Chapterhouse - A Matter of Life and Death
Zone & Instance Info Gather Zone: Chapterhouse of the Fallen
NPC Name: Holy Defender Ioris
NPC Location: Side room just north of the zone-in from the Commonlands (SE of the Shard's Landing portal, loc: -125, -70, -1).
Keyword to Enter: Ready
Flag & Key Requirements Zone Flag: | | None |
Event Key: | | None |
Group Mission: | | None |
Event Flags: | | High Priest Syltetzalvek (Shard's Landing raid) |
| | Danela's Stand (Crystal Caverns raid) |
| | The Madness of King Tormax (Kael Drakkel raid) |
| | Zeixshi-Kar's Shard" (Zeixshi-Kar's Awakening raid) |
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Nothing required.
Brief Event Overview & Strategy* Mandatory Audio/Text GTT Trigger information is available in the GTT section further down in this post.
For this event, the boss Marnek Jaull switches between HUMAN and SKELETON forms based on its health.
Wraith adds spawn at 4% intervals of Marneks HP, and are
ONLY vulnerable to players in SHROUD FORM.
Leave Wraiths for SHROUDED PLAYERS TO DEAL WITH. Wraiths will kill your pets, and chain stun normal players.
Assigned players will GET SHROUDED using the NORTH POOL and KILL WRAITHS using the "Wraith Lure" bane ability. Each time a player shrouds, a SKELETON ADD SPAWNS. Assigned groups, assist your MA to kill each skeleton when called upon.
If a shroud buff fades, the player is DT'd. To avoid this, the player must use the SOUTH POOL (Blue) to REMOVE the shroud shortly before the buff fades. Once removed, a short buff prevents them from shrouding again briefly.
CC - Skeletons adds are IMMUNE to STUN, but some are mezzable (random which ones).
Throughout the event, a Corpse Collector NPC drags DEAD player corpses to the water and spawns an ANIMATED CORPSE ADD for each corpse. REZ the dead immediately to prevent this please (do not use call, it leaves corpse).
MARNEK HUMAN FORMHuman forms at: 100%, 70%, 40%, 10% HP
AE RAMPAGES, and casts short range PBAE DD + Stun. ONLY assigned players range DPS when called on please.
Shrouded players DO NOT GO NEAR MARNEK while it is human form. Aura around Marnek will kill you.
Scorching Bones DoT. NOT THE SHROUD POOLS.
Everyone - IF hit by
Necrotic Roots (DoT + ROOT) - Ask for "
CURSE CURE Please" in group. Make a hotkey ahead of time please. Cleric, Druids, Shaman, Rangers, Paladins, all react and use your cures to remove it. A single cast from Cleric or Druid will not remove it. Each group will have at least TWO available curers.
MARNEK SKELETON FORMSkeleton forms at: 80%, 50%, 20% HP
Permanently rooted in this form (but not always). Does not summon. We are NOT main tanking during this form.
Everyone - DO NOT GO NEAR MARNEK. Surrounding AURA damages any player NOT shrouded.
During this form, Marnek LIFETAPS three non-aggro LIVING SACRIFICES in the center of the room. The lifetaps increase the longer he remains in skeleton form. If it kills a Living Sacrifice, it gains an AE (mana/endurance drain + blind), that comes into play during Human form.
Assist MA only when called on please to keep pace with killing Skeleton adds.
Additional assigned shrouded players will act as our DPS AGAINST Marnek during skeleton form.
Any questions, please ask in the FLRaids:raids channel.
Class Specific Play Adjustment NoticeShadownknights, Monks, Bards: Draw/Pull Abilities
Please avoid the following draw/pull type abilities/spell lines against Marnek or Skeleton adds during this event:
Usage of any of the above lines is causing a DT effect towards the MT and/or caster.
Note: Animated Corpses do not seem to be affected by the aforementioned spell/ability lines
Shrouds & PoolsLead: Minisca, Dimbly, Ssark
Channel - FLShrouds:shrouds
After a few runs at this, we've learned a lot about Shrouding up, DPSing Marnek and the wraiths. Here is a our current strategy: if you are in G8/G9, please review carefully.
ShroudsIf called to shroud in G8/G9, it is done in a rotation established in FLShrouds:Shrouds. Watch for controller calls. To shroud up, drop down into northwest anteroom and stand on pad. You will get two abilities: Wraith Lure and Marnek's Bane. The Lure taunts wraiths, and is primarily used by G8. The Bane ability damages Marnek in skeleton form, and is primarily used by G9. When you first shroud, add both of these to a hotkey bank and have it ready each time you raid.
