Author Topic: Freelance Frees King Tormax from a Bloody Nightmare  (Read 2882 times)


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Freelance Frees King Tormax from a Bloody Nightmare
« on: January 20, 2013, 04:49:22 PM »
Poor King Tormax.  Some crackpot puts a purple crystal up his ass, and suddenly he's more paranoid than a pie in Rivervale.  And we, the Freelance Raid Team, had to live through that nightmare:

  • First, it was The Dain, who is a stinky little dwarf.  Gets dogs and his four heavies to do his dirty work for him.  We put him down.
  • Then, it's Yelinak, a mighty frost dragon.  Some respect here, he packs a nice 100k AE.  Tyranosawr and Snakein combined to interrupt his plans.
  • And if that weren't enough, he dreams of both of these fools at the same time.  Oh, and keep in mind, during the whole event, KT decides that Juddor and Overeasy are at fault, and he's poundin' on them.

But like any good halfling in search of adven... who are we kidding?  pies... we persevere and get 'er done.  Congratulations Freelance!

Yes, Snakein, we won.  :D
« Last Edit: May 19, 2013, 06:43:11 PM by Ssark »