Author Topic: RoS - Gorowyn - T1 - Balance of Power  (Read 8264 times)


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RoS - Gorowyn - T1 - Balance of Power
« on: February 15, 2018, 08:22:25 PM »
Gorowyn - T1 - Balance of Power

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Skyfire Mountains
NPC Name: Praetor Magnus Auluxus
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F) - Find is broken since patch if NPC is too far away.  NPC located in fort area.
Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: N/A.

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

This is a timed event.  The event is somewhat linear.  Some minibosses spawn at the same time in different areas.

As we kill the miniboss at each stage, it respawns a short time later as a ghost version: The energies of the dead leaders of the sarnak are restored, though their forms are no longer physical.

These ghost versions come into play after stage 5, whereby we must co-ordinate and the ghosts within a certain time based on the last ghost killed.

Be aware, the ghosts can be aggro'd accidentally based on your faction.  For example, it's easy to aggro the ghost version of Magma Lord Virnax, when moving from inside the Forge back outside heading over to the Portals for the Ioulin stage.  To avoid this, just steer around Virnax, to play it safe.  If you do aggro, FD/fade please, thanks.

Over the course of the event, as each stage completes, the next stage must be engaged within a certain time, otherwise the event resets.

Moving around each stage:

There is a lot of moving around during this event.  When you move to each stage, if you are KoS (kill on sight) faction, you may accidentally early aggro the next stage and cause player deaths (including your own).  Please be aware of this, and avoid early aggro by being out of range of the mobs until the raid has engaged.

In the later stages, such as Stage 4 to 5, there are skywing drakes flying around which target areas on the ground.  It's possible to avoid aggroing the drakes, but if you do, you can fade.  In the event you can't fade, you can drag the drake with you to the next stage where the main raid will kill it.

Overview of Raid Areas:

Enchanters, Rangers & Monks:

Various mobs SELF BUFF with spells we need you to remove with your beneficial dispel.  Our text/audio trigger will indicate which mobs are casting the buff for you to dispel.  You need NPC Spell casts toggled on in your EQ filters.  If you don't know what this means, ask me in-game.

Sarnak Finesse   10000% riposte (NPC self-buff)
Sarnak Reflection   Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 25% with up to 100% Damage (NPC self-buff)

Event Start

We prep outside the NORTH building.

Once the event is triggered, we kill three Wulthan chokidun that spawn there.  This prevents their chokidun adds from spawning periodically.

We also pull and kill the two Wulthan grand inquisitor from inside the green building to the main raid outside.  The first inquisitor is located just inside on the left, the 2nd is on the top floor.

Outside Tower 1, near the bridge.  We kill TWO Krellnakor adds.

We then pull and kill the start NPC Krellnakor Guardian Garanok.

Stage 1: General Dekloaz in First Tower

7 minutes from event start to complete this stage, or event resets.

Inside Tower 1 - Top floor - We kill two adds and General Dekloaz.

Melee - BACK AWAY when trigger fires or the visible orange aura appears around General Dekloaz.  If you don't back away, you take lots of damage and are stunned for a while.

Casters & Healers - Position on the ramp side of the room (South-West).

MT for General Dekloaz, position him NORTH EAST corner of room.

MT - General Dekloaz has a MEMBLUR - Tanks, your trigger will fire to remind to snag aggro to avoid DPS being killed.

Add Tanks - Tank adds at MAIN RAID AREA (SOUTH-WEST) -- Not near General Dekloaz.

MA - Kill order: cinderblade first, then levy, then General Dekloaz.

Stage 1 Positioning:

Stage 2: Magma Lord Virnax - Outside Forge Building

Move outside the forge building located WEST of the first tower.  There's a short angle ramp leading up to the platform and a door leading into the forge building.

Magma Lord Virnax is up along with several bodyguard adds.

We prep 10 seconds, and do a countdown to engage.

Our assigned deflect tank, when called upon, positions middle of the platform, near the steps.  Hit Deflect, then AE aggro the adds.

Assigned tanks grab your bodyguard.  Tanks reminder, NPC riposte self buff is usually on for a few seconds until we dispel it, so hold off on your melee initially

MT - Grab Magma Lord Virnax and tank in SOUTH-WEST corner of the DOORWAY CUBBY AREA.

MT - Call out if any errant bodyguard adds are hitting you, and other tanks peel them off the MT please.

MA - Kill order: bodyguards first, then Virnax.

CC Note - DO NOT KNOCKBACK/PUNT the bodyguards, please.

Stage 2 Positioning:

Stage 3: Forge Lord Wirn - Forge Building

Inside the forge building is Forge Lord Wirn and five Fereth forgemaster adds.  They are inactive due to faction, unless provoked.

MT - Forge Lord Wirn, position SOUTH-EAST.  MT does initial Deflect/Fort engage on this one.  Add tanks will peel off their forgemaster adds immediately after.

Forgemaster Tanks - Immediately after MT aggro's Wirn, snap up your assigned forgemaster and tank it at the MAIN RAID AREA.

MA Kill Order: forgemasters, then Forge Lord Wirn.

Do not hang out in the tunnel unless you are viral emote targeted.

Forge Elemental Adds:

Every 90s, three forge elemental adds spawn: Fire begins billowing out of the forges!

Forge Elemental adds spawn from the forges around the room, starting from EAST forge, clockwise, one add from each for total of three.

