« on: March 30, 2012, 10:36:45 AM »
ERUDIN BURNING! (just the way Ssark likes it by the way)
We went in, and after a few false starts messin' with the tunnelin' skellies, we danced with Markus Jaevins (stand still you bastard), and took him out.
It was then time for the winner of "Ms. Panties in a Bunch 2011." Oh, a wily one, porting around and dispelling buffs, and forcing four of our best to lay about on the roof (ok, we're monks and an SK, maybe it's our best work). And then... it was time, and we had enough, and like all the rest, down she went.

Congratulations Freelance!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 10:39:02 AM by Ssark »
