Author Topic: CoV - The Eastern Wastes - T3 - Defenders of the Tomb  (Read 2720 times)


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CoV - The Eastern Wastes - T3 - Defenders of the Tomb
« on: May 27, 2021, 12:15:24 PM »
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Cobalt Scar
NPC Name: Sentinel Paxin
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Three dragons defend the tomb to Vulek'Aerr: Quoza, Uiliak and Nintal

Each dragon activates when a number of their kin; drake adds are killed.

When a dragon is idle (inactive), a chant AE DoT occurs with an emote: The idle dragons begin to chant.

When a dragon is active, a special ability for the particular dragon occurs with emotes.  The abilities are interrelated between dragons; whereby a player with a DoT effect from one will also take increased AE damage from certain other dragon AEs.

All three dragons have a Frontal AE; with warning emotes, that happens only when the particular dragon is active.

During the event drake adds related to each dragon fly down from the sky.


Raid positioned SW.  Tight formation.

Pull and kill ALL adds.

AE Damage is allowed.

Mages & Necros - Sustained DPS on first active dragon.

Everyone else ASSIST MA to keep adds down to avoid being overwhelmed.

Necros primarily focus on active dragon, secondary DoTs on adds to optimize.

CC - Avoid charming protectors for the first 1-3 waves of adds.  Use charmed pets against other adds at main raid.


- Position each dragon at designed spot near main raid with dragon facing away from main raid due to Frontal AE

Healers: Splash, splash, splash!

MA Kill Order: Adds, active dragon

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Dragon Defenders - Quoza, Uiliak and Nintal

Three dragons defend the tomb to Vulek'Aerr: Quoza, Uiliak and Nintal

Each dragon activates when a number of their kin; drakes adds, are killed.

When a dragon is idle (inactive), a chant AE DoT occurs with an emote: The idle dragons begin to chant.

When a dragon is active, a special ability for the particular dragon occurs with emotes.  The abilities are interrelated between dragons; whereby a player with a DoT effect from one will also take increased AE damage from certain other dragon AEs.

All three dragons have a Frontal AE; with warning emotes, that happens only when the particular dragon is active.


Green color dragon.  Killing emerald type adds activates this dragon.

When active, Quoza drops pools of dragon goop; with stink of Dark Elf, emote as: Animated pools of poison goop into the area at Quoza's bidding.

The goop effect is a DoT and causes increased damage taken from certain other dragon AEs.

Quoza's Chant of PoisonAE DoT Mana Drain 6500 + Melee SLOW + Interrupt Casting 20% Chance (3000' range, 24s duration, Caster PB)
Note: Chant occurs when dragon idle
Poisonous Breath390k Frontal AE (300 to 60 Degrees, 200' range)
10s Warning Emote: Quoza inhales deeply.
- Green color dragon
- Killing emerald type adds activates this dragon
- Chant occurs when dragon idle
- Frontal AE when dragon active

[Thu May 27 20:50:46 2021] Quoza inhales deeply.
[Thu May 27 20:50:56 2021] Quoza begins casting Poisonous Breath.
Poisonous Pool350k DoT (30s duration) + Debuff
Increase Spell Damage Taken by 35% to 36% from: Wisp Explosion (cast by Uiliak)
Increase Spell Damage Taken by 35% to 36% from: Acid Wall (cast by Nintal)
Emote: Animated pools of poison goop into the area at Quoza's bidding.
Effect on you: You are covered in poison.
- Targets an area

[Thu May 27 20:51:41 2021] Animated pools of poison goop into the area at Quoza's bidding.

Red color dragon.  Killing ruby type adds activates this dragon.

When active, Uiliak directs wisp effects at specific areas: Glowing wisps float into the area at Uiliak's call.

When wisp explodes, players in range affected with a DoT + Debuff that causes increased damage taken from certain other dragon AEs.

Uiliak's Chant of Flames250k AE DoT + Caster SLOW 20% + Limit Min Casting Time 5 seconds (3000' range, 24s duration, Caster PB)
Note: Chant occurs when dragon idle
Fiery Breath390k Frontal AE (300 to 60 Degrees, 200' range)
10s Warning Emote: Uiliak raises his head and inhales deeply.
- Red color dragon
- Killing ruby type adds activates this dragon
- Chant occurs when dragon idle
- Frontal AE when dragon active

[Thu May 27 20:51:16 2021] Uiliak raises his head and inhales deeply.
[Thu May 27 20:51:26 2021] Uiliak begins casting Fiery Breath.
Wisp Explosion350k Caster PB DoT + Debuff (30s duration, 110' range)
Increase Spell Damage Taken by 35% to 36% from: Poisonous Pool (cast by Quoza)
Increase Spell Damage Taken by 35% to 36% from: Acid Wall (cast by Nintal)
Emote: Glowing wisps float into the area at Uiliak's call.
Effect on you: A wisp explodes, covering you in flames.
Note: --

[Thu May 27 20:51:31 2021] Glowing wisps float into the area at Uiliak's call.


Black color dragon.  Killing ebon type adds activates this dragon

When active, Nintal targets areas with a wall of acid: An expanding wall of acid appears at Nintal's bidding.

Players in area of effect are hit with a DoT + Debuff that causes increased damage taken from certain other dragon AEs.

Nintal's Chant of Acid125k AE DoT Mana Drain 1500 + AC Debuff (3000' range, 24s duration, Caster PB)
Note: Chant occurs when dragon idle
Acidic Breath390k Frontal AE (300 to 60 Degrees, 200' range)
10s Warning Emote: Nintal raises his head.
- Black color dragon
- Killing ebon type adds activates this dragon
- Chant occurs when dragon idle
- Frontal AE when dragon active

[Thu May 27 20:51:41 2021] Nintal raises his head.
[Thu May 27 20:51:51 2021] Nintal begins casting Acidic Breath.
Acid Wall350k DoT (30s duration) + Debuff
Increase Spell Damage Taken by 35% to 36% from: Poisonous Pool (cast by Quoza)
Increase Spell Damage Taken by 35% to 36% from: Wisp Explosion (cast by Uiliak)
Emote: An expanding wall of acid appears at Nintal's bidding.
Effect on you: You are covered in acid.
- Targets an area

[Thu May 27 20:51:06 2021] An expanding wall of acid appears at Nintal's bidding.


Three types of drake adds are: Emerald, Ruby and Ebon.

Emerald Drakes:        
An emerald protector--
- Mezzable
- Charmable
- Killing x number emerald adds will activate Quoza dragon
An emerald guardian--
- Killing x number emerald adds will activate Quoza dragon
An emerald warden--
- Killing x number emerald adds will activate Quoza dragon
Ruby Drakes:        
A ruby protectorBurning Defense - 1750 Damage Shield (self buff)
Tail Slap - Melee Silence (single target, 12s duration)
- Killing x number ruby adds will activate Uiliak dragon
A ruby guardianBurning Defense - 1750 Damage Shield (self buff)
Tail Slap - Melee Silence (single target, 12s duration)
- Killing x number ruby adds will activate Uiliak dragon
A ruby wardenBurning Defense - 1750 Damage Shield (self buff)
Tail Slap - Melee Silence (single target, 12s duration)
- Killing x number ruby adds will activate Uiliak dragon
Ebon Drakes:        
An ebon protectorTail Slap - Melee Silence (single target, 12s duration)
- Killing x number ebon adds will activate Nintal dragon
An ebon guardianTail Slap - Melee Silence (single target, 12s duration)
- Killing x number ebon adds will activate Nintal dragon
An ebon wardenTail Slap - Melee Silence (single target, 12s duration)
- Killing x number ebon adds will activate Nintal dragon

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with any of the three dragons.

[Thu May 27 17:02:28 2021] Quoza says, 'You are constantly interfering where you do not belong! You have no right to interfere with lord Vulak'aerr and his sacred rituals! Retreat from here now, or we will have to call for [assistance] to destroy you.'

[Thu May 27 17:05:49 2021] Uiliak says, 'You are constantly interfering where you do not belong! You have no right to interfere with lord Vulak'aerr and his sacred rituals! Retreat from here now, or we will have to call for [assistance] to destroy you.'

[Thu May 27 17:05:54 2021] Nintal says, 'You are constantly interfering where you do not belong! You have no right to interfere with lord Vulak'aerr and his sacred rituals! Retreat from here now, or we will have to call for [assistance] to destroy you.'


- Three at a Time
-- Defeat all three dragons within 30 seconds of each other

- Drake Preservation
-- Only kill the minimum drakes needed to defeat the event

- Three Heads are Better
-- Activate all three dragons within 30 seconds of each other


Event Reset:
[Thu May 27 20:54:21 2021] The guardians, no longer engaged, return to concentrating on protecting the tomb.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2021-05-28 (6:03pm)  Defenders of the Tomb - Everyone

- Adds Spawn - Drakes
-- Adds Spawn - Drakes

- Idle Dragons Chant - Splash Now
-- Idle Dragons Chant - Splash Now

- X Dragon - Joins the Fight
-- X Dragon - Joins the Fight

- Event Reset

Main Tanks
  Main Tanks (addon)  2021-05-28 (6:06pm)  Defenders of the Tomb - Main Tanks

- Nintal - Acidic Breath - Frontal AE
-- Nintal - Acidic Breath - Frontal AE

- Quoza - Poisonous Breath - Frontal AE
-- Quoza - Poisonous Breath - Frontal AE

- Uiliak - Fiery Breath - Frontal AE
-- Uiliak - Fiery Breath - Frontal AE

Note: Assigned MTO can toggle off which ones they are not assigned to reduce trigger noise.

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 02:01:27 AM by Furro »


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Re: CoV - The Eastern Wastes - T3 - Defenders of the Tomb
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2021, 10:15:36 PM »
Thursday, May 28, 2021 - Event Updates & Trigger Packages

Good first look at this event last night.

Strategy post has been updated with event details accordingly.

Trigger packages added and updated.

DELETE OLD TRIGGER PACKAGE "The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb", BEFORE IMPORTING NEW!

See everyone in-game! :)


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Re: CoV - The Eastern Wastes - T3 - Defenders of the Tomb
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2021, 06:36:27 PM »
Saturday, June 5, 2021 - Strategy Updated

Good run last night.

Strategy post has been updated to reflect our current tactics.

See everyone in-game! :)


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Re: CoV - The Eastern Wastes - T3 - Defenders of the Tomb
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2021, 02:36:50 AM »
Saturday, June 5, 2021 - Defenders of the Tomb!

Defenders of the Tomb Defeated!  Nice work everyone!

See everyone in-game! :)