Author Topic: Freelance Raid Guidelines  (Read 57192 times)


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Freelance Raid Guidelines
« on: February 19, 2009, 08:02:29 PM »
Freelance Raid Guidelines

When one joins a Freelance raid, they are stating their intentions to be a team player and comply with all expectations outlined within this Freelance Raid Guidelines document, as well as any rules on behalf of Freelance stated using established Freelance methods of communication.

Table of Contents
Schedule & Requirements Raid Days, Start Time and Minimum Requirements
Communication Channels in-game and Discord (optional)
Raid Authority Players associated with Prep/Coordination related to Role/Class/Area
Plan Ahead Raid Prep, Gathering, Travel Items
Raid Invites Conditions to meet for raid invitation
Text/Audio Triggers GINA usage and assignment triggers by class
Performance & Development Player Performance, Character Development, Class Knowledge, Parsing, Gear and Upgrades
Mains, Alts and Boxes Definition of Mains, Alts, Boxes and treatment of these categories
AFK Policy AFK reasoning, the definition of excessive AFK and handling thereof
New Raid Content PolicyExplanation of Freelance approach to New Raid Content
Exploits & Play Nice Rules Conformance with EverQuest Code of Conduct (EULA), Play Nice Rules and violations
Noncompliance Policy Rules governing failure to comply with Freelance Raid Guidelines or established policy

Schedule & Requirements

Below outlines normal raid days, start times and minimum requirements to attend Freelance raids.

Raid Days

Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Start Times

8pm EST, 7pm CST, 5pm PST.

Note: Freelance operates in the Eastern Standard Time zone.

Minimum Requirements

Level 120 and 20,000 AA.


Freelance primarily uses in-game chat channels for communication. 

For players who enjoy voice chat, Freelance Discord server is available.  Not everyone is comfortable with voice chat, and it is for this reason Discord is optional for Freelance raids.

In-Game Channels

* No Talking in /Raidsay

To join an EQ in-game channel, simply type: /join channelname:password.  For channels without password /join channelname.

Channels to be in during Freelance raids:

Channel       Classes           
FLHeals:healsCleric, Druid, Shaman
FLTanks:tanksWarrior, Paladin, Shadowknight
FLCC:ccEnchanter, Bard, Ranger, Druid
FLDPS:dpsMonk, Ranger, Rogue, Berserker, Beastlord, Shaman, Bard, Magician, Wizard, Necro, Enchanter
cpigs:pigsAny - When player not flagged for current target
TBAAny - Additional channels for special raid split coordination as required

Raid Authority

Open raiding is a team effort.  To aid in coordinating events and other aspects of any raid, individuals are assigned to select areas and channels. 

The authority structure is divided into two key areas: Raid Authority (RA), and Raidsay Authority (RSA).

Raid Authority

Players listed below have authority within the associated channel, unless assigned elsewhere or in addition to.

Channel      Name

Raidsay Authority

We hold to a general "No talking in /raidsay" rule.

Players listed below are exempt from the Freelance "No talking in /raidsay" rule.

Role      Names
Raid LeaderFurro
Co-Raid LeaderRaiena, Huevos
Loot DistributionHuevos (Darkarma)

Raidsay Exceptions:

Additionally, other players are not listed but exempt from "No talking in /raidsay" rule include the following roles:
  • Main Assist may use Raidsay for various calls
  • Event specific situations for players asked to perform a function requiring use of Raidsay
  • Pullers to communicate incoming messages
* Note: Players temporarily assigned during an event does not constitute a permanent promotion to the rank of RA or RSA.

Plan Ahead

Mobilize with a purpose and plan accordingly.


Know how to reach Freelance gather points in a safe and timely fashion.

Be aware:
  • We don't do corpse drags
  • We don't do COTH
  • We can't do Banners

Events & Strategy

Read related Strategy posts located in Upcoming Events & Strategy section.

To the left of each Strategy post topic is a tiny symbol indicating the status of the event. 

Symbol   Status
Active Farm
Work in Progress (WIP)
Inactive Target

Raid Strategy posts contain the necessary gather and event information, such as:
  • Gather zone, NPC name and location, as well as any keywords to enter instance
  • Key/Flag requirements; if any
  • Audio/Text GINA Triggers; if any

Travel Items

A form of invisibility, for traveling to raid gather location safely.

Have a form of SHRINK clicky/spell, unless small class already (e.g., Halfling, Gnome, Dwarf).

Raid Invites

Prior to asking for a raid invite, a player must:
  • Meet or exceed Minimum Freelance Raid Requirements
  • Be in zone at gather location
  • Not grouped with any players; be it out of zone or offline
  • Not part of any raid task/instance which would conflict with Freelance obtaining an instance at the time of gather
  • Not have a raid lockout that would prevent Freelance from obtaining an instance at time of gather
  • Ensure Mercenary is suspended

Raid Invites Accepted:
  • Prior to raid event engage
  • Between raid events, attempts or corpse recovery


With the exception of Link Dead (LD) players, raid invites are sometimes sent while Freelance is actively engaged in a raid event.  However, while a raid invite may be sent mid-event; an instance invite is not sent.  This is on purpose, to ensure fairness to all players attending that participants in the raid were in fact present for full duration of the event.

Text/Audio Triggers

Freelance raids require that all participants use GINA.

GINA is a Text/Audio trigger application to aid in responding to EQ event emotes, Freelance assignments, among other mechanics and activities.

GINA Setup & Usage

Helpful setup and usage guide: Ssark's GINA Manual

For additional helpful information refer to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread.

Assignment Triggers by Class

Freelance assigns various players by name to specific areas/duties related to their Class or Role during raids.

Two trigger packages are available to aid in the area of assignments: Generic Raid and Class.

Each player attending Freelance raids is to download the Generic Raid and their specific Class package.

The trigger packages are available in the Assignment Triggers by Class

Performance & Development

Performance - Class Knowledge - Adapt with the Times

Player performance matters.

Class Guides: Raid Performance

Class Responsibility: ALL

Each player must:
  • Keep up to date with their Class Abilities, Discs, Spells and AA
  • Offer and be receptive to advice from others
  • Self assess own performance; be critical and honest
  • Be patient with learning curve; some classes are more complex than others
  • Practice, practice, practice; refine, hone abilities to become second nature; to be reactionary; instinctual

Offering Advice:

When offering advice, one should:
  • Engage in a nice way
  • Be constructive without being condescending
  • Follow up with encouragement or reinforcement accordingly
  • Indicate availability for further discussion; be it in-game or on Freelance forum

Receiving Advice:

When receiving advice, one should:
  • Be receptive to advice; regardless of who is dispensing it
  • Consider the advice, apply it, and gauge the results (parse as applicable)
  • Ask clarifying questions accordingly if in doubt

Performance Parsing

Parsing is how one measures various areas of play.  Commonly used to collect and format EQ player character performance and organize it in an easy to read way.

Parsing is required to properly gauge player performance.  One cannot determine if they are performing well or whether they have improved or not without the means to measure their actions, save results and perform analysis.

EQ Parser for download: GamParse

Individual Player Performance Directly Impacts Freelance Raids:

Freelance raids a wide range of demanding content, including current expansion.  To be part of the Freelance team, one is expected to pull their weight.

Freelance expects everyone to be actively striving to reach the highest possible performance level.

Players attending Freelance raids are part of a team, coordinating actions with others.  Each player is responsible for their own performance; there are no exceptions.

Each player must:
  • Aspire to be the best they can be
  • Not let their fellow teammates down by slacking
  • Fess up for mess ups
  • Learn from mistakes
  • Understand performance is part of the raiding experience
  • Live up to the team's performance expectations
By attending Freelance raids each player voluntarily accepts the above and therefore should not be upset when called upon for any shortcomings or failures.

When to Parse:

Parsing in real-time during raids is not required.  Those with slower computers may wish to perform parses and analysis after events or at a later time.

Freelance also provides brief performance reports for raid wins and are currently posted in the Raid Performance area of the forums.  In-game parses are also linked in various channels.

Gear & Upgrades

Each player must:
  • Keep their gear current; including Augs, PowerSources, any equipment providing power/stat gain
  • Fill in weak pieces of gear temporarily with upgrades from group level content
  • Plan their raid gear upgrades

Resource to Plan Gear Upgrades:

Searchable EQ Items available at

Survival Policy

Freelance will remove players from the raid that do not meet a level of development of their character deemed necessary to survive the content.

