Author Topic: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra  (Read 19472 times)


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VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
« on: September 22, 2012, 11:43:35 PM »
Pillars of Alra - Unearthing Alra

Zone & Instance Info
Gather Zone: Pillars of Alra

NPC Name: a shade
NPC Location: located in the middle of the center island.

Keyword to Enter: ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flag: Record of Fables Level: 4/5
Alaran Language: None

* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Nothing required.

Brief Event Overview and Strat

* Mandatory Audio/Text GTT Trigger information is available in the GTT section further down in this post.

This is a two staged event, with a timer for first stage, and our resulting score will affect the outcome of the final stage boss.

Stage 1
    10 minute timer, we must deal with FOUR trial areas simultaneously.  Each area has various mechanics such as emotes, adds and various AEs.

    Instructions for each area will be given in more detail in related channels groups are assigned to.  For now, I'll just cover them very briefly.

    LIGHT = Kill waves of adds while curing emotes to unlock the HP of both minibosses. 

    SHADOW = Kill miniboss, while kiting shade adds (kiting damages them like a DoT), and straight DPSing reborn ones.

    NATURE = Kill 15 lifetender adds, while dealing with emotes/cures (be careful what you cure!), and kill the miniboss Anriella.

    ARCANE = Nuke crystal miniboss, while using MEZ to kill adds (acts like a DoT).  When a gargoyle dies, it splits into 2-3 more.

Stage 2
    Depending on our score in the first stage, this boss scales in difficulty as follows:

    Eat pie and play -> Put fork down -> Crap on your face -> Mommy, please help me! -> Welcome to your bindpoint.

    Big roaming Totem circles the area (could be more then one!).  DO NOT LOOK AT IT.  Turn your back to it always, or get MANA/ENDURANCE DRAINED.

    Full burn mode when MA calls - Keep groups alive - Splash like baby Jesus.

    Any questions, please ask in the FLRaids:raids channel.  Thanks.


Stage 1 - Pillar Trials

  • Four trial areas: Light, Shadow, Nature, Arcane.
  • Each area has associated debuff/buffs that provide unusual class bonuses.
  • We will split the raid up; as the areas must be done simultaneously
Below consists of a very brief overview of each area:


Favours: Paladins, Clerics, Shaman, Bards, Rangers, Berserkers, Rogues.

    Make Herald and Harbringer of Erion damageable by killing FIVE waves adds and reacting to ALL the emotes.
    Then kill Herald and Harbringer of Erion.
Actions, Emotes and Cures:
    When debuffed by Corrupted Reflections of Light, go to miniboss that has (Vulnerable) in name and get a SINGLE-TARGET Corruption Cured.

    DO NOT CURE Pure Reflections of Light debuff!

    Cures must be done properly in order to unlock the two minibosses health.

    Assist MA and kill adds as they spawn.  DPS
vulnerable miniboss in between.

Paladins, unless assigned to tank the miniboss, you are to chain stun the adds.  Assist MA and help heal others as well.  Do not use splash (because it has cures).
* GTT Pattern: Your skin burns with corrupted light


Favours: Shadowknights, Clerics, Druids, Bards, Monks, Rogues

    Kill Shade of Temperance, while reacting to ALL the emotes.
    Shade spawns ADDS every 10% health.
    Reborn adds = DPS to kill.
    Impervious adds = KITE to kill (takes damage from kiting).  Be aware, these memblur as well!


Favours: Shadowknights, Warriors, Druids, Necros, Rangers, Beastlords.

Objective: Kill 15 verdant lifetenders and the Focus of Anriella.

Actions, Emotes and Cures:
    Do not use heals with cures in this trial area.
    Do not use RC AA, Cleric Epic, Cure wards, Paladin Splash, Group heals with cures.

    Only use SINLGE-TARGET CURES for Poison or Disease.
    Potions work exceptionally well:
Distillate of Antidote VI+ and Distillate of Immunization VI+[/list]
    Every 60 seconds Diseased Leaves and Poisonous Leaves is cast SIX TIMES EACH.  Only ONE of them needs to be cured however.  Which one depends on the flash on screen EMOTE:

You have been diseased or You have been poisoned

IF you missed the flash on screen emote, you can use the SPELL ICONS to help determine which one to cure.


