Author Topic: CoV - The Sleepers Tomb - T3 - Amalgum Arbiter  (Read 3185 times)


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CoV - The Sleepers Tomb - T3 - Amalgum Arbiter
« on: May 27, 2021, 12:14:46 PM »
The Sleepers Tomb - T3 - Amalgum Arbiter

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: The Eastern Wastes
NPC Name: Essedera
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Two stage event.  First stage involves named golems.  Second stage The Amalgam Arbiter boss.

First stage of event consists of three named golems: Asterated, Dendritic, and Starseed.

Upon event start, a random golem activates.  When one dies, another activates.

Each golem has a unique mechanic with emote.

Each golem drops shards: Charged Golem Shard.

When ALL three golems are killed, they reform and come together as The Amalgam Arbiter.

The Amalgam Arbiter inherits all of the mechanics and abilities of the previous golems, with some enhancements of its own.

A Charged Golem Shard click item is used to remove the Crushing Energy Field DoT + debuff in order to prevent increased damage from Arbiter's Golem Stomp AE.

Asterated Golem:

Asterated casts Gathering Energy and Gathering Cold debuff on TWO players together.

Asterated then begins repeatedly casting Energetic Field and Crystal Coating debuff (increases damage from Energetic Explosion and Frost Explosion).

After 18 seconds, each emoted player's debuff fades and casts Energetic Explosion or Frost Explosion 180k AE DD + Mana Drain at their location.

Anyone hit by Energetic/Frost Explosion AE, with Energetic Field or Crystal Coating debuff, will be hit for increased damage by 250%~

Dendritic Golem:

Dendritic spawns adds that involve a Stone mechanic with emote.  A visible ring appears around emoted players.  Players run away to avoid hurting others.

Dendritic goes invulnerable while adds are active.

Starseed Golem:

Starseed warns everyone with an emote and 10s later casts Decapitating Shards AE many times.

Players duck for 10s avoids being hit by Decapitating Shards.


No specific burn stage.  Utilize your discs/burns early; during three golem stage, then reuse them as they refresh.

Energetic/Frost Explosion AE has a big range, both emoted players need to run far from the raid.

Golem is invulnerable during adds.  Assist MA accordingly.

CC - Can temporarily charm lesser shards.

Charged Golem Shard - Click Team:

Charged Golem Shard click items drop from the three golem bosses: Asterated, Dendritic, and Starseed

Members of this team loot a Charged Golem Shard click item.  The item is LORE and has one charge.

The shard clicks are used during the final boss stage of the event, when The Amalgam Arbiter is active.

A shard is clicked when the following emote occurs: The massive golem begins to give off an immense amount of energy.

The shard click effect removes Crushing Energy Field DoT and mana drain.

- Small team of clickers assigned, one to three players
- Coordinator determines when to start clicks, can call out players in Discord or in-game who is up next; whatever works best/up to player organizing
- Due to potentially limited number of available shards, the coordinator may decide to skip the first few rounds of emotes

- Tank adds out of golem AE Rampage range; at designated campfire/spot
-- Alternatively, MTO move golem accordingly

Healers: Splash, splash, splash!

MA Kill Order: Dendridic shards, then lesser shards.

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

The Amalgam Arbiter

When ALL three named golems are killed, they reform and come together as The Amalgam Arbiter.

The Amalgam Arbiter inherits all of the mechanics and abilities of the previous golems, with some enhancements of its own.

For inherited mechanics and abilities from the named golems, refer to section: Golems - Asterated, Dendritic, and Starseed

Crushing Energy Field   100k DoT + 4000 Mana Drain (18s duration, 400' range)
- Increases incoming damage from spell Golem Stomp by 150%~
1st person: Energy surges through you, crushing you to the ground.
Emote: The massive golem begins to give off an immense amount of energy.
- A Charged Golem Shard click item is used to remove the Crushing Energy Field debuff
in order to prevent increased damage from Arbiter's Golem Stomp AE.

