Author Topic: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Myconid Mutiny  (Read 8932 times)


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NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Myconid Mutiny
« on: February 16, 2023, 09:19:58 PM »
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Ruins of Shadow Haven
NPC Name: Animist Soren
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: Must have completed When One Door Closes (Raid)
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Timed event.

Four Supervisors orchestrate trouble: Choreographer, Head of Wardrobe, Production Manager, and Stage Manager.

The Star activates once all four Supervisors are dead.

Crystals obtained by players can be utilized to their advantage for protection from effects.

Various adds come into play to stir things up.


Assist MA.

Loot a Clear Crystal and infuse accordingly for use to provide protections at opportune times.

To infuse your crystal, move to a colored mushroom formation located throughout event area.  Once there, your Clear Crystal will infuse with the color.

Just prior to each colored shroom miniboss death, click crystal of matching color to provide protection buff (effect lasts 2 min 30s).

Reminders will be given in raidsay when to click colored crystal.

Crystal Color     Protection From     Ideal For     Use Before Death Of     
BlueSilence (detrimental)  Casters, Tanks  Production Manager
Green  Melee Slow  MeleeHead of Wardrobe
Red  Inhibit use of: Mez, Root, CharmCrowd Control ClassesChoreographer
Yellow  Silence (beneficial)  Priests, TanksStage Manager

In-game locations and map file available in Map Locations area of post.

Image by Raiena

- Crystal Infusion Priority: Yellow, Green

- Crystal Infusion Priority - Yellow

MA Kill Order:
- Supervisor Kill Order - Choreographer, Head of Wardrobe, Production Manager, and Stage Manager
- Adds Kill Order: vibrating hydra, other adds
- The Star

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Crystal Infusions

Worker add corpses contain one or more Clear Crystal items.

Player loots a Clear Crystal and infuses accordingly for use to provide protections at opportune times.

To infuse an Clear Crystal, move to a colored shroom formation located throughout event area.  Once there, player Clear Crystal will infuse with the color.

Just prior to each colored shroom miniboss death, player activates their crystal of matching color to provide protection buff (effect lasts 2 min 30s).

Crystal Color     Protection From     Crystal Item     Use Before Death Of     
BlueSilence (detrimental)  Glittering Blue  Production Manager
Green  Melee Slow  Glittering GreenHead of Wardrobe
Red  Inhibit use of: Mez, Root, CharmGlittering RedChoreographer
Yellow  Silence (beneficial)  Glittering YellowStage Manager

Actions - Emotes:

Crystal Infused - Soaked spores from the pool leap to the crystal and coat it. You sense a power soak into the crystal.
Crystal Usage - One Of:
Yellow liquid and crystal shards splash all over you.
Blue liquid and crystal shards splash all over you.
Green liquid and crystal shards splash all over you.
Red liquids and crystal shards splash all over you.
Protected - Glittering crystals prevent spores from clinging to you.

The Star

Boss.  Active once all Supervisors killed.

The Star spawns workers that path towards center pillar to retrieve crystals to return to their Supervisors.

The Star devours crystals returned by workers to Supervisors.

The Star devours crystals left on worker corpses when last Supervisor dies.


The Star sends energy into the crystalline pillar, causing it to ring. Creatures stir in response.

The Star kicks at the Choreographer. When the poor creature leaps aside, crystals fall from its hands. The Star picks them up and devours them.
The Star rants and screams at the Head of Wardrobe. The Star then grabs all of the crystals the creature has gathered and devours them.
The Star gets right in the face of the Production Manager, then yanks away the poor creature's crystals.
The Star chews up the scenery and the Stage Manager along with it. The Star then chews up all of the Stage Manager's gathered crystals.

The Star devours 26 crystals, growing stronger and healthier.

Vibrations Mechanic:

The Star sends energy into the crystalline pillar, causing it to ring. Creatures stir in response.
Vibrations from the central crystal pillar disorients you.

A crystalkin gets too close to the vibrating crystal pillar. Bits of it shatter and are expelled from its body as it is flung away.

Enrage Timer (30m~): The Star grows thoroughly enraged and its power grows.

Bright Gas Explosion    Caster AE 425k + Blind (12s duration, 200' range)
Effect Message: Glowing gas explodes from the fungus creature.
Ringing Crystal Temple    400k DoT + Root (48s duration, single target)
1st Person Emote: The ringing pillar disorients you, making you unable to walk.



