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Upcoming Events & Strategy / TOB - Theatre of Eternity - T1 - Landing
« on: January 23, 2025, 04:35:51 PM »
Theatre of Eternity - T1 - Landing

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Theatre of Eternity
NPC Name: Captain Edraneth
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Clear the landing pad for Norrathian Troops.

Prevent cannons from firing at Zordak Ragefire.

Solve to complete the Ritual.


Attack War Trainer Prime until HP lock every 10 percent.

Assigned group complete the Ritual to unlock boss HP.

Assigned groups kill cannoneers to prevent cannons being fired at Zordak Ragefire.  Maximum 30 hits before event reset.

Kill adds as they spawn at 1m 40s intervals.

- Stack calvary, soldier and war scout adds at boss

- Splash heal damage taken from Static Release

MA Kill Order: Cannoneers, Scalewrought adds, Boss

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

War Trainer Prime

HP locks every 10% until successful completion of Ritual

Static ReleaseCaster AE - 800k HP DD (range 500', AE range 150')
Warning Emote: Magic builds up around War Trainer Prime.
3rd Person Effect Message: Violent magical energy is released in a large area.



Complete the pattern (Simon says)
Three pattern - 90, 80, 70 percent
Four pattern - 60, 50, 40, 30 percent
Five pattern - 20 percent
Six pattern - 10 percent

Success: With a flash of light, the ritual spell shatters. War Trainer Prime seems more vulnerable.
Failure: A group attempted to dispel the wrong part of the ritual.

Pattern Emotes:
- The circle to the north flashes with red energy
- The circle to the south flashes with blue energy
- The circle to the west flashes with yellow energy
- The circle to the east flashes with green energy

Ritual OverloadCaster AE - 1.2m HP DD + Blind
1st Person Effect Message: Ritual magic tears you apart for 1200000 damage.
3rd Person Effect Message: The runes flare and burn everyone in the circle, then reset to the original glow.



Various adds spawn throughout event.

A scalewrought cannoneer--
- Tethered to cannon area
A scalewrought calvary--
- Randomized 2x spawn at 1m 40s intervals
A scalewrought soldier--
- Randomized 2x spawn at 1m 40s intervals
A scalewrought war scout--
- Randomized 2x spawn at 1m 40s intervals

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with War Trainer Prime and saying 'destroy'

War Trainer Prime says, in Elder Dragon, 'Invader. I am directed to [destroy] you.'

War Trainer Prime says, in Elder Dragon, 'As I am commanded, you will die.'


- Clear the Board
-- Kill all adds before killing the boss.

- Dance Masters
-- Never fail at breaking the ritual.

- Silent Cannons
-- Do not allow a cannon to fire.


Event Reset:

War Trainer Prime growls in a way the seems like a grumble and brushes you off.


War Trainer Prime roars in triumph as Zordak Ragefire flies away, gravely injured. You have failed to allow a landing of more Norrathian Troops.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2025-01-23 (01:30am)  - Add Spawn - Cannoneer
- Adds Incoming - Directional
- Simon Success - Boss Vulnerable
- War Trainer Prime - Static Release - Splash

- Event Start
- Event Reset
-- War Trainer Prime - Event Reset
-- Zordak Ragefire - Flies Away - Event Reset

Event Failures
  Failures  2025-01-23 (01:30am)  - Zordak Ragefire - Cannon Fire (Counter)

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Hodstock Hills - T1 - Herald of the Outer Brood

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Hodstock Hills
NPC Name: Karina Stalis
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

The Herald of the Outer Brood is protected by six guardians.

Find ways to make the Herald and guardians vulnerable to damage.

Avoid being caught by scalewrought bearers.

Stop reinforcements from joining the fight.

Various emotes and ground auras come into play.


Kill the six guardians.  Use ground auras to counter their protections.

Kill the Herald of the Outer Brood.  React to emotes to avoid directional damage.  Use ground auras to counter the Herald's protections.

Scalewrought bearers' focus on players and attempt to detonate.  Kite bearers.  Ranged DPS kill.

Intercept and destroy delivery vessels before the Herald claims the reinforcements.

- Move Herald or guardians into correct aura to counter protections.
- MTO keep Herald facing away from raid to avoid frontal AE damage.

- Splash heal on MT and raid when Herald opens all eyes.

MA Kill Order: Bearers, Guardians, Adds, Boss

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Herald of the Outer Brood

Enraged Focused Glare  Frontal AE DoT - 450k HP + Blind (range 500', AE range 75', duration 18s)
Warning Emote: The Herald closes all but one of its eyes.
Spell Cast Emote: Magic fires from just one of the Herald's eyes.
- Casts at 2m 10s intervals

Multi-Focused Glare  Caster AE - 600k HP + Stun (range 1000', AE range 125')
Warning Emote: The Herald opens all of its eyes wide.
Spell Cast Emote: Energy pours from every one of the Herald's eyes.
- Casts at 2m 10s intervals

Outer Brood Energy Surge  Single Target - 450k HP DD + 10k Mana Drain (range 1000', range based mod 100% at 100' to 200% at 600')
Warning Emote: ...
1st Person Effect Message: A type of energy you have never felt zaps you.

Outworld Aura  Self Buff - Increase Damage Shield by 9500 (duration 120h)
- Removed with yellow aura

Runic Shield  Self Buff - Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 110% and 1000 Improved Resist Mod (duration 120h)
- Removed with blue aura

Hardened Shell  Self Buff - Increase resistance to physical damage (duration 120h)
- Removed with green aura

Magical Shell  Self Buff - Increase resistance to spell damage (duration 120h)
- Removed with purple aura


Cannon Beam

Cage of the Outer BroodCaster AE - Increase Reverse Damage Shield by 2000 (range 1000', AE range 40', duration 12s)
Warning Emote: A cannon beam strikes the ground caging targets nearby.
1st Person Effect Message: Strange energy surrounds you. It sparks when you attack.
- Appears as a blue aura
- Removes Runic Shield from Herald and guardians

Clinging RadiationTarget AE - 500k HP DD + 10k Mana Drain (range 1000', AE range 50', duration 12s)
Warning Emote: A cannon beam strikes the ground, irradiating nearby targets.
1st Person Effect Message: Energy jumps to you from a nearby ally.
- Appears as a red aura
- Removes the corrupting power from Herald and guardians
- Only assigned player should enter aura

Energy CorruptionCaster AE - 11k Mana Drain + Decrease Spell Haste by 50% + Limit Min Casting Time: 3s (range 1000', AE range 40', duration 12s)
Warning Emote: A cannon beam strikes the ground releasing a corrupted energy.
1st Person Effect Message: Alien energy merges with your own, disrupting your magic.
- Appears as a green aura
- Removes Hardened Shell from Herald and guardians

Energy ShockCaster AE DoT - 550k HP + Decrease Melee Haste by 70% (range 1000', AE range 40', duration 18s)
Warning Emote: A cannon beam strikes the ground releasing a shock of energy.
1st Person Effect Message: Your body shakes with foreign power.
- Appears as a purple aura
- Removes Magical Shell from Herald and guardians

Outworld Energy FocusCaster AE - Increase Spell Damage Taken by 50% (range 1000', AE range 40', duration 60s)
Warning Emote: A cannon beam strikes the ground releasing the power of outworld energy focusing.
1st Person Effect Message: Energy clings to you, amplifying incoming energy.
Limit Spells: Outworld Aura, Runic Shield, Outer Brood Energy Surge, Energy Corruption, Energy Shock
- Appears as a yellow aura
- Removes Outworld Aura from Herald and guardians



Various adds spawn throughout event.

a scalewrought bearerMagical Detonation - Caster AE - 750k HP + Knockback (range 1000', AE range 100')
1st Person Effect Message: You are slammed by a blast of power.
a scalewrought guardian--
- Has a corrupting power at event start
- Use the red aura to remove the corruption
a scalewrought drudge--
- Has one of the following buffs at event start: Outworld Aura, Runic Shield, Hardened Shell, Magical Shell
a scalewrought peon--
- Has one of the following buffs at event start: Outworld Aura, Runic Shield, Hardened Shell, Magical Shell
a scalewrought vassel--
- Has one of the following buffs at event start: Outworld Aura, Runic Shield, Hardened Shell, Magical Shell
a scalewrought serf--
- Has one of the following buffs at event start: Outworld Aura, Runic Shield, Hardened Shell, Magical Shell
a scalewrought minion--
- Has one of the following buffs at event start: Outworld Aura, Runic Shield, Hardened Shell, Magical Shell
a scalewrought ravager--
- Penalty add when delivery vessels are not intercepted
- Indifferent ally upon successful intercept
a scalewrought soldier--
- Spawns 2x at boss HP percentages 68, 62, 56, 50, 44, 38, 32, 26, 20, 14, 8, 2

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with the Herald of the Outer Brood and saying 'wait'

Herald of the Outer Brood does not respond immediately. At first the thing doesn't seem to even acknowledge your presence. And then, when it does, you rather wish that it had not. In your head you hear a tinny, sharp voice that is unpleasant to have in your mind. 'Go away. I am not here to deal with [servants]. I am here to speak with your [masters].'

Herald of the Outer Brood turns to face you and that reedy voice comes again. 'You continue to make sounds. Stop doing that.'

This time the sound is just as painful, but seems much, much louder. 'There are children of Veeshan here, we have seen them. We heard their signal. We came in response. They know this, we have seen them here. It is they that I must speak with. My masters will not deal with lesser creatures. I [wait] for a true emissary or one of the children themselves.'

The voice booms into your head. 'Is this what they have fallen to? This is what they called us here to see? Do they not wish to explain themselves, make excuses for their obvious failure? The failure that you represent? So be it! We shall end you and hope that they come in person next time!'


