Use Mounts to mitigate knockback
Debarred   Caster AE - Inhibit Levitate (1000' range, 600' AE range, 30s duration)
1st Person Effect Message: Your ability to leave the ground under your own power is gone.


an assault tropper   War Wasps - Single Target - 325k HP DoT + 5k Mana Drain (duration 84s)
1st Person Emote: Wasps, slightly glowing with magic, swarm over you.
3rd Person Emote: Wasps swarm toward Soandso.
Honey Bomb -  Caster AE - 35k HP DD (range 200)
1st Person Effect Message: Hot honey splatters you, immediately cooling.
Success Emote: The honey splashes over people, but no wasps are near to notice.
Failure Emote: Wasps swarm from their current host and multiply in number. They rush toward Soandso, Soandso, ..., and Soandso.
- Spawns during initial add waves
- 1st and 2nd Wave Emote: War horns sound from somewhere in the forest.
- 3rd Wave Emote: War horns sound from somewhere in the forest. These must be the last assault troops available to the Rallosians right now.
- War Wasps cancel when player moves 500 steps
- Players have 15s to run away when emoted with War Wasps before Honey Bomb is cast
a soldier   --
a spotter   Explosive Payload - Target AE - 750k HP DD (range 10000, AE range 150)
1st Person Emote: You sense the light touch of magic being placed on you. You feel... Seen.
- Indifferent
- Scattered throughout the zone close to event areas
a lobber crewmember   --
- Indifferent
- Located at catapults
a warcrafter   --
- Indifferent
- Located at catapults

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with Thornel Grayleaf and using keyword ready.

Thornel Grayleaf says, 'Welcome, friends. You have arrived just in time, I hope. The Rallosian army is setting up their siege weaponry. They are certainly preparing a full-scale attack on this camp. We are considering leaving, but that option isn't really open either. The enemy has set up spotters in the woods. Every time we try to move, the catapults they already have up fire on us with disturbing accuracy. It is time for us to find [another way]. If this fight is not for you, I can help you [leave] if you wish.'

Thornel Grayleaf says, 'Well, I am thinking about a direct assault. It's certainly dangerous, but staying here will soon be more dangerous.  If we can destroy their siege weapons, we can at least escape. That, however, isn't my goal here. My desire is to end this, to drive them back onto their boats and out of my forest.'

Dagnor Butcherblock says, 'That's a nice plan, lad. But there's more to it than that and you know it. They will send assault teams to pick off anyone that flees their catapults, or even drive right into the camp if they ken and kill us themselves. Ask him what he [plans] ta do 'bout that?'

Thornel Grayleaf says, 'It's not complicated, my friend. We deal with the assault forces as we move toward the catapults. It's just more steps in a simple plan. 'Thornel smiles at you from what seems an endless well of hope. 'We don't have long to prepare, so let me know when you are [ready], and we can go.'

Thornel Grayleaf says, 'Good, good. No time to spare, let's be off. I'll trust to your instincts when it comes to fighting. I'll stay here and try to help these people.'


- Keep Your Friends Close
-- Ensure that Ogna's axe always has its impact blunted by at least 15 people.

- Safe At Camp
-- Allow no harm to be done to the Elddar camp.

- No Ignition
-- Nobody with Haze Bomb is hit by Igniting Shock.


Event Reset:

Too many Elddar have been killed in the camp. The memory fades and reforms.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: unkemptwoods_2.txt (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Lev Up Location:
Code: [Select]
P -378.3777, 990.1445, -118.0719,  0, 0, 0,  2,  Lev_Up

Catapult Locations:
Code: [Select]
P 947.1653, -39.5809, 89.5604,  0, 240, 240,  3,  Catapult
P 694.9205, 333.9146, 56.3785,  0, 240, 240,  3,  Catapult
P 409.1336, 445.1003, 17.8487,  0, 240, 240,  3,  Catapult
P 377.3935, 748.0842, 16.2233,  0, 240, 240,  3,  Catapult

Weapon Rack Locations:
Code: [Select]
P 719.5648, 102.0832, 56.7694,  0, 127, 127,  3,  Weapon_Rack
P 479.0668, 100.9484, 37.6547,  0, 127, 127,  3,  Weapon_Rack
P 479.1955, 401.3884, 23.7879,  0, 127, 127,  3,  Weapon_Rack

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-05-09 (11:54am)  - Add Spawn - Assault Troopers
- Add Spawn - Soldiers

- Assault Trooper - Wasp Swarm - Run Away (1st Person)
- Honey Bomb - Failure - Splash
- Honey Bomb - Success - Safe to Return
- Jangle - Axe to Ogna - Stack on Boss
- Ogna - Sticky Tick Tocker - Cast Rune (1st Person)

- Jangle - Unit One - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Two - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Three - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Four - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Five - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Six - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Seven - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Eight - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Nine - Move to Location

- Event Reset
- Event Start

  Enchanters  2024-03-19 (02:27pm)  - Ogna, Artisan of War - Cast - Sticky Tick Tocker

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Upcoming Events & Strategy / LS - Pal'Lomen - T3 - Final Fugue
« on: April 18, 2024, 08:27:57 PM »
Pal'Lomen - T3 - Final Fugue

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Laurion Inn
NPC Name: Shalowain
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Allied with Shalowain and other NPCs, raid must stop the advancement of the Rallosian army.