Assigned add tanks, snap these up when they spawn (your trigger will indicate spawn).

Everyone assist MA when called upon to kill them quickly!

10s after the above warning emote, each elemental target's a random player and hits them with Wildfire Detonation 129k DD + 50k DoT, 30s VIRAL AE 65' range.

When YOU are targeted, your trigger will fire - RUN INTO HALLWAY - Return when trigger tells you.

Non-KoS Faction Portal DPS Team:

During Prep - Non-KoS faction players will be asked to come forward, and we'll assign a handful by name to be tasked as an advance team to destroy the TOP portal inside the NW Building.

When Forge Lord Wirn reaches 10% HP - the Non-KoS Faction DPS Portal Team heads over to the TOP portal area.  When Wirn dies, the portal will pop and the team destroys it.

Once Wirn dies, the MAIN RAID immediately heads over to portals and kills the WEST ADDS + PORTAL -- then kills EAST ADDS + PORTAL.

Stage 3 Positioning:

Stage 4: Portals, Adds, & High Arcron Ioulin - North-West

Outside NW building are three portals (an Arcron portal).  Two outside and one at the top of the building.  Adds spawn from the portals at timed intervals, there are also static adds around each portal.

Kill the WEST ADDS + PORTAL -- then finish with EAST ADDS + PORTAL.  Remember, our advance non-kos portal team has already taken out the TOP portal.

When portals are down, High Arcron Ioulin spawns at the last portal destroyed.

A timed intervals, Ioulin splits into three fake versions.  The fake's HP%'s reflect the real Ioulin.  In other words, if Ioulin is at 50% when fakes spawn, the fakes all pop at 50% HP.

MT - PULL Ioulin INSIDE, MAIN FLOOR.  So raid avoids drakes from outside.

A cinder skywing:

In the event of aggro, when called upon by MA, kill these.

Similar to drakes in Skyfire zone, where they fly above and cast a ring on the ground, and then cast Cinder Sputum - Target AE 130k DD + 40k DoT + Snare (12s).

Tanks: face cinder skywings AWAY from the main raid please.  These have a Frontal AE 88k DD + Knockback (Aggressive Buffet).
Stage 4 Positioning:

Stage 5: High Vizier Ri`zyr - Green Building Top Floor - North East

Ri`zyer single-target CHARMS at 1 minute intervals (usually the MT).  10s warning emote: Draconic runes begin to coalesce around Ri`zyr.

Casters & Healers - Position on the ramp side of the room (South-EAST).

MT - High Vizier Ri`zyr, position NORTH-WEST corner of room.  Tanks be ready to aggro when MT is charmed (your trigger will fire to indicate).

MA - Kill order: High Vizier Ri`zyr, unless other adds (drakes/inquisitors) aggro'd as raid moves up to room.

When High Vizier Ri`zyr dies, eventually a ghost version appears.

GHOST Versions of each Miniboss:

Groups assigned during prep to Dekloaz, Virnax, Wirn, and Ri`zyr.  Know your group number (#), as the assignments are to a miniboss area where each ghost is located.

When the final REAL miniboss dies, assigned groups are to head to their areas.  Watch out for flying drakes. :)

Tanks, make sure your healer is in range before engaging your ghost.

Forge Lord Wirn Groups - DO NOT ENGAGE/AGGRO Forge Lord Wirn until directed to do so.  This will prevent the timed forge elemental from spawning.  In the meantime, these groups can help DPS Virnax, which is nearby.

Take ghosts down to 20% HP and HOLD.

When at 20%, we call on Forge Lord Wirn assigned groups to engage their ghost and take it down to 20% and HOLD.  The nearby groups assigned to Virnax can help DPS Wirn down.

With all four ghosts at 20%, we take them down to 10%, then 5%, so it's controlled, and then a KILL NOW is made in /raidsay.

When your ghost is dead, head over to Ioulin building (NW), GO INSIDE, MAIN FLOOR.

MT pulls Ioulin down from TOP to MAIN FLOOR and we do our BURN to kill within the timer.

* Reminder: Each ghost is a lesser version of its former.  However, they still have mechanics their real versions have, just to a lesser extent in some cases.  For example, the ghost version of Forge Lord Wirn periodically spawns a single Forge elemental, as opposed to three.  But!  A forge elemental is not confined to the Forge area, due to the nature of the mechanic, it targets a player immediately when it spawns.  That player may not be in the Forge, but some where else.  Therefore the forge elemental will b-line it to that player.  Just keep this in mind please, as any area must be ready to deal with adds by killing them, as well as dealing with any other normal mechanics associated with their miniboss.

Stage 5 High Vizier Ri`zyr - Room Raid Positioning:

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Wulthan & Chokidai

a Wulthan chokidun   Three located outside the building
   At 90s intervals, each spawns a snarling chokidai or a chokidai (seems random which type)
   Wulthan are attackable with melee and spells
   Hit for 18k to 70k
   Not rooted, will chase if aggro'd
a chokidai   Spawn from Wulthan chokidun at 90s intervals.
   Hit for 11k to 43k
   Chokidai Fade - Cancel Aggro 100% (mem-blur, single-target)
a snarling chokidai   Spawn from Wulthan chokidun at 90s intervals.
   Hit for 11k to 43k
   Chokidai Fade - Cancel Aggro 100% (mem-blur, single-target)

General Dekloaz in First Tower

General Dekloaz   Miniboss.  Hits 18k to 73k
   orange aura appears as warning before AE fires.
   Tactical Whirlwind - Caster PB 100k DD + 32k DoT + Root (30' range)
   Strike of Gorowyn - 175k DD + 66k DoT + Stun (single-target if type 148)
   Sarnak Finesse - 10000% riposte (NPC self-buff)
a Krellnakor cinderblade   Hard hitting trash in room
   Cinderblade Slice - Caster PB 160k DD (75' range)
   Sarnak Finesse - 10000% riposte (NPC self-buff)
a Krellnakor levy   Hit for 66k

When General Dekloaz dies: The energy of General Dekloaz is not extinguished. In fact, his change of state brings forth other leaders of the sarnak to battle in his stead. You will need to stop them immediately.

Magma Lord Virnax - Outside Forge Building

Magma Lord Virnax   Miniboss
   Magmatic Reproval - Caster PB 120k DD + Knockback (50' range)
   orange aura appears as warning before AE fires.
   Warning Emote: Magma Lord Virnax raises a clenched fist, and magma seeps from the ground.
a bodyguard   Four on platform around miniboss
   Sarnak Finesse - 10000% riposte (NPC self-buff)
a fireling   These come into play based on a timer, or at this stage/earlier, and onward during event.
   We had one so far at this stage.  They hit for 12k to 55k~
   Despawns after casting Wildfire Detonation
   Wildfire Detonation 129k DD + 50k DoT, 30s VIRAL AE 65' range

Forge Lord Wirn - Forge Building

Forge Lord Wirn   Miniboss
   Strike of Gorowyn - 175k DD + 66k DoT + Stun (single-target if type 148)
   Sarnak Reflection - Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 25% with up to 100% Damage (NPC self-buff)
A Fereth forgemaster   Five located around the room
   Sarnak Finesse - 10000% riposte (NPC self-buff)
A forge elemental   Three spawn at 90s intervals and target emote a player.  10s later, the players are hit with a viral AE
   Wildfire Detonation 129k DD + 50k DoT, 30s VIRAL AE 65' range
   Emote action: Run into tunnel - away from raid to avoid spreading viral DoT - Return with trigger tells you.
   Note: Spawn from the forges around the room, starting from EAST forge, clockwise, one add from each for total of three.

Forge elemental Log snippet:
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:06 2018] Fire begins billowing out of the forges!
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental begins to cast a spell. <Wildfire Detonation>
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental begins to cast a spell. <Wildfire Detonation>
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental begins to cast a spell. <Wildfire Detonation>
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] Forge Lord Wirn begins to cast a spell. <Strike of Gorowyn>
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] Dokhopper is lashed by a Strike of Gorowyn!
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental shouts, 'I'll detonate you with wildfire, Padraigg...'
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental's skin flares brightly with agonizing cinders.
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental shouts, 'I'll detonate you with wildfire, Barlaceea...'
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental's skin flares brightly with agonizing cinders.
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental shouts, 'I'll detonate you with wildfire, Dimerall...'
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] You gained raid experience!
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental died.
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] You gained raid experience!
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental died.
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental is infected by Dimerall's diseases for 46 points of non-melee damage.
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental hits Dimerall for 33421 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 24 23:31:16 2018] A forge elemental tries to bash Dimerall, but misses!

Portals, Adds, & High Arcron Ioulin - North-West

High Acron Ioulin   Miniboss.  Spawns at last portal destroyed
An Arcron portal   Portal object.  Two outside, one inside at top of building.
an Arcron soulkeeper   Static adds outside portals
an Arcron flamekeeper   
a bodyguard   Sarnak Finesse - 10000% riposte (NPC self-buff)
A cinder skywing   Aggressive Buffet - Frontal AE 88k DD + Knockback
   Cinder Sputum - Target AE 130k DD + 40k DoT + Snare (12s) - Casts Ring on Ground like Skyfire zone drakes.
   These drakes are possibly up earlier, but often aggro players during Ioulin and onward.

High Vizier Ri`zyr - Green Building Top Floor - North East

High Vizier Ri`zyr   Miniboss
   High Vizier's Charm - Charm (single-target, 6s)
   10s Warning emote: Draconic runes begin to coalesce around Ri`zyr.
   Appears to charm the current MT usually.  Tanks be ready to aggro when MT charmed.
   Emote occurs at 1 minute intervals.
   High Vizier's Explosion - Caster PB AE 130k DD + Knockback (50' range)
   Occurs at 1 minute intervals.
   Strike of Gorowyn - 175k DD + 66k DoT + Stun (single-target if type 148)
   Sarnak Finesse - 10000% riposte (NPC self-buff)
Wulthan grand inquisitor   Part of building static NPC.  Two are up at start of event.  If killed, they seem to respawn later.
   Possibly tied to the spawn rate/number of firelings.

