Author Topic: Potential Stack Bug Caused by 7/17 patch: Glyph not stacking with Shaman Epic  (Read 7103 times)


  • Pie Thief
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  • Truly Wakko
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From the SOE boards:

Glyph doesnt stack with shaman epic now, for rogues or any other class. Please fix, as a suggestion. I suggest moving the 2h piercing mod to slot 12. It has the least amount of things that will conflict with burns on a raid or group setting

[6273] Prophet's Gift of the Ruchu
Target: Caster Group
AE Range: 100'
Beneficial: Blockable
Casting: 0s
Duration: 60s (10 ticks), Extendable: No, Dispelable: Yes
10: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 110% of Base Damage
11: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 65%
12: Increase Current HP by 500 per tick
Text: You are blessed with the gift of the Ruchu.

[21661] Glyph of the Cataclysm
Target: Self
Beneficial: Blockable
Casting: 0s
Duration: 2m (20 ticks), Extendable: No, Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase Critical 1H Blunt Damage by 60% of Base Damage
2: Increase Critical 1H Slash Damage by 60% of Base Damage
3: Increase Critical 2H Blunt Damage by 60% of Base Damage
4: Increase Critical 2H Slash Damage by 60% of Base Damage
5: Increase Critical Hand to Hand Damage by 60% of Base Damage
6: Increase Critical 1H Pierce Damage by 60% of Base Damage
7: Increase Critical Nuke Damage by 160% of Base Damage
8: Increase Critical DoT Damage by 60% of Base Damage
10: Increase Critical 2H Pierce Damage by 60% of Base Damage