Author Topic: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone  (Read 24130 times)


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VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
« on: June 14, 2012, 08:55:40 PM »
    Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
    *[07/05/2012] NOTICE: This post has been modified to reflect amendments posted within this thread *

    Zone & Instance Info
    Gather Zone: Resplendent Temple

    NPC Name: Reklor Irespine
    NPC Location: From the Pillars zone-in, head due south into the building and continue south until you come to the last room; Reklor is in the southeast room (Loc: 1810, -100, 440).

    Keyword to Enter: ready

    Flag & Key Requirements

    Zone Flag: None
    Event Key: None
    Group Mission: None
    Event Flag: Record of Lore Level: 3/5
    Alaran Language: None

    * Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Nothing required.

    Brief Event Overview and Strat

    * Mandatory Audio/Text GTT Trigger information is available in the GTT section further down in this post.


    Do not box during this raid.  Play a single-character of your choice, or ask what would compliment our setup at the time.
    Non Rez/Call classes buy several: Token of Resurrection (from Loyalty Vendor in PoK).  Use during battle to rez the dead and reduce healer burden.[/list]
    Consider BINDING outside at the NPC for quicker recovery.
    Mana classes, make sure you use modrods consistently, it's a long fight.  Using a rod when you're almost oom is inefficient.
    Clerics, make good use of your Quiet Miracle line to recover mana.
    Druids, read Dimbly's Persepective post for healing setup/tips.
    Beastlords, co-ordinate TB/MGB Paragon.  Single Beast, do TB PoS at engage; then at Avatar 50%.  Multiple Beast in setup, same, but spread Para at each Main room stage.
    Magicians, ensure modrod requests are fulfilled.  If setup allows, co-ordinate MGB modrods each main room inactive stage.

    ALL Classes, makeup and SAVE spell sets that compliment Tower stage(s) and Main Room.


    For this event, we take Avatar down 25% at a time, in order to spawn tower mini-bosses. 

    Each Tower Mini-boss MUST be balanced within 5% of each other AND each has a special mechanic.

    Once the mini-bosses are dead, we are returned to Avatar and must take it down another 25% to spawn the next Tower set and so on.

    Know your group number please.  You will be assigned to either WEST (Splendor) or EAST (Decay) towers; with an associated channel.

    * Warning: Any single failure the miniboss heals 25%; resulting in imbalance.  Turn your TV off imo <shakes fists>!


    Be aware:
    • Avatar shifts forms.  Distinguishable by robe color: Green Robe and Purple Robe
    • Regardless of which form a DD + Spell Interruption AE fires every 2% of Avatars Health (it'll lock your gems for 10 sec also).
    Required Actions:
    • SPREAD OUT, but be near your healer EACH TIME we are ported back to this room.  Avoid lingering at the drop point.
    • Do not position in a cubby!  This can block line-of-sight if an ID spawns on you.  In addition, when the stage ends, the portal totems appear and you could be standing in the portal cubby resulting in an early port to a Tower.
    • ALL MELEE - Do not stand near MT.  IDs can spawn on you, explode; resulting in the MT taking the damage as well.  Additionally, the same applies if an Ooze spawns on you, near MT, the MT is chain DD'd shortly after.
    • Watch /rs for MT on point each time we return from the Towers.  Strong heals are needed initially each time until we stabilize and reposition etc.
    Green Robe form - Avatar of Ladrys:
    • Inner Darkness (ID) adds: Explode after 10 seconds for 56k DD + Blind

    • Kill to prevent them exploding.
    • Everyone RANGE DPS these when they appear on ETW.  Do not wait for MA call.
    • Use a hotkey: /target inner_darkness for quick targeting.
    • Pet classes: turn /taunt on, sick pet on ID adds!
    Purple Robe form - Avatar of Sholoth:
    • Black ooze looking adds can spawn on you and chain cast: Sludge - 5k MANA DRAIN + 2k END + 53k DD + SNARE
    • MOVE when an OOZE spawns ON YOU!
    WEST TOWER - SPLENDOR (Green Robe)

    SPLENDOR -> Tower 1st Stage - Five players Buffless
    • Assist MA when called on for add killing.
    • Watch /rs calls for any balance adjustments.
    SPLENDOR -> Tower 2nd Stage -  Totem Hug Stage
    • Players emoted are hit with a MASSIVE DoT.  You die after 12 seconds unless you move to a Purity Stone that spawns in one of the window inlets.  Fail to move, you die, and BOTH Avatars heal for 25%!
    • When emoted, STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, and RUN TO THE TOTEM.  Even if you are in the middle of a spell cast, or burn, or whatever.  Your top priority is reaching the totem.  Nothing else matters when emoted.
    • Consider using /shownames off, to avoid extra visual clutter.

    Purity Totems & Your Positioning:

    • There are four green pads in the cubbies of the room.  It is on these green pads that the purity stones appear.
    • Position yourself so you can see three of these pads.  The immediate left and right of port in work well.
    • Make sure the large stone in the center of the room is not blocking your view of a green pad.
    • When you can see three, and you get the emote trigger, quickly scan your field of view to see if the totem is in one of three spots.  You should not need to rotate your character.
    • If it is in one of the three spots, run immediately to it.  If it's not in the three you can see, it must be in the one you can't.  Know where that is, and spin-run to it.
    • Don't finish your spellcast.  Don't polish your nails.  Don't finish the pie.  Move it.  You have a serious DoT on you that could even kill you before you reach the pad.
    • There is a fail emote.  This means when you fail, we all know you did.  Move it.
    SPLENDOR -> Tower 3rd Stage - Books

    • Assigned players will handle book passing.
      • Book order is given during prep; repeated before T3 engage.
      • Book works just like any clicky-item.  Drop it into an inventory slot, and right-click it.
      • Everyone add the FIRST player in the order to your ETW.  On engage, a random player receives the book on their cursor.
      • Anyone NOT in the Book order, that gets the book, is to PASS IT TO THE FIRST PERSON IN THE ORDER!
    • Inner Darkness (IDs) adds in play just like main room.  Kill FAST before they explode.

