Author Topic: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor  (Read 21791 times)


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TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« on: November 20, 2015, 03:29:35 AM »
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: At ZL to Demiplane of Life.
NPC Name: N/A
NPC Location: N/A
Keyword to Enter:N/A - Coffin click at ZL to Demiplane of Life (wait a minute after we get instance, or you'll end up in the regular zone).
Once inside instance, move all the way down into the pit.

Flag & Key Requirements

Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul is not required for this event.

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Nothing required.

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

For this event, we contend with Vim and Vigor simultaneously while avoiding auras and dealing with non-aggro Ritualists of Life if we choose to.

Currently, we position vim and Vigor south to avoid the aura. 

Both Vim and Vigor must be BALANCED, except for times when their "bond is broken".  Groups are split among TWO MAIN ASSISTS.  Know your group number please; ALT-R for raid window, find your name and look at the group number you're in, or ask in group.

When Ritualists spawn, EVERYONE except MTOs/RTs are to ASSIST their assigned MAs or as directed to kill the Ritualists as fast as possible.  Failure to kill all the Ritualists results in a massive MANA DRAIN.

Ritualists are always top priority.  Expect to be called out for not following our instructions if you remain on either Vim or Vigor while Ritualists are up.  Read carefully the related sections below, and follow the kill diagram as illustrated.

Bond Broken - Vim & Vigor HP Un-linked:

There are brief windows of opportunity when Vim and Vigor are un-linked and we can use this to our advantage.  Triggers will alert you when the window occurs.  When the trigger fires, BURN VIM.  There's a 25s window.  The trigger will alert you when to back off just before the window expires.  In addition, when the bosses re-linke, another trigger will alert you when to re-assist your assigned MA to resume balancing Vim and Vigor.

Ritualists Spawn Points & DPS Coordination:

MA1: start at A, then go B, C.  So you're going clockwise starting at Dark Ritualist labeled A (North-West).
MA2: start at C, then go B, A.  So you're going counter-clockwise starting at Dark Ritualist labeled C (South-East).

Dark Ritualist labeled D (South-West):

The following players DPS the Ritualist labeled D: Necromancers, Clerics, Druids, Shaman, Paladins

Necromancers, one of you open with Combust Bones for Clerics/Paladins to turn the Ritualist undead briefly.  Then proceed with your most effective method of DPS on it.

Clerics, with your brief undead Ritualist window, use Turn Undead AA and Smite on it; resume your healing MTO role.

Vim and Vigor
  • Both must be kept together.
  • If either is separated, Vim goes to Vigor; they power-up briefly and both reset HP to full.
  • Short leash point, keep them away from the outer walls.
  • Single-target rampage.

Barrier to Health   - Decrease Healing Taken by 35% to 36%
   - Follows with an emote, no way to avoid effect.  Works like Cleric Divine Arb, sharing health with group.
   - Example: I have decided that you should share your health with your allies, Spriggenx.
Increasing Decay   - Increase Spell Damage Taken by 100%
     - Randomly targets five players at a time.
   - Example: Vim considers the well being of Savack, Nuttann, Evilash, Brenlaven, Tariq.
Protection of Sul   - Invulnerability for 60s (DA)
   - Targets four players at 40s intervals.
   - Example: Vim says 'Vigor benevolently chooses Mildaria, Zannexx, Shalow, and Owmy and offers them protection from harm.'
   * Make contact with the yellow aura to dispel this DA
Pulse of Death   DoT: 25k Mana Drain + 48k HP (18s), 40s intervals.
Reduced Lifespan   AE 85k DD, 35s intervals.

Vim and Vigor when separated emote:

You are coming with me, Juddor!
The bond between Vim and Vigor cannot be broken. They are drawn together and their power suddenly spikes.

Event Reset Emote: The twins are bored with your inaction.

Ritualists of Life
  • Four spawn at set %/intervals around the moat.
  • Non-aggro.
  • Remain up for 55 seconds.
  • Cast an AE Doom spell before despawning.  The Doom version cast appears to be random if one or more Ritualists remains standing.

