Sanctum Somnium - #1 - Taking the Tower
Zone & Instance Info Gather Zone: Sanctum Somnium
NPC Name: Towerguard Raena
NPC Location: She's located on the balcony across from the zone-in.
Keyword to Enter: fight
Flag & Key Requirements * Minimum
Piggy/85'/push into raid: None
Brief Event Overview and StratKnow your group number please, as you'll be split up and assigned to different areas. Thanks.
We'll split up, and crawl through each area of the maze killing various rotdogs encountered. Stun/Mez and assist MA for these.
Eventually, we'll all meet up and take on The Executioner.
The Executioner targets players with a DT. You must get curse cured within 10 seconds or die.
When Executioner is dead, we'll med up and take on the next stage of the event.
Stage 2: Three Minibosses, with friends and Emotes
Assist MA for this stage, as we take on each Miniboss, but killing the adds first.
Watch your emotes please! Aside from the DT, there's a nasty Viral AE that must not be spread, get cured when your trigger fires.
Stage 1 - Maze Rotdogs & The ExecutionerGroups will be split up, and work their way through different areas of the maze, encountering rotdogs along the way which need to be killed.
ROTDOGS: THE EXECUTIONER: - AE: Judgement - 31k DD + Snare (200' range)
- AE: Punishment - SILENCE + Reduce mana pool by 7200
- DT EMOTE: Players targeted for DT; must be Curse cured within 10 seconds or death occurs.
Stage 2 - The Watcher, Master Hemlock, Lawman RurkWe kill each Miniboss to spawn the next.
Be aware, a couple minibosses have an emote/mechanic we have to deal with.
THE WATCHER: - AE: Lurid Gaze - SILENCE + 42k DD
- AE: Inner Fear - Self Buff, Spell Reflect chance + Haste increase for boss.
- Spawns stealthy assassin adds at 75% and 25% Health. Adds hit for 17000. Stunnable! But immune to mez.
MASTER HEMLOCK:This one spawns along with two guards. Longer the guards remain alive, the stronger Hemlock gets. Guards hit for 20k.
- Random players targeted with: Reduction Melee SLOW + 39k DD + Mana Pool Reduction 5300 + Shrink
- AE: Surge of Light - Mana / Endurance DRAIN + DD 29k + Banishment (pushes you around the room).
LAWMAN RURK: - Targets players with Dismissal (DD + chance to proc FEAR)
- Lawman's Blight (26k DoT) targets random players. 6 seconds to cure, or everyone nearby gets: Plagued Mutation (Mana drain + Melee/Spell slow).
- Spawns adds at 65% and 25% health. Plagued Mosquitos = Mezzable and Stunnable. Mutated Gnats = Unmezzable, but stunnable.
Adds spawning emote: Gnats and mosquitoes begin to swarm around you.
Text / Audio Triggers - Mandatory
ALL Mandatory SetupGTT All-in-One Puppy: hot_ss1.gttAudio Files: