Author Topic: RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate  (Read 16061 times)


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RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate
« on: May 16, 2013, 11:25:35 PM »
Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate

Zone & Instance Info
Gather Zone: Valley of King Xorbb

NPC Name: Thistlebrush
NPC Location: Just north of zone-in (loc: -1385, -970, 107)

Keyword to Enter: valley

Flag & Key Requirements
Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: High Priest Syltetzalvek (Shard's Landing raid)
  Danela's Stand (Crystal Caverns raid)
  The Madness of King Tormax (Kael Drakkel raid)
  Zeixshi-Kar's Shard" (Zeixshi-Kar's Awakening raid)
  Heart of the Oak (Evantil raid)
  Grelleth, Her Majesty the Queen (Grelleth raid)
  A Feast for Zalikor (Breeding Grounds raid)
  A Matter of Life and Death (Chapterhouse raid)
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Nothing required.

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

* Mandatory Audio/Text GTT Trigger information is available in the GTT section further down in this post.

For this event, we must deal with two bosses: Mordaur (minotaur), and Findlewill (brownie).

Mordaur and Findlewill each have their own bag of tricks.  When one or the other dies; their mechanics stop and the one that remains begins to power up without limits.  Therefore, our goal is to try and kill them within a short time span of each other.

Throughout the event, the giant EYE is watching!  It'll target random players with a 35k DD.  The DD CONTINUES until the player moves out of LINE OF SIGHT.


Note: Brownie model, and trouble from the start, as all brownies are!  Remember Nillipus anyone?  Trouble trouble..

Mem Blurs every 55 seconds, and warps to a random player.  MTs, re-establish aggro quickly please!


* Viral if anyone is caught in the aura.
  • Every 45 seconds, a random player is targeted with a FIREBALL EMOTE.
  • 12 seconds later, a red willowisp fireball spawns from Findlewill and chases the player.
  • Fireball AURA is a 42k DoT + 57k AE on fade

TARGETED by Fireball:
  • Don't panic!  You have your towel..
  • Run to to CAMPFIRE, and if/when the fireball reaches and DoTs you; DUCK, FD or SIT to remove it.
  • Note, if you're ducking early and the fireball reaches you, it can sometimes cause you to stand.
* Be aware: Even if you're not targeted, and get caught/hit by the fireball, simply DUCK/FD or SIT until it passes by.

CAUGHT in Fireball: What to DO and what NOT to do:

When you are CAUGHT in the FIREBALL, your Your skin ignites trigger fires.  This informs you to DUCK until flames die down.

However!  Just because the flames die down, doesn't mean you're SAFE!  The flames die down is just the DoT wearing off message.

Anyone in this situation is to ZOOM out your viewing angle, or back off and make sure the FIREBALL IS NOT NEAR YOU STILL.  Then, and only then, do you STAND (unduck).


Every 2 minutes approximately, a random player is warped to a wooden platform next to the giant eye, and placed on the chopping block.

An executioner (spectre) spawns in the PIT and slowly paths towards the platform to chop their head off!  Sorry, no nice way to say it.

If the player attempts to MOVE, they are Death Touched!  Sure glad you have friends to save you!  You hope.. (remember all those things you said about Druids Darkenvoid?).

We must KILL the executioner to prevent it from reaching the chopping block.

This process continues every 2 minutes, but an additional player is added to the chopping block EACH TIME.  So it starts out as a single player, then two, three, and so on.


Minotaur model.

AE: Stomp - 45k DD + Knockback (75' range, 50 second intervals)

Random players are emoted a 10 second warning before being hit by a 37k DD + Snare + Stun (Whip).  To avoid the whip, one must SIT (FD works as welll).  Failure also results in the player being hit by AE rampage from Mordaur (regardless of distance away).

Event Area & Positioning

  • Findle MT - Tank Findle at warp to location indicated in red.
  • Findle Range DPS - Healers in these groups, position as indicated on diagram.
  • Mordaur MT - There's a little set of purple crystals on the ground, use that as your visual for tank spot.
  • Mordaur Caster DPS - Healers in these groups and those within Mordaur MT group, position in same location.
  • The @ symbols indicate stumps.
  • Campfire is FIREBALL Run-to location when you are emoted.

