Author Topic: CoV - Skyshrine - T2 - The Crusaders  (Read 5753 times)


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CoV - Skyshrine - T2 - The Crusaders
« on: February 11, 2021, 03:19:54 PM »
Skyshrine - T2 - The Crusaders

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Cobalt Scar
NPC Name: Watcher Sprin
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Event is triggered by Dark Elf sacrifice.

There are four Crusader dragons located in different locations throughout the event area.  The dragons are protecting Yelinak.

Yelinak is in the middle chamber area behind a locked door.

Each Crusader has a Frontal AE.  When a dragon dies, the next dragon inherits a Caster PBAE version of one of the previously killed dragons: As the first crusader falls, a portion of its strength is given to the others.

When a dragon dies the next active dragon emotes, i.e.,  Grendish the Crusader shouts, 'No! Come face me! I will not allow you to defeat the Crusaders!'

Failure to engage the next Crusader quickly enough causes the event to reset.

Various adds spawn at timed intervals.  Each add has a unique mechanic or ability.

Cleaning Cube:

Several large purple gelatinous cleaning cube path throughout the event area in a clockwise direction.

Any player that comes in contact with the cube will be banished to another area.

The cleaning cube is indifferent and cannot be damaged or cast on.

Statues - Colored Rings - Breath of Stones:

A pair of statues are positioned halfway from each corner location.  Between the statues colored rings appear and disappear periodically.

When a ring appears the statues on each side cast a directional cone AE Breath of Stones - 353k DoT Frontal AE.

Any player that happens to be in the affected area will be hit by Breath of Stones and take DoT damage.

Yelinak's Dragon Lord's Potency:

Beginning when the 3rd Crusader is active, every 2 minutes 20 seconds a warning emote indicates for players to spread out to different areas (Power begins to gather ...).

Players have about 40 seconds after initial warning to strategically spread out to other areas.

Failure of players to properly spread out results in Yelinak's Dragon Lord's Potency - 275k Caster PBAE + Mana Drain (475' range).

Subsequent emotes indicate overall failure or success by area.


Prep: Trash clear the banish areas.

Starting with one of the Crusaders.  From there we go to the next dragon that emotes when active.

Avoid cleaning cubes.  Cubes increase in numbers as event goes on.

When moving to areas and passing between the statues, hug the statue walls to avoid being hit by massive DoT.

1st Crusader straight forward kill.

2nd Crusader:
  • FULL BURN on Crusader
  • Everyone KILL Adds when they spawn, except Necros who stay on Crusader
  • When Adds spawn just as Crusader dies - DO NOT MOVE - KILL ADDS FIRST
    • Only MTO group move to 3rd Crusader when this happens
3rd Crusader - Power gather emotes - Assigned players move to designated areas (rinse/repeat).

4th Crusader - Continuation of above.

Adds Quick Reference:

Adds spawn at Zone-in and Yelinak's door area.

Assigned tanks to pull adds to raid.  Tanks run to position in advance of adds spawning (we'll remind in raidsay).

An atrium disciple Yelinak door Heals boss
A bodyguard Yelinak door Spawns pet at boss
a domicile defender Zone-in Silences (2 mins)
A foyer guardian Zone-in Target AE emotes


- MTO position Crusader facing away from main raid, into corner
- MTO keep Crusader out of path of cleaning cube

- Offtank Crusader pet (despawns when a bodyguard dies)

- Tanks assigned for each add type to pull add to raid

- Keep adds out of path of cleaning cube
- Adds summon


- Splash/Group Heal when trigger fires

- Charm a domicile defender - Domiciles cast invulnerable on players (Locked Mind, 2 min duration)
- Charm breaks immediately, but Locked Mind fades when charmed
-- Trigger indicates when to charm

MA Kill Order: Crusaders

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

The Crusaders

Crusader dragons AE Rampage.

Each Crusader has a Frontal AE.  When a dragon dies, the next dragon inherits a Caster PBAE version of one of the previously killed dragons: As the first crusader falls, a portion of its strength is given to the others.

