Author Topic: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - Crypt Robbers  (Read 5608 times)


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RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - Crypt Robbers
« on: March 13, 2019, 04:09:57 PM »
Sathirs Tomb - T2 - Crypt Robbers

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Overthere
NPC Name: Scout Deni M`Trix
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Sathir's Seal (Raid) achievement

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

KoS trash is up in zone and in event area.

Before event triggered, room trash can be aggro'd and killed.  In event area the four named and Drusella do not aggro.

Drusella Sathir located in the first room and paths around.   Named can trigger event via hail.  When event triggered, the room exit is closed off.

Non-KoS named located in each corner of the room are part of clue mechanic.  Ignore them unless you are assigned to the clue team.

At HP% of Drusella Sathir various adds come into play.

20 minute timed event.


Short discs on Drusella until 90% -- Then DPS:
  • Rangers/Casters kill Bloodthirsty gnawers adds
  • Melee stay on Drusella until 82%
At 82% - EVERYONE clean up adds!

At 55% - FULL BURN -- Take Drusella to 34% and STOP!  Then EVERYONE clean up adds except:
  • Necros stay on Drusella
  • Mages, once adds down to 2-3 -- Get back on Drusella
At 34% - EVERYONE clean up adds!

Clue Mechanic: Players assigned by group and name and directed to a channel.  Prep done within channel.

Dusty Tombs: Avoid AE's near these tombs or they will AE DD the entire raid if destroyed and kill many players.


- Tank spirits, hex protectors and bloodthirsty gnawers at campfire.
- Tank assigned to: An_Arcron_dread_magus, A_Wulthan_crusader, A_Krellnakor_vanguard - They spawn at door.  Pull them to Drusella Sathir and she kills them.
- Tanks pull unstable gnawers away from raid so explosion AEs don't hit raid.


- Word of Greater Restoration spell useful to remove Pain Touch DoT

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Drusella Sathir

Boss.  AE Rampages.  Undead.


Various adds at HP%~ of Drusella Sathir.  Room shakes as stage alters.

100-82%Vengeful sepulcher spirits & Bloodthirsty gnawers
72%Hexbone protectors
52%Vengeful sepulcher spirits & Bloodthirsty gnawers
42%Hexbone protectors & Unstable gnawers (leave unstable be)
26%Ooze: Non-KoS - Projects AE small radius.  Players emoted, ooze paths to player location where emoted.  When emote trigger fires, run away.

Additional trash spawn at door in event room at timed intervals: An_Arcron_dread_magus, A_Wulthan_crusader, A_Krellnakor_vanguard

Add Details:

A vengeful sepulcher spiritSepulchral Stun - 101k DD + STUN (5s, single-target)
Note: Undead
Hush of the Sepulchral Spirit - SILENCE Melee/Spell (6s) + Decrease Endurance/Mana by 2500 (single-target)
A hexbone protectorPain Touch - 140k DD + 41k DoT + Push (36s, single-target).  Curse counters 50
Note: Undead
A bloodthirsty gnawer   Devourer's Bite - 100k DD + 29k DoT (60s) - Single-target
An unstable gnawer   Unstable Explosion - 170k Caster PB AE (37' range) + Decrease Mana/Endurance 10k + Stun (3s) + Knockback
   An explosive gnawling spawns shortly after and casts same the AE then despawns.
An explosive gnawling   Unstable Explosion - 170k Caster PB AE (37' range) + Decrease Mana/Endurance 10k + Stun (3s) + Knockback
   Spawns after an unstable gnawer, casts the AE then despawns.
OozeCaustic Ooze - 64k AURA DD (single-target)
   Targets random player and paths to player location where emoted.
   Action: When you are emoted and trigger fires, move away from raid.
   Can have one or two of these Ooze up at a time.

Tomb Rot

Comes into play when a player dies.

[Sat May 11 22:35:17 2019] You regain some experience from resurrection.
[Sat May 11 22:35:17 2019] Returning to Resurrect. Please wait...
[Sat May 11 22:35:17 2019] You are afflicted with Tomb Rot.

SoandsoTomb Rot I - Increase Hit Dmg Taken by 40% (15m+ duration)
   Cast: Rotten Body on Duration Fade - 100M DD (single-target)
   Cast: Tomb Rot II on Curer
SoandsoTomb Rot II - Increase Hit Dmg Taken by 80% (10m+ duration)
   Cast: Rotten Body on Duration Fade - 100M DD (single-target)
   Cast: Tomb Rot III on Curer
SoandsoTomb Rot III - Increase Hit Dmg Taken by 80% (5m+ duration)
   Cast: Rotten Body on Duration Fade - 100M DD (single-target)
   Cast: Tomb Rot IV on Curer
SoandsoTomb Rot IV - Increase Hit Dmg Taken by 200% (90s+ duration)
   Cast: Rotten Body on Duration Fade - 100M DD (single-target)
   Cast: Rotten Body on Duration Fade - 100M DD (single-target)

Start Event

Any of these named can trigger event: Athises, Bhaleus, Caleus, Deutocia

Drusella Sathir does not respond to hails.