Map Locations

Map file: gorowyn_1.txt (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Code: [Select]
P 889.4769, 1241.6133, -200.8909,  0, 0, 240,  2,  a_sickly_chokidai(Q)
P 1343.0986, 534.8561, -228.5248,  0, 0, 0,  3,  Krellnakor_Guardian_Garanok
P 1549.4792, 235.7360, -128.3752,  240, 0, 0,  3,  General_Dekloaz
P 1565.0277, 232.2437, -125.9488,  0, 0, 0,  3,  A_Krellnakor_levy
P 1515.8065, 231.5237, -127.3752,  0, 0, 0,  3,  A_Krellnakor_cinderblade
P 1536.9755, 331.5896, -241.4103,  0, 0, 0,  3,  A_Krellnakor_levy
P 1558.2614, 330.1430, -241.4103,  0, 0, 0,  3,  A_Krellnakor_levy
P 1408.2556, -23.8946, -274.3843,  0, 0, 0,  3,  A_Wulthan_chokidun
P 1508.8882, 11.8487, -274.3843,  0, 0, 0,  3,  A_Wulthan_chokidun
P 1612.5691, -24.0484, -274.3844,  0, 0, 0,  3,  A_Wulthan_chokidun
P 1511.0938, -154.7297, -268.5295,  240, 0, 0,  3,  High_Vizier_Ri`zyr
P 1192.8049, 318.4149, -224.7404,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Magma_Lord_Virnax
P 1215.1005, 576.5311, -226.1918,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Forge_Lord_Wirn
P 1105.7000, 2.3526, -225.7642,  240, 0, 0,  3,  High_Arcron_Ioulin

Krellnakor Guardian Garanok

Talking to Krellnakor Guardian Garanok triggers the event.  Located just before the bridge.

Event start: Krellnakor Guardian Garanok shouts, 'Then die!  Awaken, brothers and sisters! The enemy has arrived! Show yourselves and fight!'


No Fakes - Do not kill the fake mirror image versions of the Acron sarnak.
Ghosted - Defeat 3 or fewer undying ghosts.
Foul Breath - Individual: Avoid being hit by the drakes' Cinder Sputum breath attack.

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

* Note there is a main package for everyone, and an addon for tanks.

Everyone  Main Package  03-02-2018 (7:23pm)  - Event Start
- Event Reset
- Forge Elemental - VIRAL Targeted (1st person)
- Forge Elementals Spawned!
- General Dekloaz - Strike of Gorowyn - DD + DoT + Stun
- General Dekloaz stage complete - Move West - Outside forge building
- Forge Lord Wirn stage complete - Move north west to portals

- [ Sub-grouping folder ]
-- High Arcron Ioulin - Image shimmer and split
-- High Arcron Ioulin - Shimmers and briefly reverts to its true mirrored form.

- [ Sub-grouping folder - For ENC, RNG, MNK (others can toggle folder off) ]
-- NPC Self Buffs - Sarnak Finesse, Sarnak Reflection (use a beneficial dispel to remove from NPC)
TANKS  Memblur + Charm  03-07-2018 (8:07pm)  - General Dekloaz - Memblur mechanic (based on Strike cast)
-- Note: You have to have NPC Spell casts on in EQ Filter options for this trigger to fire.
-- If you're not sure what this means, send me a tell in-game.
- High Vizier's Charm - 10s warning - Be ready to aggro
-- 2s text/voice warning before Charm is cast to hold aggro on Ri`zyr

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:55:58 PM by Furro »


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Re: RoS - Gorowyn - T1 - Balance of Power
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2018, 08:40:00 PM »
Trigger Package Changes & Strategy Post Updates

Last Saturday, Februrary 28, we took our first look at this event.  Considering our numbers, we made really good progress.  After a few attempts, on our final run; with only 29 in the raid, we made it all the way to the Forge building stage, Forge Lord Wirn!  Thanks everyone who was willing and able to tackle new content with us!

I've updated the strategy post based on those attempts.  Additionally, the trigger package has been updated accordingly.

Please read the strategy post over from top to bottom.  Delete old triggers before importing new, and ensure they are toggled on.  Thanks.

We hope to see EVERYONE at our next raid!  Regardless of the target! (hint hint!). :D

See you in-game!


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Re: RoS - Gorowyn - T1 - Balance of Power
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2018, 11:29:07 PM »
Trigger Package Changes & Strategy Post Updates

Took a run at this on last night (Thursday).  Made it to portals (we discovered there are 3, not 2), got them down and High Arcron Ioulin was spewing off some threats and stuff.  I wasn't at the top for the last portal, so I wasn't in range when Ioulin spawned.  I do have some log data, but it's slim.  I made a few trigs based on the following:

[Thu Mar 01 22:51:36 2018] The energies of the dead leaders of the sarnak are restored, though their forms are no longer physical.
[Thu Mar 01 22:52:54 2018] Ioulin's image begins to shimmer and split.
[Thu Mar 01 22:53:19 2018] High Arcron Ioulin shimmers and briefly reverts to its true mirrored form.
[Thu Mar 01 22:53:24 2018] High Arcron Ioulin shimmers and briefly reverts to its true mirrored form.

There's a related /achievement as well to the mirror stuff.

The updated trigger packages are basically text and voice trigs to notify when Ioulin's image shimmers/splits and when he reverts.

Also, I made a trigger for when Wirn dies, to move to the portal area, based on this lore:

[Thu Mar 01 22:48:34 2018] It is clear now that you will have to draw out and defeat all five of the leaders before you can stop them. The death of the Fereth leaders brings forth another. You will need to find the fifth, who remains hidden.

Overall we made progress.  Would have been nice if more were able to show up though (hint hint!).

Hope to see everyone in-game!


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Re: RoS - Gorowyn - T1 - Balance of Power
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2018, 09:28:07 PM »
Strategy Post Updates & Trigger Addon for Tanks (memblur mechanic)

We continued to make good progress on this event last night.  We got High Arcron Ioulin down, but didn't engage the final boss fast enough before it the event reset on us.  We believe the final boss is in the NE building.

Our attempts to date have helped everyone acclimate to this event, knowing what to expect and positioning.  Our 2nd attempt last night was the best run of the evening.

Faction & Aggro

We've had some early engages/aggro at different stages.  Whether it's faction or someone with an itchy trigger finger, we'd like to try and avoid early/accidental aggro and co-ordinate our engages better.

Reminder: If you are KoS to the event mobs, as we approach each area -- Please be mindful and wait for the raid to engage before charging forward. :)  This way we avoid early aggro before our point tank engages with deflect/fort.

Stage 1: General Dekloaz in First Tower

We're suffering from some accidental player deaths on this stage with General Dekloaz for a couple of reasons:

1) General Dekloaz has a memblur mechanic.  Which appears to occur each time a player is targeted by Strike of Gorowyn (I'll explain below with logs).  I made a trigger for tanks for this.  The next 2-5s are critical for MT to maintain aggro (as well as backup tanks to keep up with their aggro).

2) On engage, tanks must ensure they quickly pick up their assigned add and that it doesn't end up on the MT.  This could merely be the result of engaging before all of the assigned tanks are at the top of tower.  We can pause a bit longer before doing the engage, to help counteract this.

Here's 2nd attempt, log snippet, to illustrate the issues:

Just before General Dekloaz engage:

[Fri Mar 02 21:18:38 2018] You tell your raid, '3'
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:39 2018] You tell your raid, '2'
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:41 2018] You tell your raid, '1'
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:44 2018] You tell your raid, 'all you mt'

[Fri Mar 02 21:18:47 2018] General Dekloaz hits Zannexx for 18264 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:47 2018] General Dekloaz hits Zannexx for 40890 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:47 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Zannexx, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:47 2018] General Dekloaz hits Zannexx for 46137 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:47 2018] Zannexx has been slain by a Krellnakor levy!

1st death.  MT down.  Aggro lost, there's clearly no MT at this point, as you can see an Enchanter is tanking briefly then Pree; due to DoT aggro probably, and lack of any tank getting aggro back.

[Fri Mar 02 21:18:51 2018] Kaloha tells the raid,  'MA1 ASSIST ME on (( a Krellnakor cinderblade ))'
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:53 2018] General Dekloaz tries to kick Gruesula, but Gruesula's magical skin absorbs the blow!
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:54 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Gruesula, but Gruesula's magical skin absorbs the blow!
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:54 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Gruesula, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:54 2018] General Dekloaz hits Gruesula for 29282 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:56 2018] General Dekloaz hits Gruesula for 27052 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:56 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Gruesula, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:58 2018] General Dekloaz hits Pree for 3158 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:58 2018] General Dekloaz hits Pree for 31627 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:58 2018] General Dekloaz hits Pree for 29224 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:58 2018] General Dekloaz hits Pree for 31627 points of damage.

[Fri Mar 02 21:18:58 2018] General Dekloaz begins to cast a spell. <Strike of Gorowyn>
[Fri Mar 02 21:18:58 2018] Gruesula is lashed by a Strike of Gorowyn!

Memblur mechanic: Gruesula is targeted and hit by Strike of Gorowyn (this is in and around where the blur is happening; 3-5s after each Strike at a player)

Gruesula (Enchanter) now has aggro on General Dekloaz, and is tanking.

[Fri Mar 02 21:19:02 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Gruesula, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:03 2018] General Dekloaz hits Gruesula for 59084 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:03 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Gruesula, but Gruesula's magical skin absorbs the blow!
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:03 2018] General Dekloaz hits Gruesula for 70199 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:03 2018] General Dekloaz hits Gruesula for 81506 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:03 2018] General Dekloaz hits Gruesula for 81506 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:03 2018] Gruesula has been slain by General Dekloaz!

2nd death, an Enchanter.  Tanks need to immediately snap aggro back 3-5 seconds after each Strike of Gorowyn targets a player.

With Gruesula dead, now General Dekloaz is all over the place, hitting other non-tanks...

[Fri Mar 02 21:19:05 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Swen, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:05 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Swen, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:05 2018] General Dekloaz hits Swen for 9565 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:05 2018] General Dekloaz hits Swen for 62287 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:07 2018] General Dekloaz hits Kazmin for 49474 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:07 2018] General Dekloaz hits Kazmin for 46271 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:09 2018] General Dekloaz hits Kazmin for 20645 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:09 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Kazmin, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:09 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Kazmin, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:09 2018] General Dekloaz hits Kazmin for 52677 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:12 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Kazmin, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:12 2018] General Dekloaz hits Kazmin for 43068 points of damage.

Finb (tank), takes aggro on General Dekloaz.

[Fri Mar 02 21:19:13 2018] General Dekloaz tries to kick Finb, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:14 2018] General Dekloaz hits Finb for 9912 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:14 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Finb, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:28 2018] General Dekloaz begins to cast a spell. <Strike of Gorowyn>
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:28 2018] Kazmin is lashed by a Strike of Gorowyn!

Memblur mechanic, Kazmin.  Uuva (tank), snags aggro quickly.  Good job.

[Fri Mar 02 21:19:29 2018] Kaloha tells the raid,  'MA1 ASSIST ME on (( General Dekloaz ))'
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:30 2018] General Dekloaz hits Uuva for 37632 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:19:30 2018] General Dekloaz hits Uuva for 26869 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:13 2018] General Dekloaz begins to cast a spell. <Strike of Gorowyn>
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:13 2018] Kaloha is lashed by a Strike of Gorowyn!

Memblur mechanic, Kaloha.  Aggro is lost on MT briefly, Uuva (tank), gets it back.  Good job.

[Fri Mar 02 21:20:14 2018] General Dekloaz hits Poddo`s pet for 31460 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:14 2018] General Dekloaz hits Idaran`s pet for 37866 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:14 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Nitro, but Nitro's magical skin absorbs the blow!
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:15 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Pree, but Pree's magical skin absorbs the blow!
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:15 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Tyranosawr, but Tyranosawr's magical skin absorbs the blow!
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:16 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Poddo`s pet, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:16 2018] General Dekloaz hits Kazmin`s pet for 34663 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:18 2018] General Dekloaz hits Pree`s pet for 28257 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:19 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Fluffy, but Fluffy's magical skin absorbs the blow!
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:19 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Fluffy, but Fluffy's magical skin absorbs the blow!
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:20 2018] General Dekloaz hits Uuva for 22211 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:20 2018] General Dekloaz tries to bash Uuva, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:22 2018] General Dekloaz hits Uuva for 13974 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:22 2018] General Dekloaz hits Uuva for 37572 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:22 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Uuva, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:58 2018] General Dekloaz hits Uuva for 34075 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:20:58 2018] General Dekloaz hits Uuva for 32325 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:01 2018] General Dekloaz hits Lanadar`s pet for 23452 points of damage.

Aggro changes slightly.  Could just be Finb riding the aggro list to keep up with current MT (Uuva).

[Fri Mar 02 21:21:02 2018] General Dekloaz hits Finb for 12125 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:02 2018] General Dekloaz hits Finb for 28558 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:02 2018] General Dekloaz hits Finb for 67619 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:02 2018] General Dekloaz tries to bash Finb, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:02 2018] General Dekloaz hits Finb for 31103 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:02 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Finb, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:02 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Finb, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:02 2018] General Dekloaz hits Finb for 55447 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:03 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Fluffy, but Fluffy's magical skin absorbs the blow!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:43 2018] General Dekloaz hits Uuva for 39915 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:43 2018] General Dekloaz hits Uuva for 64131 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:43 2018] General Dekloaz hits Uuva for 22199 points of damage.

[Fri Mar 02 21:21:43 2018] General Dekloaz begins to cast a spell. <Strike of Gorowyn>
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:43 2018] Daredilly is lashed by a Strike of Gorowyn!

Memblur mechanic, Daredilly.  There's no MT on boss now.  DPS is now tanking General Dekloaz:

[Fri Mar 02 21:21:43 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Nitro, but Nitro's magical skin absorbs the blow!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:44 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Fluffy, but Fluffy's magical skin absorbs the blow!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:45 2018] General Dekloaz hits Idaran`s pet for 18647 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:45 2018] General Dekloaz hits Poddo for 40753 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:45 2018] General Dekloaz hits Falling for 30912 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:46 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Fluffy, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:46 2018] General Dekloaz hits Poddo`s pet for 25053 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:48 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Daredilly, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:48 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Daredilly, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:48 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 17549 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:50 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Pree, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:50 2018] General Dekloaz hits Kevsaiyan for 30556 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:50 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 17549 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:50 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 17549 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:50 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 69281 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:50 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 50222 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:52 2018] General Dekloaz tries to kick Daredilly, but Daredilly's magical skin absorbs the blow!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:52 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Pree, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:53 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 35891 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:53 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 33885 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:54 2018] General Dekloaz hits Borean for 11498 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:54 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Daredilly, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:54 2018] General Dekloaz hits Idaran`s pet for 23452 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:55 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 10189 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:55 2018] General Dekloaz hits Borean for 34641 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:55 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Daredilly, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:55 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 20377 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:55 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 5162 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:55 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 22995 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:57 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 47498 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:57 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 31162 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:57 2018] General Dekloaz hits Daredilly for 33885 points of damage.

[Fri Mar 02 21:21:58 2018] General Dekloaz begins to cast a spell. <Strike of Gorowyn>
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:58 2018] Daredilly is lashed by a Strike of Gorowyn!

Memblur mechanic, Daredilly.  Still no MT on boss.

[Fri Mar 02 21:21:59 2018] General Dekloaz tries to hit Borean, but misses!
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:59 2018] General Dekloaz hits Rulolin for 18186 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:21:59 2018] General Dekloaz hits Amigalander for 25228 points of damage.
[Fri Mar 02 21:22:00 2018] General Dekloaz has been slain by Lanadar!

General Dekloaz killed.

We have room to improve on this stage. :)

Stage 2: Magma Lord Virnax - Outside Forge Building

CC with punts, we need you to wait for our Deflect/fort tank to gather before you pop off your punts! :)  Also!  Once you punt, you have to stop and let our tanks snag some for killing.  These bodyguards die pretty quickly.  The main reason we punt/park is so that we're not initially having to tank all of them and we can save some valuable tank discs for later stages.

Stage 3: Forge Lord Wirn - Forge Building

Adjusting assigns to include tanks covering each forge elemental that spawns.  As setup allows, we can double up tanks on this, in the event a tank is emoted, there's a backup. This will help further prevent player deaths to elementals.  We'll get better picking these up with practice.

Reminder: THREE forge elementals spawn at 90s intervals.  EACH forge elemental spawns from a FORGE located around the room, starting at the EAST forge (as if you enter room, the first forge in the wall on your left).  From there, clockwise, pops one elemental for a total of three.

Pretty solid kill time on the forgemasters, by the way.  We're getting all five down in under a minute:

[Fri Mar 02 21:27:41 2018] A Fereth forgemaster has been slain by Daredilly!
[Fri Mar 02 21:27:55 2018] Falling has been slain by a Fereth forgemaster!
[Fri Mar 02 21:27:56 2018] A Fereth forgemaster has been slain by Poddo!
[Fri Mar 02 21:28:11 2018] A Fereth forgemaster has been slain by Daredilly!
[Fri Mar 02 21:28:26 2018] A Fereth forgemaster has been slain by Borean!
[Fri Mar 02 21:28:42 2018] A Fereth forgemaster has been slain by Kazmin!

One player died to a Fereth forgemaster.

Stage 4: Portals, Adds, & High Arcron Ioulin - North-West

We've adjusted our portal handling going forward.  As a raid, we'll do the TOP PORTAL FIRST and then come outside and do WEST and then end with the EAST portal.  This will be more efficient, and we believe Ioulin will spawn at the location of the last portal destroyed.  Being outside for the last portal, once Ioulin is dead, we'll be able to quickly b-line it to the NE building for the final boss.

Assign adjusts for High Acron Ioulin stage.  We'll include /tar high_acron_ioulin0#'s assigns for each acron split.  Tanks to mash their /tar hotkeys the moment the split emote fires, to correctly tag their ioulin.

High Arcron Ioulin - Image Shimmer, Split, Revert:

Ioulin splits appear to happen more quickly as time goes on, and the duration between split and reversion time decreases as well.

The /achievement indicates not to kill any fakes (splits).  We're not concerned with the /ach at this time, but noting for reference.

From our attempts, and logs, it appears the splits do not despawn once Ioulin reverts to true form.  Which means, if we want to do the /ach at some point, we're going to have to OT all the splits and correctly target the real Ioulin each time it reverts.

This wasn't easy to notice last night, because we were killing the splits.  As you see from the log snippet, we killed a split, shortly later the revert happened, we had a 3rd back up on ETW (the real Ioulin), then we proceeded to kill the other two splits (two more experience messages), and then worked on real Ioulin.   But, a few seconds later the next split occurred, and so on.

[Fri Mar 02 21:36:05 2018] Ioulin's image begins to shimmer and split.
[Fri Mar 02 21:36:43 2018] You can no longer earn the No Fakes achievement.
[Fri Mar 02 21:36:43 2018] You gained raid experience!
[Fri Mar 02 21:36:50 2018] High Arcron Ioulin shimmers and briefly reverts to its true mirrored form.
[Fri Mar 02 21:36:57 2018] You gained raid experience!
[Fri Mar 02 21:37:10 2018] You gained raid experience!
[Fri Mar 02 21:38:16 2018] Ioulin's image begins to shimmer and split.
[Fri Mar 02 21:38:41 2018] You gained raid experience!
[Fri Mar 02 21:38:46 2018] High Arcron Ioulin shimmers and briefly reverts to its true mirrored form.
[Fri Mar 02 21:38:53 2018] You gained raid experience!
[Fri Mar 02 21:39:01 2018] High Arcron Ioulin shimmers and briefly reverts to its true mirrored form.
[Fri Mar 02 21:39:07 2018] You gained raid experience!
[Fri Mar 02 21:39:45 2018] Ioulin's image begins to shimmer and split.
[Fri Mar 02 21:40:03 2018] You gained raid experience!
[Fri Mar 02 21:40:07 2018] You gained raid experience!
[Fri Mar 02 21:40:10 2018] High Arcron Ioulin shimmers and briefly reverts to its true mirrored form.

That's it for now!  Good run so far, we're getting there!

Remember, things don't get on FARM without actually making attempts.  So it really helps the team if everyone who can show up please do! (hint! hint!). :)

We hope to see everyone in game at our next raid!


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Re: RoS - Gorowyn - T1 - Balance of Power
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2018, 09:07:00 PM »
Strategy Post Updates & Trigger Addon for Tanks (High Vizier's Charm)

We hit this event pretty hard last week, and overall it was time well spent.  We made significant gains and reached the final stage, which we now know requires us to co-ordinate and kill the Ghost versions within a certain time period.

In addition to a compliment of farm targets this week, we'll be revisiting this event to continue our progressive efforts.  I'm confident we can pull through a win on this event! :)

Various areas of the strategy post have been updated, including, but not limited to document flow, wording, diagrams, and formatting.

High Vizier's Charm - Addon Trigger for Tanks

Stage 5, High Vizier Ri`zyr casts a single-target charm periodically, which seemed to usually charm our MT.  The trigger created will remind tanks to maintain aggro a couple seconds around the time a charm takes place, to help prevent DPS from being killed.

Map Locations

The map file has been updated to reflect all of the miniboss locations.

See everyone in-game!