When a dragon dies the next active dragon emotes, i.e.,  Grendish the Crusader shouts, 'No! Come face me! I will not allow you to defeat the Crusaders!'

Failure to engage the next Crusader quickly enough causes the event to reset.

Charayan the Crusader   Will of the Crusader - 320k DoT Frontal AE + Melee Slow + Mana Drain (18s duration, 700' range)
     Will of the Crusader - 375k DoT Caster PBAE + Melee Slow + Mana Drain (18s duration, 600' range)
Warning Emote: Charayan concentrates his will.
- Usually 10s between concentrates emote and effect
-- Can vary depending on intermediary effect being cast

[Sat Feb 06 22:30:13 2021] Charayan concentrates his will.
[Sat Feb 06 22:30:23 2021] Charayan the Crusader begins casting Will of the Crusader.
Grendish the Crusader  Curse of the Shrine - 300k DoT Frontal AE + 1200 DS + Interrupt Casting (18s duration, 700' range)
    Curse of the Shrine - 330k DoT Caster PBAE + 1350 DS + Interrupt Casting (18s duration, 600' range)
Warning Emote: Grendish concentrates his hatred.
- Usually 10s between concentrates emote and effect
-- Can vary depending on intermediary effect being cast

[Sat Feb 06 20:25:03 2021] Grendish concentrates his hatred.
[Sat Feb 06 20:25:13 2021] Grendish the Crusader begins casting Curse of the Shrine.
Jortreva the Crusader   Rotting Flesh - 350k DD + 290k DoT Frontal AE + Decrease Endurance 9.5k (18s duration, 700' range)
     Rotting Flesh - 330k DD + 300k DoT Caster PBAE + Decrease Endurance 10.5k (18s duration, 600' range)
Warning Emote: Jortreva concentrates his dark power.
- Usually 10s between concentrates emote and effect
-- Can vary depending on intermediary effect being cast

[Sat Feb 06 20:30:37 2021] Jortreva concentrates his dark power.
[Sat Feb 06 20:30:47 2021] Jortreva the Crusader begins casting Rotting Flesh.
Susarrak the CrusaderDismal Rage of the Shrine - 325k DoT Frontal AE + Decrease ATK, AC, Double and Triple ATK (18s duration, 700' range)
  Dismal Rage of the Shrine - 350k DoT Caster PBAE + Decrease ATK, AC, Double and Triple ATK (18s duration, 600' range)
Warning Emote: Susarrak concentrates his rage.
- Usually 10s between concentrates emote and effect
-- Can vary depending on intermediary effect being cast

[Sat Feb 06 22:57:18 2021] Susarrak concentrates his rage.
[Sat Feb 06 22:57:28 2021] Susarrak the Crusader begins casting Dismal Rage of the Shrine.

Example, errant say (prior to and post event start):
[Thu Feb 11 22:45:17 2021] Susarrak the Crusader says, 'I follow no one.'
[Thu Feb 11 22:45:53 2021] You tell your raid, 'all you Centare'
[Thu Feb 11 22:46:00 2021] Centare says, 'Hail, Susarrak the Crusader'
[Thu Feb 11 22:46:09 2021] Centare says, 'insist'
[Thu Feb 11 22:49:35 2021] Susarrak the Crusader says, 'I follow no one.'

Additional Crusader Notes:

- Crusaders cast Elemental Bodyguard - Summons elemental protector (x the Crusader pet)
- Pet most likely casts self buff Bodyguard Pet Shielding for 120s.  Causes the elemental protector to engage in defense.
- A Crusader will not cast Elemental Bodyguard without A bodyguard add up
- When a bodyguard add dies the crusader pet dies: As the bodyguard's dies, the creature it summoned to protect the crusader is no longer bound to its service.

[Sat Feb 06 22:32:27 2021] Charayan the Crusader begins casting Elemental Bodyguard.
[Sat Feb 06 22:32:27 2021] A bodyguard assists the crusader in summoning a protector.

[Sat Feb 06 20:31:11 2021] Jortreva the Crusader begins casting Elemental Bodyguard.
[Sat Feb 06 20:31:11 2021] A bodyguard assists the crusader in summoning a protector.