    EAST TOWER - DECAY (Purple Robe)[/size]

    DECAY -> Tower 1st Stage - Decaying Flesh & Zombie Illusion

    • Use/Ask for Single-Target Corruption cure ONLY WHEN ZOMBIE ROT Buff begins to fade (flashes).
    • Healers, maintain/discuss within your group setup, who is to maintain GROUP Heal-over-time spell.
    • Healers, mem Single-Target Corruption cure.  Only cure others when they ask.
    • Healers, DO NOT use RC AA, or Cleric epic click.
    • Paladins, DO NOT use Splash during this stage.
    DECAY -> Tower 2nd Stage - Jump/Window Stage
    • Random players emoted to JUMP OUT THE WINDOW!  IF you fail, you die, and Avatar heals 25%!
    • When emoted, STOP WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING AND JUMP.  Even if you are in the middle of a spell cast, or burn, or whatever.  Your top priority is jumping out the window.  Nothing else matters when emoted.

    DECAY -> Tower 3rd Stage - Books

    • Oozes spawn on you (just like main room).  MOVE when you see one spawn on you to avoid the chain DD + Blind!
      • Book order is given during prep; repeated before T3 engage.
      • Book works just like any clicky-item.  Drop it into an inventory slot, and right-click it.
      • Everyone add the FIRST player in the order to your ETW.  On engage, a random player receives the book on their cursor.
      • Anyone NOT in the Book order, that gets the book, is to PASS IT TO THE FIRST PERSON IN THE ORDER!
    • Watch /rs calls for any balance adjustments.
    Main Room: Avatar
    • Hits for 25000, flurries.
    • Changes forms every 65 seconds between: Avatar of Ladrys and Avatar of Sholoth
    • Regardless of form, both cast: Disruption - 18k DD + Interrupt Casting

      • Note: Disruption is a % based spell that hits everyone in the raid every time the Avatar loses 2% health.

      It has a 50% chance to interrupt whomever it hits.
    • Various other associated AEs and details listed below.
    Avatar of Ladrys       Aura of Resplendence - AURA: 40% SPELL SLOW
    (Green Robe) Purification - 29k DoT + Spell Fizzler + 50% Melee Slow
      Adds: inner darkness Mirror - Selfbuff: Illusion player; 40% Attack Speed
      (every 10-25 seconds) Inner Darkness - PBAE 43k DD + Blindness (40' range)

        * Required Actions
        Everyone: Range DPS adds before they explode
        (we have 10-15 seconds to kill each add)
    Avatar of Sholoth Aura of Decay - AURA: 70% MELEE SLOW
    (Purple Robe) Wave of Filth - 41k DD + Melee Silence (Random players)
      Add: a pool of waste Sludge - 5k MANA DRAIN + 2k END + 42k DD + SNARE
      (non-confrontational) (chain casts while standing in pool!)
      (black ooze appearance) 

        * Required Actions
        CASTERS: DPS Avatar in this form
        MELEE: Stay away from MT and range DPS.

    West Tower - Vision of Splendor

    • Hits for 20000; flurries.
    • Each Tower Miniboss must be balanced within 5% HP of each other (heal penalty for unbalanced).
    • Abilities & AEs vary depending on our SPLIT STAGE (based on Avatar %; not to be confused with % of Minis HP).

    (ie, 75% = Avatar was taken down to 75%, we're on the first split balance stage)


      (Green Robe)
    First Stage       Burst of Brilliant Light - 16k DD + Knockback/up
    (Avatar 75%) Resplendence - SILENCE + 19k DoT (Random players targeted)

        * Required Actions
        3-5 players MUST remain BUFFLESS
        This includes Songs, procs, Auras, everything (minus rez/debuffs)
        We'll select 5 "volunteers" for this joyful duty

    Second Stage Filth - 39k DoT (single-target, 3xRNGs; totem cures it)
    (Avatar 50%) Purification - 29k DoT + Spell Fizzler + 50% Melee Slow
      Add: a pure essence Spawn at HP intervals
        Hit for 18000+
        Immune to mez and stun.
        * Required Actions
        THREE Players emoted every 30 seconds.
        The players must move to the Purity Stone to remove Filth
        EACH Failure = 25% heal to both minibosses!
        The Purity Stone (totem) shifts locations also; for added fun.
        Everyone: Priority kill the pure essences ASAP
    Third Stage AEs: None
    (Avatar 25%)
      Adds: inner darkness Mirror - Selfbuff: Illusion player; 40% Attack Speed
      (every 10-25 seconds) Inner Darkness - PBAE 56k DD + Blindness (40' range)
        Hits for 15000; single-target rampages
        Immune to mez and stun

        * Required Actions
        4-5 players will be assigned to BOOK PASS (aka hot-potato concept)
        Everyone else: Assist MA; priority adds when up

    East Tower - Shadow of Decay

    • Hits for 20000; flurries.
    • Each Tower Miniboss must be balanced within 5% HP of each other (heal penalty for unbalanced).
    • Abilities & AEs vary depending on our SPLIT STAGE (based on Avatar %; not to be confused with % of Minis HP).

    (ie, 75% = Avatar was taken down to 75%, we're on the first split balance stage)

      (Purple Robe)
      First Stage Rot - 23k DoT + Root + Stun + Recourse (Decaying Flesh)
      (Avatar 75%) Decaying Flesh - MELEE SLOW 80% + 16k DoT + Recourse (Zombie Rot)
        Zombie Rot - Zombie Illusion


        * Required Actions
        PRIESTS: DO NOT use RC / Cleric Epic clicky
        Everyone: Use/Ask for SINGLE-TARGET Corruption cure ONLY WHEN Zombie Rot buff is fading

        Do not cure ROT, we need it to turn you into a zombie
        (we don't want you detrimental curing because that removes the zombie illusion we need on)
        (things like RCAA, CLR Epic, Paladin Splash, all have a detrimental cure component)
    Second Stage Wave of Filth - 41k DD + Melee Silence (Random players)
    (Avatar 50%)
      Add: a cesspool Spawn at HP intervals
        Hits for 18500
        Immune to mez and stun
        * Required Actions
        Everyone: NO LEV BUFFS OF ANYKIND
        React to JUMP OUT WINDOW EMOTE immediately!
        Jumping when you're not supposed to = Death
        Jumping late = Death
        Jumping early = Death..  see a pattern here.. <grin>
        You have 9 seconds to jump.  You won't die if you jump in that time.
        Failure = Minibosses heal 25%; causing imbalance

        Assigned Assist MA: Priority kill cesspools or penalty = minis heal
    Third Stage AEs: None
    (Avatar 25%)
      Add: a pool of waste Sludge - 5k MANA DRAIN + 2k END + 53k DD + SNARE
      (these ones hit back!) (chain casts while standing in pool!)
      (black ooze appearance)  Hits for 15000
        Immune to mez and stun

        * Required Actions
        4-5 players will be assigned to BOOK PASS (aka hot-potato concept)
        Everyone else: Assist MA

    Book Passing!

    LEAD: Ssark (Eristie)

    Related to 3rd Stage (Avatar 25%) - BOTH Towers.

    This is a placeholder area.  Ssark is handling this, I'll append the writeup when he has it ready.

    We're assigning 4-5 players PER TOWER to do this.

    Concept works identically to the mission version.  Book on cursor, you target next player in order assigned, click book to pass it.  Idea is to maintain a "Chant" buff on 1 person within each tower continuously.  Any single failure the miniboss heals 25%; resulting in imbalance and pie in the face... Ok seriously, I wouldn't waste pie like that.. er, anyway.  It's an important role, but not difficult.  Volunteer your services if you're up for it and make Ssark's job alot easier please.  Thanks.


    • I will have a hotkey (promise!) to assign 4-5 people book passing duty.  In addition, we'll try to have all of those people in the same group, and none of them will be healers.
    • Like in other segments, this (book passing) is Job 1.  However, I suspect after the passers get used to it, they'll be able to do other things like do a quick spell cast once in a while, send a pet in, or melee a bit.  Just remember what is Job 1.
    • Each book passer should have the next TWO in the chain in his Extended Target Window.  This is in case the next one dies.  I know, they're in same group, and I'll try to put them in group order, but if you have room in the ETW (and non-healers should), this is a great way to quickly REMIND you who they are.
    • Each book passer should have a key that announces to splendor or decay channel, "Passing book to %T".
    • Everyone in channel should know who the first person to pass the book to is.  If the book lands on one of the 4-5 people in duty, they simply start the chain from there.
    • Know what happens when you get the book, and when you pass it.  When you receive it, you'll have a few seconds (2-3 tics) to pass it.  When you pass it, you'll be silenced for a while, which also means you can't pass the book again.

      • Get the book passed to the first person, or if lucky, it's in the chain of 4-5 people already and we can skip this step.  The loop:
      • When you RECEIVE the book, put it in inventory, and count to 6.
      • Now TARGET the first person in your ETW (if alive), or second person.
      • Right-click the book.  This will silence you for 2-3 ticks.
      • Click your hotbutton to tell the channel that you've passed the book, and to whom.
      • Person mentioned in channel, start at Step 2.
      • EVERYONE should be prepared for what to do, even if not in chain, in case you accidentally get the book.
      • Healer in book passer group, your priority is to keep them alive, and rez the dead quickly.  Know where the book is going next, and make sure that person's alive.  Secondary: heal the MT, you should be able to sneak in some good MT patches nonetheless.

      Raidin in the BUFF! :D

      LEAD: TBA

      For all you clowns who like to slack on your buffs, here's your chance to shine imo!  <arms flailing!>

      Related to 1st Stage (Avatar 75) - Splendor Tower only

      3-5 players MUST remain BUFFLESS

      This is very tricky to do.  Because there are alot of buffs that will land on you suck as: Procs, Epics from others/self, Twincast procs, HoTs, AURAs and even Shawl 2.0 proc

      Basically ANY BUFF except for REZ/REVIVE EFFECT will cause a fail.

      Players Tasked with this Duty:

      You're going to have to watch your buff window, and as stuff comes up, right click and BLOCK IT.  This way, if it registers a fail, you'll have it blocked at least for next attempt/round.

      Double check and avoid the following as well during prep:
      • Bag/Remove Hotkey for EPIC
      • Remove Shawl 2.0
      • Avoid Twinproc/lines (adjust your spell lineup imo and SAVE a special lineup that doesn't have trouble spells)
      • Block AURAs
      Other Players During this Stage and assigned to Splendor Tower:  AVOID THE FOLLOWING
      • No MGB'ing
      • No Circle of Power/Mana etc clickies
      * Note: We'll try and keep those tasked with this duty in the same group and make the group number known.  This way you're not hampered in your ability to play your role (ie, Cleric Epic, Shaman Epic, Spires, Auras etc.).


      Text / Audio Triggers - Mandatory

      ALL Mandatory Setup

      GTT All-in-One Puppy: voa_rt_raid.gtt

      Audio Files:

      * jump.wav
      * totem.wav
      * get-corruption-cured.wav

      ALL Addon Mandatory Setup

      Success & Fail Trigger Addons: For both TOTEM and JUMP OUT WINDOW Stages.  EVERYONE must import these.

      Reason:  It's possible that you react, but the server doesn't register it properly and you need to QUICKLY REPEAT YOUR ACTION AGAIN before the fail timer.

      * Replace YOURNAME with your character name where applicable.

      GTT Your Success & Fail emote Triggers for TOTEMS & JUMP OUT WINDOW:

      voa_rt_raid_success_fail_action_emotes.gtt  (remember to EDIT YOURNAME!)

      Audio Files:
      * you_were_successful.wav

      * you_have_failed.wav

      Classes:  Beastlords, Rangers, Paladins, Shaman, Druids, Clerics

      Additional trigger for the above classes. 

      Reason: The Spell Interrupt AE prevents healers from sustaining heals on the main tank.  When this trigger fires, we need everyone to HEAL THE MAIN TANK.  This will cover the drop off in healing we're experiencing and help ensure tank survival during these periods.

      Remember: Target Avatar and /assist; to ensure you have the main tank.  I say this because some of the above classes may not be used to healing in this fashion.  It's extremely important you add coverage during the interrupt stages.

      * Important:  Even if the MT looks full health.  HEAL ANYWAYS!  Time your heal lands, the tank has taken damage, and lag does delay what appears to be a full HP bar on your target.

      Avatar Spell Interrupt AE: voa_rt_heal_mt_spell_interrupt_ae.gtt

      Audio File: * heal-mt.wav

      « Last Edit: June 02, 2021, 12:55:34 AM by Furro »


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #1 on: June 23, 2012, 08:20:21 PM »

      A few adjusts based on our first attempts last weekend:
      • Avatar stage, Spell Interrupt AE is causing disruption in heals to MT.  Everyone needs to step up and heal MT when the AE fires in order to compensate.  The GTT is included below for classes with heals available.

      • Avatar - Spread out around the room for both versions Green/Purple.

      • Green Robe form - Avatar of Ladrys: Inner Darkness (IDs) adds = Everyone must RANGE DPS via ETW.  Pet classes /taunt on, sick pets immediately on IDs.  No one wait for MA call.  MA transitions are costing us 3 seconds each.  When we have to kill IDs within 10 seconds, every second matters.
      • Green Robe form - Avatar of Ladrys: Be aware of the spell slow in this form.  Casters, you need to adjust your spell lineups to compensate.  Especially healers, include fast cast 1.0/1.5 heals with twinheal technique.  Also, save your spell sets for particular towers and stages, it'll help ensure you have the proper spell; if any, memmed each stage and you don't have to fumble/attempt to mem something mid-battle.
      • Purple Robe form - Avatar of Sholoth: RANGE DPS AVATAR ONLY.  Melee you can't be in close on Avatar because when an Ooze spawns on you, our MT is caught in the chain DD and this is causing alot of spike DMG.
      • Keep your groups alive.  This means everyone who has a heal of any form; patch group members to help.  We need to mitigate player deaths at every stage.

      • Do not click to/from Tower/Main Room until we say so please.  We have a tiny window each time Avatar goes inactive to recover (1-2 minutes), this is our time to Rez/rebuff players, adjust any MT's that died in tower order etc.  It's critical you don't rush into a Tower and die early leaving us short handed.

      • Each main room re-engage, a Ranger with Weapon Shield will go first on Avatar.  Then we'll enter a few moments after and setup our MT for a smooth transition.  It's not likely our tanks will have Fort/Deflect available, so this method is the workaround.

      • Everyone go to the Loyalty Vendor in PoK and buy several: Token of Resurrection.  Use /corpse on dead players to bring them to you and REZ them using the token.  It'll help reduce burden on clerics during battle.  Btw, I say /corpse players first, as you don't want to rez someone on top of an Inner Darkness add, they'll just die again!
      • Mana classes, make sure you use modrods consistently, it's a long fight.  Using a rod when you're almost oom is inefficient.

      • Avatar 50%, BST MGB para.  We'll need the refresh.  Multiple BST, you guys work out the details.  We'll need another para at Avatar 25% as well.



      Text / Audio Triggers - Mandatory

      Classes:  Beastlords, Rangers, Paladins, Shaman, Druids, Clerics

      Additional trigger for the above classes. 

      Reason: The Spell Interrupt AE prevents healers from sustaining heals on the main tank.  When this trigger fires, we need everyone to HEAL THE MAIN TANK.  This will cover the drop off in healing we're experiencing and help ensure tank survival during these periods.

      Remember: Target Avatar and /assist; to ensure you have the main tank.  I say this because some of the above classes may not be used to healing in this fashion.  It's extremely important you add coverage during the interrupt stages.

      * Important:  Even if the MT looks full health.  HEAL ANYWAYS!  Time your heal lands, the tank has taken damage, and lag does delay what appears to be a full HP bar on your target.

      Avatar Spell Interrupt AE: voa_rt_heal_mt_spell_interrupt_ae.gtt

      Audio File: * heal-mt.wav

      « Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 08:35:37 PM by Furro »


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 02:00:29 PM »
      One Druid's Adventure with Two Sides of the Stone

      I know I don't play a priest full time, but on this particular raid I only played Eristie, and it was my first time through it, but I observed several things I thought might be helpful in future runs.

      General observations:
      • The goos really aren't that bad
      • The IDs aren't that bad if they don't explode (kill in ten seconds)
      • The Purification DoT is a problem if your group isn't set up optimally
      • The Disruption every 2%, for DPSing too fast, is also a problem
      • Reluctant Benevolence is not just a factor or a nice to have.  It's unbelievable.
      I say the first two aren't that bad because they can be dealt with fairly easily -- move, and ranged/destroy the IDs.  I know the IDs are hard to find as a melee character, they look just like a player, that's why range.  Some rangers in channel already had great ways of finding (autofire-spin for example).

      Here are some log entries to discuss the last three.  This is essentially 3 tics of the event.

      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:43 2012] Your abilities are reduced during the purification process.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:43 2012] You are healed by an issuance of faith. You have been healed for 2052 points.

      Ok, at 24:43, I get hit with the avatar's purification DoT.  Also just then, Furro's AE minor heal hits for about 2k.

      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:44 2012] You begin casting Remote Sunburst Rk. II.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:44 2012] You have taken 18850 damage from Purification by Avatar of Ladrys
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:45 2012] Your Cowl of the High Priest flickers with a pale light.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:45 2012] Your Modest Lifewalker Armwraps feels alive with power.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:45 2012] Eristie hit Avatar of Ladrys for 33774 points of non-melee damage.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:45 2012] You deliver a critical blast! (33774)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:45 2012] Your Gorget of Attention feels alive with power.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:45 2012] You have healed Mistatk for 20012 points.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:45 2012] Mistatk is healed by the remote sunburst.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:45 2012] Avatar of Ladrys is singed by a destructive sunburst.

      In the next two seconds, I cast a remote heal, which is cast on the avatar and reflects a decent heal back to the MT.  Right now, I don't realize the danger I'm in, so I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, healing the MT.

      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:48 2012] Kotsukai performs an exceptional heal! (14198)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:48 2012] Furro is healed.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:48 2012] Tinadan is healed.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:48 2012] Hardaen is healed.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:48 2012] Kotsukai performs an exceptional heal! (15332)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:48 2012] Kotsukai performs an exceptional heal! (14198)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:48 2012] Furro is healed.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:48 2012] Tinadan is healed.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:48 2012] Kotsukai performs an exceptional heal! (14198)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:48 2012] Hardaen is healed.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:48 2012] Kotsukai performs an exceptional heal! (14198)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:48 2012] Kotsukai performs an exceptional heal! (14198)

      Three seconds later, Kotsukai triggers an RB recourse.  I include this here just because Kotsukai just healed his entire group for 15k each, while casting a damaging spell on the avatar.  One could not hope for a better, more efficient way of doing things.  I can't stress enough how nice it is to have RB on your group.

      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:49 2012] You are healed by an issuance of faith. You have been healed for 2052 points.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:49 2012] You begin casting Sunbreeze Blessing Rk. II.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:50 2012] You have taken 18850 damage from Purification by Avatar of Ladrys
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:50 2012] Your Modest Lifewalker Armwraps feels alive with power.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:50 2012] Eristie hit Avatar of Ladrys for 14193 points of non-melee damage.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:50 2012] Avatar of Ladrys is consumed in a sunburst.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:50 2012] You've been granted a gift of ascendant exquisite radiant mana!
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:50 2012] Your healing power temporarily forks in two.

      Ok, here a few things happened.  One, Furro hit everyone with another 2k AE heal.  Two, I'm casting a blessing on the MT, which nukes the target for 15k, happens to proc radiant mana (next cast is free), but is going to twincast my next two heals.

      But also, I've taken my second hit of 19k from Purification.  Eristie has about 75k hp, so the bar is now less than half full, and I realize that DoT is pretty serious, it's still not done and I need to heal myself.

      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Luthernhamner performs an exceptional heal! (10583)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Ozztavious is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Luthernhamner performs an exceptional heal! (10081)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Furro is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Hardaen is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Nuttann is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Luthernhamner performs an exceptional heal! (11520)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Luthernhamner performs an exceptional heal! (10248)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Renthor is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Luthernhamner performs an exceptional heal! (13256)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Ribbitting is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Krazer is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Luthernhamner performs an exceptional heal! (9747)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Ozztavious is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Furro is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Luthernhamner performs an exceptional heal! (10193)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Hardaen is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Luthernhamner performs an exceptional heal! (10137)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Nuttann is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Luthernhamner performs an exceptional heal! (10248)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Renthor is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Luthernhamner performs an exceptional heal! (13980)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Ribbitting is purified.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Luthernhamner performs an exceptional heal! (13980)
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:51 2012] Krazer is purified.

      Luthernhamner performs what I'm guessing is a splash, it hits a lot of people, but somehow doesn't hit me.

      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:52 2012] You say, 'Sanavida III  >>> [ Eristie ]'
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Your Vyers' Engraved Ring flickers with a pale light.

      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Your spell fizzles!

      Time to heal myself.  But the DoT also causes increased fizzling, due to skill reduction... but that's ok, my key tries to cast it 4 times.  Incidentally, Invigoration (0.5 sec heal) is down, I used it much earlier to hit the MT and it's not back up yet.

      And then...

      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Furro's casting is interrupted!
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Nuttann's casting is interrupted!
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] You feel a small disruption in the air around you.  You have taken 11700 points of damage.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Renthor's casting is interrupted!
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] Avatar of Ladrys begins to cast a spell. <Disruption>

      Disruption hits.  I find it curious in this parse that only healers' castings were interrupted.  (Later parses show other non-healers getting interrupted, too, but more often healers.)  So, not only is my spell interrupted, but now the spell gems go dark for about eight seconds, and I took another 12k damage.

      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:53 2012] You begin casting Sanavida Rk. III.

      I try a recast but it's worthless since spell gems dark.

      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:55 2012] Krazer is healed by an issuance of faith.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:55 2012] Nuttann is healed by an issuance of faith.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:55 2012] Renthor is healed by an issuance of faith.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:55 2012] Hardaen is healed by an issuance of faith.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:55 2012] Tinadan is healed by an issuance of faith.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:55 2012] Rulolin is healed by an issuance of faith.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:55 2012] Furro is healed by an issuance of faith.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:55 2012] You are healed by an issuance of faith. You have been healed for 2052 points.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:55 2012] Ribbitting is healed by an issuance of faith.
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:55 2012] Ozztavious is healed by an issuance of faith.

      Two seconds later, another 2k heal from Furro (I think), but it's not enough because...

      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:56 2012] You have been knocked unconscious!
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:56 2012] You have taken 18850 damage from Purification by Avatar of Ladrys
      [Sat Jun 23 22:24:56 2012] Your will returns.

      Another 19k puts me out.  I think Krazer or someone hit a heal quick at this point, because Eristie purpled but then came right back.
      Some questions:

      • Can Purification be cured?  Radiant cure?  Splashed?
      • Is it even worth casting a longer cast heal?  Basically, the long heal screws you.  Because it takes so long, it's likely to get interrupted anyway, and then your spell gems could go dark, and now you're really dead weight.
      • Should I be using more SotP spells?  Would that have helped here?
      • The group heal (Luna) takes a long time to cast, too.
      • Perhaps the long-casting spells, like Sanavida and Luna, should only be cast right after a Disruption, since it will take the raid a few seconds to get the Avatar down 2%.  Remember, though, the 3.5 sec of Sanavida turns into like 5-6 seconds with that darn spell slow (during the green robe guy anyway).

        My game is nowhere near perfect, but because I think the druid is so much more useful than the monk on the Avatar (ranged fights = monks useless), it's better for FL for me to play her.  Any helpful thoughts or suggestions?

        Really, I think problems like this are the only thing in the way for the Avatar part of this fight.

        I have additional parses that I looked through, but the message seems to be about the same.

        By the way (this is mostly for those curious), the lower level spells will not fizzle if you have Knowledge of the Past up high enough.  But, the lower level druid spells are linked to the higher ones, so it's not like we can cast the VoA quick heal, and then the HoT quick heal.  I've heard clerics can do this in some lines, but we can't.[/size]


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #3 on: June 25, 2012, 05:25:31 PM »
      I have an idea or two to float on...
      Spreading out is it really important? If blobs are the only reason to spread out we may be better off just reacting to the them because with everyone spread so far out they may be missing out on group splash heals and cures.
      During purple robe the only thing melee should be focused on is not spawning blobs on the main tank.
      During IDs what if Monks target via ETW and use Moving Moutains (SKs can use Hate's Attraction)to bring them into the melee fight, bam no more guess work and everyone should now be in melee range to click between avatar and IDs without skipping a beat.


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #4 on: June 25, 2012, 06:02:31 PM »
      Re: MM/HA

      Jube, I've heard that idea a couple of times, so I know it sounds like a good idea: Have an SK always "bring" the ID to a specific spot where melee can find and dispatch them.  The SK has the original MM (HA) and can take the hits/tap.  I even suggested have a group of meleers (rogues/monks) just sit right there, wait for the ID, SK pulls and melee pop 'em.

      Thing is... ten seconds is a short amount of time.  We would definitely have to test it to see if that group could do it quickly enough.  And, we'd lose their DPS on the Avatar -- running back and forth between the Avatar and the "ID kill zone" is definitely out of the question.  Ten seconds is barely more than a tick!

      Not saying this is a bad suggestion... just I made it once, and maybe Huevos too, and Furro mentioned to us the whole ten second thing and we're like... oh yeah.  But maybe it's worth one try...

      RE: Spreading out

      Now, what we could do is, make sure the pallies (for splash) are spread out around the room, and not clustered in one place.  There's a good idea.  (Remember, the group heal casts from shaman and druids are slow as heck.)

      And totally agree, during purple dude melee is slowed to 60%, and all you'll do close to the Avatar is get the MT in trouble if it pops on you.  These are the reasons I'm playing Eristie over Ssark, I really think monks are pretty worthless in ranged fights.  (Just think of your discussion about ALK: how do we remind them, look, we pull at range with low dps on purpose, so things don't summon us on a pull?  Our range is 100% geared toward low damage, low aggro, and we DO NOT HAVE even a reasonable damage output ranged!)

      Keep the ideas coming!!  The discussion is good!
      « Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 01:11:51 AM by Ssark »


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #5 on: June 26, 2012, 12:13:46 AM »
      Dimbly --

      Would you mind terribly sharing your lineup for the Avatar room in RT?

      I'd really like to learn something.  Sanavida is worthless, Lunallievation is worthless.  I'm thinking:

      Twin + Invigoration + Remote, but then I'm waiting 9 seconds or so on refreshes.

      Do you mix in Adrenaline line?  Do you maybe cast a Sanavida but only right after the Avatar does his Disruption thing?

      60% spell haste is like doubling a spell cast, and the longer the cast is to begin with, the worst it gets.  Doubling 0.5 seconds is just another half second, but doubling 3.8 seconds is a lifetime.



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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #6 on: June 26, 2012, 01:13:12 AM »
      Re: MM/HA

      Jube, I've heard that idea a couple of times, so I know it sounds like a good idea: Have an SK always "bring" the ID to a specific spot where melee can find and dispatch them.  The SK has the original MM (HA) and can take the hits/tap.  I even suggested have a group of meleers (rogues/monks) just sit right there, wait for the ID, SK pulls and melee pop 'em.

      Thing is... ten seconds is a short amount of time.  We would definitely have to test it to see if that group could do it quickly enough.  And, we'd lose their DPS on the Avatar -- running back and forth between the Avatar and the "ID kill zone" is definitely out of the question.  Ten seconds is barely more than a tick!

      10 seconds is so tiny.  As I've mentioned in the bulleted reply earlier in the thread, we're losing 3 seconds just in MA transitioning, which is why we're telling people to not even wait for MA calls.

      The problem with melee going to IDs to melee them is actually finding them.  You'll waste 2-5 seconds just looking/moving to an ID before even getting a round of melee off.  Which is why range is great, but obviously for monks it's terrible simply because your throw dps is trash (no offense, just how it is). 

      RE: Spreading out

      Now, what we could do is, make sure the pallies (for splash) are spread out around the room, and not clustered in one place.  There's a good idea.  (Remember, the group heal casts from shaman and druids are slow as heck.)

      And totally agree, during purple dude melee is slowed to 60%, and all you'll do close to the Avatar is get the MT in trouble if it pops on you. 

      Re: Group heals.

      Paladins Splash works because it's 1.0 sec cast time.

      Shaman have like one good group heal I know of called Progenitor's Intervention, it's 1 sec cast time, but a long ass refresh (like 3 mins, without AA focus).  But useful in a pinch I bet, and from my parses, I saw some of our shaman using it.  Good to see.

      Druid Lunalleviation, like 4.5 sec cast time, unfocused.  With the spell slow (turns into about 8 sec), you might as well be spell locked, because that's pointless.  My parses are showing several of our druids using this, and my only hope is it's not during Green Robe Avatar, because they're wasting alot of time.

      Clerics, I never use group heal on main room avatar.  I don't even use Splash, because it's a 3 sec cast time, with slow would put it over 5 seconds.  Point here is, fast fast fast casting spells only.  Don't use anything over 1.5 seconds (ie, go twinheal/nuke/heal method or bust).

      Healing Across the Board

      Every class that can heal, should be healing others in group to reduce healer burden.  I'm not being funny here.  Rangers, Beastlords, Paladins included.

      You have to understand what the healer is up against in RT raid.  I'll reiterate JUST the main room alone here from our strat post above:

      Note the sections I've marked in RED to emphasize:

      Main Room:

      Regardless of form, both cast: Disruption - 18k DD + Interrupt Casting

      Avatar of Ladrys       Aura of Resplendence - AURA: 60% SPELL SLOW
      (Green Robe) Purification - 29k DoT + Spell Fizzler + 50% Melee Slow
        Adds: inner darkness Mirror - Selfbuff: Illusion player; 40% Attack Speed
        (every 10-25 seconds) Inner Darkness - PBAE 56k DD + Blindness (40' range)
      Avatar of Sholoth Aura of Decay - AURA: 70% MELEE SLOW
      (Purple Robe) Wave of Filth - 41k DD + Melee Silence (Random players)
        Add: a pool of waste Sludge - 5k MANA DRAIN + 2k END + 53k DD + SNARE
        (non-confrontational) (chain casts while standing in pool!)
        (black ooze appearance) 

      Ok?  So now take in the red parts, and imagine yourself as a healer, while slowed and at times interrupted midcast with spell gems locked for 10 seconds; covering that damage on others, and yourself at times.

      Everyone with ANY form of a heal should be tossing it on others in your group between fulfilling your primary class role.  Just because you're a DPS as a Ranger, doesn't mean you can be tossing heals around (which can crit btw), to others in your group, or in ETW who you see in trouble.

      This is a LONG event (it'll be around 40 mins at least I suspect all stages included).  The Main room Avatar we have to do it 4 times, with Towers inbetween.  We cannot have ANYONE dead in the main avatar stage.  This is why I'm stressing the importance of keeping your fellow group members alive as priority. 

      The moment we lose ANYONE in main room, or Tower, they're USELESS for a long ass time.  They're out of mana, they're out of endurance, they're buffless.  That means we have to rebuff (from a healer perspective, another diversion from our primary focus in the heat of the battle), without buffs, they're more susceptible to AEs and melee hits from mobs (remember, there are mobs in the Tower stages as well).  Without mana and endurance, regardless of class, they're extremely limited in their ability to be effective.  My point is, keeping people alive, is paramount.

      Simply due to our raid makeup, every group doesn't have the luxury of RB from a necro.  But I'm very conscious of it's usefulness and it's no coincidence that I have RB always on G1 (/blush), but I also spread it around in a way that it compliments group setups by design.

      Without RB however, given the above AEs in play, I cannot stress how important it is to augment your healer in group by lending a hand covering damage others are taking.  Eristie has provided good feedback so far based on his dealings with the setup he was in for our recent run.  I'd like others to provide their feedback as well.

      Be aware, I makeup the groups in such a way that you have other healer types beyond the priest trio (ie, Rangers, Beastlords, Paladins).  If I happen to overlook a setup, make sure you say something during prep, and I'll make adjustments.

      Fast Cast Heals & Twincast Heals

      I can't end this post without stressing how critical it is that ALL healers adapt their style of play for the environment in which they are in. 

      You have to abandon the notion of conventional heal methods.  Consider your situation.  You're up against a spell slow + interrupt.  You cannot be casting a 3 second heal with a 60% spell slow and the potential of an AE interrupt to hit mid cast.  When this happens, you are interrupted, your spell gems are LOCKED for 10 seconds, and you're useless as you watch your group get wrecked. 

      Just like that 3 second heal turns into a 5+ sec heal, where a 1.5 heal or twin/nuke1 would have been more effective given your setup. 

      I realise this is difficult for many of our healers to adjust to.  I've been using twinheal method for ages.  But when I transitioned, it wasn't easy to abandon old methods.  My only advice, as I've posted about in another thread on this subject is, to immerse yourself with the method in every facet of your play.  Group, Raid, Solo (yes, solo, that's how I first started on it, albeit, harder to do with switching targets).  But the point is, it takes practice.

      I won't get into the differences in spell sets limiting Shaman and Druids moreso on this method.  But suffice to say, in the context of RT, as a Druid or Shaman, you're far stronger healers using the fastest casts at your disposal, simply due to the two major factors in play: Slow + Interrupt.  You're more likely to be interrupted with a longer cast coupled with slow, and for the times Purple Robe avatar is active and you have no slow, you can bounce back to your < 3 sec heals, potentially coupled with twinheal for some extra coverage. 

      Re: Twin/Nuke comment above

      What I mean by this is, you have to be aware of your group setup at the time.  There's a reason why I put a necro in certain groups, with other casters that will help proc RB.  Just as you can be in a group without a necro, and HAVE RB RUNNING.  This is because I've assigned a necro, in another setup to /tgb YOUR GROUP WITH RB.  This is to HELP YOU. But it won't help you if you don't twin!  Because twin = nuke, and nuke = proc chance on RB.  Just like I have a caster in your group nuking and procing RB on your group to help cover AE dmg and/or augment to help you keep your tank(s) alive in that group.  I'm not putting groups together willy nilly. They're setup for synergy.  But synergy requires the proper actions to make it effective.

      Thanks for the replies so far everyone, keep them coming.

      « Last Edit: October 17, 2012, 07:30:41 AM by Furro »


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #7 on: June 26, 2012, 01:50:51 AM »
      Beastlords should definately make sure to keep Empowering warder   buff on their pet as it procs a heal on the mobs  target.   


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #8 on: June 26, 2012, 02:02:21 AM »
      Shaman's also have a very good group heal called Gotikan's Recourse. Direct Heal with HoT recourse. Use this much more often then the other one with longer refresh.


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #9 on: June 26, 2012, 03:06:41 AM »
      Beastlords should definately make sure to keep Empowering warder   buff on their pet as it procs a heal on the mobs  target.   
      Yes, and you do have patch heal line you can be using to heal others.