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Re: RoS - Gorowyn - T1 - Balance of Power
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2018, 07:15:24 PM »
Strategy Adjust - Stage 4: Portals, Adds, & High Arcron Ioulin - North-West

We did a short run on this event tail end of last night after some farms.  The issue we ran into is that of KoS faction and aggro of adds near portals.  Following the 1st run of the night, we adjusted in an attempt to avoid KoS players from aggroing, by having them hang back outside out of aggro range of the adds.  Unfortunately, someone non-aggro actually ended up hitting a disc and aggroing the mobs by mistake.

We need to adapt our strategy around with the realization that we're never going to avoid a non-aggro situation with the outside static adds during this stage.

Stage 4 - Portals - Strategy Adjust:

During Prep - Non-KoS faction players will be asked to come forward, and we'll assign a handful by name to be tasked as an advance team to destroy the TOP portal inside the NW Building.

When Forge Lord Wirn reaches 10% HP - the Non-KoS Faction DPS Portal Team heads over to the TOP portal area.  When Wirn dies, the portal will pop and the team destroys it.

Once Wirn dies, the MAIN RAID immediately heads over to portals and kills the WEST ADDS + PORTAL -- then kills EAST ADDS + PORTAL.

This method should eliminate our aggro/mishap issue, and also effectively utilize everyone in the raid.

Post Stage 5: Ghost Versions of Minibosses

Last night, during prep, we did a trial run after assigning groups, for when the time comes to kill ghosts simultaneously.

We could sense some confusion after the group assigns went out, and therefore it was best to do a mock run and have everyone position at their assigned areas.

On a high note, performing the motions for this stage was worth it.  Our concern was reaching the stage for real, and having segments of players not sure where to go and leaving critical gaps in the setup for each area.

Overall, our run last night wasn't a total wash.  We had a decent setup, and our portal mishaps has prompted us to adjust our tactics accordingly to address the issue, as well as a trial run of ghosts to group assigns to areas was executed to help ensure everyone was on the same page.  Subsequent runs should be smoother as a result.

See everyone in-game! :)


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Re: RoS - Gorowyn - T1 - Balance of Power
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2018, 04:46:32 AM »
Thursday, March 15, 2018 - Balance of Power Defeated!

An outstanding team effort with 42 in the raid!  Nice work everyone!  We have a minor adjust for how we handle the final stage to co-ordinate our killing of the ghosts.  We'll post about it before the next run.

Thanks everyone who was able to make it.  Also for holding it together on that final stage as we re-grouped and pulled through a victory! :)

See everyone in game!


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Re: RoS - Gorowyn - T1 - Balance of Power
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2018, 11:22:48 PM »
Quick Update

Even though we have a win under our belt for this event, we still want to tweak some things going foward.

When we do the GHOST stage, when the minibosses are all defeated and we co-ordinate killing the ghosts, we're adjusting it as follows:

The raid will be split up as normal, but instead of five ways, it'll be split up four ways, with two groups for each GHOST, with one ghost being assigned three groups, for a total of 9 groups (54 players).

When it comes time for the ghost stage, assigned groups go and engage their ghost, take it to 10% and HOLD until we give the signal to kill at once.  Then the entire raid will converge at Ioulin ghost and do our normal burn to meet the timer requirements.

That's it for now.

Hope to see everyone in game! :D


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Re: RoS - Gorowyn - T1 - Balance of Power
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2018, 02:02:30 AM »
Strategy Adjusts

We have a couple wins under our belt on this event now, but we need to polish our strategy a bit further.

Stage 2: Magma Lord Virnax - Outside Forge Building

DO NOT KNOCKBACK/PUNT the bodyguards anymore.

Assigned tanks for each bodyguard.  Tanks reminder, NPC riposte self buff is usually on for a few seconds until we dispel it, so hold off on your melee initially.

Deflect tank for point as normal for engage.  Then assigned tanks pickup their add.  Bodyguards don't have many HP.

Stage 4: Portals, Adds, & High Arcron Ioulin - North-West

Assigned tanks for the portal adds outside.  We must kill these portal adds, otherwise we risk someone with KoS faction aggro'ing accidentally during Ioulin, or prior when destroying portals.

Also note, we've been killing Ioulin INSIDE, MAIN FLOOR.  We do this to avoid drakes.

Stage 5: After Minibosses down - Dealing with Ghosts

Adjusts to smooth out the final Ghost coordinated kill stage.

Groups assigned to Dekloaz, Virnax, Wirn, and Ri`zyr, as normal.

Forge Lord Wirn Groups - DO NOT ENGAGE/AGGRO Forge Lord Wirn until directed to do so.  This will prevent the timed forge elemental from spawning.  In the meantime, these groups can help DPS Virnax, which is nearby.

Take ghosts down to 20% HP and HOLD.

When at 20%, we call on Forge Lord Wirn assigned groups to engage their ghost and take it down to 20% and HOLD.  The nearby groups assigned to Virnax can help DPS Wirn down.

With all four ghosts at 20%, we take them down to 10%, then 5%, so it's controlled, and then a KILL NOW is made in /raidsay.

When your ghost is dead, head over to Ioulin building (NW), GO INSIDE, THE MAIN FLOOR.

MT pulls Ioulin down from TOP to MAIN FLOOR and we do our BURN to kill within the timer.

Hope to see everyone in game! :)