Author Topic: HoT - SS5 - Elements of a Dream  (Read 7731 times)


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HoT - SS5 - Elements of a Dream
« on: August 11, 2012, 11:43:27 PM »
Sanctum Somnium - #5 - Elements of a Dream
*[08/17/2012] NOTICE: This post has been modified to reflect amendments posted within this thread *

Zone & Instance Info
Gather Zone: Sanctum Somnium

NPC Name: Towerguard Raena
NPC Location: She's located on the balcony across from the zone-in.

Keyword to Enter: fight

Flag & Key Requirements
Zone Flag: Group zone access to Morell's Castle
Event Key: Sanctum Key
Event Flags: Completion of the FIVE Tier 3 raids:
Guardian of the House
At World's End
Force of Eternity
  Cazic's Final Stand
  The Awakening
* Minimum Piggy/85'/push into raid: None

Brief Event Overview and Strat

For this event, we must deal with constant timed adds while completing puzzles to advance our progress.

Each Arena stage has roaming orbs that don't hit back but will explode various AE's when run over or touched.  Avoid them!

Select players will be tasked with looting ground spawn items that aid our efforts on certain adds for different stages.  Please don't loot anything unless told to do so please.

Assigned puzzle solvers join FLPuzzle:puzzle channel.

    DPS within select group numbers will be assigned a direction: South, West, North

    You are to go to the DOOR according to your assignment.  Once the event BEGINS, the door will be unlocked and you enter the hallway area.  Puppets spawn here, and path towards your puzzle solver who is located inside a room further in.

    RANGE DPS ONLY to kill the puppets as FAST AS POSSIBLE. 

    Druids, if you end up in a Puppet DPS group, you are to DPS (nuke, not joking), to help kill as well.  You are also backup Caller in case a puppet kills your puzzler.

    Enchanters, you can lurch puppets to prevent them from pathing.  Rangers, don't use punt; as it only causes the puppet to warp.

Stage 1 = Assist MA to Kill Dream Avatars.

Stage 2 = Assist MA to kill LOW HP 3% ones FIRST.  Kiting 100% ones until they drop to 3% by proper essence click.

Stage 3 = Assist MA to kill Dream Champions.  Essence clickers will prep these with different essences to reduce select resists. 

Final Boss Stage: The Dream Master's Avatar - BURN him down.  Tanks use discs and OT any adds that spawn.

Dream Master color changes indicate spell weaknesses: Normal color, use FIRE.  Green use Corruption.  Blue use Poison.  Red use ICE.

Any questions, please ask in the FLRaids:raids channel.  Thanks.

Sleeping Puppets

Select DPS will be assigned to kill these for all stages they are in play.
  • Puppets don't hit back, but instead path towards players in the colored pad puzzle rooms, and DT them.
  • Spawn 1-2 at a time in the hallways depending on stage.

The Arena

Each stage is associated with a Puzzle. 

As long as the puzzle is unsolved, we must deal with four adds of various types; spawning every minute.

They all hit for 11000 - 13000 range.

There's tricks to different mobs and how we'll deal with them as well for EACH stage.  Pay close attention please!


Dream Avatars:

  • Scavenger's Saliva - 20k DoT (single-target, corruption cures)
  • COLORED ORBS spawn and float around the arena.  They don't hit back, but going near one causes it to explode.
  • Basic Orb: 20k PBAE DD (Energy Discharge)
  • Gravity Orb: Slow Push (Gravity Essence)


Dream Avengers:
  • Flame Fist - 25k DD + Knockback/up (single-target)
  • They also mem-blur (but read below for counteraction details)
  • Mix of Avengers spawn at 3% HP, others at 100%.  We want to kill the LOW HP ones (3%).
  • When a low HP Avenger dies, it drops an item on the ground.  Certain colors used against each Avenger will do 97% Damage to them:

Green Avenger Essences -> use against BLUE dream avengers
White Avenger Essences -> use against: GREEN dream avengers
Blue Avenger Essences -> use against: RED dream avengers
Red Avenger Essences -> use against: WHITE dream avengers
* GTT ref /con clicks to colors include below in related trigger section.
  • Colored intermediate orbs also spawn during this stage.  Avoid them or be stunned (Essence of Health)

Dream Champions:
  • Green Visage - Endurance Drain + 4k DoT + Treant illusion (single-target, curse counter 5)

  • Blue Visage - Mana Drain + Turepta illusion (single-target, curse counter 5)