      Shaman's also have a very good group heal called Gotikan's Recourse. Direct Heal with HoT recourse. Use this much more often then the other one with longer refresh.

      That's a great spell.  1.0 sec cast time, and the refresh isn't too ugly.

      Let's get some spell lineups posted from Druid/Shaman to share for this event.

      As a Cleric, for Main room Avater, here's my spell saved lineup:

      Separated them by type for easier viewing of function.

      Spell   Cast Time Description
      Galvo's Retort (1.5s)       Defensive Proc cast on Player (procs heals, reverse DS on ToT)
      Holy Contravention (1.5s) Nuke/Heal Target's Target
      Celestial Contravention (1.5s) Nuke/Heal Target's Target
      Elysian Contravention (1.5s) Nuke/Heal Target's Target
      Glorious Censure (1.0s) Twincast Heal Proc (shortbuff; next two heals cast will be doubled)
      Holy Intervention (1.5s) Heal/Nuke Target's Target (with twinproc above, these double heal)
      Celestial Intervention (1.5s) Heal/Nuke Target's Target (with twinproc above, these double heal)
      Elysian Intervention (1.5s) Heal/Nuke Target's Target (with twinproc above, these double heal)
      Divine Invocation (2.5s) Safety buff, cast on Tank, chance to full HP heal if/when they bottom out
      Forteenth Catalyst (0.5s) Fast heal, only if target below 45% HP
      Shining Armor (3.0s) Defensive buff cast on Tanks (Mitigates Hit DMG, Procs Heals + Stuns ToT)
      Promised Resurgence (0.3s) Delayed Heal (land on target, it fires a big heal 18s later)

      Clerics, note that I don't have the following in the above setup:

      Group Heal (too slow)
      Splash (too slow)
      Single-target HoT (too slow)
      Single-target Direct Heal (Zealous Light, too slow)

      Now, some of ya might be thinking, wtf!  But really, there's no time we won't have one of the above fast casts available.

      Remember each phase shift is 65 seconds.  So every 65 seconds we're in a slow aura.

      For times without spell slow (ie, purple robe), work in those mitigation lines to refresh as needed: SA, Galvos, DI, while between each cast muscle in a fast cast heal/twin.

      PS: For those who think Clerics are boring to play, probably havn't played one in the last 3 years or ever.  The spells at our disposal over this time has radically changed the healing landscape.  It's given us the ability to burst heal like there's no tomorrow.  Just the evolution of the game though, our spell lines all compliment our environment of harsh AE damage/effects, coupled with massive melee hits from mobs.

      Keep the replies coming.  Interested in the feedback/insight from everyone.  Thanks.

      « Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 03:17:51 AM by Furro »


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #10 on: June 26, 2012, 04:45:58 AM »
      I was checking out shaman heals etc and will try and post a healing guide for them sometime before wednesday. Also a note on the Twinheal procing spells. Use the lowest level one you can because you get the same twinheal proc off of the level 84 as you do the 94 but can save some precious mana from the casting costs. None of us use the spell for the DD component. And since it wasn't mentioned Shaman's also get a twinheal proc spell line with the level 94 version being Freezing Gift.


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #11 on: June 26, 2012, 05:53:35 AM »
      I was checking out shaman heals etc and will try and post a healing guide for them sometime before wednesday. Also a note on the Twinheal procing spells. Use the lowest level one you can because you get the same twinheal proc off of the level 84 as you do the 94 but can save some precious mana from the casting costs. None of us use the spell for the DD component. And since it wasn't mentioned Shaman's also get a twinheal proc spell line with the level 94 version being Freezing Gift.
      Aye, I know of the same twinheal across all three.  However, for Clerics the mana cost of the oldest is not less.  The level 89 GC is the most cost effective.

        94 - Glorious Admonition Rk.II (1494 mana)
        89 - Glorious Censure Rk.II (1231 mana)
        84 - Glorious Denunciation Rk.II (1629 mana)
      For Shaman; I agree, your Freeze/Frozen line is as you outlined, with the level 85 being the most cost efficient and best to use. 

      Re: DD component

      One of the extra perks is the DD imo, as it prompts a chance to proc necro Reluctant Benevolence when available.  Also, the DD is contributing overall DPS to the raid (albeit small, it all adds up).

      Re: Healing guide

      If you're posting a guide, not specific to this raid, I'd recommend using the Raider Essentials area.  Less chance of it being lost over time there as opposed to this discussion thread related to RT event.

      If you were referring to specific lineups relating to RT, by all means, post your setups here.

      Keep the posts coming all.  We have a few days until our next run at this event.

      « Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 05:55:27 AM by Furro »


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #12 on: June 26, 2012, 11:16:36 AM »
      BTW Bonus on the lower level ones is, they won't fizzle with KotP AA line, when you've got the Purification dot on you. :)


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #13 on: June 26, 2012, 06:09:09 PM »
      Given that we have a number of Sk's with epics, we should consider putting Sk's in group with MT's so that the MT's can take advantage of the heal element of the SK epic.  Not a total solution but a slight improvement.


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      Re: VoA - Resplendent Temple - Two Sides of the Stone
      « Reply #14 on: June 26, 2012, 09:28:05 PM »
      Given that we have a number of Sk's with epics, we should consider putting Sk's in group with MT's so that the MT's can take advantage of the heal element of the SK epic.  Not a total solution but a slight improvement.

      This is something I was thinking about the other day as well.  The thing is, you guys (SK), to be effective in this sort of setup would need to prep for it.  Setup a GTT overlay that fires on your epic click, so you know when each others is running.  Establish an order in group for the rotation and follow it. 

      Drasp, take the lead when you're in a setup with another SK+ in group imo and get it organized.  Remember everyone, I cannot be micro-managing at this level.  It's your responsibility to optimize give your group dynamics at the time.  The heal is nice, I agree completely.  All the little things add up.

      Keep the comments coming everyone.  Thanks.