Text / Audio Triggers - Mandatory

ALL Mandatory Setup

* Replace YOURNAME with your character name where indicated.

GTT File: rof-xorbb1.gtt * [updated: 05/31/2013]

Audio Files: None, text to speech GTT feature used instead.

* Don't forget the additional Findlewill Memblur/Warp Trigger file below as well

Trigger 1:

FIREBALL Pattern: You feel an inner warmth as Findlewill points at you.
Action: Run to middle campfire

Note: Two other related fireball triggers included.  One for being caught in a fireball, other for when DoT wears off, but could still be in fireball.

Trigger 4:

CHOPPING BLOCK Pattern: YOURNAME is about to be placed on a chopping block

Spell casting is prevented.  When you're able to cast spells again, you can safely move off the block.  Anyone have a success emote?  I've yet to have the pleasure of chopping block (yet!).

Note: When you see MA3 Targeted Executioner die, it'll be safe to move as well.  Setting ETW MA3 target may be helpful in this regard.

Findlewill Blur/warp Trigger - Everyone

* Note: This was originally for Main Tanks, but it'll be helpful for DPS/Healers alike to know when this memblur/warp is about to occur.

Everyone - This is helpful to know WHEN Findlewill is going to memblur/warp everytime and whether you're DPS or not, you can adjust your play accordingly.

Main Tanks assigned to Findlewill, this trigger will fire every 65-70 seconds indicating Findlewill has targeted someone and warp to that person.  Shadowknights PULL back to Tank spot, hand off to MT; rinse/repeat everytime memblur happens.

GTT Findlewill Memblur/warp File: rof-xorbb1-findlewill-tanks.gtt

Pattern: Findlewill evades her enemies.
Action: SK repull to tank spot -- MT re-establish aggro.

Supplemental Group 9 - MA3 Only

As MA for Group 9, which kills the executioner, I found it useful to create an Audio Trigger for when anyone is on the chopping block, not just me.  I may not always be MA for Group 9, so if you get "voluntold" (aka thanks for stepping up) for that honor, download and use the following trigger:


Pattern: is about to be placed on a chopping block
Action: executioner spawns soon, target and call assist in group!

Group Members - It helps to have the public trigger setup, so here's a version of it: rob-xorbb1-g9-executioner.gtt

« Last Edit: June 02, 2021, 12:40:47 AM by Furro »


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Re: RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2013, 12:01:49 AM »
All --

As MA for Group 9, which kills the executioner, I found it useful to create an Audio Trigger for when anyone is on the chopping block, not just me.  I may not always be MA for Group 9, so if you get "voluntold" (aka thanks for stepping up) for that honor, download and use the following trigger:


pattern: is about to be placed on a chopping block
action: executioner spawns soon, target and call assist in group!


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Re: RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2013, 12:18:03 AM »
Event Adjusts

Sized up Xorbb Satudray, with encouraging results.  Some changes going forward outlined below.
  • Fixed Fireball Trigger.
  • Removed LoS Eye trigger.  We'll utilize stumps as LoS blocks instead.
  • Added supplemental Blur/warp trigger for Main Tanks assigned to Findlewill.
  • Added supplemental MA3 Executioner trigger for G9 assist (thanks Ssark).
  • Event area diagram created to describe our positioning and Fireball run-to.
  • Findlewill RT assignment added.

Event Area & Positioning

  • Findle and MT location indicated in black/red.
  • Raid position where indicated.
  • Campfire is FIREBALL Run-to location when you are emoted.
  • The @ symbols indicate stumps.

Trigger Changes - Everyone

IMPORTANT: Delete ALL Xorbb 1 triggers before you import the new set.  We're starting fresh, to avoid confusion/tediousness.

Replace YOURNAME with your character name where indicated.

GTT All in one puppy: rof-xorbb1.gtt

Audio Files: None, text to speech GTT feature used instead.


FIREBALL Pattern: You feel an inner warmth as Findlewill points at you.
Action: Run to middle campfire


CHOPPING BLOCK Pattern: YOURNAME is about to be placed on a chopping block

Spell casting is prevented.  When you're able to cast spells again, you can safely move off the block.