  • White Visage - AC reduction + Giant Floating Skull illusion (single-target, curse counter 5)

  • Red Visage - Cap HP 85% + Red Nekhon illusion (single-target, curse counter 5)
  • Puppets during this stage drop click items we can use to reduce resistance on select colored Dream Champions as follows:

Greater Blue Essences -> use against RED dream champions (reduces cold resist)
Greater White Essences -> use against GREEN dream champions (reduces curruption resist)
Greater Green Essences -> use against BLUE dream champions (reduces poison resist)
Greater Red Essences -> use against WHITE dream champions (reduces fire resist)

* GTT ref /con clicks to colors included below in related trigger section.
  • Colored orbs also spawn during this stage, and work just like prior stages.  Avoid them:

Advanced Orbs:
Blue Eruption - PBAE 5k DoT + Stun (6s)
Green Eruption - 3k DoT + Root
Red Eruption - 9k DoT PBAE (30' range)
White Eruption - SILENCE + Snare

Stun Orb: Casts stun (of course! Stun Essence 30s duration)

The Dream Master's Avatar

Final boss stage.

  • Hits for 24000; AE Rampages (full damage)
  • Burn boss.  Tanks disc and OT any adds that spawn.
  • Color of Dream Master indicates spell weakness as follows:
    • Normal color = USE FIRE
      Green = Use Corruption
      Blue = Use Poison
      Red = Use ICE

The Puzzles
Stages 1, 2, 3 above all have a related puzzle that must be solved to advance to the next stage.

  • Each puzzle area has four colored pads: Red, Blue, White, and Green
  • A pad is turned on or off by stepping on it.


In-game Lore/Text:
The Dream Master shouts 'I will only give you so long to complete my challenges. The flames in front of me represent the time you have left. If you kill my avatars, I will extend your time. Now, I am thinking of four colors. Can you guess which ones?'

The Dream Master shouts 'Go! Find the colored buttons and see if you discover the colors in my mind! If you must, you may ask me for a [hint]'

You say, 'Give us a hint'

The Dream Master says 'Come, now this is the easy one! I want you to guess one color for each room. Make your choices by stepping on a colored button. When each room has made their choice, I will tell you how many you got right.'

PROBLEM: Dream Master thinking of FOUR colors; we have to guess which color for each room.


When all four puzzle solvers step on a pad; The Dream Master will emote how many we have correct.  From there, each puzzle solver will have to figure out which color is theirs; one at a time.

Center solver figure out theirs first, then South, then West, then North.

    Each puzzle solver steps onto their red pad.
    The Dream Master emotes how many you have correct.

    If it's 0, you know that no one's color is red, so everyone moves to their blue pad.

    If you only have 1, 2, or 3 correct, everyone steps off their red pad.

    The center solver steps onto the blue pad; the other three step back onto their red pad.

    You'll get another emote about how many you have correct.
      If the number correct
decreases, everyone steps back off their pads.
    The center solver moves back to the red pad (since the correct number decreased, you know the previous pad you were on to be the correct one).
If the number correct stays the same, everyone steps back off their pads.
    The center solver steps onto the white pad (since the correct number stayed the same, you know neither the red pad nor the blue pad was the correct one); the other three step back onto their red pad.
If the number correct increases, you know the center pad is now correct and the next solver can use the same method to figure out their color. [/list][/list]


    Everyone starts off on red.
      Emote says you have 1 correct; everyone steps off their pads.
    The center solver moves to blue; the other three step back on red.
      Emote says you have 1 correct; everyone steps off their pads.
    The center solver moves to white; the other three step back on red.
      Emote says you have 2 correct; everyone steps off their pads.
        The center solver now knows their correct pad is the white one.
    The south solver moves to blue; center solver steps back on white; the remaining two step back on red.
      Emote says you have 1 correct; everyone steps off their pads.
        The south solver now knows their correct pad is the red one.
    The west solver moves to blue; center solver steps back on white; south solver back on red; north solver back on red.
      Emote says you have 2 correct; everyone steps off their pads.
    The west solver moves to white; center back on white; south back on red; north back on red.
      Emote says you have 3 correct; everyone steps off their pads.
        The west solver now knows heir correct pad is the white one.
    The north solver moves to blue; center back on white; south back on red; west back on white.
      You get an emote finishing the puzzle (center was white; south was red; west was white; north was blue).


In-game Lore/Text:
The Dream Master shouts 'You may have read my mind, but I will control your bodies! Dance for me! Do whatever I say!'

