Author Topic: Now on Test Server  (Read 2874 times)


  • Pie Thief
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Now on Test Server
« on: March 07, 2013, 11:02:27 AM »
Test Patch Notes 3/5/2013
- "NPC melee combat will no longer cause other NPCs to move. Players can still move NPCs and NPCs can still move players."

Could this mean... finally... no more... pet push?!?

I'll believe it when I see it.

Also, one of the most challenging RoF-T2 zones is about to get nerfed.  Sorry Darkenvoid:
- Many changes were made to creatures in Chapterhouse of the Fallen to make the zone more playable.
- - Wandering NPCs will be less restless.
- - Researcher Vespra, rats, and timeworn servants are no longer aggressive towards players.
- - The undead in the caverns have been moved around and their aggro ranges have been reduced.
- - Reduced the aggro range on all oozles and beetles.
- - Removed several NPCs from the caverns to create some safe areas.