- Purge
-- Remove the defenses from all six of the scalewrought guardians.

- Bonded
-- Bond with every scalewrought ravager that joins the battle.

- Unpurged
-- Don't remove any of the defenses from the Herald or its minions.


Event Reset:

The Herald's minion, left undisturbed, calls for assistance. You have failed.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2025-01-23 (12:51am)  - Bearer - Focuses on Player - Kite
- Delivery Vessel - Locate and Destroy

- Boss Active - Herald of the Outer Brood
- Herald - Enraged Focused Glare - Frontal AE
- Herald - Multi-Focused Glare - Splash

- Protections and Auras
-- Clinging Radiation - Corruption Removed
-- Clinging Radiation - Red Aura
-- Hardened Shell - Green Aura
-- Magical Shell - Purple Aura
-- Outworld Aura - Yellow Aura
-- Runic Shield - Blue Aura

- Event Start
- Event Reset

Event Failures
  Failures  2025-01-08 (10:10pm)  - Achievement: Bonded - Failed - Penalty Add

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

25th Anniversary Raid - Paineel - Inner Turmoil

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Katta Castellum
NPC Name: Ghrald McMannus
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Various mobs spawn during event.

Emotes and ground auras come into play.


Stack and move with MT.

Burn on engage.  Use AE damage when appropriate.

Prioritize Adds: Sandman, Siren, Pixie, Longing, Terror -- Clean up any remaining adds.

Tanks - Face sandman and longing adds away from main raid (due to frontal AE damage, Silence, Mana Drain, Stun).

CC - Do not Charm or Mez any mobs (achievement).

Casters - When emoted, move to trees with yellow auras and/or pick up trash on ground quickly (achievement).

Self Recrimination - Avoid large purple aura (achievement).

- Face Sandman and Longing adds away from raid

Healers and Paladins:
- Splash Heal on failed emotes (triggers warn)

MA Kill Order: Sandman, Siren, Pixie, Longing, Terror, other adds

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

A disconcerting stranger

Regret    Caster AE DoT 145k + Mana Drain (36s duration)
Effect Message: Regret overwhelms you over things you didn't do.
- Indifferent


Various adds spawn throughout event.

A construct of agony--
- Charmable
A construct of anguish--
A construct of pain--
A flamePyromania - Single Target - 250k DD
1st Person Emote: A flame starts to spread to Soandso
A longingBaby's Breath - Frontal AE 230k DD + Mana Drain + Stun (100' range)
Effect Message: Baby's breath washes over you.
- Possible add spawn emote: A longing begins to build.
A pixieCatatonia - Invulnerability + Snare (single target, 12s duration)
Effect Message: Your body shuts down as your mind retreats.
Collapse - Feign Death (single target)
A sandmanAmnesia - Frontal AE SILENCE (150' range)
Effect Message: You forget to feel safer.
A sirenMelancholy - AE Melee & Caster Slow (100' range, 18s duration)
Effect Message: You heed your desire to do nothing.
A terrorFear - Fear (single target, 12s duration)
Effect Message: You flee, leaving behind all that scares you.
A visionary--

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with A disconcerting stranger and saying keyword prepared

A disconcerting stranger says, 'Good, good, one of the seekers. You must have come here to learn more about yourself. All the choices that have led you here to this moment have been your own. And I am here to see you through to the end. I am here to let you free yourself and see what is inside. Are you [prepared] to learn who you truly are? What you really feel? Or, should you be unwilling to learn, you may [leave].'


- Uncharming and Unenthralled
-- Don't attempt to charm or mesmerize any constructs or longings.

- Compulsion
-- Never fail to appease a compulsion.

- Self-Acceptance
-- Do not allow yourself to be overcome with Self-Recrimination.


Event Reset:

When one of the creatures is left alone the entire scene fades.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-05-19 (11:30am)  - Duck Emote - Duck
- Duck Emote - Success
- Flame Emote - Run Away
- Pixie - Collapse - Stand
- Trash Emote - Pick up Trash
- Tree Emote - Hug the Trees

- Event Reset
- Event Start

Healers & Paladins
  Healers & Paladins  2024-04-11 (12:08am)  - Trash Emote - Failure - Splash
- Tree Emote - Failure - Splash

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

The Unkempt Woods - T3 - The Artisan and the Druid

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Laurion Inn
NPC Name: Thornel Grayleaf
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:Click Door 4

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Stage 1: Assault Troopers and Spotters

Protect the Elddar camp from incoming attacks.  If too many Elddar are killed, event resets.

Players who venture out may be spotted and targeted for damage.

Assault Trooper waves spawn at a distance and charge toward the Elddar camp.

Prevent War Wasps from swarming the raid.

Stage 2: Ogna, the Artisan of War -- Jangle, catapults and other adds

Disable catapults from launching attacks on the Elddar camp.

Jangle casts a frontal beam that will knock players off the plateau.

Jangle provides weapons for Ogna.

Adds spawn throughout event.

Protect the raid from the effects of Sticky Tick Tocker.

Jangle seals the area and casts Haze Bomb.


Stage 1: Assault Troopers

At event start, raid is summoned to the Elddar camp.

Trackers - Locate and max range kill Spotters.

Kill Assault Trooper waves.  First wave spawns at event start, followed by two more waves three minutes apart.

Players emoted with War Wasps run away from raid until buff fades, minimum 500 steps.

Once add waves are dead, move northwest to stage two plateau area using the Lev Up map label.

Stage 2: Ogna, the Artisan of War -- Jangle, catapults and other adds

Stay mounted for this portion of event.

Assigned group take out the four catapults as well as the indifferent adds surrounding them.

MT position Ognar in the center of the three weapon racks.  Ognar will tether and reset to full HP if moved past the weapon racks.

Adds spawn at Ogna HP percentages.

Use Efreeti Carpet mount to prevent being knocked off plateau from Jangle's knockback AE.

Jangle Axe Toss - Stack on Ogna to share damage with raid (trigger warns).

Sticky Tick Tocker - Use Rune clicky when emote fires to avoid massive AE damage to raid.

When Jangle seals the area and calls out defective unit number, move into the vacant space to avoid Haze Bomb.

Event Area Map for Stage 2:

In-game locations and map file available in Map Locations area of post.

Haze Bomb Unit Grid:

- Position Ogna in center of three weapon racks
- Add Tanks stack mobs on Ogna

- Splash through damage caused by Haze Bomb

MA Kill Order: Catapults, Adds, Ogna

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Ogna, Artisan of War

Sticky Tick Tocker   Single Target (30s duration)
1st Person Emote: A small ticking device clings to your soft skin.
Cast on Success: Mended Skin - Caster AE - 100k Heal (1000' range, 200' AE range)
Cast on Fade: Tick Tock Boom - Target AE - 750k HP DD (1000' range, 100' AE range)
Effect Message: The tick tocker explodes.
- Cast rune to protect
Igniting Shock   Single Target - 575k HP DD (1000' range)
1st Person Effect Message: You are zapped.


Defective Unit Emotes:

Jangle shouts, 'What made unit one's fuse stop? I guess that one won't pop.'
Jangle shouts, 'Looks like a high failure rate, that unit two is just not great.'
Jangle shouts, 'Unit three was not made by me!'
Jangle shouts, 'Unit four was always very poor.'
Jangle shouts, 'That fifth unit isn't gonna do it.'
Jangle shouts, 'Darn that unit six! That's one I need to fix.'
Jangle shouts, 'Seven always unlucky. That unit was always yucky.'
Jangle shouts, 'Well, unit eight doesn't seem to work so great.'
Jangle shouts, 'Unit nine is not mine!'

Haze Bomb   Caster AE DoT - 450k HP + Mana Drain + Increase Spell Damage Taken by 175% + Inhibit Defensive and Offensive Abilities + Alter Vision (1000' range, 80' AE range, 60s duration)
Limit Spell: Igniting Shock - Single Target - 575k HP DD (1000' range)
- Occurs when Jangle is about to unseal the area
Wind Burst   Caster Frontal AE - 100k HP DD + KNOCKBACK (1000' range, 80' AE range, 60s duration)
Warning Emote: Jangle appears, waving his arms and chanting, 'Make the winds blow and away you will go!'
- Use Mounts to mitigate knockback
Debarred   Caster AE - Inhibit Levitate (1000' range, 600' AE range, 30s duration)
1st Person Effect Message: Your ability to leave the ground under your own power is gone.


an assault tropper   War Wasps - Single Target - 325k HP DoT + 5k Mana Drain (duration 84s)
1st Person Emote: Wasps, slightly glowing with magic, swarm over you.
3rd Person Emote: Wasps swarm toward Soandso.
Honey Bomb -  Caster AE - 35k HP DD (range 200)
1st Person Effect Message: Hot honey splatters you, immediately cooling.
Success Emote: The honey splashes over people, but no wasps are near to notice.
Failure Emote: Wasps swarm from their current host and multiply in number. They rush toward Soandso, Soandso, ..., and Soandso.
- Spawns during initial add waves
- 1st and 2nd Wave Emote: War horns sound from somewhere in the forest.
- 3rd Wave Emote: War horns sound from somewhere in the forest. These must be the last assault troops available to the Rallosians right now.
- War Wasps cancel when player moves 500 steps
- Players have 15s to run away when emoted with War Wasps before Honey Bomb is cast
a soldier   --
a spotter   Explosive Payload - Target AE - 750k HP DD (range 10000, AE range 150)
1st Person Emote: You sense the light touch of magic being placed on you. You feel... Seen.
- Indifferent
- Scattered throughout the zone close to event areas
a lobber crewmember   --
- Indifferent
- Located at catapults
a warcrafter   --
- Indifferent
- Located at catapults

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with Thornel Grayleaf and using keyword ready.

Thornel Grayleaf says, 'Welcome, friends. You have arrived just in time, I hope. The Rallosian army is setting up their siege weaponry. They are certainly preparing a full-scale attack on this camp. We are considering leaving, but that option isn't really open either. The enemy has set up spotters in the woods. Every time we try to move, the catapults they already have up fire on us with disturbing accuracy. It is time for us to find [another way]. If this fight is not for you, I can help you [leave] if you wish.'

Thornel Grayleaf says, 'Well, I am thinking about a direct assault. It's certainly dangerous, but staying here will soon be more dangerous.  If we can destroy their siege weapons, we can at least escape. That, however, isn't my goal here. My desire is to end this, to drive them back onto their boats and out of my forest.'

Dagnor Butcherblock says, 'That's a nice plan, lad. But there's more to it than that and you know it. They will send assault teams to pick off anyone that flees their catapults, or even drive right into the camp if they ken and kill us themselves. Ask him what he [plans] ta do 'bout that?'

Thornel Grayleaf says, 'It's not complicated, my friend. We deal with the assault forces as we move toward the catapults. It's just more steps in a simple plan. 'Thornel smiles at you from what seems an endless well of hope. 'We don't have long to prepare, so let me know when you are [ready], and we can go.'

Thornel Grayleaf says, 'Good, good. No time to spare, let's be off. I'll trust to your instincts when it comes to fighting. I'll stay here and try to help these people.'


- Keep Your Friends Close
-- Ensure that Ogna's axe always has its impact blunted by at least 15 people.

- Safe At Camp
-- Allow no harm to be done to the Elddar camp.

- No Ignition
-- Nobody with Haze Bomb is hit by Igniting Shock.


Event Reset:

Too many Elddar have been killed in the camp. The memory fades and reforms.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: unkemptwoods_2.txt (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Lev Up Location:
Code: [Select]
P -378.3777, 990.1445, -118.0719,  0, 0, 0,  2,  Lev_Up

Catapult Locations:
Code: [Select]
P 947.1653, -39.5809, 89.5604,  0, 240, 240,  3,  Catapult
P 694.9205, 333.9146, 56.3785,  0, 240, 240,  3,  Catapult
P 409.1336, 445.1003, 17.8487,  0, 240, 240,  3,  Catapult
P 377.3935, 748.0842, 16.2233,  0, 240, 240,  3,  Catapult

Weapon Rack Locations:
Code: [Select]
P 719.5648, 102.0832, 56.7694,  0, 127, 127,  3,  Weapon_Rack
P 479.0668, 100.9484, 37.6547,  0, 127, 127,  3,  Weapon_Rack
P 479.1955, 401.3884, 23.7879,  0, 127, 127,  3,  Weapon_Rack

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-05-09 (11:54am)  - Add Spawn - Assault Troopers
- Add Spawn - Soldiers

- Assault Trooper - Wasp Swarm - Run Away (1st Person)
- Honey Bomb - Failure - Splash
- Honey Bomb - Success - Safe to Return
- Jangle - Axe to Ogna - Stack on Boss
- Ogna - Sticky Tick Tocker - Cast Rune (1st Person)

- Jangle - Unit One - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Two - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Three - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Four - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Five - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Six - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Seven - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Eight - Move to Location
- Jangle - Unit Nine - Move to Location

- Event Reset
- Event Start

  Enchanters  2024-03-19 (02:27pm)  - Ogna, Artisan of War - Cast - Sticky Tick Tocker

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Upcoming Events & Strategy / LS - Pal'Lomen - T3 - Final Fugue
« on: April 18, 2024, 08:27:57 PM »
Pal'Lomen - T3 - Final Fugue

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Laurion Inn
NPC Name: Shalowain
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Allied with Shalowain and other NPCs, raid must stop the advancement of the Rallosian army.

Multi stage event with various fighting locations.  Be prepared to move.

At event start, Rallosian mobs spawn and charge the raid.

Raid has limited time to kill mobs before being teleported to stage two area.  Any remaining adds from stage one will follow.

Once teleported, raid encounters war boars, boar handlers and war wraiths.

Allied NPCs will lead the way to stage three location, where more Rallosian adds will spawn and attack.

Allied NPCs will lead the way to the final stage location where minibosses and raid boss spawn.

Ground auras and emotes come into play during event.


Stage 1: Rallosians; Hex, Warlock, Soldiers, Linebreaker

Kill Hexes and Warlocks first.  They are both indiffent but cast ground auras that need to be avoided.

Assist MA to kill remaining adds.

Stage 2: War Boars, Boar Handlers, War Wraiths

Kill war boars, handlers and war wraiths as they spawn and attack.

Healers and Casters maintain a distance of at least 65' from war wraiths to avoid AE mana drain and silence.

Stage 3: Rallosian Hunters

Kill Rallosian hunters that spawn from underground marketplace and charge the raid, then move to stage four.

Stage 4: Minibosses and Boss

Tight formation.

Melee on Firethorn.

Casters on Darga.

Then assist MA to kill Margator, Yarith, and Captain Kar the Unmovable.

Rangers and Rogues kill Archers.  Archers indifferent; susceptible to headshot/assassinate.

Get out of red Ball of Fire aura (trigger warns).

Players emoted with Hot or Cold Flames - STACK at Boss to dissipate (when opposite flames contact they cancel each other out).

Final Fugue - Event Map:

- MTO be prepared to grab aggro if current MT is hit with Shield Crash
- MTO face Kar away from raid (Frontal AE)

Healers and Paladins:
- Continuous splashing as there are several AE's in effect

MA Kill Order: Darga, Firethorn, Margator, Yarith

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Captain Kar the Unmovable

Boss  Emote
Warning-Captain Kar shouts. 'It is time to end this, you pathetic creatures.'
-Screams come from the village as Kar the Unmovable approaches.
Active-Kar's voice is loud and authoritative, 'Defending those that cannot be bothered to protect themselves is a worthless effort.
If that is what you think of your life, you have indeed wasted it. I will be doing a favor for you by ending it now.'
HP Lock-Kar roars, pulls his shield from his back, and sets his feet.
HP Unlock-Kar is finally distracted by blows to the head and drops his shield.

- Raid has approximately five minutes to kill minibosses before Kar activates

Ball of Fire   Caster AE - 850k HP DD (1000' range, 100' AE range)
3rd Person Emote: The Captain summons flames around Soandso and Soandso.
Effect Message: Fire bursts all around you.
- Aura does not move with players emoted
Cold FlamesSingle Target DoT - 15k MANA DRAIN + Alter Vision (1000' range, 36s duration)
1st Person Emote: Cold flames grow and flicker around you.
3rd Person Emote: Hot flames rise around Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso. Cold flames rise around Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person Emote - Success: You get close to someone burning hot and your cold flames dissipate.
Casts Spell on Fade: Snuff Out - Caster AE - 950k HP DD + 15k Mana Drain (1000' range, 1000' AE range)
Effect Message: The flames around you flare widely then go out.
Hot FlamesSingle Target DoT - 650k HP + Alter Vision (1000' range, 36s duration)
1st Person Emote: Hot flames grow and flicker around you.
3rd Person Emote: Hot flames rise around Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso. Cold flames rise around Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person Emote - Success: You get close to someone burning cold and your hot flames dissipate.
Cast on Fade: Snuff Out - Caster AE - 950k HP DD + 15k Mana Drain (1000' range, 1000' AE range)
Sweeping FlamesFrontal AE DoT - 750k HP (1000' range, 150' AE range, 30s duration)
- Frontal range 300° to 60°
Shield CrashSingle Target - 750k HP DD + Knockback + Stun (1000' range)
Reversed StrikeSingle Target - 800k HP DD + Stun (1000' range)


Darga Smasher    Smasher's Hammer - Caster AE - 750k HP DD + Knockback + Stun (1000' range, 75' AE range)
Warning Emote: Darga spins her hammer in preparation.
Effect Message: A hammer smashes into the ground hammering you with debris.
Primary Shockwave - Single Target DoT - 750k HP + Inhibit Combat (1000' range, 12s duration)
Secondary Shockwave - Single Target - 650k HP DD + 25k Mana Drain (1000' range)
Tertiary Shockwave - Single Target DoT - 425k HP + 15k Mana Drain + Inhibit Spell Casting (1000' range, 12s duration)
- Shockwave affects Margator: The shockwave from Darga's hammer hits Margator, but he is able to compensate at this speed.
- Margator state may impact whether subsequent shockwaves occur
FirethornFirethorns - Self Buff - Increase Damage Shield by 2300 (5m duration)
Casts When Hit With Spell: Mindthorns - Single Target - 10k Mana Drain (1000' range)
Effect Message: Fire lances through your head as your magic touches Firethorn.
- Indeterminate emotes:
-- Firethorn's eyes glitter with growing power.
-- Firethorn turns stolen energy into defense for his allies.
Margator the SlowNote:
- Margator affected by Shockwave from Darga Smasher:
-- The shockwave from Darga's hammer hits Margator, but he is able to compensate at this speed.
- Battle Chants:
-- Margator's battle chant speeds up and he begins to move faster than ever.
-- Margator stops his chanting and slows himself down, sending his speed to his allies with a shout.
Yarith WardbreakerNote:


Various adds spawn throughout event.