[Sat Feb 06 23:07:36 2021] As the bodyguard's dies, the creature it summoned to protect the crusader is no longer bound to its service.
[Sat Feb 06 23:07:36 2021] You gained raid experience!
[Sat Feb 06 23:07:36 2021] A bodyguard has been slain by Padraigg!

Power inherited from another fallen Crusader:

[Sat Feb 06 23:04:45 2021] Jortreva the Crusader gathers the power granted to them upon the death of Susarrak.

Statues - Colored Rings - Breath of Stones

A pair of statues are positioned halfway from each corner location.  Between the statues colored rings appear and disappear periodically.

When a ring appears the statues on each side cast a directional cone AE Breath of Stones - 353k DoT Frontal AE (Max Hits 5, Max Hits Type: Incoming Hit Attempts, AE 200' range, 24s duration).

Any player that happens to be in the affected area will be hit by Breath of Stones and take DoT damage.

- Purpose may be to trip people up as they move around reacting to event mechanics
- This effect is present in the group mission as Breath of Old Stone
- As reported, Breath of Stones is hitting NPCs.  Although the damage is minor (doesn't appear to act as a bane)

[Sat Feb 06 21:26:23 2021] A bodyguard has taken 353535 damage by Breath of Stones.
[Sat Feb 06 22:03:19 2021] An atrium disciple has taken 353535 damage by Breath of Stones.
[Sat Feb 06 22:38:27 2021] Charayan the Crusader has taken 353535 damage by Breath of Stones.

[Sat Feb 06 17:28:03 2021] You have taken 211621 damage from Breath of Stones by a statue.


Various adds spawn throughout event.

Emote when adds spawn: A high-pitched roaring can be heard in the cave. Something else has come to assist the Crusaders.

A domicile defender    Locked Mind - Invulnerability.  Makes target invulnerable and unable to cause harm.
  Locked Mind - Invulnerability.  Causes x hit point and y mana damage in a n radius around the caster.
- Effect in song window
- When domicile dies, Locked Mind effect fades: As the domicile defender that locked your mind falls, your mind is freed.
- When domicile charmed, Locked Mind effect fades: As the domicile defender that locked your mind falls under the control of another, your mind is freed.
- Can be Charmed but breaks almost instantly
- Locked Mind cast every 20s~

[Sat Feb 06 20:32:30 2021] A domicile defender tries to lock up the mind of some of the enemy.
[Sat Feb 06 20:32:50 2021] A domicile defender begins casting Locked Mind.
[Sat Feb 06 20:32:50 2021] A domicile defender begins casting Locked Mind.
[Sat Feb 06 20:32:50 2021] A domicile defender begins casting Locked Mind.
[Sat Feb 06 22:02:47 2021] a domicile defender is charmed.

[Thu Feb 11 22:54:16 2021] As the domicile defender that locked your mind falls under the control of another, your mind is freed.

[Thu Feb 11 22:54:51 2021] As the domicile defender that locked your mind falls, your mind is freed.

[Fri Feb 12 22:31:08 2021] You can't cast spells while invulnerable!

A foyer guardianBolt of Lightning - 375k Target AE (100' range)
Warning Emote: A foyer guardian calls the lightning to target Soandso.
- Player emoted, run away, Bolt of Lightning Target AE at player location

[Sat Feb 06 20:33:14 2021] A foyer guardian calls the lightning to target Soandso.
[Sat Feb 06 20:33:24 2021] A foyer guardian begins casting Bolt of Lightning.
A bodyguardDoes not cast spells
- A Crusader will not cast Elemental Bodyguard without A bodyguard add up
- When a bodyguard add dies the crusader pet dies:
As the bodyguard's dies, the creature it summoned to protect the crusader is no longer bound to its service.

[Sat Feb 06 22:32:27 2021] Charayan the Crusader begins casting Elemental Bodyguard.
[Sat Feb 06 22:32:27 2021] A bodyguard assists the crusader in summoning a protector.