[Mon Mar 11 22:05:41 2019] You say, 'Hail, Athises'

[Mon Mar 11 22:05:41 2019] Athises says, 'Gods help us! We need to figure out who stole the artifact, and why, and what it was before Drusella devours us all. [On my honor, it wasn't me:How do I know it wasn't you?]!'

[Mon Mar 11 22:05:43 2019] You say, 'How do I know it wasn't you?'

[Mon Mar 11 22:05:44 2019] Athises says, 'Well... to be completely honest, you don't know that it wasn't me, but that's what we need to figure out!'

[Mon Mar 11 22:05:44 2019] Drusella Sathir hisses, 'Bathezid's lackeys! HERE?! Athises, Bhaleus, Caleus, Deutocia... One of you has pilfered an artifact from my tomb that is very precious to me. It will be returned, intact, or all of you will die.'

[Mon Mar 11 22:05:48 2019] Drusella Sathir's voice echoes in your ears, 'What's this? You're invulnerable. Let me show you what eternity looks like!'


[Mon Mar 11 22:06:24 2019] Drusella Sathir shouts, 'You've managed to keep the details of your theft a secret... for now. But I will discover who has my artifact. And when I do, you'll regret ever stepping foot in Sathir's Tomb.'


- Efficient Investigator
-- Get all clues within 8 seconds of them being available without requesting one before it is available

- Naught for the Gnawlings
-- Do not allow the gnawlings to cause any member of your raid to explode.

- Loot Hoarder
-- Allow a single person to loot all three artifacts and ensure their survival until the end.

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  05-13-2019 (11:25pm)  - Ooze - Targets you - Run away from raid.
- Ooze - Targets you - Safe to return.
- Clues & Artifacts - Clue Window - Opportunity to learn something new
- Event Timer overlay (toggled off by default)
- Efficient Investigator achievement failure (toggled off by default)
- Naught for the Gnawlings achievement failure (toggled off by default)


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:54:44 PM by Furro »


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Re: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - Crypt Robbers
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2019, 03:08:10 PM »
Twitch stream - Recorded the other night's attempts. We made it down to 78%!


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Re: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - Crypt Robbers
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2019, 03:52:25 AM »


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Re: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - Crypt Robbers
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2019, 10:45:17 PM »
May 3, 2019 - Trigger Package Updated

Good run on this last night everyone!

Our clue team lead by Dimbly did an awesome job fleshing out the mechanic.  Nice work! :)

We had been backflagging for a few weeks and finally had enough to resume where we left off.  We made good progress last night getting Drusella Sathir to 45%~!

Trigger package updated with an Ooze targeting players emote for run away from raid and a safe to return trig.

Import the trigger set to be ready for the next run!  Thanks!

See everyone in game!


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Re: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - Crypt Robbers
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2019, 06:01:21 AM »
Last attempt tonight, where the enchanters were using their cone AE punt, kept memblurring mobs (including Dru).


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Re: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - Crypt Robbers
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2019, 11:57:46 PM »
Clue team uses a hotkey to send tells and hail the mob for clues. 
Here is the one in my INI file:

Page2Button12Name=Clue Next
Page2Button12Line1=/pause 5, /target Caleus
Page2Button12Line2=/say What do you know?
Page2Button12Line3=/pause 3, /vtell Hoberr 004 You're next
Page2Button12Line4=/tell Hoberr you're next! <27%>
Page2Button12Line5=/pause 3, /4 Yulia has a clue <36%>, Hoberr you're next <27%>

To edit an ini file:
1) Navigate to your EQ directory (I don't know the default path, mine is D:\games\Everquest)
2) Open up <yourCharName_yourServerName> in notepad (mine is Yulia_cazic)
3) Navigate to the line labeled [Socials]
4) Under that line add the text above.

Note:  you'll have to update the text of the button in game to send the tell to the appropriate person, please leave poor Hoberr alone =)


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Re: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - Crypt Robbers
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2019, 12:56:17 PM »
i'm not able to combine a /vtell and a /tell into single line.  i had to separate out

/tell Yulia Bumkus got a clue at 36%, your next at 27%
/vtell Yulia 004


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Re: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - Crypt Robbers
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2019, 05:33:45 AM »
Saturday, May 12, 2019 - Crypt Robbers Defeated!

Nice work everyone, as well as the clue team lead by Dimbly!  We knew we were close last week, just needed some minor tweaks and to get into our groove.

See everyone next week! :)


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Re: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - Crypt Robbers
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2019, 07:14:57 PM »
Strategy Post & Triggers Updated

Updated the strategy post and trigger package to reflect how we are currently doing the event.

Please update your trigger package accordingly.

See everyone at raids! :)