A Rallosian archerFeathered Sky - Single Target DoT - 650k HP + Blind (1000' range, 12s duration)
- Indifferent
- Active|Spawn during Stage 4
A Rallosian boar handlerInstructive Flagellation - Single Target - 250k HP DD + Stun (1000' range)
1st Person Effect Message: A whip cracks on you.
3rd Person Effect Message: A handler cracks a whip at Soandso
A Rallosian hexAsh Borer Swarm - Target AE DoT - 25k HP + Mana Drain + 2k Reverse DS + Interrupt Spell Casting (40% chance) + Increase Spell Damage Taken by 10%
(1000' range, 55' AE range, 60s duration)
3rd Person Emote: A hexmaster sends a scout insect to latch onto Soandso
Effect Message: Buzzing insects burrow under your skin.
Limit Spell: Kar's Explosive Blast - Target AE - 300k HP DD + Knockback (1000' range, 40' AE range)
A Rallosian hunter--
A Rallosian linebreakerUnmitigated Rage - Caster AE - 350k HP DD + Knockback (75' AE range)
Effect Message: You are bashed and slashed repeatedly.
A Rallosian soldierBarbed Net - Caster AE - Root (1000' range, 50' AE range, 18s duration)
Effect Message: A barbed net binds you.
A Rallosian warlockKar's Explosive Blast - Target AE - 300k HP DD + Knockback (1000' range, 40' AE range)
3rd Person Emote: A warlock ignites a flame around Soandso
Effect Message: Fire surrounds you and burns you deeply.
A war boarDeep Laceration - Single Target DoT - 75k HP (1000' range, 18s duration)
Effect Message: Teeth slash into you leaving huge, bleeding lacerations.
A war wraithWar Cry - Target AE - 20k Mana Drain + Inhibit Spell Casting (1000' range, 65' AE range, 6s duration)
3rd Person Emote: A war wraith begins a screeching war cry aimed at Soandso

Start Event

Event is triggered by speaking with Shalowain and saying keyword they come

Shalowain says, 'We seem to have arrived just in time. The Rallosian army have been trampling over everything, but the Empire will not have [Pal'Lomen]! My friends, now is the time we stand up for those that can't stand for themselves. When [they come], and they will come, we must stop them here. If this seems too risky to you, you may wish to [leave].'

Shalowain says, 'Brace yourselves. This is an experienced army, but they did not count on our arrival.'


- Delay The Inevitable
-- Help Shalowain and all of her allies to reach the village alive.

- Speed Limit
-- Do not allow Margator to reach full speed.

- Plucked
-- Do not be hit by the Feathered Sky archery fire while participating in the fight with Captain Kar.


Event Reset:

Some of the Rallosian army were left to their own devices and have gotten past your defense. You have failed to block their progress.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-07-20 (11:23pm)  - Captain Kar the Unmovable - Ball of Fire - Get Out of Aura
- Captin Kar the Unmovable - Hot and Cold Flames - Stack on Boss (1st Person)
- Captain Kar the Unmovable - Hot and Cold Flames - Success (1st Person)

- Event Start
- Event Reset

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Hero's Forge - T3 - Heroes are Forged

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Laurion Inn
NPC Name: Elisel
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:Click on door on east road

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

A huge slime, Lich, and Queen of the Spiders spawn at event start.  These mobs can respawn unless prevented.

Adds spawn from each of the minis at HP percentages.

Spider Queen will run to upper and lower level rooms in an attempt to lay more eggs.  Penalty adds spawn if egg sacs are not destroyed in time.

Shalowain activates when all three minis are dead.

Shalowain spawns adds from each of the previous minis.

Ground auras and emotes come into play during event.


Assigned team will coordinate and handle Cinerarium and Sparks.

Burn a huge slime first, cleaning up adds that spawn after.  Players have a short time to damage the slime when it spawns before it goes active.

Back out of a huge slime's red aura.

Kill Lich and undead adds that spawn at HP percentages.

Back out of Lich's large blue aura.

Assigned players kill egg sacs that appear in the upper and lower rooms to the north and south.  Stay in your assigned room until Spider Queen is dead.

Spider Queen spins webs and emotes two players.  Run until the threads break.

Kill weaver adds that spawn at Queen Spider HP percentages.

Shalowain summons monsters at HP percentages.  Use the slimes to counter the effects of Bonds of Sound and Agitating Dissonance.

Players emoted with music notes immediately move upstairs and kite until effect fades.



MA Kill Order: a huge slime, adds, Lich, Spider Queen, Shalowain

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics


Rhapsody of PainCaster AE - 550 HP DD + 13k Mana Drain (1000' range, 700' AE range)
Effect Message: Music slams into you and rips up your mind and body.
Bonds of SoundSingle Target - Inhibit Spell Casting + Increase Spell Damage Taken + Alter Vision (1000' range, 60s duration)
1st Person Emote: Shalowain uses sound to bind your mind. You may need some outside force to free it.
3rd Person Emote: Shalowain uses sound to bind the minds of Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso. She also causes uncontrollable shaking in the bodies of
Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
Effect Message: Sound traps your mind.
Limit Spell: Slippery Slime - Single Target - Decrease Chance to Parry & Riposte by 75% + Mana Drain + Increase Push Taken by 50%
(1000' range, 12s duration)
- Slippery Slime counters the effects of Bonds of Sound
Agitating Dissonance   Single Target - Inhibit Combat + Decrease Haste by 100% + Increase Spell Damage Taken + Alter Vision (1000' range, 60s duration)
1st Person Emote: Shalowain uses sound to cause your body to shake uncontrollably. You may need some outside force to free it.
3rd Person Emote: Shalowain uses sound to bind the minds of Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso. She also causes uncontrollable shaking in the bodies of
Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
Effect Message: Your body is constantly shaken by sound.
Limit Spell: Sticky Silken Webs - Single Target - Root (1000' range, 12s duration)
- Sticky Silken Webs counter the effects of Agitating Dissonance
Sonic BoomTarget AE - 600k HP DD + 15k Mana Drain (1000' range, 90' AE range)
Warning Emote: Echoes of music and footfalls become solid and start to move.
Failure Message: A sound echo releases its pent up noise.
Effect Message: A mystical note explodes!
- Death or Fade: A sound echo loses track of its target.
Song of CallingSingle Target - Alter Vision (1000' range, 30s duration)
3rd Person Emote: Shalowain links the sounds of footfalls and heartbeats of several people to her musical magic. That music starts to form into a solid
object that begins to move toward Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
Effect Message: You hear your own footfalls echo, reaching out to the enemy.
- Kite music notes upstairs

A huge slime

Superheated Glow   Single Target - 450k HP DD (1000' range)
Warning Emote: The large slime starts to grow very warm.
- Emote occurs at 2 minute 50s intervals
- Aura appears 10s after warning emote
- Damage taken when in aura


Enervating Blast   Caster AE - 450k HP DD + 8k Mana Drain (1000' range, 100' AE range)
Warning Emote: The Lich starts to summon power.
- Occurs at 45s intervals
- Players have 15s to get out of aura

Queen of the Spiders

Veinrot   Single Target DoT - 350k HP + 6.5k MANA DRAIN + Decrease DEX by 5000 (1000' range, 24s duration)
1st Person Emote: The Spider Queen spins a thin thread that latches onto you.
3rd Person Emote: The Spider Queen spins thin threads to Soandso and Soandso.
1st Person Emote - Success: You run far enough away to break the Spider Queen's thread.
Effect Message: Your veins begin to rot.

a forgebound mender

Beneficial NPC that restores players HP and Mana when active.

Forgebound Mending   Single Target - Increase Current HP by 24% up to 20000000 + Increase Current Mana by 0.1% up to 20000000 (1000' range, 6s duration)
Activation Emote: The Cinerarium glows and activates the depleted forgebound.
Healing Emote: a forgebound mender glows with holy light.
Effect Message: Mending light washes over you.
Depletion Emote: The forgebound mender runs out of energy and collapses.
- Click Cinerarium on a forgebound mender to activate

Cinerarium and Sparks

The Cinerarium is a device that allows the collection and use of the life Spark of a mob.

Upon the death of a mob, if the Cinerarium is not used to collect the Spark, Shalowain will reclaim the Spark and use it to create another mob:

A Spark left unclaimed by the cinerarium sparks and glows. Shalowain reclaims it and uses it to create another monster!

The Spark can also be used to power the life of a forgebound mender:

The Cinerarium glows and activates the depleted forgebound.

The Cinararium absorbs a small portion of the casters spark and therefore may only be used once by that caster:

The Spark passes through a hero and enters the Cinerarium of Heroes. The Cinerarium glows.


Various adds spawn throughout event.

a green slimeSlippery Slime - Single Target - Decrease Chance to Parry & Riposte by 75% + Mana Drain + Increase Push Taken by 50% (1000' range, 12s duration)
Effect Message: Slippery slime covers your body.
a red slimeBoiling Burst - Caster AE - 375k HP DD (140' AE range)
Effect Message: Boiling slime washes over you.
a mummyMummy's Touch - Single Target - 375k HP DoT + 4.5k Mana Drain + Inhibit Combat + Alter Vision (1000' range, 12s duration)
Effect Message: A mystical disease creeps into your body and mind.
a skeleton--
a widowmakerSticky Silken Webs - Single Target - Root (1000' range, 12s duration)
Effect Message: Webs, though silky smooth, cling to you and prevent movement.
a widowmakerParalying Poison - Single Target DoT - 270k HP + Decrease Movement by 75% + Decrease Melee Haste by 75% (1000' range, 18s duration)
Effect Message: Poison surges into your veins, slowing your movements.
- Penalty add if egg sacs are not destroyed within 30s

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with Elmara Emberclaw and using keyword defy her.

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'Ah, you have arrived, as someone always seems to arrive, though some soon [leave].   Shalowain has quenched the forge.' Elmara seems deeply saddened by what she sees before her, but she sheds no tears. 'It is a shame that all of our efforts to battle evil and right wrongs in the world have led us to this impasse, to fighting each other.  I guess there is no going back for her, and I will not be drawn into her fight. She believes that heroes can only be forged in battle, out in the world harming some to protect others.  I don't deny that this may be necessary at times, but it is not the only way one can help. There are heroes on the farm and in the home as much as they exist on the battlefield. I guess she cannot accept this as [truth].'