[Sat Feb 06 23:07:36 2021] As the bodyguard's dies, the creature it summoned to protect the crusader is no longer bound to its service.
[Sat Feb 06 23:07:36 2021] You gained raid experience!
[Sat Feb 06 23:07:36 2021] A bodyguard has been slain by Padraigg!
An atrium disciple - Heals Dragon
[Sat Feb 06 23:04:01 2021] An atrium disciple heals a wounded crusader.
a cold cleaning cube - Roaming cubes
- Any player that comes in contact with the cube will be banished to another area
- Cube is indifferent and cannot be damaged or cast on
- Cube starts at ZI and paths clockwise around event area
- Several cubes can be up at any given time

[Fri Feb 12 22:48:34 2021] The cube cleans you from the area.

[Sat Feb 06 17:15:30 2021] You cannot cast Black Steel on a cold cleaning cube.
[Sat Feb 06 17:15:32 2021] A cold cleaning cube regards you indifferently -- what would you like your tombstone to say? (Lvl: 120)
[Sat Feb 06 17:15:32 2021] This creature would take an army to defeat!

[Fri Feb 12 22:02:37 2021] Soandso has been cleaned and failed the Uncleaned achievement.


Yelinak is in the middle chamber area behind a locked door.

Beginning when the 3rd Crusader is active, every 2 minutes 20 seconds a warning emote indicates for players to spread out to different areas (Power begins to gather ...).

Players have about 40 seconds after initial warning to strategically spread out to other areas.

Failure of players to properly spread out results in Yelinak's Dragon Lord's Potency - 275k Caster PBAE + Mana Drain (475' range).

Subsequent emotes indicate overall failure or success by area.

Approximate time between Power begins to gather emotes: 2 minutes 20 seconds


[Sat Feb 06 23:10:09 2021] Power begins to gather. You can sense that it is attracted to your presences. You know that you will need to spread out to reduce the effect when the power is unleashed. Too many or too few of you and you will suffer more.
[Sat Feb 06 23:10:48 2021] So many gathered in the North Eastern area increases the defensive power of Yelinak's magic.
[Sat Feb 06 23:10:48 2021] Energy not needed in the North Western area is funneled to where the most enemies are gathered.
[Sat Feb 06 23:10:48 2021] Energy not needed in the South Western area is funneled to where the most enemies are gathered.
[Sat Feb 06 23:10:48 2021] Faldyarr has taken 167918 damage from Dragon Lord's Potency by .
[Sat Feb 06 23:10:48 2021] Clare has taken 170171 damage from Dragon Lord's Potency by .
[Sat Feb 06 23:10:48 2021] Jakethesnake has taken 76950 damage from Dragon Lord's Potency by .
[Sat Feb 06 23:10:48 2021] Sunscreen has taken 161913 damage from Dragon Lord's Potency by .
[Sat Feb 06 23:10:48 2021] Whiteteeth has taken 167918 damage from Dragon Lord's Potency by .
[Sat Feb 06 23:10:48 2021] Finsnflippers has been slain by Yelinak!
[Sat Feb 06 23:10:48 2021] Toboggan has taken 167418 damage from Dragon Lord's Potency by .
[Sat Feb 06 23:10:48 2021] Lynx has been slain by Yelinak!
[Sat Feb 06 23:12:28 2021] Power begins to gather. You can sense that it is attracted to your presences. You know that you will need to spread out to reduce the effect when the power is unleashed. Too many or too few of you and you will suffer more.

Miscellaneous - Yelinak getting upset:
[Sat Feb 06 23:08:26 2021] Yelinak roars as a second crusader falls.

Start Event

Event is triggered by speaking with any Crusader using keyword: insist


- Shared Pain
-- Never allow Yelinak's Dragon Lord's Potency to be amplified

- Uncleaned!
-- Don't let the cubes clean anyone

- The Hard Way
-- Always allow Yelinak's Dragon Lord's Potency to be amplified

Miscellaneous - Spells seen but analysis not yet finished:

Crusader's Ward - 250k DD + Mana Drain + Endurance Drain (single target)

- Comes into play late 3rd, certainly 4th Crusader
- Aura/effect can be avoided by hugging walls to pass by/beyond it


[Sat Feb 06 16:42:11 2021] Charayan the Crusader says, 'You are not welcome here! I suspect that demanding that you leave this sacred place will have no effect on you. Each of us has tied their life force to the barrier that will keep you out of the chamber. You have no real hope of defeating all four crusaders! We will fight to the death to defend this place, and so if you [insist], we will fight.'

