Author Topic: ToV - The Eastern Wastes - T1 - Griklor the Restless  (Read 3739 times)


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ToV - The Eastern Wastes - T1 - Griklor the Restless
« on: August 29, 2020, 09:09:09 PM »
The Eastern Wastes - T1 - Griklor the Restless

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: The Eastern Wastes
NPC Name: Bethun Brewbeard
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: None.

Brief Event Overview

2020-08-28: Based on our first attempt and win.

Event is triggered.  No trash to clear.

When triggered Griklor flies around emotes targeting players.  Emoted players move under Griklor to help draw him down from sky.

Add spawns each time Griklor returns down from sky.  Griklor goes up to sky at seemingly random intervals.

The Ry`Gorr leader is a script NPC responsible for freezing winds and sleet damage.

The Ry`Gorr chief is a script NPC responsible for restless ice damage to freeze his enemies.

Bethun Brewbeard is a friendly NPC that helps protect players from the sleet by activating a fire aura that players can stand in.

At 18%~ Griklor spawns multiple adds, unmezzable.

Killing Griklor completes event.


Assist MA, kill adds.

Stay together in tight formation.  Heal through AURA damage.

Clerics & Paladins SPLASH / Group Heal during Freezing Sleet AE Damage.  Triggers available in section at bottom of post.

At 18% - FULL BURN on Griklor.  Offtank adds.  Adds Stunnable.


- Assigns for MTO and Adds
- Deflects for final 18% adds (unmezzable)


- Splash / Group Heal when Freezing Sleet active (trigger reminds incoming)

- MGB CR/IoS called for by specific player(s) just prior to Freezing Sleet AEs staritng.

- Ancestrial Aid, Alliance by assigns in channel

MA Kill Order: Adds early in, then full burn on boss at 18%

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Griklor the Restless

Halflings make better tanks for Griklor due to natural cold immunity.

While flying in sky Griklor the Restless randomly emotes players.  The emoted player must move under Griklor to help draw him down from sky.

[Fri Aug 28 22:17:42 2020] Griklor lets out a tuneless whistle and a griffon swoops down from the clouds. He leaps on.
[Fri Aug 28 22:18:04 2020] Griklor the Restless roars and points at Beetlejuice.
[Fri Aug 28 22:18:39 2020] Griklor the Restless roars and points at ArthurDent.
[Fri Aug 28 22:18:50 2020] Griklor's griffon's wings are shredded by deadly ice, causing Griklor to fall to the ground.

Various Spells Griklor the Restless Casts:

Radiant Cold155k DoT (100' range, 36s duration, Caster PB)
Increase Spell Dmg Taken by 50% to 60%
Increases damage taken from cold-based spells by x to y%. Inflicts z damage every 6 seconds.
Note: The Ry`Gorr chief emotes warning but Griklor does the Radiant Cold cast

[Fri Aug 28 22:17:17 2020] The Ry`Gorr chief pauses to summon the restless ice to freeze his enemies!
[Fri Aug 28 22:17:27 2020] Griklor the Restless begins casting Radiant Cold.
[Fri Aug 28 22:17:27 2020] You feel fragile and vulnerable to cold.
Balance of the NamelessDecrease Poison Counter by 99
Decrease Disease Counter by 99
Dispel 9 x 10
Note: Griklor removes all afflictions before going up to sky

[Fri Aug 28 22:17:42 2020] Griklor the Restless begins casting Balance of the Nameless.
[Fri Aug 28 22:17:42 2020] Griklor the Restless's afflictions have been stripped.
[Fri Aug 28 22:17:42 2020] Griklor lets out a tuneless whistle and a griffon swoops down from the clouds. He leaps on.
[Fri Aug 28 22:17:42 2020] Griklor the Restless begins casting Summon Snow Griffon.
Summon Snow Griffon Summon EW2 Raid 1 Boss Mount
Note: Griklor mount to get into sky

[Fri Aug 28 22:17:42 2020] Griklor lets out a tuneless whistle and a griffon swoops down from the clouds. He leaps on.
[Fri Aug 28 22:17:42 2020] Griklor the Restless begins casting Summon Snow Griffon.

The Ry`Gorr leader

The Ry`Gorr leader is a script NPC responsible for freezing winds and sleet damage.

The AE damage occurs over a period of between 91 to 95 seconds approximately.

Freezing Sleet220k DoT (100k' range)

[Fri Aug 28 22:20:41 2020] The Ry`Gorr leader summons deadly freezing winds and sleet!
[Fri Aug 28 22:20:42 2020] It begins to sleet.
[Fri Aug 28 22:20:49 2020] Bethun Brewbeard shouts, 'Gather! This fire should protect you from the sleet!'
[Fri Aug 28 22:20:53 2020] You have taken 115640 damage from Freezing Sleet by freezing wind.
[Fri Aug 28 22:20:59 2020] You have taken 128200 damage from Freezing Sleet by freezing wind.
[Fri Aug 28 22:22:13 2020] The sleet falls away.

The Ry`Gorr chief

The Ry`Gorr chief is a script NPC responsible for restless ice damage to freeze his enemies.

The Radiant Cold cast comes from Griklor the Restless.

Warning emote: The Ry`Gorr chief pauses to summon the restless ice to freeze his enemies!


[Fri Aug 28 22:17:17 2020] The Ry`Gorr chief pauses to summon the restless ice to freeze his enemies!
[Fri Aug 28 22:17:27 2020] Griklor the Restless begins casting Radiant Cold.
[Fri Aug 28 22:17:27 2020] You feel fragile and vulnerable to cold.

Bethun Brewbeard

Bethun Brewbeard is a friendly NPC that helps protect players from the sleet by activating a fire aura that players can stand in.


[Fri Aug 28 22:20:49 2020] Bethun Brewbeard shouts, 'Gather! This fire should protect you from the sleet!'


Various adds spawn throughout event.

a cursed dervishN/A
- Spawns when Griklor comes down from sky
- Possible warning for Dervish add: Dervishes form from the snow, gathering increasing amounts of restless ice.
a restless Ry`GorrRy`Gorr War Cry - 190k DD + STUN (2000' Range Caster PB)
1st person: A ear-breaking scream muddles your mind.
a haunted Ry`GorrN/A
Note: Mezzable

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with NPC near gate.


- Grounded
-- Do not allow Griklor to spend too long on his mount.

- Don't Cry
-- Do not allow the Ry`Gorr to unleash their war cry.

- Stay Warm
-- Individual: Do not allow Griklor to strike you with Radiant Cold.


Event Reset:


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  09-01-2020 (10:16pm)  - Griklor the Restless - Points at Player (1st Person) - Move under Griklor
-- Griklor the Restless - Points at Player (1st Person) - Move under Griklor

- Griklor the Restless - Down from Sky
-- Griklor the Restless - Down from Sky

- Griklor the Restless - Going Up to Sky
-- Griklor the Restless - Going Up to Sky

Healers &
  Healers (addon)  09-01-2020 (10:16pm)  - Healers - Freezing Sleet - SPLASH / GROUP HEAL (continuously for 91 to 95 seconds)
-- Healers - Freezing Sleet - SPLASH / GROUP HEAL (continuously for 91 to 95 seconds)

- Healers - Freezing Sleet - AE Damage Stopped - The sleet falls away
-- Healers - Freezing Sleet - AE Damage Stopped - The sleet falls away

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 07:30:53 PM by Furro »


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Re: ToV - The Eastern Wastes - T1 - Griklor the Restless
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2020, 09:11:19 PM »
Friday, August 28, 2020 - Griklor the Restless defeated!

Defeated on first attempt!  Good job all!

See everyone in-game! :)


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Re: ToV - The Eastern Wastes - T1 - Griklor the Restless
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2020, 09:38:47 PM »
Halflings make better tanks for Griklor due to natural cold immunity.

This is a lie. Halflings make life in general worse because they suck at everything.


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Re: ToV - The Eastern Wastes - T1 - Griklor the Restless
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2020, 02:45:01 AM »
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 - Strategy Updated and Trigger Packages Added

Strategy post updated.

Trigger Packages

There are two packages.  Be sure to download the "Everyone" package and then download the addon accordingly (Healers & Paladins).

See everyone in-game! :)