Choreographer   Germination - 8m HP Rune (36s duration, single target)
(Red)1st Person Emote: Power enfolds you and tries to activate and protect spores.
Casts Spell on Fade: Stinging Spores - Caster AE 550k (70' range)
Effect Message: Spores like knives cut you.
Suppression Stifling Spores - SILENCE - Inhibits use of spell types: Mez, Root, Charm, Movement Speed (12m duration)
1st Person: Spores cover you, suppressing your ability to restrain others.
- Crystal item Glittering Red provides protection from Suppression Stifling Spores
Head of Wardrobe   Embedded Spores - Mana Drain DoT (24s duration, single target)
(Green)Effect Message: Spores dig into your skin, waiting to germinate.
Players Emoted (3rd Person): The Head of Wardrobe's spores dig into SoandsoA, SoandsoB, SoandsoC, SoandsoD, SoandsoE, SoandsoF, SoandsoG, and SoandsoH.
Player Emoted (1st Person): The Head of Wardrobe's spores dig into you, ready for the right activation.
Casts Spell: Autothysis - Caster AE 450k + Add Spawn (60' range)
Effect Message: Your body erupts to protect the spores.
Limit Spell: Germination - 8m HP Rune (36s duration); cast by Choreographer
Effect Message: Power enfolds you and tries to activate and protect spores.
Spell Cast On Germination Fade: Stinging Spores - 550k AE (70' range)
Effect Message: Spores like knives cut you.
- Players emoted, run away
- When player with Embedded Spores hit with Germination, result is Autothysis (AE damage and add spawn)
Scuffle Stifling Spores - Melee Slow (12m duration)
1st Person: Spores coat you. You can no longer fight.
- Crystal item Glittering Green provides protection from Scuffle Stifling Spores
Production Manager   Shock Stifling Spores - SILENCE - Inhibits use of detrimental spells (12m duration)
(Blue)1st Person: A sense of peace falls over you along with the spores.
- Silence spell exceptions: Enthrall, Charm, Root, and Movement Rate change
- Crystal item Glittering Blue provides protection from Shock Stifling Spores
Transformational Infection - VIRAL DoT - 325k DoT + Mana Drain + Illusion (36s duration, Viral Range: 60', Recast: 20s to 25s)
Effect Message: You are transformed into a spore-bearing sporali.
Player Emoted (1st Person): Blue spores pierce your body and change you.
- Player emoted, run away
Stage Manager   Stingy Stifling Spores - SILENCE - Inhibits use of beneficial spells (12m duration)
(Yellow)1st Person: Your ability to benefit others is stifled.
- Crystal item Glittering Yellow provides protection from Stingy Stifling Spores
Bright Gas Explosion - Caster AE 425k + Blind (12s duration, 200' range)
Effect Message: Glowing gas explodes from the fungus creature.


Various adds spawn throughout event.

a dancer--
- Worker, retrieves crystals from the center pillar and delivers to their supervisor (Choreographer)
- When Worker obtains crystals, they appear equipped; visible on mob
a stagehand--
- Worker, retrieves crystals from the center pillar and delivers to their supervisor (Stage Manager)
- When Worker obtains crystals, they appear equipped; visible on mob
a tailor--
- Worker, retrieves crystals from the center pillar and delivers to their supervisor (Head of Wardrobe)
- When Worker obtains crystals, they appear equipped; visible on mob
a crew member--
- Worker, retrieves crystals from the center pillar and delivers to their supervisor (Production Manager)
- When Worker obtains crystals, they appear equipped; visible on mob
a vibrating ambuloidSonic Shards - Caster AE 400k + Knockback (200' range)
Effect Message: Sound and crystal shards slam into you.
- Vibrations Mechanic
-- Mob explodes and casts Sonic Shards when brought too close to vibrating crystal pillar
-- Emote: A crystalkin gets too close to the vibrating crystal pillar. Bits of it shatter and are expelled from its body as it is flung away.
-- Achievement: Crystal Crusher
a vibrating sessiloidSonic Shards - Caster AE 400k + Knockback (200' range)
Effect Message: Sound and crystal shards slam into you.
- Vibrations Mechanic
-- Mob explodes and casts Sonic Shards when brought too close to vibrating crystal pillar
-- Emote: A crystalkin gets too close to the vibrating crystal pillar. Bits of it shatter and are expelled from its body as it is flung away.
-- Achievement: Crystal Crusher
a vibrating hydra   Sonic Shards - Caster AE 400k + Knockback (200' range)
Effect Message: Sound and crystal shards slam into you.
- Vibrations Mechanic
-- Mob explodes and casts Sonic Shards when brought too close to vibrating crystal pillar
-- Emote: A crystalkin gets too close to the vibrating crystal pillar. Bits of it shatter and are expelled from its body as it is flung away.
-- Achievement: Crystal Crusher
an aggressive pinhead--
- Possibly zone trash

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with a concerned stagehand and saying: put in place

A concerned stagehand says, 'If you do, you do now. Crew gathering.