Supplemental Findlewill Blur/warp Trigger - Main Tanks

Main Tanks assigned to Findlewill, this trigger will fire every 65-70 seconds indicating Findlewill has targeted someone and warped back to the position indicated on the map (not initial spawn point).

GTT Findlewill Tank File: rof-xorbb1-findlewill-tanks.gtt

Pattern: Findlewill evades her enemies.
Action: MT re-establish aggro.

Supplemental Group 9 - MA3 Only

As MA for Group 9, which kills the executioner, I found it useful to create an Audio Trigger for when anyone is on the chopping block, not just me.  I may not always be MA for Group 9, so if you get "voluntold" (aka thanks for stepping up) for that honor, download and use the following trigger:


Pattern: is about to be placed on a chopping block
Action: executioner spawns soon, target and call assist in group!
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 12:02:44 AM by Furro »


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Re: RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2013, 11:55:13 AM »
Freelance team,

I was on my mage and  was in mage channel and noticed some high end mages  talking about this event, and here is what they said:

1. monk pulls brownie to same spot  we pull to, then FD's behind those stumps. Also behind stumps are pet classes: mag, necro, BST
2. pet class engage brownie with pet ( in front of stumps ) while popping out to nuke and  burning  brownie  down
3. once trigger fires, they " hide " behind stumps until they get " fade " message
4. class make up for this is : ALL BST, mage, necro, 2 wizzie, 1 healer


pet may not proc " fireball " ( in channel they said it a /random chance )
pet will not let Findlewill " evade "
wizzie /help burn brownie down, along with pets, and pet classes

loose  a little  DPS on other parts of event until brownie is  down


overheard key to this event is  Burn Brownie down with pets while rest of raid deals  with mino on opposite side of field, with a separate DPS team for executioner
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Re: RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2013, 11:12:26 PM »
Event Trigger Additions

  • Added Ignite trigger back, so you know WHEN you're caught in any fireball
  • Added flames die down trigger, so you know when it is OK TO STAND after ducking for fireball damage

Caught in Fireball (not necessarily targeted):

Pattern: Your skin ignites.
Action: DUCK until flames die down trigger fires

Flames die down Trigger:

Pattern: The flames die down.
Action: You can stand again

Add-on Trigger File: rof-xorbb1-fb-addon.gtt

Note: Main GTT set updated with these addons as well. 

Shadowknights Adjusts

Each time Findlewill warps, we need you to pull it back to our MT spot.  From there, the last MT will GRAB AGGRO BACK and you essentially hand it off.  Rinse, repeat.

« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 11:35:56 PM by Furro »


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Re: RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2013, 09:46:32 PM »
Defeated Friday, May 24, 2013.  Nice work everyone.  A bit chaotic, but a wins a win!


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Re: RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2013, 05:10:49 PM »
We have some issues still:

Fire Ball emotes -

Many not running to campfire.  Note: Running to campfire is not to save your life, it is to make the FB not hit the main group of people.  Even if you duck where you are or heal yourself, a FB heading to (or through) a populated area is not desirable.  I got affected by this more than once last night.  Once I died since I had just taken previous damage when the FB hit me.

Many claiming duck not working.  It has worked for me most of the time, but I did duck once and the dot stayed on me.  Running further away, and not toward anyone else until the FB disappeared did keep me from taking additional damage.

Either way, don't let your FB hit other people giving them damage and making them duck.

Craggy Finger emote -

This one is still puzzling.  I thought I had it figured out last week when sitting got me killed, but fading worked.  This week, fading did not work and I still got bounced to him and killed.  The fading may have only been coincidental to something else.  I even tried fading and sitting once last night and still got hit.  Maybe there is some distance (near or far) that is a factor.

Is there any definitive answer to this?



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Re: RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2013, 10:28:05 PM »
Event Adjusts

A few more adjusts to polish.
  • Fireball Trigger: Your skin ignites.  <- Changed action message to be more clear what to do, what not to do.
  • Fireball Trigger: The flames die down.  <- Changed action message to be more clear what to do, what not to do.
  • Craggy Trigger: REMOVED.
  • When targeted by Fireball personally, you RUN TO THE CAMPFIRE.  Please DO NOT RUN TO THE PIT.  Going to the pit kills the Executioner DPS group.
  • Adjusts to raid positioning (will explain in raid)

Trigger Changes - Everyone

IMPORTANT: Delete ALL Xorbb 1 triggers before you import the new set.  We're starting fresh AGAIN, to avoid confusion/tediousness.

Replace YOURNAME with your character name where indicated.

GTT All in one puppy: rof-xorbb1.gtt [updated: 05/31/2013]

Audio Files: None, text to speech GTT feature used instead.

Caught in Fireball: What to DO and what NOT to do:

When you are CAUGHT in the FIREBALL, your Your skin ignites trigger fires.  This informs you to DUCK until flames die down.

However!  Just because the flames die down, doesn't mean you're SAFE!  The flames die down is just the DoT wearing off message.

What we need everyone to do in this situation is to ZOOM out your view, or back off and make sure the FIREBALL IS NOT NEAR YOU STILL.  Then, and only then, do you STAND (unduck).

I've altered the related action triggers/voice portions to be more clear what to do, what not to do.

Craggy Finger & Whip

REMOVED related Craggy finger trigger: Mordaur points a craggy finger and roars at YOURNAME.

Whether it works for sitting or not and in what circumstances is something we cannot reliably reproduce and therefore we will just ignore this for now.  Expect hits from Mordaur at times, and resulting Whip Damage + Root.  Group members, help by patching each other to survive it and resume your roles.

When you're summoned to Mordaur, you may or may not be rooted, in which case in Wild Rampage and unable to move.  Again, rely on group members to cover the damage and when Root fades moments later, you'll be able to move to safety.

Groups & Class Makeup

Auxiliary healer type classes (Paladins, Rangers, Beastlords), you are thoughtfully placed into groups a certain way to help augment with heals as you maintain your primary class role (be it DPS/Tanking).  That means you're not exclusively healers, but if you see someone in your group take damage, please target and heal them immediately.  This action saves your main healer in group from diverting their attention every time and as a result they'll be able to better maintain heals on the MT's/SK's who are working with Mordaur/Findle and the like.


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Re: RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2013, 12:21:12 AM »
Event Adjusts

We advanced our tactics further for our 2nd win against this event.  This post is to bring the thread up to date with our current strategy.
  • Adjusted raid positioning to middle (diagram changed to reflect)
  • Moved FIREBALL Run-to to NORTH (diagram changed to reflect)
  • Everyone import the MT helper trigger/timer for when Findlewills memblur/warp occurs

Findlewill Blur/warp Trigger - Everyone

* Note: This was originally for Main Tanks, but it'll be helpful for DPS/Healers alike to know when this memblur/warp is about to occur.

Everyone - This is helpful to know WHEN Findlewill is going to memblur/warp everytime and whether you're DPS or not, you can adjust your play accordingly.

Main Tanks assigned to Findlewill, this trigger will fire every 65-70 seconds indicating Findlewill has targeted someone and warp to that person.  Shadowknights PULL back to Tank spot, hand off to MT; rinse/repeat everytime memblur happens.

GTT Findlewill Memblur/warp File: rof-xorbb1-findlewill-tanks.gtt

Pattern: Findlewill evades her enemies.
Action: SK repull to tank spot -- MT re-establish aggro.

Event Area & Positioning

Updated Diagram:

Note: Previous diagram/post(s) has been altered to avoid confusion.


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Re: RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2013, 08:50:25 PM »

I still played with the craggy finger emote.  I avoided being brought to mob three times out of four the last win.  It may have been pure luck.  What I did was upon seeing the emote, is I tried to stop and not move or do any other action other than sit.  I could see the stomp and people bounce, but I stayed put.  At least one of the times I was midcast and let it continue.  The last time, it didn't work, but I am not sure that I didn't start a cast after the emote.  I have no idea if it was pure random luck, the not doing anything, or the not doing anything and sitting.  On previous attempt I tried moving to the mob and away from the mob a huge distance and did not get any luck avoiding getting brought to the mob and attacked.

I read a thread on the SOE forums about this raid.  There seems to be some agreement that the ducking on the fireball is not as reliable as it used to be.  This was reported after one patch to make some changes to the raid.  I know a lot complained that ducking was not working for them.  It normally worked for me, but I did have one instance that did not appear to work so I moved away from the fireball until it disappeared.  Once again, I don't know specifically, just reporting what I read.



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Re: RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2013, 01:01:39 AM »

Event Adjusts:
  • Direct Melee DPS - Use additional trigger to optimize by applying DPS directly in between fireball spawns from Findlewill (see below for details)
  • Findlewill Healers - When the FINDLEWILL WARP Trigger fires, immediately target Findlewill and use your Nuke/Heal lines to direct heals to Findlewills target.  Then /assist heal to get the MT target back when it changes and resume your heal action.
  • Paladins - Use your Nuke/Heal spell lines to also help heal Findlewills' target; especially as each warp/memblur occurs.   Ostracize, Reprimand, Denouncement, if not linked will add damage, and heal Findlewills current target.
Additional personal fireball emote observation included further down in related area.

Findlewill - Direct Melee & Range DPS (non-casters)

Melee DPS, I'd like for you to try and optimize your damage by applying direct melee DPS between fireball spawns, and revert to range DPS at the other times.

We know Findlewill targets a Fireball at a player every 45-55 seconds.  Take into account the warning delay of 10 seconds and 10 seconds once the Fireball spawns to clear the area around Findlewill AND dissipate from the MT, that leaves us with a 25 second minimum direct melee DPS window. 

Using the public fireball emote pattern to discover who was targeted, it can indicate when to apply DIRECT or RANGE DPS:

Trigger File: rof-xorbb1-fb-spawn-melee-dps-window.gtt

Pattern: Findlewill begins casting a fireball at {s}
Overlay Timer: 20 seconds
Display message on completion: SAFE TO DIRECTLY MELEE FINDLE!

Findlewill WARP/MEMBLUR Note:

When Findlewill Warps/Memblurs, wait until it's pulled back to the tank location and resume your role of either Range/Direct melee depending on the trigger overlay state.

Observation when Personally Targeted by Fireball

I read a thread on the SOE forums about this raid.  There seems to be some agreement that the ducking on the fireball is not as reliable as it used to be.  This was reported after one patch to make some changes to the raid.  I know a lot complained that ducking was not working for them.  It normally worked for me, but I did have one instance that did not appear to work so I moved away from the fireball until it disappeared.  Once again, I don't know specifically, just reporting what I read.


Last time I was PERSONALLY targeted by the Fireball I experimented by running to campfire and SITTING instead of ducking, which seemed to avoid the damage completely:

[Thu Jun 06 20:32:07 2013] You feel an inner warmth as Findlewill points at you.
[Thu Jun 06 20:32:22 2013] Your skin ignites.
[Thu Jun 06 20:32:22 2013] The flames die down.
[Thu Jun 06 20:32:38 2013] You tell flraids:5, 'sitting avoids that fireball completely'

I mentioned this in FLRaids at the time, to elicit a response of others perhaps trying it and seeing the same results. 

* Warning:

As the MT on Findlewill, you obviously DUCK instead of SIT to prevent Findle from hitting you for FULL MELEE DAMAGE.  But be aware that, in my comments above, I mentioned SITTING at the campfire when PERSONALLY EMOTED.  Which is different from when you're caught in someone elses fireball.

When you're caught in a Fireball (say, as it pops from Findle, or whatever), you're immediately hit by the viral/aura type effect: Engulfing Flames, which is what DoTs you for 42k and then when it fades, you take an additional 57k DD.  It's unlikely once hit that sitting will void the fade damage (non-tanks, feel free to test it, but I'd be very surprised if it fades the dot).

Anyway, the reason I'm mentioning this is mainly that when personally emoted, once you immediately run to the campfire, try SITTING next time and see if you take any damage at all.  Then zoom out your view, look for the fireball, when it's gone, stand and return to the raid.   Let me know if you experienced the same results as mine and we can adjust going forward.

Every bit of damage we can prevent in this area helps!


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Re: RoF - Xorbb 1 - Guardian of the Gate
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2013, 09:35:56 PM »
Furro suggested trying to sit when targeted by the fireball emote.  That had worked for me one time in the past and failed once also.  I tried it again last week and it failed.  What I started doing was going past the campfire out the door and leading the fireball outside until it disappeared.  That has always seemed to work for me.  But, you still need to head to the campfire so that the fireball does not path through the raid.  It is placed on the side away from the main body.