The Dream Master shouts 'I will show you my instructions in each of the rooms. Do you think you can remember them?'

The Dream Master shouts 'Watch the orbs and heed my commands! If you must, you may ask for a [hint]'

You say, 'Give us a hint'

The Dream Master says 'In each room I will display a different series of colors. Adventurers in each room must then step on the buttons in same order as the colors I have shown to you. If the order is wrong in even one room, everyone fails, and I will show the color sequences again.'


At the beginning of Stage 2, each puzzle solver must be ready to watch and record the orb's sequence of 15 color changes.

The color changes will be a random order of red, blue, white, and green.

In the middle of each puzzle area is a floating orb.  When lit up, the orb appears like a wisp (like the worry wraiths, or daydreams model).

It will light up for about 2 seconds and then go dark for 2 seconds. Then it will light up for another 2 seconds and then go dark for 2 seconds, repeating itself until it's shown you its entire sequence of 15 colors.

Once the orb is done its display and you've recorded its color changes in sequence, the four puzzle solvers need to step on their pads in that same order. This completes the puzzle.

Be aware:

  • A colored pad needs to be in upright position before one can step on it

If a puzzle solver steps on a pad when it's in a downward position; it won't count

This matters when the same color sequence is in play for example: white, white, white.  We have to wait for the white pad to reset each time before stepping back on it.
  • If any puzzle solver fails to step on their pads in the proper order, the puzzle resets.

If this happens, puzzle solvers must be ready to quickly record the new color order.

Failure emote:
    The Dream Master says 'Fail! Adventurers in the main arena stepped on the incorrect sequence!'
    The Dream Master shouts 'If one group fails, everyone does! Try again!'
    The Dream Master shouts 'Watch the orbs and heed my commands!'

    Success emotes, one per related area:
      The Dream Master says 'Good! Adventurers in the main arena remembered the sequence!'
      The Dream Master says 'Good! Adventurers in the south room remembered the sequence!'
      The Dream Master says 'Good! Adventurers in the west room remembered the sequence!'
      The Dream Master says 'Good! Adventurers in the north room remembered the sequence!'
      The Dream Master shouts 'You have not finished my challenge! Defeat your enemies!'


      Puzzle solvers, watch the order of colors.  Write/Type or enter each into a hotkey temporarily.

      Use whatever method works for you.  Short form might be one possible way:

      Using first letter abbreviations (G)reen, (B)lue, (W)hite, (R)ed.  So watching the sequence, you could write it down and group by 5 for easier reading:


      Once everyone confirms they have all of the sequence written down in some way, you can all begin doing them.  Everyone can do it at the same time.

      PUZZLE 3

      In-game Lore/Text:
      The Dream Master shouts 'One action causes another. One goes down, and others come up. Can you turn on all of them?'

      The Dream Master shouts 'Adventurers in the adjacent rooms, listen to the instructions of your leader in the main arena.'

      The Dream Master shouts 'Now, prove to me your intellect! If you must, you may ask for a [hint]'

      You say, 'Give us a hint'

      The Dream Master says 'The grid of orbs corresponds to each of the four button rows. The top row of orbs corresponds to the row of buttons in the main arena. The second row of orbs corresponds to the button row in the south room. The third row of orbs corresponds to the button row in the west room. The last row corresponds to the north room. Each column of orbs, from left to right, corresponds to the button colors: green, white, blue, and red. Whenever you step on a button, you toggle that button's state, as well as the states of the buttons above, below, to the left, and to the right. When a button goes down, the orb on the grid corresponding that button will light up. Your goal is to turn on all the lights.'



      Shortly after the start of Stage 3, the Center puzzle solver will see 16 orbs (4 by 4 rows and columns).  Some will be ON, some OFF. 

      This is puzzle based on "Lights Out", except we want to turn the lights on.  But the concept is the same: Step on a pad, and all the adjacent ones that are OFF, turn ON, and lights that were ON, turn OFF.

      Easiest way is using the Allahkazam screenshots and muddle through the rest with steps and an example.  There's a Javascript link also, I'll reference further down.

      Example1: This is how the puzzle MIGHT LOOK to start out

      With the above labeled, and facing EAST, it is as follows:

      Using the above example, the following pads are OFF:

      Center: Green, Blue, Red
      South: Green Blue
      West: White, Blue
      North: Green Red

      The center puzzle solver needs to co-ordinate with the three other solvers to light up the entire grid of orbs.

      This is how we need the final puzzle to look:

      Source: Allahazams

      Solving it:

      There's a couple ways to go about solving this puzzle.  But we want to do it in the LEAST amount of time/moves.

      Easiest way, is to use this LIGHTS OUT PUZZLE SOLVER javascript page.

      • Load page, select 4x4 grid from pull down.
      • Click EDIT twice to make them all blue.  This mode allows you to turn colors on/off without any others changing.
      • Match the in-game view.  Click squares RED that show ON (as wisps) in-game.
      • Once you have it matching, click the SOLVE button.
      • A binary grid pop up will appear for your solution.  Blank squares = 0's.  1's = Pads that need to be stepped on
      • [/olist]

        Using our above example:

      Breakdown solution:

      Looks like we can do this one in only FOUR moves:

      Center = Blue, Red
      South = None
      West = White, Blue
      North = None

      Applying solution:

      Order matters!  Each person must complete their step (if any) before the next proceeds.

      Order is: Center, South, West, North.

      Let's work through the example to play it out:

      • Center steps on BLUE, then RED.  Then tells WEST to go (south is skipped because there's nothing to do)
      • West steps on WHITE, then BLUE.  That should complete the puzzle.  North is skipped because there's nothing to do.
      • [/olist]
        Note: You can step on pads when they are pressed down and it works.  This is the only puzzle that works like this.  So try not to run over other pads en route to the one you're after.

      Text / Audio Triggers


      « Last Edit: June 02, 2021, 12:56:21 AM by Furro »


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      Re: HoT - SS5 - Elements of a Dream
      « Reply #1 on: August 12, 2012, 03:58:12 AM »
      Updated /con trigs for Essences on this event.  Removed the regards portions based on Poddo feedback (he was doing clicks).  For those who never intend to do Essence clicks, you don't have to redownload them to update.

      Be careful for those that are updating, I left the Avatar final Cast Trigger in with the combo set, and if you import the updated ones you'll have a double trigger there.  So just manually fix it etc.

      Additional Notes & Adjusts:

      • Puzzle solvers will be more carefully selected as not to waste high DPS classes.

      • Arena Stage 2 - Half the Avengers were snareable.  Others were immune.

      « Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 04:21:00 AM by Furro »


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      Re: HoT - SS5 - Elements of a Dream
      « Reply #2 on: August 12, 2012, 05:15:00 PM »
      Puzzlers assigned in our recent run, any feedback/insight you provide here will help Ssark with setup.  Ssark was away this past weekend, and that's why it was tasked to Buukala for our first run.

      « Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 05:15:11 PM by Furro »


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      Re: HoT - SS5 - Elements of a Dream
      « Reply #3 on: August 12, 2012, 09:05:34 PM »
      We need a touch more dps in the groups protecting us.  When the puppets get to us, they hit very weak (1kish) but occasionally proc a 500k dd nuke.  I don't quite have 428k dmg mitigation, so I am dying...


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      Re: HoT - SS5 - Elements of a Dream
      « Reply #4 on: August 12, 2012, 09:16:36 PM »
      We need a touch more dps in the groups protecting us.  When the puppets get to us, they hit very weak (1kish) but occasionally proc a 500k dd nuke.  I don't quite have 428k dmg mitigation, so I am dying...
      Aye, I've made adjusts to how much dps we'll put next run protecting puzzlers.

      Next run, you'll be most likely assigned to kill puppets anyway as your DPS is better utilized in that area.


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      Re: HoT - SS5 - Elements of a Dream
      « Reply #5 on: August 14, 2012, 11:45:47 AM »
      Some tips for puzzle solving.

      On the first puzzle, it's best if one person (usually the one at main raid) coordinates the solving.  What's posted is how the puzzle functions, but the way it's written it's almost as if it's suggesting that each person figures out their own color.  The quicker we get the puzzles done, the less the main raid has to deal with so it's best to do it quickly.  If we do one at a time, it will take longer than necessary.  If the main solver coordinates everything it just seems to go quicker because confusion is easy on the first puzzle.

      Second puzzle, you must track 15 colors.  Once you have the 15 you must go as quick as you can without making any errors.  If you have 2 of the same color in a row you must step on the button, step off, let it reset, then step on it again.  If you make an error, it won't instant fail you, it will only fail once you get to 15.  Now, if you fail, everyone must stop inputting their order, immediately.  This is because if you continue pushing buttons it will mess up the next order.  So, be aware of the fail message, and as soon as it pops, stop, compose yourself, and get in position to track a new set of 15 colors.  You have roughly  3-5 seconds before a new set starts, so if there's a fail, you must get ready to track right away, or you're going to have to go through another set failed and try yet again.  Remember, every time we fail, that means more mobs for the raid.

      3rd puzzle.  If the puzzle solver has a smart phone, I recommend setting it up ahead of time, if not, you can use your computer.  Using my phone, I've been able to knock out the third puzzle so fast that we sometimes didn't have to kill anything.  Basically this one is all done by the main solver.  They'll use the solve matrix to find out how to solve it then communicate to the others what they need to do to finish the puzzle.

      Dream master's Avatar....just burn the sucker out.  The info that says you're not supposed to cast spells on him is just wrong.  We tried every way of not casting spells on him and it never worked to stop adds from spawning. He has low hp.  Also, if you cast spells at the appropriate time it makes the adds go vulnerable.  When he's normal color use fire, Green use corruption, Blue use poison, Red use ice.  Adds come at a flurry best to kite em off (or whatever Furro wants you to do) and just hold them until Avatar dies.  They're a bitch and they constantly spawn up to 15 I believe.  Kill one, and another takes its place.

      Any other questions, let me know.


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      Re: HoT - SS5 - Elements of a Dream
      « Reply #6 on: August 17, 2012, 10:21:50 PM »
      Progress Update

      Took our second look at this event last night, and made some ground.

      We're stronger on puppet kills with the increase in DPS allocated to those areas.

      On the 2nd attempt, we had 3 out of 4 puzzle areas completed in order to advance to Stage 3.

      Considering our setup, we did very well.  Thanks everyone for your patience during our prep as we tweaked specific areas.

      The following below are adjusts going forward for our next run.

      Trigger Adjusts

      Remove the following Triggers:
        a blue dream avenger
        a green dream avenger
        a red dream avenger
        a white dream avenger
        a red dream champion
        a green dream champion
        a blue dream champion
        a white dream champion

        body gives off a violent reaction to your spell

        Note1: Dream pattern was mistakenly modified to be too general; as a result firing often defeating the purpose.
        Note2: Final boss spell cast emote may cause confusion with burn tactic ignoring the mechanic.

      /rs Prep Puppet DPS

      Created prep explaining more clearly what/where you are supposed to go:
        DPS within select group numbers will be assigned a direction: South, West, North

        You are to go to the DOOR according to your assignment.  Once the event BEGINS, the door will be unlocked and you enter the hallway area.  Puppets spawn here, and path towards your puzzle solver who is located inside a room further in.

        RANGE DPS ONLY to kill the puppets as FAST AS POSSIBLE. 

        Druids, if you end up in a Puppet DPS group, you are to DPS (nuke, not joking), to help kill as well.  You are also backup Caller in case a puppet kills your puzzler.

        Enchanters, you can lurch puppets to prevent them from pathing.  Rangers, don't use punt; as it only causes the puppet to warp.

      Stage 2

      Colored Essence Clickers

      • Assigning 3-4 players to pickup/use the colored essences in which low HP dream avengers drop when killed.  We were previous having Poddo just work this in order to flesh things out.  More clickers now will be helpful.

      Assigned clickers, use whatever method works for you in order to reference the color combos.[/list]


      • Assigned by the mobs text color reference (ie, a red dream avenger, so RED = Soandso, Soandso)
      • Off-tank/Kill the LOW HP (3% ones).  Kite the 100% ones until they drop to 3% from a proper essence click (this may cause them to summon, but do your best to bring them into the raid to kill).

      For kiting, you'll have to avoid the Orb things located around the event area (the resulting AE can stun).  Possibly using the outlining ring (beyond the lava moat) may work.
      • Never mind going for the Staff of Angry Dreams.  We're spread thin as it is on resources, and we can't afford to have missing tanks during the chaos.  We'll just deal with memblurs and /assist heal as it happens.  These are not critically hard hitting mobs anyway.
      Final Boss Stage - The Dream Master's Avatar

      • BURN him down.

      • Tanks use discs and OT any adds that spawn.

      • Dream Master color changes indicate spell weaknesses: Normal color, use FIRE.  Green use Corruption.  Blue use Poison.  Red use ICE.
      « Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 10:22:52 PM by Furro »


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      Re: HoT - SS5 - Elements of a Dream
      « Reply #7 on: September 04, 2012, 05:03:10 PM »
      Defeated Friday, August 31, 2012.