Such action will be taken at the sole discretion of the leader of Freelance or one of equivalent level of authority.

Action of this nature is not to be taken personally from the perspective of the recipient.  The greater good of the Freelance raid team takes precedence in such matters.

Removal is temporary until such time as character development meets the level required.

Mains, Alts and Boxes

Each player attending Freelance raids is to do so only on the character they intend on playing.

Boxed characters are not permitted on Freelance raids.  This includes no boxes on the bench for Raid Attendance purposes.

Definition of Mains, Alts and Boxes is as follows:

Category   Definition
Main A single active character, to which the largest effort/time investment is put into its development
Alt An alternate of a Main, to which lesser long-term effort/time comparatively is exerted towards its development
Box A character played simultaneously with one or more other characters

AFK Policy

AFK Reasoning:

Freelance understands there are times when a player must go AFK (away from keyboard).

Outlined below is instruction as to when during raids it is permissible to AFK.

Raid Stage   AFK Reasoning
During Prep Briefly; but avoid when raid trash clearing
During Event Never, unless emergency (dick/vagina on fire is considered only acceptable emergency)
During Loot Only if no intention of opt-in on any items
During Moves Avoid if possible, can be hassle or risk to catch up

Excessive AFK

Freelance will bench and/or remove from raid/instance any player AFK longer then 10~ minutes without announcement/valid reason.

Warnings usually sent prior to action taken are:
  • A blank /tell sent to player with expectation of a timely reply
  • One or more voice /tells sent to player with expectation of a timely reply
  • In-game channel inquiry as to whether or not player is Link Dead (LD) or AFK

New Raid Content Policy

Freelance adheres to a disciplined approach regarding New Raid Content.

The Freelance team requires that any player who has done, exposure to, or participated in New Raid Content with their respective raid team or guild or their raid team/guild has done the content, or they have attended as a "guest" on such a raid; whether the raid outcome was successful or not, are to refrain from giving Freelance suggestions or "hints" with regards to Raid Strategy, Raid Boss/Add Details, Raid Event Mechanics, and Event Spells, etc., as it's more enjoyable for the team to learn and discover the events by way of attempts and collective contributions from players attending Freelance raids who have not done the event before.

The premise behind this policy is to help facilitate an enjoyable and original raiding experience when tackling New Raid Content.  Approaching New Raid Content in this fashion helps preserve the mystery, allowing for discovery by others.  The discovery process provides the opportunity for those other players to contribute their suggestions, for the team to coordinate their efforts and eventually defeat the New Raid Content.

Freelance appreciates all players who wish to participate in Freelance raids.  This policy is in no way meant to lessen the importance of one segment of Freelance players from another.  Players who must refrain from offering revealing suggestions regarding New Raid Content are still able to contribute in their respective Class roles and other helpful forms; such as performance, for example.

Compliance is mandatory and actively enforced.  Players who fail to comply may result in a warning or be temporarily placed on the bench, with possible escalating penalties as the team deems necessary in more severe cases of noncompliance.

Exploits & Play Nice Rules

Freelance does not permit the usage of any form of EverQuest hack or exploit, or any 3rd party programs that violate the EverQuest EULA (Rules of Conduct).

Freelance enforces violation of the aforementioned established Rules of Conduct and takes action with extreme prejudice to ensure any such player found in noncompliance thereof is not permitted to join Freelance raids and is permanently banned from participating in Freelance raids in the future.

Noncompliance Policy

Freelance maintains oversight and enforcement of all documented Freelance Raid Guidelines as well as any rules on behalf of Freelance stated using established Freelance methods of communication.

Any player participating in Freelance raids or operating within any established Freelance methods of communication that performs one or more actions determined to be in violation of established Freelance rules is considered sufficient grounds for removal of said player from participating in Freelance raids, and/or removal from areas of communication either temporarily or permanently; depending on the severity of the violation and/or frequency.

Freelance considers each player infraction in proper context and prior to judgement carefully considers whether sufficient action is warranted or it is determined the player simply made a mistake, was not aware of the rule(s), and/or whether the player has made necessary adjustments to ensure conformity with the rule(s) accordingly.

Freelance Raid Team - Pie Management Dept.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2024, 09:25:28 PM by Furro »


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2009, 12:30:20 AM »
Updated Authority section, to reflect recent additions and structure changes within Freelance.