Multi stage event with various fighting locations.  Be prepared to move.

At event start, Rallosian mobs spawn and charge the raid.

Raid has limited time to kill mobs before being teleported to stage two area.  Any remaining adds from stage one will follow.

Once teleported, raid encounters war boars, boar handlers and war wraiths.

Allied NPCs will lead the way to stage three location, where more Rallosian adds will spawn and attack.

Allied NPCs will lead the way to the final stage location where minibosses and raid boss spawn.

Ground auras and emotes come into play during event.


Stage 1: Rallosians; Hex, Warlock, Soldiers, Linebreaker

Kill Hexes and Warlocks first.  They are both indiffent but cast ground auras that need to be avoided.

Assist MA to kill remaining adds.

Stage 2: War Boars, Boar Handlers, War Wraiths

Kill war boars, handlers and war wraiths as they spawn and attack.

Healers and Casters maintain a distance of at least 65' from war wraiths to avoid AE mana drain and silence.

Stage 3: Rallosian Hunters

Kill Rallosian hunters that spawn from underground marketplace and charge the raid, then move to stage four.

Stage 4: Minibosses and Boss

Tight formation.

Melee on Firethorn.

Casters on Darga.

Then assist MA to kill Margator, Yarith, and Captain Kar the Unmovable.

Rangers and Rogues kill Archers.  Archers indifferent; susceptible to headshot/assassinate.

Get out of red Ball of Fire aura (trigger warns).

Players emoted with Hot or Cold Flames - STACK at Boss to dissipate (when opposite flames contact they cancel each other out).

Final Fugue - Event Map:

- MTO be prepared to grab aggro if current MT is hit with Shield Crash
- MTO face Kar away from raid (Frontal AE)

Healers and Paladins:
- Continuous splashing as there are several AE's in effect

MA Kill Order: Darga, Firethorn, Margator, Yarith

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Captain Kar the Unmovable

Boss  Emote
Warning-Captain Kar shouts. 'It is time to end this, you pathetic creatures.'
-Screams come from the village as Kar the Unmovable approaches.
Active-Kar's voice is loud and authoritative, 'Defending those that cannot be bothered to protect themselves is a worthless effort.
If that is what you think of your life, you have indeed wasted it. I will be doing a favor for you by ending it now.'
HP Lock-Kar roars, pulls his shield from his back, and sets his feet.
HP Unlock-Kar is finally distracted by blows to the head and drops his shield.

- Raid has approximately five minutes to kill minibosses before Kar activates

Ball of Fire   Caster AE - 850k HP DD (1000' range, 100' AE range)
3rd Person Emote: The Captain summons flames around Soandso and Soandso.
Effect Message: Fire bursts all around you.
- Aura does not move with players emoted
Cold FlamesSingle Target DoT - 15k MANA DRAIN + Alter Vision (1000' range, 36s duration)
1st Person Emote: Cold flames grow and flicker around you.
3rd Person Emote: Hot flames rise around Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso. Cold flames rise around Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person Emote - Success: You get close to someone burning hot and your cold flames dissipate.
Casts Spell on Fade: Snuff Out - Caster AE - 950k HP DD + 15k Mana Drain (1000' range, 1000' AE range)
Effect Message: The flames around you flare widely then go out.
Hot FlamesSingle Target DoT - 650k HP + Alter Vision (1000' range, 36s duration)
1st Person Emote: Hot flames grow and flicker around you.
3rd Person Emote: Hot flames rise around Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso. Cold flames rise around Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person Emote - Success: You get close to someone burning cold and your hot flames dissipate.
Cast on Fade: Snuff Out - Caster AE - 950k HP DD + 15k Mana Drain (1000' range, 1000' AE range)
Sweeping FlamesFrontal AE DoT - 750k HP (1000' range, 150' AE range, 30s duration)
- Frontal range 300° to 60°
Shield CrashSingle Target - 750k HP DD + Knockback + Stun (1000' range)
Reversed StrikeSingle Target - 800k HP DD + Stun (1000' range)


Darga Smasher    Smasher's Hammer - Caster AE - 750k HP DD + Knockback + Stun (1000' range, 75' AE range)
Warning Emote: Darga spins her hammer in preparation.
Effect Message: A hammer smashes into the ground hammering you with debris.
Primary Shockwave - Single Target DoT - 750k HP + Inhibit Combat (1000' range, 12s duration)
Secondary Shockwave - Single Target - 650k HP DD + 25k Mana Drain (1000' range)
Tertiary Shockwave - Single Target DoT - 425k HP + 15k Mana Drain + Inhibit Spell Casting (1000' range, 12s duration)
- Shockwave affects Margator: The shockwave from Darga's hammer hits Margator, but he is able to compensate at this speed.
- Margator state may impact whether subsequent shockwaves occur
FirethornFirethorns - Self Buff - Increase Damage Shield by 2300 (5m duration)
Casts When Hit With Spell: Mindthorns - Single Target - 10k Mana Drain (1000' range)
Effect Message: Fire lances through your head as your magic touches Firethorn.
- Indeterminate emotes:
-- Firethorn's eyes glitter with growing power.
-- Firethorn turns stolen energy into defense for his allies.
Margator the SlowNote:
- Margator affected by Shockwave from Darga Smasher:
-- The shockwave from Darga's hammer hits Margator, but he is able to compensate at this speed.
- Battle Chants:
-- Margator's battle chant speeds up and he begins to move faster than ever.
-- Margator stops his chanting and slows himself down, sending his speed to his allies with a shout.
Yarith WardbreakerNote:


Various adds spawn throughout event.