[Fri Jun 18 22:21:34 2021] The massive golem begins to give off an immense amount of energy.
[Fri Jun 18 22:21:34 2021] The Amalgam Arbiter begins casting Crushing Energy Field.
[Fri Jun 18 22:21:34 2021] Energy surges through you, crushing you to the ground.
[Fri Jun 18 22:21:43 2021] A shard was used, the Crush, Crush! achievement has failed.
[Fri Jun 18 22:21:43 2021] The Crushing Field falls away.
Ultimate Blazing Sword   390k AE + 15k Mana Drain + Stun + Root (600' range)
1st person: You are slashed by the Ultimate Blazing Sword!
Warning Emote: The Amalgam Arbiter raises its blazing sword and gathers power.
- Occurs at 15s intervals

[Fri Jun 18 22:39:54 2021] The Amalgam Arbiter raises its blazing sword and gathers power.
[Fri Jun 18 22:40:09 2021] The Amalgam Arbiter begins casting Ultimate Blazing Sword.

Golems - Asterated, Dendritic, and Starseed

First stage of event consists of three named golems: Asterated, Dendritic, and Starseed.

Upon event start, a random golem activates.  When one dies, another activates.

Golem activate emote: A golem creaks to life.

Each golem has a unique mechanic with emote.

Each golem drops shards: Charged Golem Shard.

Shards are clickable items.  Far too powerful for any Dark Elf to use.  The warning on the Lore tab for the item is currently missing this information.

Asterated Golem   Gathering Energy - Debuff  Casts Energetic Explosion AE on duration fade (18s duration, single target)
1st Person: Power begins to coalesce around you.
Two player emote: Soandso is filled with energy! SomeOtherSoandso is covered with resonating crystal.
      Energetic Field
- Increases incoming damage from spell Energetic Explosion by 250%~ (30s duration, single target)
- Cast Burn Notice when player hit by Frost Explosion (to notify when player failed personal achievement)
1st Person: You are filled with energy!
     Energetic Explosion - Caster AE 180k DD + 3000 Mana Drain (320' range)
1st Person: You explode with gathered energy.
     Gathering Cold - Debuff.  Casts Frost Explosion AE on duration fade (18s duration, single target)
1st Person: The heat begins to drain away from you.
Two player emote: Soandso is filled with energy! SomeOtherSoandso is covered with resonating crystal.
     Crystal Coating
- Increases incoming damage from spell Frost Explosion by 250%~ (30s duration, single target)
- Cast Burn Notice when player hit by Frost Explosion (to notify when player failed personal achievement)
1st Person: You are covered in resonating crystals!
     Frost Explosion - Caster AE 180k DD + 3000 Mana Drain (320' range)
1st Person: An explosion of frost burst from your body.
- Two players emoted and debuffed; one with Gathering Energy, and other with Gathering Cold
- Emoted players run far away from raid, return after 18 seconds

- Related to achievement: No Catalyst
-- Avoid Energetic or Frost Explosions while affected by Energetic Field or Crystal Coating (personal)

[Fri Jun 18 20:45:33 2021] Asterated Golem begins casting Gathering Energy.
[Fri Jun 18 20:45:33 2021] Asterated Golem begins casting Gathering Cold.
[Fri Jun 18 20:45:33 2021] Soandso is filled with energy! SomeOtherSoandso is covered with resonating crystal.
[Fri Jun 18 20:45:33 2021] Asterated Golem begins casting Energetic Field.
[Fri Jun 18 20:45:33 2021] Asterated Golem begins casting Energetic Field.
[Fri Jun 18 20:45:33 2021] Asterated Golem begins casting Crystal Coating.
[Fri Jun 18 20:45:33 2021] You are covered with resonating crystal!
[Fri Jun 18 20:45:33 2021] Asterated Golem begins casting Crystal Coating.
Dendritic Golem   Spawns adds that involve a Stone mechanic with emote
Warning Emote: Soandso begins to see stone moving under their feet.
- Stone emote only occurs while adds are up; the shard adds cast Tendrils of Stone part of Stone mechanic
-- Only the dendridic shard adds casts Tendrils of Stone, not the lesser dendridic shards adds
- Stone emoted players run away
- Visible ring appears around player emoted

- Dendritic Golem spawns shard adds:
-- A dendridic shard
-- A lesser dendridic shard

- Dendritic Golem goes invulnerable when shards up: The golem becomes invulnerable while his shards remain mobile.

Stone Emote Example:
[Fri Jun 18 21:50:18 2021] Clown begins to see stone moving under their feet.
[Fri Jun 18 21:50:21 2021] A dendridic shard has been slain by Mten!
[Fri Jun 18 21:50:21 2021] A dendridic shard has been slain by Mten!
[Fri Jun 18 21:50:28 2021] A dendridic shard begins casting Tendrils of Stone.
[Fri Jun 18 21:50:28 2021] Magical tendrils of stone wrap around you.
[Fri Jun 18 21:50:29 2021] Cinologic has taken 88089 damage from Tendrils of Stone by a dendridic shard.
[Fri Jun 18 21:50:29 2021] Padraigg has taken 92593 damage from Tendrils of Stone by a dendridic shard.
[Fri Jun 18 21:50:30 2021] Kilorf has taken 90090 damage from Tendrils of Stone by a dendridic shard.
[Fri Jun 18 21:50:30 2021] Taurus has taken 88089 damage from Tendrils of Stone by a dendridic shard.
[Fri Jun 18 21:50:30 2021] Costless has taken 91592 damage from Tendrils of Stone by a dendridic shard.
[Fri Jun 18 21:50:31 2021] Summit has taken 88089 damage from Tendrils of Stone by a dendridic shard.
Starseed Golem   Decapitating Shards - 300k AE + STUN for 15 seconds (single target)
Warning Emote: The golem raises one heavy foot.
     Golem Stomp - 290k PB AE + Knockback (400' range)
1st person: A shockwave hits you.
- Starseed warns everyone with an emote and 10s later casts Decapitating Shards many times
- Players duck for 10s avoids being hit by Decapitating Shards
- Related to achievement: Don't Lose Your Head
-- Always avoid the Decapitating Shards (personal)

[Fri Jun 18 21:59:23 2021] The golem raises one heavy foot.
[Fri Jun 18 21:59:33 2021] Starseed Golem begins casting Decapitating Shards.
[Fri Jun 18 21:59:33 2021] Starseed Golem begins casting Decapitating Shards.
[Fri Jun 18 21:59:33 2021] You shake off the stun effect!
[Fri Jun 18 21:59:33 2021] Starseed Golem hit you for 174174 points of unresistable damage by Decapitating Shards.
[Fri Jun 18 21:59:33 2021] You have failed the Don't Lose Your Head achievement.


Various adds spawn throughout event.

A dendridic shard    Inherited Energy - Self buff - Increase Damage Shield 1500 + Max HP by 30% (5 min duration)
  Tendrils of Stone - Target AE 150k DoT + ROOT + Mana Drain 2500 (12s duration, 90' range)
1st person: Magical tendrils of stone wrap around you.
- Spawn during Dendritic Golem and The Amalgam Arbiter
- A dendridic shard spawns with three lesser dendridic shards

- Stone emote only occurs while adds are up; the shard adds cast Tendrils of Stone part of Stone mechanic
-- Only the dendridic shard adds casts Tendrils of Stone, not the lesser dendridic shards adds
- Stone emoted players run away
- Visible ring appears around player emoted

- Dendritic Golem and The Amalgam Arbiter goes invulnerable when shards up: The golem becomes invulnerable while his shards remain mobile.
A lesser dendridic shardInherited Energy - Self buff - Increase Damage Shield 1500 + Max HP by 30% (5 min duration)
- Spawns with a dendridic shard
- Lesser shards are charmable
A retribution spectreBurst of Dread - 250k PB AE + STUN (200' range)
1st person: A dread feeling of death penetrates your soul.
Warning Emote at player: A spectre points and moans, 'I am for you, Soandso!'
- Spectres emote players and give chase.  Players caught cause big 250k AE to fire (Burst of Dread)
- Spectre displays emoted player name in brackets below its name

- Spectres are immune to root
- Spectres do not hit back

[Fri Jun 18 22:30:51 2021] A spectre points and moans, 'I am for you, Syco!'
[Fri Jun 18 22:30:51 2021] A spectre points and moans, 'I am for you, Kevsaiyan!'
[Fri Jun 18 22:30:51 2021] A retribution spectre begins casting Burst of Dread.
[Fri Jun 18 22:30:51 2021] a retribution spectre hit you for 135135 points of unresistable damage by Burst of Dread.
[Fri Jun 18 22:30:51 2021] A dread feeling of death penetrates your soul.
[Fri Jun 18 22:30:51 2021] A spectre groans, 'I sacrifice myself to the Arbiter!'
[Fri Jun 18 22:30:54 2021] A retribution spectre begins casting Burst of Dread.
[Fri Jun 18 22:30:54 2021] a retribution spectre hit you for 135135 points of unresistable damage by Burst of Dread.
[Fri Jun 18 22:30:54 2021] A dread feeling of death penetrates your soul.
[Fri Jun 18 22:30:54 2021] A spectre groans, 'I have delivered what you earned, Kevsaiyan's corpse!'

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with NPC.


- Don't Lose Your Head
-- Always avoid the Decapitating Shards (personal)

- No Catalyst
-- Avoid Energetic or Frost Explosions while affected by Energetic Field or Crystal Coating (personal)

- Crush Crush!
-- Do not block any of the Crushing Energy Fields with the Charged Golem Shards


Event Reset:
[Fri Jun 18 21:14:04 2021] With nothing to interest them, the golems are restored to their normal state.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2021-09-02 (3:58pm)  - Asterated Golem - Gathering Cold - Run to NE corner
-- Asterated Golem - Gathering Cold - Run to NE corner

- Asterated Golem - Gathering Energy - Run to NW corner
-- Asterated Golem - Gathering Energy - Run to NW corner

- Dendritic Golem - Dendritic Shard - Adds Spawn
-- Dendritic Golem - Dendritic Shard - Adds Spawn

- Dendritic Shard - Tendrils of Stone - Run Away (1st person)
-- Dendritic Shard - Tendrils of Stone - Run Away (1st person)

- Named Golem - Active
-- Named Golem - Active

- Retribution Spectre - Burst of Dread
-- Retribution Spectre - Burst of Dread - Run away and let mob catch you (1st Person)
-- Retribution Spectre - Burst of Dread - Safe to Return (1st Person)

- Starseed Golem - Decapitating Shards - Duck Emote
-- Starseed Golem - Decapitating Shards - Duck Emote

- The Amalgum Arbiter - Spawn
-- The Amalgum Arbiter - Spawn

- Event Reset

Shard Team
  Shard Team  2021-06-21 (3:49pm)  - Amalgum Arbiter - Big Damage - Click Shard
-- Amalgum Arbiter - Big Damage - Click Shard

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 02:01:00 AM by Furro »


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Re: CoV - The Sleepers Tomb - T3 - Amalgum Arbiter
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2021, 03:22:14 AM »
Friday, June 18, 2021 - Amalgum Arbiter Defeated!

Amalgum Arbiter Defeated!  Nice work everyone!

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Re: CoV - The Sleepers Tomb - T3 - Amalgum Arbiter
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2021, 02:36:31 PM »
Thursday, June 24, 2021 - Event Updates & Trigger Packages

Strategy post has been updated with event details accordingly.

Trigger packages added and updated.


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Re: CoV - The Sleepers Tomb - T3 - Amalgum Arbiter
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2021, 02:00:54 AM »
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 - Trigger Update

Updated Retribution Spectre trigger in the Everyone package.

Kite the spectre away from the raid and do not stop kiting until it stops chasing you.

It's possible to be emoted back to back and have the spectre continue to case you.

Trigger Update:
  • Retribution Spectre - Burst of Dread - Kite Mob[/i]
    • Changed message to: Kite your mob until it stops chasing you
    • Changed voice message to: Kite Your Mob!  Kite your mob until it stops chasing you
    • Increase timer to 45s

OKAY TO MERGE WITH EXISTING TRIGGER PACKAGE "The Sleeper's Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter - Everyone"

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Re: CoV - The Sleepers Tomb - T3 - Amalgum Arbiter
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2021, 08:06:13 PM »
Thursday, September 2, 2021 - Trigger Update and Addition

Update and addition to Retribution Spectre trigger in the Everyone package.

RUN AWAY from the raid and let the Spectre CATCH YOU away from raid.  This will cause the damage to hit you and not others nearby you.

Trigger Update:
  • Retribution Spectre - Burst of Dread - Run away and let mob catch you (1st Person)
    • Renamed trigger
    • Changed message to: Run away and let mob catch you away from raid
    • Changed voice message to: Run away!  Run away and let mob catch you away from raid
    • Removed timer and overlay, as well as end early pattern

Trigger Addition
  • Retribution Spectre - Burst of Dread - Safe to Return (1st Person)
    • Emote: A spectre groans, 'I have delivered what you earned, Soandso!'
    • Message: Safe to Return
    • Voice message: Safe to Return

DELETE OLD TRIGGER PACKAGE "The Sleeper's Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter - Everyone", BEFORE IMPORTING NEW!

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Re: CoV - The Sleepers Tomb - T3 - Amalgum Arbiter
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2021, 04:21:31 PM »
Thursday, September 9, 2021 - Shard Click Team Update

Updated instructions under Charged Golem Shard - Click Team in strategy area of post.

See everyone in-game! :)