Author Topic: TICK TOCK ''''' JOIN us 8)  (Read 3196 times)


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TICK TOCK ''''' JOIN us 8)
« on: December 20, 2010, 10:53:29 PM »
Hey guys .. C.O.P  wanted to get back to raiding with a bang 8) we couldn't think of a better way to do it then to see what HOT has to offer..
JOIN us on January the 9th 
as we head into HOT and check out the TICK TOCK event .. the teir 1 raid from the hot expansion.

Same normal cop times .. set up will start about 7PM and raids will end at 10PM

Hope everyone comes out and has fun with us as we explore this new event 8) hope to see many faces 8)

STAY tunned i will be posting a write up for folks to get a general idea of the event and what will be needed 8)

anymore questions let me know here in game or on the cop facebook site

frostfox 8)
servant of the circle of prophets


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Re: TICK TOCK ''''' JOIN us 8)
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2011, 01:22:25 AM »
OK a short write up of this event.. in this event that takes place in teh house of thule .. main lower floors ..

first we clear the trash out .. then
we will be heading into four rooms each room has four mobs to kill that must be killed in order .. these are listed from first to kill to last to kill. they are estimated to hit from around 14k to 20k 

1. room one terror room ,,
a. bloodthirsty terror b. a living terror , c. hulking terror ,d. and a giant terror

2. skeleton room
a. a fiery skeleton b. icy skeleton c. decaying skeleton d. mossy skeleton

3. rot dog room
a. rot dog pup b. a young rotdog c. a mature rot dog d. a alpha male rot dog

4. spider room
a. anagorn b. brimiel c. cilthik d. drioan

After these four rooms we will be heading in to engage the MAIN boss the clock of the house of thule TICK TOCK .. he will be at the stair case in the front room . tick tock is reported to hit around 30k  to 35k .. ( lets just assume he hits harder and be prepared 8) )
he has waves of adds  which must be killed they do not despawn at the end of the event so even if we control some of the waves they still must all die. the waves come ever 25 percent ..
the first wave is stunable , the second wave rootable , and the last waves is mezzable.
once the clock and its adds are down the event has been won woot.
i am really looking forward to this event 8) hope to see everyone there 8)
servant of the circle of prophets


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Re: TICK TOCK ''''' JOIN us 8)
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 09:05:27 PM »
Not sure that it matters, but we always did them in this order:
1. Rot Dogs
2. Spiders
3. Terrors
4. Skellies

Once the event is started rot dogs spawn throughout the zone specifically meant for you to NOT agro them.  Essentially they keep you corralled in the areas you need to be.  If someone agros one the raid has to kill it or the event resets.  Unfortunately, they take long enough to kill that unless you're really really good it's going to be an event reset anyway due to the timer. 

Moral of the story is, be extremely careful to follow only the hallways/paths you need to to get between events.  Don't wander through doorways or down halls you don't need to go.

Main mob has 4 major phases... each phase includes a spawn of some adds.  They each can be CC'd in different ways (first one can me mezzed, 2nd one is diff, 3rd one, etc, etc... I forget what you can do to CC the last 3 phases).  Off tanks need to get on these guys right away because they'll beeline to the healers.  DPS needs to back off of Tick Tock prior to the adds spawning or they're going to get crushed from behind (they spawn sorta near the stairs behind Tick Tock). 

Beat the timer and enjoy the loots. 


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Re: TICK TOCK ''''' JOIN us 8)
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2011, 04:36:11 PM »
thanks man for the imput apriciate any advice from folks who have seen the event before 8)  yeah we were trying to be very careful of the hall ways. last night 8)

Wanted to thank everyone who came out did the first attempt with us .. we learned a lot and think progess was made. hope everyone can make it tonight for the second round

want to also take the time to thank xab, sinnayr , jim , mags , kotsukai and furro who stayed up late and helped work out more details of the raid.
servant of the circle of prophets