Convorteum - Event 1: The Gatekeeper
Zone & Instance Info Zone: Convorteum
NPC Name: Grif Iceblock
NPC Location: At the zone-in of Convorteum
Keyword to Enter: ready
Flag & Key Requirements Zone Flag: | | Convorteum (Group zone, /ach Appease the Gatekeeper & Unlock the Mystery) |
Event Key: | | None |
Group Mission: | | (refer above, Convorteum group zone access required) |
Event Flag: | | Raid Flag: Audience with Brell Serilis |
Note: Limited Piggy spots available based on number of flagged players in raid at the time.
* Minimum PIG requirements to attend:- Must have access to the Convorteum zone through group progression.
Brief Event Overview and StratAssist MA. Paladin/Clerics Splash.
Any questions, please reply to this thread, and/or ask in the FLRaids:raids channel. Thanks.
Boss - The Gatekeeper - Single-target rampages, flurries; occasional AE Rampage
AE:Horn of Fury - PBAE Increase INC DMG 35% + Snare (debuff, 200' range)
None Shall Pass - 35k DD + Stun (single-target)
Whirling Steel - 18k DD PBAE + Knockback/up