A Rallosian archerFeathered Sky - Single Target DoT - 650k HP + Blind (1000' range, 12s duration)
- Indifferent
- Active|Spawn during Stage 4
A Rallosian boar handlerInstructive Flagellation - Single Target - 250k HP DD + Stun (1000' range)
1st Person Effect Message: A whip cracks on you.
3rd Person Effect Message: A handler cracks a whip at Soandso
A Rallosian hexAsh Borer Swarm - Target AE DoT - 25k HP + Mana Drain + 2k Reverse DS + Interrupt Spell Casting (40% chance) + Increase Spell Damage Taken by 10%
(1000' range, 55' AE range, 60s duration)
3rd Person Emote: A hexmaster sends a scout insect to latch onto Soandso
Effect Message: Buzzing insects burrow under your skin.
Limit Spell: Kar's Explosive Blast - Target AE - 300k HP DD + Knockback (1000' range, 40' AE range)
A Rallosian hunter--
A Rallosian linebreakerUnmitigated Rage - Caster AE - 350k HP DD + Knockback (75' AE range)
Effect Message: You are bashed and slashed repeatedly.
A Rallosian soldierBarbed Net - Caster AE - Root (1000' range, 50' AE range, 18s duration)
Effect Message: A barbed net binds you.
A Rallosian warlockKar's Explosive Blast - Target AE - 300k HP DD + Knockback (1000' range, 40' AE range)
3rd Person Emote: A warlock ignites a flame around Soandso
Effect Message: Fire surrounds you and burns you deeply.
A war boarDeep Laceration - Single Target DoT - 75k HP (1000' range, 18s duration)
Effect Message: Teeth slash into you leaving huge, bleeding lacerations.
A war wraithWar Cry - Target AE - 20k Mana Drain + Inhibit Spell Casting (1000' range, 65' AE range, 6s duration)
3rd Person Emote: A war wraith begins a screeching war cry aimed at Soandso

Start Event

Event is triggered by speaking with Shalowain and saying keyword they come

Shalowain says, 'We seem to have arrived just in time. The Rallosian army have been trampling over everything, but the Empire will not have [Pal'Lomen]! My friends, now is the time we stand up for those that can't stand for themselves. When [they come], and they will come, we must stop them here. If this seems too risky to you, you may wish to [leave].'

Shalowain says, 'Brace yourselves. This is an experienced army, but they did not count on our arrival.'


- Delay The Inevitable
-- Help Shalowain and all of her allies to reach the village alive.

- Speed Limit
-- Do not allow Margator to reach full speed.

- Plucked
-- Do not be hit by the Feathered Sky archery fire while participating in the fight with Captain Kar.


Event Reset:

Some of the Rallosian army were left to their own devices and have gotten past your defense. You have failed to block their progress.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-07-20 (11:23pm)  - Captain Kar the Unmovable - Ball of Fire - Get Out of Aura
- Captin Kar the Unmovable - Hot and Cold Flames - Stack on Boss (1st Person)
- Captain Kar the Unmovable - Hot and Cold Flames - Success (1st Person)

- Event Start
- Event Reset

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

The map isn't a link, it's an image.

What browser are you using? Try switching? It should be visible in the post.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - Update

Everyone Trigger package updated.
Main Tanks Trigger package updated.



Make sure trigger packages are enabled

See everyone in-game! :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - Update.

Everyone trigger package updated.

OKAY TO MERGE WITH EXISTING TRIGGER PACKAGE "Hero's Forge - Heroes Are Forged - Everyone"

See everyone in-game! :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - Update.

Everyone trigger package updated.

OKAY TO MERGE WITH EXISTING TRIGGER PACKAGE "Plane of Mischief - Bidil's Great Adventure - Everyone"

See everyone in-game! :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - Update.

Everyone trigger package updated.

OKAY TO MERGE WITH EXISTING TRIGGER PACKAGE "Elddar Forest - The Return of Kanghammer - Everyone"

See everyone in-game! :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - Update.

Everyone trigger package updated.

OKAY TO MERGE WITH EXISTING TRIGGER PACKAGE "Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen - Everyone"

See everyone in-game! :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - Update

Everyone Trigger package updated.

Main Tank Trigger package added.

DELETE OLD TRIGGER PACKAGE "Moors of Nokk - What is it For - Everyone", BEFORE IMPORTING NEW!

MTO - IMPORT Trigger Package "Moors of Nokk - What is it For - Main Tanks"

Make sure trigger packages are enabled

See everyone in-game! :)

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