OR = DO NOT CURE![/list]


Favours: Warriors, Clerics, Bards, Enchanters, Wizards, Magicians.

    Kill the unstable coalescence (crystal looking), while dealing with gargoyles and an alaran Arcward of Melretia.
    Coalescence (crystal) - Does not hit back and ONLY takes damage from direct damage spells.
  • MEZ to kill (acts as DoT, 7% damage per tick).
  • Rootable; but immune to snare.
  • Summon at 100% after being moved for about 10 seconds.
  • Immune to spells until they have the electric look to them.
  • When one dies; 2-3 spawn in its place near middle of the room.  Five seconds later; they activate and must be dealt with
Alaran - Arcward of Melretia:
    Non-aggro NPC; walks around BREAKING MEZ on the gargoyles.
    They spawn at random intervals.

    Charmable, and causes damage (like mez does to gargoyles).

    Bards and Enchanters, work out your locations in the area for mezzing adds; to ensure all four corners are covered.
    Tanks, work out your corner areas where you each will pull adds to the group on your side.
    Try not to damage adds on pull; helps reduce chance of summoning before 10 seconds elapsed.

Stage 2 - Vsariard, the Revelation

Final boss gains power depending how we did during the trials (ie, our score earlier matters).

Brief Overview - Trial Outcomes to Boss Power Relationships:

    Mana Drain Totems.  Path around island in a circle
    Trial won results in a single totem spawning.  Up to 5 can spawn (based on earlier score).
    DO NOT look at the totems, or get hit with 34k Mana/Endurance Drain + 77k DD + Pushback (
Overwhelming Light).

    Aura Debuff.  Negates various Focii, Melee, Crits and Mitigation depending on trial score earlier.

    AE is cast every 70 seconds (
      Fal'Kaa's Dark Grasp).[/list]

    Huge HP Regen, Spell/DMG reduction, Damage Shield.  AE severity depends on trial score, and/or HP% delay before coming into play.

    All three AEs are cast every 70 seconds.  Rune type AEs, so they'll fade once their max limits have been reached.

Verdant Resonance - 1-3k Spell DMG Reduction.  Max of 1000-1800 Hits

Verdant Absorption - 100 Million DMG Melee/Spell Rune. Max of 500-900 Hits

Verdant Spikes - Decrease DMG Shield 150-350. Max of 100-160 Spells[/list]

    Soulpart - 46-76k DD + Pushback/up.
    Casts every 40 seconds.  AE Damage and range type/distance depends on our prior trial score.
    Severity can be anything from: Zonewide 76k AE, to 75'-100' range AE less damage, to randomly targeting five players only.  It pays to do well in the trials essentially.[/list]

    Text / Audio Triggers - Mandatory

    ALL Mandatory Setup

    GTT All-in-One Puppy: voa-alra-trigs.gtt

    Audio Files: None -  Used text-to-speech feature.
    * Note: For GTT users, EDIT the following triggers, replacing {S} with your characters name

      The Shade of Temperance glares angrily at {S}
      Coalescing darkness swirls around the room and encircles {S}

    Be aware: For GINA, the {S} works as a wildcard for your character, but will not work for GTT.
    « Last Edit: June 02, 2021, 12:54:31 AM by Furro »


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #2 on: September 29, 2012, 04:36:42 AM »
    useful info here

    main page here
    Thanks, I know of this site already, and refer to it among other avenues of information (Allakhazams, SoE forums etc).   :)

    Tonight was the first real attempts we've made on this event.  Last weekend, our setup didn't allow us to split properly into each area.

    Overall, we did well believe it or not.  It'll take practice.  Face time on the event was the important thing tonight, and getting the general feel of each area.  We can tweak/adjust our tactics from here for our next run.


    It's late, but I'll quickly comment on a few other things while it's fresh in my mind.

    Each area will have some minor tweaks to the group setups for our next run, depending on our makeup of course.

    Light Pillar:

    Lead: Furro

    Intense area to start, but we got a handle on it.

    The fragment adds were hard to see initially, but with practice, tanks got better against them.  Adds being stunnable really helps as well.

    For those who were with us in this area, as we discussed in channel, losing any MT is going to wreck us.  It's a tight setup, so we have to be really on our game.  We were fortunate to have three bards tonight as well which helped alot on cures.  Don't expect that always.

    Overall, we did well in this area after a few runs. 

    Shadow Pillar:

    Endotron was able to fill in Minisca's absence for this area tonight (Thanks!).  This was the area we were slightly short handed for.  But overall, it worked out as it takes time to learn the emotes, and add spawning is controllable in the interim.

    They appeared to be making progress on the emote front.  Once the setup allows the two groups to fill out properly, they'll be able to spawn adds and work further.

    One of the triggers was incorrect, Ssark will adjust the related file.  Thanks whoever picked up on that.

    Nature Pillar:

    Dimbly had planned to make some potions before raid, but he just didn't have time unfortunately.  However, for future, they will be extremely useful in Nature for quick self curing as appropriate.

    Distillate of Antidote VI+ and Distillate of Immunization VI+

    Dimbly can list the components for combines.  Perhaps from here, we can pool the drops and parcel them to him to combine. 

    Darkenvoid mentioned he'll post his observations with regards to the cure/ae's tomorrow.  If anyone in this area has any constructive feedback, please feel free to post and/or PM Dimbly.

    Arcane Pillar:

    Eristie/Ssark is lead for this area.

    Landaru and Twilight were the two enchanters for mez/charm.

    Since I was unable to idle in each pillar channel, I can't comment further.  Ssark will most likely post with any adjusts in this area.

    Overall, the makeup looked right, minus 1 short, but I have a good idea what to slot in there with a full compliment.

    Those of you who were in this area, if you have anything to add, please feel free to post, and/or PM Ssark.

    « Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 05:45:47 AM by Furro »


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #3 on: September 29, 2012, 11:15:03 AM »

    Essentially this starts easy, and gets geometrically harder.  Each garg we kill pops 2 others which must be dealt with, starting with 1.

    We found that:
    • Roots of all forms work, including ranger punts
    • Mez acts as a significant DoT
    • Heals are very limited; spells heal exactly the amount, as if you had no AA and no heal foci whatsoever; so
    • Tanking is nearly impossible and probably not needed (if we were short tanks, we could do without them in Arcane)
    • We had enough crystal DPS with Curmugly and crew
    • Ranger CC methods and Enchanter mez don't mix well.  One overwrites the other a lot (maybe they can comment on this)
    We tried:

    Several of our first attempts were just learning CC methods, and how quickly mez acted, etc.

    Then we tried a Mez-fest with 2 enchanters.  Essentially, let them PBAE, single target, whatever -- mez anything that popped.  Works great until we get 2 minutes in when there are 6+ gargoyles because:

    1. The Arcward breaks mez and (maybe!) root too.  He can be charmed but he still wanders about breaking mez.
    2. If the gargoyles are too close to each other, they break mez (and we think root) too.
    3. If all the gargoyles die at the same time, they all make new gargoyles at the same time, too, giving you even more unhandled gargoyles at once.

    Several commented (including Mistatk) that the roots/mezzes seemed to break at the same time.  So, we'd have it held and looked good, but suddenly all hell would break loose with 6-8 loose gargoyles.  With small heals and a lot of cloth wearers (they make a beeline for the chanters too of course) and one WS ranger, the pillar wipes quickly. :)

    What we are going to try next:
    Ranger-root CC, with one enchanter handling the Arcward (charm kills him), the other using single-target mez to kill off one gargoyle at a time.

    We'd also like to see how a bard works in this room.

    IF we happened to have 3-4 enchanters/bards in raid, we could also try mezfest again, perhaps with different result because we have more enchanters to continue the mez/dot fest.  Like if we had 6 enchanters and 6 wizards, this pillar might be finished in about 60 seconds. :)

    Group makeup recommendations at pillar for next attempt:
    2 druids for light heals and calls when things go wrong - otherwise we can nuke crystal or help with Vinelash
    2-4 wizards or mages for nukeage on crystal
    More vinelashing punting CC rangers - talk to Huevos
    Same number or less tanks (we had 2)
    2+ enchanters or bards -- didn't see how bard charm/mez affected both these, would be interesting to see

    Incidentally, the CC-root-kill-one-at-a-time method is posted as the method on EGL, but I do think the Mezfest Idea can work with enough of the right classes. :)
    « Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 11:21:42 AM by Ssark »


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #4 on: September 29, 2012, 02:19:47 PM »
    Some observations from Nature.

    Cures:  If you're targeted as one of the 6 ppl when the dots are cast, you get both the poison and disease dot.  GTT will tell you which of the 2 needs curing.  Combo type cures are no good here, if you cure both or don't cure the right one in time, you get a nasty silence.  Carrying dis and poison cure pots should make this part easy.  I also suggest having a group cure me hotkey for each of the 2 dots b/c the pots have a 1 min refresh time, but unlikely you'll get hit that often.

    Lifetenders:  to start there were 2 of these on the far side of the room behind the rooted boss.  These hit for 9.5k, snare, but don't stun.  When killed they split into 2-3 more friends.

    Kindling:  spawned in the side halls and hit a bit less than the lifetenders.  When fire nuked 3'ish times a short range AE went off that did dmg to any lifetenders around.  Upon exploding, the kindling changes to a grey color and run away for a bit.

    Dogs:  Didn't mess with them, but if the info above is right, they can be dr00d charmed and make nice dps.

    Boss:  Also didn't get far enough to mess with him, but he's rooted, doesn't summon at 100% and has a huge DS buff.  The info above says that he takes double dmg from dots when he DS is on, but hps lock at 10% until 15 lifetenders die.

    What we tried: 
    At first we set up in the main room on the back wall where we zoned in.  We pulled the 2 lifetenders to us and killed a few of them with a combo of dps and kindle AE's.  Upon splits we got swarmed over.  3rd and 4th time we ran to the hall on the right and set up in the back.  This put tanks between the inc adds and casters.  We seemed to live longer, but might have been b/c ppl were getting better at cures.

    Random musings on what I learned:
    - I'm not convinced that setting up in the side room was a good plan.  We lived longer, but its a timed event and made pulling the mobs to us harder.  In the main room the necros have LoS to dot the boss during the fight.
    - Kiting seemed to be the way to go.  We need someone doing full time snares and kiting swarms of lifetenders.  The main room also offered far more space for this.
    - Few options for killing the lifetenders.  We can focus dps on them and kill them one at a time while kiting others, or tank a few at a time since they hit sort of gimpy and use kindling to AE them down.  Multiples is likely to be most efficient, but when they split there's a good chance we get overrun.
    - I'd like to try this section with 3 knights, 2 rangers, 2 necros, 3 healers (2 druids for charms), slower, and a mage or two.  Use 2 of the knights for kiting / crowd control, and one for tanking.  Rangers snaring / healing / fire nuking kindlings. Start by pulling one of the 2 lifetenders and kiting the other.  Druids go charm a dog, maybe 2.  Necros toss some dots on the boss in between dps on lifetenders.  When lifetenders split, the kiters try to pull mobs off the raid so we keep it to 1-2 mobs in camp if possible.  Rangers tag kindlings into the raid and blow them up.


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #5 on: September 29, 2012, 05:05:26 PM »
    Some observations from Nature.

    Cures:  If you're targeted as one of the 6 ppl when the dots are cast, you get both the poison and disease dot.  GTT will tell you which of the 2 needs curing.  Combo type cures are no good here, if you cure both or don't cure the right one in time, you get a nasty silence.  Carrying dis and poison cure pots should make this part easy.  I also suggest having a group cure me hotkey for each of the 2 dots b/c the pots have a 1 min refresh time, but unlikely you'll get hit that often.

    Agree here, having pots was the plan. 

    Lifetenders:  to start there were 2 of these on the far side of the room behind the rooted boss.  These hit for 9.5k, snare, but don't stun.  When killed they split into 2-3 more friends.

    Didn't these have a DS as well?  I was hoping reverse DS (Paladin spell), would remove it; making the charmed dogs take less damage.

    Kindling:  spawned in the side halls and hit a bit less than the lifetenders.  When fire nuked 3'ish times a short range AE went off that did dmg to any lifetenders around.  Upon exploding, the kindling changes to a grey color and run away for a bit.

    Right, we knew this going in.  Was interested to see how effective it'd be, as added dps this way would be ideal.  Sounds like it worked out so far.

    Dogs:  Didn't mess with them, but if the info above is right, they can be dr00d charmed and make nice dps.

    Right, Dimbly knows this and I assume both druids where charming one each last night (or maybe not given the setup just getting familiar without them to start).

    Dogs charmed is free DPS imo, and should be utilized to expedite our kill raid on ltenders.

    Boss:  Also didn't get far enough to mess with him, but he's rooted, doesn't summon at 100% and has a huge DS buff.  The info above says that he takes double dmg from dots when he DS is on, but hps lock at 10% until 15 lifetenders die.

    I knew of the DS on boss, but didn't catch the info about it taking more damage if the DS was left on.  Good to know, thanks.

    What we tried: 
    At first we set up in the main room on the back wall where we zoned in.  We pulled the 2 lifetenders to us and killed a few of them with a combo of dps and kindle AE's.  Upon splits we got swarmed over.  3rd and 4th time we ran to the hall on the right and set up in the back.  This put tanks between the inc adds and casters.  We seemed to live longer, but might have been b/c ppl were getting better at cures.

    On the cure front, hopefully we'll have some pots ready next run.

    Random musings on what I learned:
    - I'm not convinced that setting up in the side room was a good plan.  We lived longer, but its a timed event and made pulling the mobs to us harder.  In the main room the necros have LoS to dot the boss during the fight.
    - Kiting seemed to be the way to go.  We need someone doing full time snares and kiting swarms of lifetenders.  The main room also offered far more space for this.
    - Few options for killing the lifetenders.  We can focus dps on them and kill them one at a time while kiting others, or tank a few at a time since they hit sort of gimpy and use kindling to AE them down.  Multiples is likely to be most efficient, but when they split there's a good chance we get overrun.

    You guys will have to explore the kiting route to buy time and/or OT inbetween imo.  It sounds like it'll be a mix of both atm.

    - I'd like to try this section with 3 knights, 2 rangers, 2 necros, 3 healers (2 druids for charms), slower, and a mage or two.  Use 2 of the knights for kiting / crowd control, and one for tanking.  Rangers snaring / healing / fire nuking kindlings. Start by pulling one of the 2 lifetenders and kiting the other.  Druids go charm a dog, maybe 2.  Necros toss some dots on the boss in between dps on lifetenders.  When lifetenders split, the kiters try to pull mobs off the raid so we keep it to 1-2 mobs in camp if possible.  Rangers tag kindlings into the raid and blow them up.

    Nature was tight on setup.  With 9 or so in that area last night.  I was able to toss ya another tank (SK at the time).  So hopefully that helped a little.

    I'll see what I can do for future setups on the ranger/healer front.

    Good feedback, thanks Dv.


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #6 on: September 29, 2012, 05:27:31 PM »
    For SHADOW:

    I did update the trigger file above, but the problem is that you need to edit the one with YOURNAME in it ("glares angrily") with your character's name if using GTT.  If you're using GINA, use {S} or {C} as appropriate.

    Thanks to Endotron for the note on that.


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #7 on: September 29, 2012, 05:45:36 PM »
    For SHADOW:

    I did update the trigger file above, but the problem is that you need to edit the one with YOURNAME in it ("glares angrily") with your character's name if using GTT.  If you're using GINA, use {S} or {C} as appropriate.

    Thanks to Endotron for the note on that.
    Thanks.  I've updated the trigger section of the strat post with a note regarding this and that it requires a manual edit.


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #8 on: September 29, 2012, 07:54:18 PM »

    Essentially this starts easy, and gets geometrically harder.  Each garg we kill pops 2 others which must be dealt with, starting with 1.