The shrouded form lasts for about 2 minutes. When it runs down to about 20-30s, run to the south anteroom pad to deshroud. If you do not deshroud when the buff wears off, you die. We ask you to do this a bit early in case you get rooted or have a hard time finding your way to the south pad.
NO ONE but those called in G8/G9 should ever shroud. NO ONE but G8/G9 should be near the NW anteroom.
Neither group may DPS on Marnek in human form. Neither group should attempt to Melee DPS Marnek in skeleton form. (This was attempted but even with 1M HP he tears through it quickly, and we cannot afford any deaths -- the risk is not worth the benefit.)
If you are one of the 10 shrouders in G8/G9, make a hotkey. The hotkey should 1) announce in /shout warning the raid that a skeleton is about to be produced 2) inform the shroud channel that you are about to shroud 3) send a /tell to the person after you that they are on deck. Example:
/shout Skeleton INC! (Ssark)
/7 Ssark (G8) is shrouded. Endotron (G8) is next!
/tell Endotron you're next up once my skeleton dies.
Shrouded Group Roles:Controller: calls out Group 8 rotation during human phase for Group 8, and watches buffs/orders additional shrouders. During skeleton phase, reminds shroud groups about # of skeleton adds, watches health of human sacrifices and helps accelerate Marnek health drop if needed. Preferably a member of Group 9, but not necessarily. Should not be a healer.
Haster: someone who hastes the shrouded folks once they've entered the form. Can be anyone in raid, including those not in G8/G9. Should have members of G8 on ETW (they are on wraiths and need haste more than G9 later).
Healers: 2 people, one in G8 and the other in G9, who keep the shrouders alive when they're not shrouded. If unable to rez, they must call for rez since bodies may be dragged to north pool, giving us an Animated Corpse and likely wiping us. They should have opposite group on ETW. Be aware that when your target is shrouded, your heals are insignificant to the number of hps and damage being done to these folks.
Group 8: Wraiths
During human form:
Group 8 has its own 5-person rotation (all 5 except healer). Starting at 97% the first person shrouds, a skeleton is spawned. When skeleton dies, next shrouder goes. By this time wraith has spawned and two shrouders are beating on it; the controller determines if a third should go or not, depending on DPS. If wraith dies, current shrouded move to south ring to return to human form; next person in rotation waits until rotation starts again at next 4%. This continues every 4% until 80% when Marnek goes into skeleton form.
During skeleton form:
Group 8 continually shrouds, one after another, sometimes with all 5 people shrouded. Their primary focus is always the wraiths, but they are to nuke Marnek whenever possible. There is no need for controller to announce shrouded; simply watch the skeleton spawned by the person before you, and when it dies, shroud up.
Group 9: Marnek Nukers
During human form:
If able to fade often (bards, monks, etc.) can help on skeletons while Marnek is human. Otherwise, G9 should wait patiently off to the side, help heal others in G8/G9 if possible, but do not get on Marnek hatelist to avoid dots/root. Do not shroud while Marnek is in human form.
During skeleton form:
Group 9 has its own 5-person rotation (all 5 except healer). At around 81%, Group 9 begin their shroud rotation, sometimes with all 5 shrouded at once. Their primary focus is always on Marnek -- when the Bane button pops, target Marnek and hit it. They may help on wraiths, but Marnek is the primary focus. This continues until Marnek reverts back to human form.Text / Audio Triggers - Mandatory
ALL Mandatory SetupThese emotes require FAST REACTIONS. Do not hesitate when emoted, react immediately!
GTT All in one puppy: rof-chapterhouse.gttAudio Files: None, text to speech GTT feature used instead.
Supplemental Marnek Form Change TriggerHelpful for Shroud team to know when Marnek goes to Skeleton form.
In addition, helpful for MTO to get off Marnek, and Healers knowing that MTO is not in an active tanking role during this form and can divert more healing efforts to the add tanks and overall raid.
Adjust the trigger to suit your needs; there's no sound association, just a text pop up.
Trigger Addon:
rof-chapterhouse-marnek-form-change.gttPaladinsTry these two triggers I made. One will show the players targeted with POOL DOT. The other will show who is being CORPSE DRAGGED (ie, dead).
When the POOL DOTTED player overlay displays, you can manually /tar them (just use first 3-4 chars of their name imo), and then PATCH HEAL them. That'll help the person survive longer to reach the pool.
For the corpse trigger, it's obvious, but /tar that person and REZ them.
Trigger Addon: