Author Topic: Farewell  (Read 3524 times)


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« on: May 20, 2008, 05:10:59 AM »
I just wanted everyone to know that I have decided to leave Everquest.  This was a tough decision, but one that had to be made.  Freelance was a big part in my EQ career and I owe it a lot for my progression and gear and just plain fun.  I enjoyed all of it and I will miss you all a lot.  I wish you good luck in the future with whatever zone you choose to destroy.

I want to thank Furro and the rest of Freelance for what it is and what it stands for.  It enabled me and my fellow guildies to progress in zones that we could not do as a guild.  I made a lot of friends in Freelance and I will always remember them.  I want to thank everyone for letting me come and join in on the fun and for helping me, my friends, and other EQ players the chance to progress in the game.  You will all be missed.

As far as CoP's CoA raids go my fellow officers will be taking charge.  If you have any questions feel free to contact them: Frostfox, Maglor, Haaus, Tquayl, Aranon, Xabkortiz, Dounheer, Barindil, and Mahedros.  They will continue to hold our raids.

Once again thanks for the memories I will not soon forget and for letting me join in on the slaughter.  I won't forget it or any of you.

You will be missed.
Gravelord Eroan Anonnum of Paineel, 82th level Shadow Knight of Cazic-Thule
Savage Kahloo Kahlee of Halas, 72th level Berserker of Rallos Zek


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Re: Farewell
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2008, 11:46:42 AM »
It sucks to have someone like you leave.  I always enjoyed your presence on the raids.  Good players with good attitudes aren't as common as the used to be.  Enjoy your time away from EQ.  Maybe someday in another game I can give you sub-par heals and probably kill you some more.  Good luck to you!


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Re: Farewell
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2008, 06:04:15 PM »
Take care, and see you in a month! : )

- Furro
« Last Edit: May 25, 2008, 06:04:59 PM by Furro »