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'Well, I believe so, with all my heart. And I believe that convincing farmers, cooks, and fisherfolk to go to war for what they believe in is not always correct. Shalowain refuses to accept that, and so here she is, trying to stop my work by force. I can only see this as evidence that she is mistaken. I will not [fight her]. She is my friend, despite what she seems to have become, and I gave up fighting for creating.'

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'I acknowledge that there are as many ways to be a hero as there are people. While I would not wish harm upon her, I would be grateful if she were to stop this and allow me to return to my work. Of course, even if she were to leave now the forge would still be out. It should be possible to relight it if you can recover the [Spark] that she took from within.'

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'Everyone has a Spark, the essence of what drives them on. A hero's Spark can be an outright blaze. I gave a good portion of my own Spark to light the forge the first time and I am not sure I could do so again.  Shalowain has taken that Spark for herself. While a Spark can never really be destroyed, it can be portioned, given, and taken. With that portion of my Spark she will have even more power.  I will have to make something that will allow you to recover my Spark. They are dangerous to handle. The fact that she was able to take mine is rather concerning, in fact. But she has always been strong. Either way, she has chosen this fight and so it is only right if you choose to [defy her].'


- Cracked
-- Allow no spider eggs to hatch.

- Let It Rest
-- Never activate the depleted forgebound.

- Soundproof
-- Do not allow anyone to cause an Echo to be released.


Event Reset:

You have left one of your enemies idle and their Spark fades. The forge can no longer be relit.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-03-26 (05:52pm)  - Add Spawn - Mummy
- Add Spawn - Skeleton
- Add Spawn - Widowmaker - Penalty
- Boss Active - Shalowain

- a huge slime - Superheated Glow - Get Out of Aura
- Lich - Enervating Blast - Get Out of Aura
- Queen of the Spiders
-- Queen of the Spiders - Egg Sac - Location
-- Queen of the Spiders - Veinrot - Run Away (1st Person)
-- Queen of the Spiders - Veinrot - Success

- Shalowain
-- Shalowain - Add Spawn - Monsters
-- Shalowain - Music Notes - Kite Upstairs

- Event Reset
- Event Start

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Timorous Falls - T2 - Shadow of My Shadow

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Laurion Inn
NPC Name: Elistyl Kanghammer
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

DZ Enter:Click Door 6

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Illandrin Tenisbre is performing a ritual, enclosed in a protective aura.

Dextris lays on the alter.  Event resets if Dextris dies.

Adds spawn throughout the event.

React to emotes and ground auras.


Keep shadow adds from entering ritual area to avoid Shadow Surge.

Illandrin spawns 4 waves of shadow adds at 50s intervals at event start.  Illandrin spawns shadow adds at 77, 57, 37 and 17 percent HP when Seed of Hatred is active. 

Players emoted with Venomous Curse run away from raid.

Seed of Hatred emotes 3 players at a time with Seed of Hate.  Emoted players must move 350 steps to cancel.

Kill pious followers that activate when Seed of Hatred dies.

Kill hate bearers.  Illandrin activates when the last hate bearer dies.

Prevent a Hatred add from spawning by placing a player of the same type in the blue aura.  No more than one player can be in aura for success.

Players emoted with Hate and Love stack together at boss.  Hate and Love will grow and manifest if not dissipated.

- Keep shadows from entering ritual area

- Heal players emoted with Dark Drain

MA Kill Order: Hatred's Heart, Hatred's Shield, Adds, Boss

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Illandrin Tenisbre

HateSingle Target (duration 30s)
Warning Emote: Illandrin seeds hatred into  Soandso. This causes a compensatory love to form in Soandso.
1st Person: You feel hatred building within you.
Failure Emote: The expanding love and hate fuel Illandrin, healing him and increasing his strength.
Growing Hatred: Expression of Hatred - Caster AE - 550k DD + 1.2m DD if undead (range 125)
1st Person: Your hatred explodes from you.
- Stack at boss to bring Love and Hate together
LoveSingle Target (duration 30s)
Warning Emote: Illandrin seeds hatred into  Soandso. This causes a compensatory love to form in Soandso.
1st Person: You feel love building within you.
Failure Emote: The expanding love and hate fuel Illandrin, healing him and increasing his strength.
Growing Love: Expression of Love - Caster AE - 350k Heal (range 125)
1st Person: Your love explodes from you.
- Stack at boss to bring Love and Hate together
Wave of HatredCaster AE - Increase Melee Haste by 10% + Increase Reverse Damage Shield by 200 + Mana Drain
Warning Emote: Illandrin`s rage grows, beginning to flare around him.
1st Person: Hatred overwhelms you, making you reckless.
- Cast at 25s intervals

Ritual Area

Players attempting to enter the ritual area are teleported away.

Your mind goes blank with hatred for a moment and you find yourself somewhere else.

Shadows that enter the ritual area cause a surge of power.

A shadow enters the ritual area, causing a surge of power.

Ritual area aura is removed when the Seed of Hatred dies.

The seed tries to keep itself alive by taking power from the barrier of hate, but it is not enough. The barrier and the seed fail at the same moment.

Shadow SurgeCaster AE - Increase Spell Damage by 100% + Mana Drain + Altered Vision (range 400, duration 30s)
Warning Emote: A shadow enters the ritual area, causing a surge of power.
1st Person: Shadow washes over you and clings to your mind and body.
Limit Spell: Dark Drain - Single Target - 450k DD + Mana Drain
Limit Spell: Venomous Curse - Target AE - Absorb Damage using Mana + 5k HP DoT (range 50, duration 24s)

Blue Aura

When power and hatred begin to concentrate, one player of a class type needs to enter the blue aura.

If the blue aura spawns on a player, they need to exit the aura immediately, so a class of the raids choosing can enter.

Only one person can be in the aura to remove that class type from the RNG of the remaining Hatreds that spawn.

Warning Emote: Power and hatred begin to concentrate, leaving a patch of calm.

Success Tank: One of your fighters remains calm, taking their power out of the reach of hate.
Success Healer: One of your healers remains calm, taking their power out of the reach of hate.
Success Caster DPS: One of your magic users remains calm, taking their power out of the reach of hate.
Success Meleee DPS: One of your damage dealers remains calm, taking their power out of the reach of hate

Success 1st Person: The power of hate passes over you, but you are protected by the calm around you. Your energy is not taken, and so cannot be copied.

Seed of Hatred

Dark DrainSingle Target - 450k DD + Mana Drain
Warning Emote: Energy and life are drained from Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person: The shadow pulls energy and life from your body.
Seed of HateSingle Target - Increase Melee Haste by 10% + 3k Mana Drain (duration 24s)
Warning Emote: A seed of hate is planted into Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person: A seed of hate is planted in your mind.
Casts on Fade: Bloomed Hatred - Single Target - 700k DD + Charm (duration 12s)
1st Person: You become insane with a rage that is destroying your body.
- Cancels if emoted player moves 350 steps


Various adds spawn throughout event.

a hate bearer--
- Indifferent
- Paths towards the alter where Dextris lays
a pious follower--
- Activates when Seed of Hatred dies
a shadow of enmityDark Drain - Single Target - 450k DD + Mana Drain
Warning Emote: Energy and life are drained from Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person: The shadow pulls energy and life from your body.
- Spawns at 50s intervals during initial add waves
- Spawns at 77, 57, 37 and 17 percent HP when Seed of Hate is active
a shadow of resentmentResentment - Self - Damage Shield
- Spawns at 50s intervals during initial add waves
- Spawns at 77, 57, 37 and 17 percent HP when Seed of Hate is active
- Mezzable
a shadow of venomVenomous Curse - Target AE - Absorb Damage using Mana + 5k HP DoT (range 50, duration 24s)
Warning Emote: A shadow of venom hisses and glares at Soandso.
1st Person: Text: Your mind is cursed to suffer as your body suffers.
- Spawns at 50s intervals during initial add waves
- Spawns at 77, 57, 37 and 17 percent HP when Seed of Hate is active
- Charmable
Hatred's HeartSustaining Hatred - Single Target - 1m HP HoT (duration 60s)
1st Person: Hatred will sustain your body.
Surge of Hatred - Single Target - 3m HP Heal
1st Person: A surge of hatred bolsters you.
Hatred's MindMind of Hate - Target AE - 600k DD + Mana Drain (range 100)
1st Person: Your mind and body suffer as hate slams into you.
Thoughts of Hate - Single Target - 650k DD + Mana Drain
1st Person: Concentrated hatred burns through you.
Hatred's ShieldGuardian Stance - Single Target -  Increase Melee Shielding: {0}% by 100%
- Punts current tank on Illandrin and wipes aggro
Hatred's SwordHate's Sword - Caster AE - 600k DD (range 60)
1st Person: An expertly wielded blade slices into you.
Hate's Slash - Single Target - 700k DD
1st Person: Hate wounds you with its sharp blade.

Start Event

Event is triggered by speaking with Karl Blockworn and using keyword stop it

Karl Blockworn says, 'Aye, hail. Ya see that up there? I dunno what it is, but with all the chantin' and such, it can't be nothin' good. I even heard what I think is a kid cryin' up there. You look like a hero type. Are you here to [stop it]?'


- Unbearerable
-- Do not allow any hate bearers to reach the altar.

- Hate Does Not Bloom
-- Do not allow any Hate Seeds to bloom.

- No Love Without Hate
-- Do not fail to bring love and hate together.


Event Reset:

One of the minions of hate, free to do as they wish,  slays Dextris. The memory fades and reforms.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-03-26 (06:16pm)  - Add Spawn - Hate Bearers
- Add Spawn - Hatred's Heart
- Add Spawn - Hatred's Mind
- Add Spawn - Hatred's Shield
- Add Spawn - Hatred's Sword
- Add Spawn - Seed of Hatred
- Add Spawn - Shadows
- Adds Active - Pious Followers
- Boss Active - Illandrin Tenisbre

- A Shadow of Venom - Venomous Curse - Run Away (1st Person)
- Illandrin Tenisbre - Love and Hate - Stack Together (1st Person)
- Power and Hatred - Patch of Calm - Blue Aura Active
- Power and Hatred - Patch of Calm - Success (1st person)
- Seed of Hatred - Seed of Hate - Run Until Buff Fades (1st Person)

- Event Reset
- Event Start

Main Tanks
  Main Tanks  2024-03-26 (06:16pm)  - Hatred's Shield - Tank Punt - Taunt

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Ankexfen Keep - T2 - Prisoners of Ankexfen

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Laurion Inn
NPC Name: Thormir Helmsbane
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

DZ Enter:Click Door 10

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Commander Zoraxmen tells you to choose which Brigadier to fight first.  The choice made determines how event unfolds.

After both Brigadiers are killed, Commander Zoraxmen activates.

Percentage and timed based adds spawn throughout the event.

React to ground auras and emotes during the event.

Keep the Executioner from killing prisoners.

Deal with traps and hidden barrels.


Strategy differs depending on brigadier chosen at event start.

Brigadier Navulta:   Brigadier Swarn:
Removes an enraged bear from event   Enraged bears spawn throughout event
Acolytes - Follow boss into aura to avoid AE effects   Removes Acolytes from event


Stack and kill adds.

Back out of Swarn's red target ring to avoid Knife Flurry.

Raid stay out of Navulta's exploding bomb ground auras.  Achievement: Blow up Navulta by placing him over his own bombs.

Emoted players run outside and away from fort to avoid Elemental Explosion.

Kill Executioner immediately when active.  Failure results in penalty add.

Disarm the hidden barrels in locations throughout the fort.

Kill traps in order emoted to avoid trap effects.  Do not use AE damage during this portion of event.

Trap and Hidden Barrel Locations:

- Stack all adds at center campfire
- Sacrificial tank will be used to blow up Navulta's bombs

Rogues and Bards:
- Disarm hidden barrels in fort
- Add locations to map file found below.

MA Kill Order: Executioner, Adds, Brigs, Commander

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Commander Zoraxmen

Active: Commander Zoraxmen leaps from the balcony with a roar, all reason lost in his fury.

Snickering DoubtCaster AE - 30k HP DoT + Mana Drain + Decrease Melee Haste by 80% + Decrease Spell Haste by 30%
1st Person: Doubt about your skill and decisions seeps into you.
- Commander Zoraxmen casts at 55s intervals


Hidden Barrels

Commander Zoraxmen shouts, 'Seek, hunt, find my surprise!  Somewhere I have left you a deadly prize.

Forceful ExplosionCaster AE - 700k DD + Knockback (range 300)
1st Person: An explosion slams into you.
- Find and disarm hidden barrels within 35s to avoid Forceful Explosion



At 45%~ Commander Zoraxmen begins emoting for traps.

No area effect damage during this portion of event.

Traps emote in various patterns.  Kill in the order emoted.

All around you lies a problem, flames, frost, poison, lightning, and, entangle, it is for you to solve them.
All around you lies a problem, frost, lightning, entangle, flames, and, poison, it is for you to solve them.
All around you lies a problem, lightning, poison, frost, entangle, and, flames, it is for you to solve them.
All around you lies a problem, poison, entangle, flames, frost, and, lightning, it is for you to solve them.
All around you lies a problem, entangle, flames, lightning, frost, and, poison, it is for you to solve them.

Fire TrapPBAE - 700k DD (range 75)
1st Person: Flames burn your skin.

Frost TrapPBAE - 9k Mana Drain + Decrease Melee Haste by 80% + Decrease Movement by 80% (duration 24s, range 75)
1st Person: Cold seeps into your very bones.

Lightening TrapPBAE - 15k Mana Drain (range 75)
1st Person: Electricity fries your mind.

Net TrapPBAE - Decrease Movement Speed by 10000% (range 75, duration 12s)
1st Person: A net binds you.

Poison TrapPBAE - 550k DoT (range 75, duration 24s)
1st Person: Poison enters your body and starts tearing you down.


Brigadier Swarn

Active: Brigadier Swarn shouts, 'Let's get to work, my allies. We will make sure every one of them dies.'

Elemental ConvergenceSingle Target
Casts on Fade: Elemental Explosion - Target AE - 650k DD + Stun (range 150)
Warning Emote: Brigadier Swarn pulls elemental forces to gather around Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person: Elements begin to gather around you.
- Players emoted run out and away from fort and spread out 150'


Brigadier Navulta

Active: Brigadier Navulta screams a war cry and leaps into the courtyard. Soldiers shout in response.

Knife ThrowSingle Target - 450k DoT (duration 48s)
1st Person: A dagger slams into you, leaving you bleeding.

Knife FlurryCaster AE - 550k DoT (range 60, duration 36s)
1st Person: Knives repeatedly slash you, leaving you bleeding.

Explosive BarrelCaster AE - 800k DD + Knockback (range 300)
1st Person: Shrapnel slices into you.
- Navulta takes 20% damage when blown up by own bombs



Explosive BarrelCaster AE - 800k DD + Knockback (range 300)
1st Person: Shrapnel slices into you.
- Navulta takes 20% damage when blown up by own bombs



an angry ghostOtherworldly Terror - Silence + Decrease Mana by 45% (duration 6s)
1st person: Terror fills your mind, freezing your thoughts.
- Penalty add for allowing the prisoner to die

an acolyte of earth--
- Comes into play when Brigadier Navulta is chosen at event start

an acolyte of incandescence--
- Comes into play when Brigadier Navulta is chosen at event start

an acolyte of torrents--
- Comes into play when Brigadier Navulta is chosen at event start

an acolyte of vapor--
- Comes into play when Brigadier Navulta is chosen at event start

an earthen servant--
- Randomized spawn every 12% while Swarn is active

an incandescent servant--
- Randomized spawn every 12% while Swarn is active

a torrential servant--
- Randomized spawn every 12% while Swarn is active

a vaporous servant--
- Randomized spawn every 12% while Swarn is active

an enraged bear--
- Spawn 2x every 16% while Navulta is active when Swarn is chosen at event start
- Spawn 3x at 80%, 64%, 45%, 27%, and 9% while Commander Zoraxmen is active when Swarn is chosen at event start
- Spawn 4x at timed intervals as penalty adds when enrage timer expires
- Bears shield Brigadiers and Boss

an executioner--
- Indifferent
- Kill executioner before it kills prisoner
- Activates at 1 minute 35s~ intervals


Start Event

Event is triggered by speaking with Commander Zoraxmen.  Instructions provided to choose which brigadier to fight first.  Event starts once a choice has been made.

Commander Zoraxmen says, 'If death is what you seek, that is something we can do.  I give you a choice, which of my brigadiers would you have kill you?'


- Savior
-- Don't let any prisoners die.

- Dynamite
-- Blow up Navulta with his own bombs.

- Defuse
-- Never fail to disarm the Commander's traps properly.


Event Reset:

One of the defenders, being left unattended, kills the remaining prisoners and the memory fades and reforms.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Map file: ankexfen_1.txt (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Trap Locations:
Code: [Select]
P -1151.1155, -1629.2494, 439.1267,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Net_Trap
P -1130.0176, -1689.7870, 439.1042,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Frost_Trap
P -1060.5020, -1627.4867, 439.1355,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Poison_Trap
P -1065.3965, -1680.4048, 439.0881,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Flame_Trap
P -1103.3693, -1604.7738, 437.2652,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Lightning_Trap

Labels submitted by: Raiena

Hiddden Barrel Locations:
Code: [Select]
P -1197.7654, -1609.6576, 437.5537,  0, 240, 240,  1,  Hidden_Barrel
P -1119.0415, -1556.5752, 462.0453,  0, 240, 240,  1,  Hidden_Barrel
P -1012.8738, -1724.2853, 437.5537,  0, 240, 240,  1,  Hidden_Barrel
P -974.9872, -1694.6067, 462.0453,  0, 240, 240,  1,  Hidden_Barrel
P -1032.5558, -1585.2188, 437.5537,  0, 240, 240,  1,  Hidden_Barrel
P -1184.0625, -1710.9500, 437.5537,  0, 240, 240,  1,  Hidden_Barrel

Labels submitted by: Snipe

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-03-26 (05:20pm)  - Add Spawn - Angry Ghost
- Add Spawn - Elementals
- Add Spawn - Enraged Bears - Penalty Adds

- Brigadier Navulta
-- Brigadier Navulta - Knives - Back Away
-- Brigadier Navulta and Explosive Barrels Active

- Brigadier Swarn
-- Brigadier Swarn - Elemental Forces - Players Emoted (1st Person)
-- Brigadier Swarn Active

- Commander Zoraxmen
-- Boss Active - Commander Zoraxmen
-- Commander Zoraxmen - Hidden Barrel - Find and Disarm
-- Commander Zoraxmen - Traps - Solve

- Executioner - Switch Targets and Kill

- Event Reset

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Upcoming Events & Strategy / LS - Moors of Nokk - T2 - What is it For?
« on: February 24, 2024, 10:18:39 PM »
Moors of Nokk - T2 - What is it For?

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Laurion Inn
NPC Name: Dhakka Nogg
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

DZ Enter:Click Door 9

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Dhakka Nogg is located in the NE corner with 45% HP.  Dhakka can be pre-buffed but only healed once event is active.  If Dhakka dies, event resets.

Event is triggered upon hailing Master Magus Trablic.

Rallosian recruits rush in to attack Dhakka Nogg.

Archers fire arrows at Dhakka throughout the event unless shielded from damage.

Master Magus Trablic, Guards and mind-controlled prisoners attack.

Various ground auras appear when Master Magus Trablic and Outpost Commander Regar are active.

Axes spawn and path towards Outpost Commander Regar.


Keep Dhakka Nogg alive.  Pre-buff Dhakka and heal once event is active.

Raid stacks at Dhakka Nogg as often as emotes and auras allow.

Move with Tank and avoid ground auras.

Avoid axes pathing back to Outpost Commander Regar.

- Pre-target your assigned recruit
- Stack raid in front of Dhakka as often as possible
- MTO be prepared to tank swap when tank is punted outside fort

- Add Dhakka Nogg to ETW
- Keep Dhakka alive

MA Kill Order: recruits, guards, prisoners, Master Magus Trablic, Outpost Commander Regar

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Outpost Commander Regar

Outpost Commander will toss the player with the highest aggro every 1m 15s.

Warning Emote: Outpost Commander Regar points at his greatest foe and flexes with a huge grin on his face.
Player Punted: Outpost Commander Regar tosses his greatest foe out of the fortress and seeks another.

Attractive Enemies  Caster AE - Pull (range 250, duration 12s)
1st Person: You are pulled toward the commander.

Berserker's Mayhem  Single Target - 850k DD + Stun
1st Person: The commander slashes and batters everyone around him.


Master Magus Trablic

Enforced RecruitmentSingle Target - Charm
Warning Emote: ...
1st Person: You are charmed.

Temperature ShockSingle Target - 600k DD
1st Person: Your skin shatters from the sudden change of temperature.

Freezing GraspSingle Target - 600k DoT + Mana Drain (duration 36s)
Warning Emote: The Master Magus summons freezing sleet to coat Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person: Your skin freezes and becomes fragile.

Heat WaveSingle Target - 350k DD
Warning Emote: Master Magus Trablic summons a wave of fire that begins to close on his location.
1st Person: A wave of fire washes over you.



Various adds spawn throughout event.

an archer--
- Indifferent, immune to spell and melee damage
- Stack in front of Dhakka to block incoming archer damage
- Failure: Archers fire at Dhakka while they have a direct shot at her.
- Success: An arrow slams into you with surprising force.

a Rallosian recruit--
a guard--
a prisoner--
- Mezzable

Start Event

Event is triggered by hailing Master Magus Trablic

Dhakka Nogg shouts, 'Listen to me! Have you forgotten what war is? It is not all about torturing captured enemies! It is not about forcing non-combatants to fight for you! It is about strategy, tactics, planning, skill, and bravery. You have become more like the trolls and their desire that everything live in fear.' Blood coats her clothing, weakness from what must have been brutal beatings making it difficult for her to maintain her balance.

Master Magus Trablic shouts, 'You coward! Refusing to fight, refusing orders from your commanders! How dare you try to tell me, to tell the commander, how war is to be delivered! Get her out of there!'

Dhakka Nogg shouts, 'Come near me, you clods, and I will burn off your precious top-knots along with your less precious heads!'

Master Magus Trablic shouts, 'Don't listen to her! Get in there!'

Dhakka Nogg shouts, 'Too much of a coward to come after me yourself, Trablic? This is the way you do things. You send recruits to do your fighting for you. You take prisoners and push them in front of your army, as if that is how it should be done. Would Rallos Zek push weaklings before him to fight, or would he send his trained troops to fight a worthy opponent? Think! There is a time for mindless anger in battle, but cold brutality has no part in war, and especially not in preparation for war!'

Master Magus Trablic shouts, 'Enough talking! If she won't do as ordered, she is a traitor and deserves death!'


- Free The Innocent
-- Don't kill any prisoners.

- Suffer No Shocks
-- Nobody gets hit by Temperature Shock.

- Don't Get The Axe
-- (Personal) Don't be hit by an axe.


Event Reset: 

As Dhakka falls to the ground, the world around you fades and reforms as it was before you arrived.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-03-26 (04:52pm)  - Adds Active - Rallosian recruit
- Adds Active - Master Magus
- Boss Active - Outpost Commander Regar

- Master Magus - Freezing Grasp - Back Away

- Event Reset
- Event Start

Main Tanks
  Main Tanks  2024-03-26 (04:52pm)  - Outpost Commander Regar - Tank Punt - Taunt

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Plane of Mischief - T1 - Bidils' Great Adventure

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Laurion Inn
NPC Name: Bidils the Quickhand
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

DZ Enter:Click Door 14

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Bidils will teleport adventurers to the event area with use of the ready keyword.

Hand of the King is boss.  Bristlbane the King of Thieves creates havoc from the sidelines.

Throughout the event, Bidils tosses a Magnificent Planar Gem to random players.  Players must take action to avoid penalty.

Hand of the King will emote players in a game of scissors, paper, rock.

White rabbits will appear from North, South, West and East hallways and path to the Hand of the King.  They will lay a mystery egg if they reach the Hand of the King.

Bristlebane will call out players to perform emotes; bow, cheer, clap, dance, kneel, raise.

At 68% Bristlebane calls for a game of Tug-of-War. Black and White Jesters will spawn and attack.

At 40% Bristlebane will begin to emote players in a game of Freeze Tag.


Assist MA.

Perform emotes for Bristlebane.

Pass the Magnificent Planar Gem immediately if you get it; Cold Potato achievement.

React to scissors, paper, rock emotes.

MEZ White Rabbits.  White rabbits will return to their start location if mezzed, without laying an egg.

Kill Jesters in pairs, 1 black and 1 white within 5s window.

Pick up red balls on ground and throw at frozen players to unfreeze them.

Hotkey for Magnificent Planar Gem - COLD POTATO:

Hotkey for Freeze Tag - Bouncy Ball:

Hotkeys for Bristlebane Emotes:

- MTO - Keep Hand of the King stacked with Bristlebane to ease movement for emotes

Enchanters & Bards:
- MEZ White Rabbits to avoid mystery eggs
- MEZ Jesters as needed for CC
- Add White Rabbits to ETW

MA Kill Order: Jesters, Hand of the King

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Hand of the King

Game: Rock, Paper, Scissors

Hand of the King shoots Rock, Paper, or Scissors every 25s

RockCaster AE - 650k HP DD + Stun (1000' range, 100 AE range, 2s duration)
Warning Emote: The Hand of the King shoots rock.
Effect Message: Rocks slam into you.
PaperTarget AE - 650k HP DD + Mana Drain (1000' range, 100 AE range)
3rd Person Emote: The Hand of the King shoots paper at Soandso.
Effect Message: Paper slices into you.
ScissorsSingle Target - 550k DD + 10k Mana Drain
3rd Person Emote: The Hand of the King shoots scissors at Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
Effect Message: Scissoring blades cut into you.

Jesters - Tug of War

At 68% Bristbane emotes for Jesters.

Bristlebane laughs and shouts, 'Let's have even more fun! I want to see a tug of war! I wonder who will win, black or white?'

Black and White Jesters spawn. (3 of each)

Tug of War: Black is cast when the number of black jesters is greater than the number of white jesters

Tug of War: BlackCaster AE DoT - 600k HP + 13k MANA DRAIN + End Drain (1000' range, 500' AE range, 18s duration)
Effect Message: The Darkness seeps into your soul, draining your life and energy.
- Tug of War: Black is cast when the number of black jesters exceeds the number of white jesters
Tug of War: WhiteCaster AE - Spell Casting Slow (500' range, 18s duration)
Effect Message: Your body and mind slow down, affecting your ability and spell cast times.
- Tug of War: White is cast when the number of white jesters exceeds the number of black jesters

Bristlebane the King of Thieves

Non-aggro, but players will need to react to emotes and games created by Bristlebane.

Emotes: Bow, Cheer, Clap, Dance, Kneel, Raise

ScrapeSingle Target - 650k HP DD
3rd Person Emote: Bow to me, Soandso.
- Failure: Bristlebane punishes you for not bowing by scraping your skin.
- Success: Bristlebane the King of Thieves acknowledges your bow.
BooSingle Target - Mana Drain + Fear (12s duration)
3rd Person Emote: Cheer my greatness, Soandso.
- Failure: Bristlebane punishes your failure to cheer by frightening you.
- Success: Bristlebane the King of Thieves acknowledges your cheer.
Clap EarsSingle Target - Silence (12s duration)
3rd Person Emote: Clap for me, Soandso.
- Failure: Bristlebane punishes your failure by clapping your ears.
- Success: Bristlebane the King of Thieves acknowledges your clap.
MopeSingle Target - Decrease Melee and Movement Speed by 75% (24s duration)
3rd Person Emote: Dance for me, Soandso.
- Failure: Bristlebane punishes your failure to dance by making you mope.
- Success: Bristlebane the King of Thieves acknowledges your dancing.
FlySingle Target - 500k DD + Levitate + Stun
3rd Person Emote: Kneel before me, Soandso.
- Failure: Bristlebane punishes you for failing by making you fly.
- Success: Bristlebane the King of Thieves acknowledges your kneeling.
Play DumbSingle Target - Melee & Skill Slow + Mana Drain (12s duration)
3rd Person Emote: Raise your hands in praise of me, Soandso.
- Failure: Bristlebane punishes not raising your hand, making you dumb.
- Success: Bristlebane the King of Thieves acknowledges your raised hand.

Freeze Tag

Freeze Tag comes into effect when boss reaches 40% HP and onward.

Throwing a Bouncy Ball at frozen players will remove the Freeze Tag buff.

Freeze TagSingle Target - Decrease Movement Speed by 10000% + Invulnerability (3m duration)
1st Person Emote: You're it.
3rd Person Emote: Bristlebane shouts, 'Time for a little Freeze Tag!  Freeze Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
- Bouncy Balls are found on the ground of event area
- Thrower Success: The ball bounces off their forehead and away into the castle someplace. They begin to move again.


Various adds spawn throughout event.

A White RabbitLays: Mystery Egg
Treat - PBAE - 150k HP Heal + Mana Gain (1000' range, 250' AE range)
Trick - PBAE DoT - 550k HP + Mana Drain (1000' range, 200' AE range, 30s duration)
Limit Spells: Rock, Paper, Scissors
- MEZ Rabbits to avoid mystery eggs
A Black Jester...
- Spawns 3x at 68%
- Mezzable
A White Jester...
- Spawns 3x at 68%
- Mezzable


Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword start to Bidils the Quickhand

Bidils the Quickhand, there says, 'Okay, here we go! Keep your eyes open or you'll miss it! I'm off to do my important work.'

Bidils screams, 'Wait, wait. No, you're not supposed to be here!' You hear large feet running down stairs.

Bidils shouts, 'Hang on to this for me for a minute.' He tosses a huge gem to Soandso.


- A Balanced War
-- It was tough competition, but Tug of War remained a balanced affair.

- Unfreeze!
-- In Freeze Tag, none of your allies remained frozen when the next group of people were frozen.

- Cold Potato
-- Never fail to pass the gem before it harms the one carrying it.


Event Reset:

Bristlebane shouts, 'Boring!'  The memory fades and begins to reform.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-03-26 (05:45pm)  - Active - White Rabbit - Mez

Bidils the Quickhand
- Bidils - Magnificent Planar Gem - Cold Potato
-- Bidils - Cold Potato - Pass the Gem (Ground)
-- Bidils - Cold Potato - Pass the Gem (Player)
-- Bidils - Cold Potato - Pass the Gem (Start)

Bristlebane the King of Thieves
- Bristlebane the King of Thieves - Emote - Success
- Bristlebane the King of Thieves - Targeted Player - Emotes
-- Bristlebane the King of Thieves - Targeted Player - Bow
-- Bristlebane the King of Thieves - Targeted Player - Cheer
-- Bristlebane the King of Thieves - Targeted Player - Clap
-- Bristlebane the King of Thieves - Targeted Player - Dance
-- Bristlebane the King of Thieves - Targeted Player - Kneel
-- Bristlebane the King of Thieves - Targeted Player - Raise

The Hand of the King
- The Hand of the King - Rock - Back Away
- The Hand of the King - Paper - Run Away
- The Hand of the King - Scissors - Run and Hide
- The Hand of the King - Tug of War: Black - Splash

- Event Reset
- Event Start

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Elddar Forest - T1 - The Return of Kanghammer

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Laurion Inn
NPC Name: Dextris Kanghammer
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

DZ Enter:Click Door 12

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Event starts upon hailing Dextris Kanghammer.  Dextris buffable only when event active.  If Dextris dies, event resets.

Rufus Invictus stands in center of arena surrounded by Takish belligerents.

At 90%, a Takish belligerent transforms to a Takish engineer and attacks.

At 66%, a Takish add spawns in each of the towers to the West, North and East.

Rufus is immune to melee and spell damage while Takish tower adds alive.  Adds respawn if not killed at same time.

At 47%, damaging ground auras appear in arena.

Throughout the event, Dextris Kanghammer takes damage from Rufus and Takish belligerents.


Keep Dextris alive.

Kill Rufus down to 90%.  He will HP lock and a Takish engineer will spawn.

Kill a Takish engineer.  Splash through Magnet Mine damage.

Towers spawn at 66%.  Groups move to assigned locations and kill tower adds within 5s window.

At 47% stack and move with tank to avoid the damaging ground auras.

- Tanks make sure your healer is in range before engaging your tower Takish.

- Add Dextris Kanghammer to ETW
- Keep Dextris Kanghammer alive
- Splash when Magnet Mine is cast by a Takish engineer

MA Kill Order: engineer, towers, Rufus

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Rufus Invictus

Heel TurnCaster AE - 750k DD (range 50)
1st Person: You are slashed by a magical sword.


a Takish engineerMagnet Mine - Caster AE - 550k DOT + 50% Melee Slow + Snare (range 200, duration 30s)
Warning: A Takish engineer begins casting Magnet Mine.
1st Person: An unknown force pulls you to the ground.
- a Takish engineer spawns at 90%
- Dextris Kanghammer strains as an unknown force pulls him to the ground.
- The device that was disabling Kanghammer has been destroyed with the death of the Takish engineer.

a Takish swindler--
- Spawns in the West tower at 66%
- The shield that was protecting Rufus Invictus from spells has been removed with the death of the Takish swindler!

a Takish scoundrel--
- Spawns in the East tower at 66%
- The shield that was protecting Rufus Invictus from melee attacks has been removed with the death of the Takish scoundrel!

a Takish reprobate--
- Spawns in the North tower at 66%
- Whatever was causing Kanghammer's wounds to bleed openly has been removed with the death of the Takish reprobate!

a Takish belligerentPelted with Carrots - Caster AE - Spell Silence + Melee & Skill Silence (range 50, duration 30s)
(angry spectator)Warning: The angry crowd is throwing rotten vegetables at Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person: You are being pelted by carrots.
Pelted with Lettuce - Caster AE - 50k Mana Drain + 10k Endurance Drain + Decrease Melee Haste by 79% (range 50, duration 30s)
Warning: The angry crowd is throwing rotten vegetables at Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person: You are being pelted by lettuce.
Pelted with Tomatoes - Caster AE - 550k DoT + Decrease Melee Haste by 79% + Increase Spell Damage Taken by 100% (range 50, duration 30s)
Limit Spell: Heel Turn
Warning: The angry crowd is throwing rotten vegetables at Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person: You are being pelted by tomatoes.
- Angry spectators activate at 47%
- Rock Emote Warning: Some in the crowd pull rocks from bags at their sides and aim them at Dextris Kanghammer.
- Rock Emote Success: Dextris is pelted with rocks.
- Healers have 30s between emote warning and damage
- Dextris Kanghammer takes 60% damage when pelted with rocks


Start Event

Event is triggered by hailing Dextris Kanghammer

Dextris Kanghammer grunts, 'I've seen enough, this injustice will not stand. Even thieves understand that there's a code to live by. I'm putting an end to this.'

Dextris Kanghammer barks while approaching Rufus Invictus. 'You there, I see beyond your veil. End this farce now and return your ill-gotten gains to those you have swindled. This doesn't have to come to blows.'

Rufus Invictus shouts, 'Hmph, another goody-goody in our midst fellas. Thinks he's got some idea about saving the day. Let's show him that he messed with the wrong fighter today!'

Dextris Kanghammer shouts, 'Lay down your arms and turn yourselves in now. This is your last warning.'

Rufus Invictus spits on the ground next to him and squares up, ready for a fight. 'Oh we are way past that stage in the negotiations.'


- Slow Burn
-- Finish Stage 1 with Dextris' health over 90%

- Do Something Heroic!
-- Finish Stage 2 with Dextris' health over 50%

- Let Him Cook
-- Allow Dextris to fall below 5% health at any point in the event.


Event Reset:

When Dextris Kanghammer dies, the memory fades and begins to reform.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-03-26 (05:34pm)  - a Takish engineer - Magnet Mine - Splash

- Add Spawn - a Takish engineer
- Add Spawn - Towers

- Dextris Kanghammer - Pelted with Rocks - Heal

- Rufus Invictus
-- Shield - Melee Damage - Removed
-- Shield - Spell Damage - Removed

- Event Reset
- Event Start

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Freelance Ramblings / Raiena - Twitch Channel
« on: November 26, 2023, 06:35:12 AM »
Streaming FL raids...

Raiena's Twitch

Freelance Ramblings / Furro Bingo Card - Updated!
« on: October 28, 2023, 05:45:33 PM »
Sometimes I don't know how he puts up with us  ;D


Image by Raiena

Map file: deepshade_1.txt (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
P 398.9741, -271.0151, 14.0085,  240, 240, 0,  3,  Yellow_Aura
P 538.6686, 530.7409, -2.7973,  0, 240, 0,  3,  Green_Aura
P 180.1737, 546.4838, -46.2622,  0, 240, 240,  3,  Blue_Aura
P 31.2038, -40.0987, -37.8194,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Red_Aura
Labels submitted by: Raiena

Raider Essentials / Potions / Poisons for Raids
« on: November 07, 2022, 08:43:09 PM »
I will begin providing potions/poisons for our raids. I will need help with TS dropped materials. You can parcel items to Raiena (see list below).

Crusader's Tonic - HP, Mana, End; Useful right after a rez.

Velium Fortified Drink - +61 to all base stats at level 120.

Luclinite Fortified Drink - Coming Soon (NoS)

Crystal Mana Tonic - Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 6% for most spells.

Refined Mana Tonic - Coming Soon (NoS)

Restless Focus - Increase Spell Damage

Sanguineous Focus - Coming Soon (NoS)

Mana Infusion - Magic damage proc for melee classes.

Spider's Bite XXI - Poison damage proc for melee classes; will help with rogue alliance fulmination (Spider's Bite XX may need to be used as well if materials are low)

Scorpion's Agony XXI - Extra hate procs for Tanks to hold aggro. ( Scorpion's Agony XX may need to be used as well if materials are low)

Items Needed:
Raw Velium Ore or Velium Powder
Bloodied Luclinite Ore or Bloodied Luclinite Powder
Luclinite Laced Nigriventer Venom
Velium Laced Nigriventer Venom
Luclinite Laced Gormar Venom
Velium Laced Gormar Venom
Relic Fragments

I will incur all other costs in making these items and hand them out upon request before target engage.

If there are any other potions/poisons that would benefit the raid that I did not cover, please post below.

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