Minor Doom   - AE DoT 20k HP + Mana Drain DoT 12k + Root, 12s
Lesser Doom   - AE DoT 30k HP + Mana Drain DoT 17k + Root, 18s
Doom   - AE DoT 40k HP + Mana Drain DoT 22k + Root, 24s
Greater Doom   - AE DoT 60k HP + Mana Drain DoT 32k + Root, 30s
Crushing Doom   - AE DoT 80k HP + Mana Drain DoT 42k + Root, 36s
Final Doom   - AE DoT 120k HP + Mana Drain DoT 72k + Root, 36s

Related emotes:

The bond between Vim and Vigor has been weakened by your attacks. However, Bokon appear from nowhere and begin chanting, bolstering the magical power of Vim and Vigor, trying to keep their bond strong.
Ritualist of Life says 'The power of life has been given to each. Listen to what Anashti Sul will teach. From her you will regain your great health. And have no need for other wealth.'
Ritualist of Life says 'Vim. Vigor. Your faith has been proven worthy, your bonds of health remain strong.'
Curse you who would assault our faith!

Lifelight Auras
  • Being hit by an aura knockbacks and dispels eight buffs.
  • Spawn at timed intervals, every three minutes.
  • The follow a set path.
  • Aura timing overalps, starts with one, then two, but never more than two up at any give time.
  • Yellow colored.

The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see the auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

When inflicted by Protection of Sul (Invulnerability/DA), you can bounce off the aura and there's a good chance this will be dispelled.  At least this way, you're not standing around for 60s until it fades.

WARNING: Tanks, if you're actively tanking and get hit by Protection of Sul, call and execute a successful TANK SWAP and go bounce off a Lifelight aura to remove it.  DO NOT DRAG the boss to the aura, or they will reset HP because each boss is too far apart.

Everyone GINA File: tbm-demiplane-of-life-vim-and-vigor-04-29-2016-211pm.gtp (updated 04-29-2016, 2:11pm)

- Adds spawned, despawned
- Debuffs, Invulnerability
- Misc, Event reset

Additional Class Specific Triggers:

These are for co-ordinating our curing efforts for mana drain DoTs using Paladin splashes, healers RC AA, and CLR Epic.

The following triggers for Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Shaman are additional triggers, make sure to import the main trigger set above in addition to your class specific set.

Paladin: GINA File: tbm-demiplane-of-life-vim-and-vigor-paladin-02-15-2016-708pm.gtp (updated 02-15-2016, 7:08pm)

Cleric, Druid, Shaman: GINA File: tbm-demiplane-of-life-vim-and-vigor-cleric-druid-shaman-02-15-2016-708pm.gtp (updated 02-15-2016, 7:08pm)

- Debuffs
-- Pulse of Death (mana drain/hp dot)
-- Barrier to Health (decrease healing taken)
-- Increasing Decay (increase damage taken)

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).
« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:59:27 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2015, 03:34:53 PM »
Had a thought about healer positioning, not sure if this was done already during our attempts.  Would it be possible for healers to stay up on a walkway just above and heal from there?  That way they would not have to move to avoid the aura at all, could make healing easier and more efficient. 


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2015, 05:02:13 PM »
Had a thought about healer positioning, not sure if this was done already during our attempts.  Would it be possible for healers to stay up on a walkway just above and heal from there?  That way they would not have to move to avoid the aura at all, could make healing easier and more efficient.

That may work.  There's also a big rock across from the ramp that healers may be able to position on.  I was moving with my MTO group so that my HP aura would be in range and moved to avoid the auras without too much issue.  As a healer, I tried to move in short bursts, to lessen the gaps in healing.  I also found being in 3rd person view helped; at least as a healer, to be able to pivot and see where the auras were coming from and still maintain healing.  Obviously as a melee, this would not be ideal for some.  What we don't want to see though is melee range dps'ing, that'll just cripple our dps and cause the event to take longer, increasing our MTO exposure (risk of death).

This event is going to rely heavily on both respective MTOs to co-ordinate their moving.  They were getting into the groove on it last night, it'll just take some practice.

On the Ritualist front, we do believe they have penalty effects for not killing them all.  I think we mangaged to kill 3 of the 4 on a pop, but that may still be with lingering dps on the minibosses at the time, so on that front we have room to improve.  I havn't looked at the logs yet, but perhaps it's a random x effect for each Rituatlist not killed, like being snared for example.  On the snare aspect, our MTOs are calling tank swaps if one is snared, in order to be able to move swiftly unhindered.  Again, this will take responsive MTO actions and practice.

I'm confident with re-positioning our healers/casters, and the remaining raid dps/tanks getting into the grove on the moves, we'll see gains in our next run.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 08:23:26 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2015, 01:09:17 AM »
Ok.  A few things I have noticed.

First off, Vim and Vigor are connected.  Natch.  But when they get to far, it is Vim that goes to Vigor, not the other way.  At least I have never noticed the other way.