- Crystal Crusher
-- Destroy all Crystalkin using the vibrations of the crystal pillar.

- Delivery in Full
-- Let all of the workers deliver their crystals to their supervisors.

- All That Glitters
-- Prevent the effect of the death of each MINI by use of the proper crystal. (personal)


Event Reset: The Star grows bored and returns to its lofty position.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: deepshade_1.txt (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
P 398.9741, -271.0151, 14.0085,  240, 240, 0,  3,  Yellow_Aura
P 538.6686, 530.7409, -2.7973,  0, 240, 0,  3,  Green_Aura
P 180.1737, 546.4838, -46.2622,  0, 240, 240,  3,  Blue_Aura
P 31.2038, -40.0987, -37.8194,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Red_Aura
Labels submitted by: Raiena

Other labels for group zone:

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2023-02-22 (8:16pm)  - Adds Spawn
- Crystal - Coated (Infused)
- Crystal - Protection Active

- Event Reset
- Event Start

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).
« Last Edit: February 01, 2024, 11:16:29 PM by Furro »


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Re: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Myconid Mutiny
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2023, 09:20:30 PM »
Thursday, February 16, 2023 - Update

Strategy posted and updated to reflect our recent win.

Everyone trigger package updated.


Make sure trigger package is enabled

See everyone in-game! :)


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Re: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Myconid Mutiny
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2023, 02:49:58 AM »
I was able to use Totem of the Wurines and Feral Guardian Channeler (Divine Barrier clickies) to successfully dodge both the blue spores and the yellow spores. I didn't bother testing on the red, and was afraid to risk the green one.


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Re: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Myconid Mutiny
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2023, 12:29:05 AM »
Wednesday, February 22, 2023 - Update

Strategy post and trigger package updated.


Make sure trigger package is enabled

See everyone in-game! :)


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Re: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Myconid Mutiny
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2023, 04:30:47 AM »
Greetings all,

In an effort to get everyone their All That Glitters achievement, 6 people will be assigned to loot 4 crystals based on Raid Attendance.

If you are not assigned, you are only to loot based on what your class absolutely needs to perform your role on the raid for that night.

Players who are chosen to loot for the achievement, it is your responsibility to make sure you get your crystals.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2023, 03:12:09 AM by Raiena »


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Re: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Myconid Mutiny
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2023, 09:58:18 PM »
- Delivery in Full
-- Let all of the workers deliver their crystals to their supervisors.

*Strategy Changes for Achievement:
- Do not kill any workers. Allow them to deliver all crystals to Supervisors.
- No one is allowed to get All that Glitters achievement when doing this achievement.
- Supervisor Kill Order: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow
- Crystals will be generated by blowing up the vibrating adds.

It is best to try for Crystal Crusher when doing this achievement as well, but will abort and kill adds if raid gets overwhelmed.


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Re: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Myconid Mutiny
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2023, 12:29:08 AM »
Should rangers pick up two crystals, so they can get both green and yellow protection?  Without yellow, we can't toss the second round of Auspice of the Hunter.  The last mini dies just about the time that we would start casting the MGB round of Auspice.


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Re: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Myconid Mutiny
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2023, 08:11:00 AM »
Should rangers pick up two crystals, so they can get both green and yellow protection?  Without yellow, we can't toss the second round of Auspice of the Hunter.  The last mini dies just about the time that we would start casting the MGB round of Auspice.

Blue     Allows you to cast detrimental spells.
Green     Allows you to attack with weapons.
Yellow     Allows you to cast beneficial buffs.

IMO, as you are a DPS class, I would prioritize blue and green. If you can get the yellow, great. If not, we can toss out some extra COP4's.


In stage 1 when we are killing the workers, each color spawns a total of 12 workers. Each worker drops 2 crystals. 48 workers X 2 crystals each = 96 crystals.

We have 54 people in the raid. There are not enough crystals in stage 1 to supply the raid with 2 crystals unless we crash the vibrating adds into the center pillar.

As a side note:

When our DPS for the night is strong, we need to be careful to not kill down multiple supervisors at once. We lose too much time to gather extra crystals for folks that are relying on those vibrating adds to get their 2nd and sometimes even 3rd crystals. Even more so when we have people looting extra for the All That Glitters achievement.