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2009, 06:10:23 PM »
Added the following sections and related sub-sections to the above 'Freelance Raid Guidelines' post:

Suggested Character Minimums:
  • Character Development Suggestions
  • Survival Policy
  • Disclaimer
Mains, Alts and Boxes:
  • Definitions
  • Situational Considerations
  • Boxing Competency Policy
  • Disclaimer
  • Reasoning
AFK Policy:
  • AFK Suggestions
  • Excessive AFK
  • Reasoning

« Last Edit: November 24, 2009, 06:11:27 PM by Furro »


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2009, 10:49:55 PM »
Added the following sections and related sub-sections to the above 'Freelance Raid Guidelines' post:

Start Times & Level Requirements

  • Start Times
  • Minimum Level Requirements

No change in the above information.  Simply merging and removing the other related post.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2009, 10:50:45 PM by Furro »


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2010, 12:19:51 AM »
Updated Authority FLHeals section to reflect the addition of Myrryn as a Healer Lead.


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2010, 08:39:46 PM »
Updated the 'Channels Overview' section with regards to specific channels/classes in order to reflect our current state of operation.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 08:42:43 PM by Furro »


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2010, 07:10:39 PM »
Updated the ''Raidsay Authority List', removing Thewun and Chekakoch due to inactivity, structural changes and to better reflect our current state of operation.


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2010, 01:55:06 AM »
Updated Authority FLTanks section to reflect the addition of Nimolak as a Tank Lead.


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2010, 06:29:23 PM »
Just updating a few areas to keep this document current.


Freelance Authority Listing

Open raiding is a group effort.  To aid in co-ordinating events, and other aspects of any raid, there are individuals assigned to select areas and channels.  The structure is divided into two key areas: Raid Authority (RA), and Raidsay Authority (RSA).

Raid Authority List

Those listed here, operate in within their associated channel, unless assigned elsewhere or in addition to.

Channel      Name
FLTanksZoopaflack, Nimolak
FLHealsFrostfox, Myrryn

Removed inactives: Zoopaflack, Myrryn.


Start Times & Level Requirements

Below outlines our normal start times and current level requirements to attend Freelance raids.  Please note, we adapt our playtime and level requirements based on peak population times and our current content.

Start Times

8pm EST, 7pm CST, 5pm PST

Minimum Level Requirements

Level 80 or above.

* Note: Aside from the above level requirement, please take a moment and review the "Suggested Character Minimums" as well as, "Mains, Alts and Boxes" sections below.  Thanks.

Changed the above Minimum Level Requirements to:

Minimum Level: 85 or above.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 06:32:42 PM by Furro »


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2011, 05:18:23 PM »
Updated Authority FLTanks section to reflect the addition of Viric as a Tank Lead.


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2011, 05:50:23 PM »
Updated Authority FLCC section to reflect the addition of Nubatamax (Aandiianx) as a Crowd Control Lead.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 05:52:08 PM by Furro »


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2011, 01:41:02 AM »
Added DPS channel.

Password: dps

Classes: Ranger, Berserker, Beastlord, Shaman, Bard, and ALL players with Circle of Power clicky items.

Burn organizers: Bumkus and Mten (aka Netn/Nten)


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2011, 08:06:47 PM »
Level Requirement Changes

In order to aid in our progression efforts and strengthen us as a team, our level requirements to attend Freelance raids are being increased.

To allow for a smooth transition, the changes will come into effect in stages, as follows:
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2011, 04:03:04 PM »
Level Requirement Changes

In order to aid in our progression efforts and strengthen us as a team, our level requirements to attend Freelance raids are being increased.

To allow for a smooth transition, the changes will come into effect in stages, as follows:
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Updated the level requirement to 88, in the main Guidelines post.


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Re: Freelance Raid Guidelines
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2011, 10:20:00 PM »
Updated Authority FLTanks section.  Removed Nimolak (Inactive).  Removed Viric (Main Changed).

Updated Authoirty FLCC section.  Added Ssark (aka Eristie also).  Various raid related duties; not always inclusive to CC.

Added co-raid leader role under Raidsay Authority List.  Added Frostfox, Nubatamax.

Added Loot Distribution role under Raidsay Authority List.  Added Huevos (aka Darkarma also).