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I transitioned to GINA a few months ago, and I highly recommend everyone who raids with us to do the same. It's vastly superior to GTT.
I have installed GINA but am having difficulties with receiving trigger files from others. Is there anyone who could spend some time chatting with me in game or in private messages to help me get this set up properly? I would very much appreciate it. Buddley
I've heard reports that GINA's Text-To-Speech (TtS) function can be slow or delayed. While I've never experienced it, I can't discount it. For most of my TtS needs, I usually visit: then simply have it create a .WAV file for me, and have GINA play that. Sadly, no Furro voice, but then again... there are UK voices!So if TtS seems slow for you, this is probably a great option.
New to GINA I have it Downloaded and installed and my character added. Not sure how to get the triggers. I am an SKI think I got them! Hopefully all of them