[Sat Feb 06 16:43:48 2021] Susarrak the Crusader says, 'You are not welcome here! I suspect that demanding that you leave this sacred place will have no effect on you. Each of us has tied their life force to the barrier that will keep you out of the chamber. You have no real hope of defeating all four crusaders! We will fight to the death to defend this place, and so if you [insist], we will fight.'

[Sat Feb 06 16:44:20 2021] You say, 'Hail, Grendish the Crusader'
[Sat Feb 06 16:44:21 2021] Grendish the Crusader says, 'You are not welcome here! I suspect that demanding that you leave this sacred place will have no effect on you. Each of us has tied their life force to the barrier that will keep you out of the chamber. You have no real hope of defeating all four crusaders! We will fight to the death to defend this place, and so if you [insist], we will fight.'

[Sat Feb 06 16:44:33 2021] You say, 'Hail, Jortreva the Crusader'
[Sat Feb 06 16:44:34 2021] Jortreva the Crusader says, 'You are not welcome here! I suspect that demanding that you leave this sacred place will have no effect on you. Each of us has tied their life force to the barrier that will keep you out of the chamber. You have no real hope of defeating all four crusaders! We will fight to the death to defend this place, and so if you [insist], we will fight.'

Event Reset:
[Sat Feb 06 23:12:32 2021] With no one endangering Yelinak, the crusaders return to their vigil.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2021-04-20 (8:02pm)  - A bodyguard - Spawns a Crusader Pet Add
-- A bodyguard - Spawns a Crusader Pet Add

- A cold cleaning cube - Cube Cleans You From Area - Banished (1st Person)
-- A cold cleaning cube - Cube Cleans You From Area - Banished (1st Person)

- A domicile defender - Locked Mind - Your mind is freed.
-- A domicile defender - Locked Mind - Your mind is freed.

- A domicile defender - Locked Mind - Invulnerable
-- A domicile defender - Locked Mind - Invulnerable

- A foyer guardian - Bolt of Lightning - Target AE at player (1st Person)
-- A foyer guardian - Bolt of Lightning - Target AE at player (1st Person)

- Adds Spawn - A high-pitched roaring - With Timer
-- Adds Spawn - A high-pitched roaring - With Timer

- Dragon Locations
-- Charayan the Crusader - South West
-- Grendish the Crusader - North East
-- Jortreva the Crusader - South East
-- Susarrak the Crusader - North West

- Yelinak - Dragon Lord's Potency - Power begins to gather - Move to Areas - With Timer
-- Yelinak - Dragon Lord's Potency - Power begins to gather - Move to Areas - With Timer

- Yelinak - Dragon Lord's Potency - So many gathered - FAILURE
-- Yelinak - Dragon Lord's Potency - So many gathered - FAILURE

- Event Reset
- Event Start

  Enchanters (addon)  2021-02-10 (12:40pm)  - Enchanters - Locked Mind - Charm a domicile defender
-- Enchanters - Locked Mind - Charm a domicile defender

  Healers (addon)  2021-02-10 (12:40pm)  - Healers - Concentrates - SPLASH / GROUP HEAL
-- Healers - Concentrates - SPLASH / GROUP HEAL

  Paladins (addon)  2021-02-10 (12:40pm)  - Paladins - Concentrates - SPLASH
-- Paladins - Concentrates - SPLASH

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 02:01:09 AM by Furro »


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Re: CoV - Skyshrine - T2 - The Crusaders
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2021, 03:20:35 PM »
Saturday, February 6, 2021 - Strategy Posted & Trigger Packages Added

Sized up The Crusaders event last Saturday.  Strategy posted based on our attempts.  Trigger packages added.

Attention Healers, Paladins and Enchanters: Addon trigger packages included.


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Re: CoV - Skyshrine - T2 - The Crusaders
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2021, 06:12:14 AM »


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Re: CoV - Skyshrine - T2 - The Crusaders
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2021, 08:52:39 PM »
Friday, February 12, 2021 - Strategy Post & Main Trigger Package Updated

Add spawn locations added.

Updated trigger package based on run last night.

Added trigger to indicate when Locked Mind goes away early.

Locked Mind goes away early when either condition is met:
  • Domicile add Charmed: As the domicile defender that locked your mind falls under the control of another, your mind is freed.
  • Domicile dies: As the domicile defender that locked your mind falls, your mind is freed.

OKAY TO MERGE WITH EXISTING TRIGGER PACKAGE "Skyshrine - The Crusaders" (if you're already using triggers from 2020-02-10)

See everyone in-game! :)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2021, 03:46:41 PM by Furro »


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Re: CoV - Skyshrine - T2 - The Crusaders
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2021, 04:16:16 PM »
Saturday, February 13, 2021 - Strategy Post & Main Trigger Package Updated

Awesome attempts last night.  Got 4th Crusader to 72%.

Strategy adjusted to better handle adds that spawn during 2nd Crusader. 

Instead of pulling adds to the main raid; which has proven difficult resulting in delays, we'll instead use two Add Kill Teams.  These teams will move into position shortly before adds spawn and kill the adds.

Trigger Additions:
- Added trigger to indicate when you are invulnerable (Locked Mind)
- A trigger for when cube cleans you from area and you're banished

OKAY TO MERGE WITH EXISTING TRIGGER PACKAGE "Skyshrine - The Crusaders" (if you're already using triggers from 2020-02-12)

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Re: CoV - Skyshrine - T2 - The Crusaders
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2021, 09:51:58 PM »
Saturday, February 27, 2021 - Strategy Post & Main Trigger Package Updated

Good attempts last night.  We're handling adds much better now.  Marked improvement for moving to areas during 3rd Crusader.

Strategy post updated to current.

Trigger Updates:
- Updated Adds Spawn trigger to include a timer to alert pullers 15s~ before they spawn
- Updated Power begins to gather - Move to Areas trigger to include overlay early warning timer to alert Get Ready to Move


Enchanters, Paladins and Clerics - Remember to import trigger package again after deletion above

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Re: CoV - Skyshrine - T2 - The Crusaders
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2021, 03:05:32 AM »
Thursday, March 4, 2021 - The Crusaders defeated!

The Crusaders Defeated!  Awesome work everyone!

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Re: CoV - Skyshrine - T2 - The Crusaders
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2021, 02:36:33 PM »
Monday, March 29, 2021 - Strategy Post & Main Trigger Package Updated

Minor update to the strategy post to reflect our current strategy.

Trigger update to "Everyone" package:
  • Updated: Yelinak - Dragon Lord's Potency - Power begins to gather - Move to Areas - With Timer
    • Included voice/text indicating Splash or Runes to anticipate the penalty failure from move
    • As always, adjust trigger to your needs


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Re: CoV - Skyshrine - T2 - The Crusaders
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2021, 12:08:52 AM »
Tuesday, April 20, 2021 - Main Trigger Package Updated

Trigger update to "Everyone" package:
  • Updated: Yelinak - Dragon Lord's Potency - Power begins to gather - Move to Areas - With Timer
    • Adjusted Splash/Runes notification to fire few seconds earlier
    • As always, adjust trigger to your needs


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Re: CoV - Skyshrine - T2 - The Crusaders
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2021, 08:42:00 PM »
Sunday, June 6, 2021 - Update

Strategy post has been updated with a little tweak to handling of 2nd Crusader when adds spawn just as Crusader is killed.

2nd Crusader:
  • FULL BURN on Crusader
  • Everyone KILL Adds when they spawn, except Necros who stay on Crusader
  • When Adds spawn just as Crusader dies - DO NOT MOVE - KILL ADDS FIRST
    • Only MTO group move to 3rd Crusader when this happens

See everyone in-game! :)