Second, there are never more than 2 auras.  And they always follow the same exact path.  When the first aura is in a specific spot, the 2nd aura spawns.  The first aura continues until it reaches a specific spot, then it disappears.  So the timing of the auras is fixed.

Will try to get a diagram of the spiral path when I can.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2015, 01:44:55 AM by Maglor »


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2015, 05:25:02 AM »
Friday, November 20, 2015

Vim and Vigor Defeated!  Nice work everyone!

The strategy post will be updated sometime before we do our next run.


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2015, 05:23:17 PM »
Strategy post and triggers updated.  Please review the post and delete your old triggers before importing the new ones.  Also ensure that your triggers are enabled (checked off) as applicable.

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2015, 10:55:17 PM »
Strategy Adjusts

When Ritualists spawn, EVERYONE except MTOs/RTs are to ASSIST their assigned MAs or as directed to kill the Ritualists as fast as possible.  Failure to kill all the Ritualists results in a massive MANA DRAIN.

Ritualists Spawn Points & DPS Coordination:

MA1: start at A, then go B, C.  So you're going clockwise starting at Dark Ritualist labeled A (North-West).
MA2: start at C, then go B, A.  So you're going counter-clockwise starting at Dark Ritualist labeled C (South-East).

Dark Ritualist labeled D (South-West):

The following players DPS the Ritualist labeled D: Necromancers, Clerics, Druids, Shaman, Paladins

Necromancers, one of you open with Combust Bones for Clerics/Paladins to turn the Ritualist undead briefly.  Then proceed with your most effective method of DPS on it.

Clerics, with your brief undead Ritualist window, use Turn Undead AA and Smite on it; resume your healing MTO role.


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2015, 10:46:28 PM »
Vim and Vigor event.  When I got the DA dot I tried to click statue and it did not work as I could still not cast spells.  But  if I ran into the golden globe aura and got kicked back, I was cured.  This might just be a time effect as three times it worked but I had clicked the statue first, and only once ran into the aura.


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2015, 10:56:10 PM »
Vim and Vigor event.  When I got the DA dot I tried to click statue and it did not work as I could still not cast spells.  But  if I ran into the golden globe aura and got kicked back, I was cured.  This might just be a time effect as three times it worked but I had clicked the statue first, and only once ran into the aura.

Clicking the skull does not remove DA.  Initially, we had thought it did, or it may have been reported incorrectly as doing so, and as a result I made the DA trigger respond with the action to click the skull.  I'll change the trigger before the next run to direct players to run into the aura to cure.  That's how I cure DA as well (run and bounce off the aura, it dispels other buffs, but always removes DA).

Sorry about the confusion btw!


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2016, 11:23:10 PM »
Vim and Vigor event.  When I got the DA dot I tried to click statue and it did not work as I could still not cast spells.  But  if I ran into the golden globe aura and got kicked back, I was cured.  This might just be a time effect as three times it worked but I had clicked the statue first, and only once ran into the aura.

Clicking the skull does not remove DA.  Initially, we had thought it did, or it may have been reported incorrectly as doing so, and as a result I made the DA trigger respond with the action to click the skull.  I'll change the trigger before the next run to direct players to run into the aura to cure.  That's how I cure DA as well (run and bounce off the aura, it dispels other buffs, but always removes DA).

Sorry about the confusion btw!

Updated the main trigger file to reflect this change.  I must have forgotten to do so prior.  Updated the strategy post and removed references to skull clicking.

Optimized all the trigger files.


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2016, 12:54:51 AM »
I just always assumed that "click skull" was Canadian for "run into aura".  I mean as Weird Al says, they think curling is a real sport. :-)


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2016, 12:57:24 AM »


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2016, 04:58:03 PM »
Please make sure that you have the most updated trigger packages and pay attention to mob %.

the ritualists  have a trigger on spawn and you should have a general idea of when they spawn to be ready to move and kill them.

we should have had the ritualist kill /ach the last two weeks. we are only missing it by a few percent on the last ritualist.  We can get this!


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2016, 01:02:03 AM »
On the adds...the rock SW of the D is possible if you stand at the tallest point of that rock to target any of the adds even B...without having to move at all.  Not every caster will fit on that rock but if one caster group (or half a caster group?) wanted to try standing on that rock and DPS adds it means no need to move at all and just cast.  Not having to move is better DPS right?


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Life - T1 Raid - Vim and Vigor
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2016, 02:31:55 AM »
Thank you Bren, that can help loads when getting LoS on the adds beyond the D add.