    We found that:
    • Roots of all forms work, including ranger punts
    • Mez acts as a significant DoT
    • Heals are very limited; spells heal exactly the amount, as if you had no AA and no heal foci whatsoever; so
    • Tanking is nearly impossible and probably not needed (if we were short tanks, we could do without them in Arcane)
    • We had enough crystal DPS with Curmugly and crew
    • Ranger CC methods and Enchanter mez don't mix well.  One overwrites the other a lot (maybe they can comment on this)
    We tried:

    Several of our first attempts were just learning CC methods, and how quickly mez acted, etc.

    Then we tried a Mez-fest with 2 enchanters.  Essentially, let them PBAE, single target, whatever -- mez anything that popped.  Works great until we get 2 minutes in when there are 6+ gargoyles because:

    1. The Arcward breaks mez and (maybe!) root too.  He can be charmed but he still wanders about breaking mez.
    2. If the gargoyles are too close to each other, they break mez (and we think root) too.
    3. If all the gargoyles die at the same time, they all make new gargoyles at the same time, too, giving you even more unhandled gargoyles at once.

    Several commented (including Mistatk) that the roots/mezzes seemed to break at the same time.  So, we'd have it held and looked good, but suddenly all hell would break loose with 6-8 loose gargoyles.  With small heals and a lot of cloth wearers (they make a beeline for the chanters too of course) and one WS ranger, the pillar wipes quickly. :)

    What we are going to try next:
    Ranger-root CC, with one enchanter handling the Arcward (charm kills him), the other using single-target mez to kill off one gargoyle at a time.

    We'd also like to see how a bard works in this room.

    IF we happened to have 3-4 enchanters/bards in raid, we could also try mezfest again, perhaps with different result because we have more enchanters to continue the mez/dot fest.  Like if we had 6 enchanters and 6 wizards, this pillar might be finished in about 60 seconds. :)

    Group makeup recommendations at pillar for next attempt:
    2 druids for light heals and calls when things go wrong - otherwise we can nuke crystal or help with Vinelash
    2-4 wizards or mages for nukeage on crystal
    More vinelashing punting CC rangers - talk to Huevos
    Same number or less tanks (we had 2)
    2+ enchanters or bards -- didn't see how bard charm/mez affected both these, would be interesting to see

    Incidentally, the CC-root-kill-one-at-a-time method is posted as the method on EGL, but I do think the Mezfest Idea can work with enough of the right classes. :)

    If you try to only kill one garg at a time, you will not kill them all sufficiently.  The goal should be to kill all gargs and the crystal, and that's only going to happen if you can juggle dealing with the gargs and killing them simultaneously.  Our usual strat is thus:

    2 Warriors to aggro and move gargs from spawn to root area.  Druid (better roots) roots gargs in place.  Chanters mez them.  If they get too close to one another, due to breaks or other issues, ranger punts them to a different area and druid re-roots, and it gets remezzed.  Need a minimum of 4 wiz/mage nuking crystal at full (not burn, save big burn for Phase 2) DPS power, utilizing CoM clickies, Enchanter 2nd spire, and if possible Glyph of Lost Secrets for mana pres.  Need a minimum of 2 mezzers, preferrably chanters, but bards work.  However bards are much more crucial in Light and Shadow, so if you have 2 chanters, save the bards for elsewhere.

    That doesn't mean it's the only way to do it, but I thought some info from someone who's done the Arcane pillar many, many, many times would help.

    Also, in regards to feedback from all pillars, keep in mind the trick to this raid is that you only get so much of a force.  After that it's up to us as raiders to maximize what we're given.  During our trial runs on this, I frequently got told "If only I had an XXX class....", well you're not going to get it, you need to figure it out.


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #9 on: September 29, 2012, 09:10:41 PM »
    [quote author=6A4A584B52390

    Also, in regards to feedback from all pillars, keep in mind the trick to this raid is that you only get so much of a force.  After that it's up to us as raiders to maximize what we're given.  During our trial runs on this, I frequently got told "If only I had an XXX class....", well you're not going to get it, you need to figure it out.

    The feedback people provide from being in one or more pillars is helpful in order to help others maximize their efforts further imo.  Those players (in your runs as you refer to), saying "If only I had..."., yeah that'd be great if we could cheery pick as well, but we all know we have to work with what's available. :)

    We're early in on this event.  I still say last night was our first real night on it, since last week we didn't have the proper numbers to split and go beyond 1 minute before a reset. 

    Overall, we did well.  We'll apply what we've learned first hand and adjust based on the feedback here going forward.


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #10 on: September 29, 2012, 11:28:50 PM »
    Oh, I didn't mean that feedback isn't useful.  It's fine to fine tune it with picking and choosing what you can.  But at the end of the day, Furro makes the choices and we have to live with what we're given.

    As an example, when my Light Pillar team told me "Man, if we could get some SKs in here so they could HA the adds it would be so much better", I had to tell them that they weren't getting one because we needed them in Shadow, and we didn't have enough.  Not to mention that Light is a terrible pillar for SKs.  Basically what I'm trying to say is it's more beneficial to squeeze as much functionality and awesomeness out of what you have instead of trying to  alter the raid leaders plan.  If the plan is to have 2 enchanters in Arcane, and only 2 enchanters are in raid, as much as it would be nice to have one in Light to help stun adds, or maybe in Nature to help with charming, then Light and Nature are just going to have to make do without it.

    Unlike most raids, this one has very little wiggle room.


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #11 on: September 30, 2012, 03:40:41 AM »
    What did you do about the Arcward then?


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #12 on: September 30, 2012, 07:20:26 PM »
    Arcwards are charmed by chanters and usually sent to go sit down somewhere away from the gargs.  At times you will have 2 Arcwards up.  The chanters need to be able to keep mez on the gargs and charm at the same time.


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #13 on: September 30, 2012, 10:48:13 PM »
    Nature STRAT.

    THE OBJECT:  Kill 15 Verdant Lifetenders & The Focus of Anriella.

    -Enter the Instance.

    -Raid will rush the Lifetenders next to Anriella and tank one there.

    -KITE TEAM will take the other and begin to kite counter-clock-wise around the southern pillars, picking up the Okiina Kindling that will spawn

    15 seconds later in the southern hall doorways and include them in the kite.

    -CHARM TEAM will charm Naeya (dogs) that will aggro as we rush the Lifetenders.

    -Everyone (but KITE TEAM) will assist MT and kill the Lifetender being tanked.

    -Dot up Anriella.

    -Everyone self-cures to satisfy/cure the emotes using the proper curing spell or potions.

    -KITE TEAM (and others with fire nukes) will nuke Okiina Kindling 3 times to cause them to burst into flame and AE the Lifetenders being kited.

    -KITE TEAM will reacquire Okiina Kindling and kite them.

    -Keep Anriella Dotted.

    -Lifetenders spawn and aggro on a timer and when one is killed.

    -When one is killed, 2 more spawn.

    -KITE TEAM continues to aggro ALL spawns.

    -MT will pick one out of the pack and bring back to camp.

    -Damage commences on the new Target Lifetender, continuing to cast DoTs on Anriella



    Will consist of 2 Rangers (Possible Sub: a BST/Bard/SK filling one slot).  The KITE TEAM will be responsible to maintain Aggro on everything

    except the one Lifetender being tanked/killed.  In order to help keep aggro on the kite team, the Assistant (the one not actively kiting) will

    act as team healer/puller/nuker.  The Assistant MUST keep adds off of the raid.  The active Kiter maintains aggro with snares/AE nukes/taunt -

    whatever it takes.  The kiter should know that nothing summons except Naeya (dogs). At some point, as the assistant gets aggro from

    healing/nuking/pulling, aggro may flop and the Assistant will become the kiter and vis versa.  Be ready to be fluent and flexable. Everything

    hinges on the proficiency of the kite.


    Will consist of at least 3 druids (Possible sub: Shaman/cleric filling one slot).  Your responsibility will be to act as a tag team, healing

    TANK & DAMAGE TEAMs, charming Naeya (Dogs), assist KITE TEAM by nuking Okiina Kindling, and debuffing & Dotting Lifetenders/Anriella.  Healing

    is obvious.  When the raid first rushes the Lifetenders, Naeva(dogs) will aggro socially.  You will charm the naeya and sic them on Anriella

    and/or the Lifetender being tanked. If your dog takes as much as 5% damage, when charm breaks, it will instantly summon you.  (Know that if

    your charmed dog is on Anriella the dog will need to be kept healed as Anriella has an unremovable DS.) When charm breaks the druid without a

    Dog charmed needs to step in and charm the loose dog whilst the former charmer heals himself, or heals the charmer whilst he regains control.


    Will Consist of MT (SK/PAL) and backup.  TANK TEAM will be responsible to tank/kill Lifetenders and pull/aggro the next Lifetender from the



    Will consist of everyone else in the Nature sub-raid.  DAMAGE TEAM will be responsible to DOT Anriella, kill the Lifetender being tanked & FIRE

    nuke the 2 Okiina Kindling in the kite.  Fire nuke need only be fast not powerful (test and report).  The Okiina Kindling will need to be hit

    with your fire nukes 3 times in rapid succesion, at which point they burst into flame, blurring any aggro on them, and AE'ing any Lifetenders

    nearby (hopefully the entire kite).  Don't draw aggro to yourself from the kite if you can help it.

    The EMOTE:

    Every 60 seconds Anriella will randomly inflict 6 members of this pillar with Poison &/or Disease.  You will need to satisfy this emote within

    12 seconds by curing the proper emote with low level Poison/Disease cure (3 counters).  If you fail to cure or cure the wrong spell you will be

    penalized.  Penalty consists of being Silenced/Rooted/Tree Illusion.  The penalty lasts for 48 seconds.  This is no joke.  GTT will tell you

    which to cure if you've downloaded the prepared .gtt file.  You will also see large Yellow text across you screen.


    The Focus of Anriella (Boss Treant)
    -Weakness to DoTS and Charmed Naeya
    -Has a large (unremoveable DS)

    Verdant Lifetender (little Treants)
    -Can be snared/rooted
    -Do not summon
    -Will break root on another Lifetender in close proximity

    Okiina Kindling (shrubs)
    -Can be snared/rooted
    -will "burst into flames" (PBAE DD) when hit by 3 Fire-based nukes

    Naeya Syr'vitral (dogs)
    -lvl 93 animal
    -Can be snared/Rooted
    -Can be Charmed
    -Will Summon


    While in the Pillar of Nature, your class will be affected in the following ways:

    Bard: +18 seconds to Brass songs
    Beastlord: +90% Aggro; +10% Damage Dealt; -20% Damage Taken
    Berserker: +40% Aggro; +5% Damage Dealt; -15% Damage Taken
    Cleric: +25-91% to Heals; +45% Aggro; +20% Damage Taken
    Druid: +70-110% to Heals; Negate Spell Damage Focus; Negate Mana Preservation Focus
    Enchanter: Negate Spell Duration Focus; Negate Mana Preservation Focus
    Magician: -0.75% Pet Hitpoints; Negate Critical Nuke Chance; Negate Spell Damage Focus; Negate Mana Preservation Focus
    Monk: +75% Aggro; -20% Damage Dealt; -20% Damage Taken
    Necromancer: +25% Damage Taken
    Paladin: +20-91% to Heals; -30% Damage Dealt
    Ranger: +40-80% to Heals; +25% Damage Dealt; Negate Accuracy Effects; Negate Ranged Damage Effects
    Rogue: -15% Damage Dealt; Negate Shroud of Stealth; Negate Invisibility
    Shadow Knight: +20% Damage Dealt; +25% Damage Taken
    Shaman: +18 seconds to DOTs; Negate Heal Focus
    Warrior: -65% Aggro; +5% Damage Dealt; +10% Damage Taken; Negate Melee Mitigation
    Wizard: Negate Critical Nuke Chance; Negate Spell Damage Focus; Negate Mana Preservation Focus


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    Re: VoA - Pillars - Unearthing Alra
    « Reply #14 on: October 06, 2012, 01:42:27 AM »