Author Topic: Equipping your Pet  (Read 9998 times)


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Equipping your Pet
« on: March 11, 2016, 05:58:02 PM »
Just spent like 5 hours doing stupid, stupid Pet Parses, enjoy

Part 2: Paring is Caring

I'll begin this exercise by Fully Ranger/Chanty/Shaman/Bard Buffing/Burning my pet, aswell as Fully Buffing/Burning him Myself (Including Glyph of Frantic Infusion stage 3). The only thing really missing is my Lingering Nightmares buff and my Chanty's Night's Endless Terror Buff. There's almost 0 chance of you ever being in such a backwardsass group, but I wanted a high baseline to accurately view the impact each item has

I start with Savard2.0 Fully Buffed but with no gear to speak of, adding one slot (which I'll denote in the headers) each subsequent parse. Let's Begin!

Savard2.0 - Buffed - Naked

Combat Dummy Dena on 3/21/2016 in 600sec

 --- DMG: 26754704 @ 44591 sdps (44591 dps in 600s) [100%]
------ Total: 26754704 -- Hit: 18720091 -- Backstab: 6336328 -- DoT: 1424000 -- DirDmg: 274285
------ Normal rate: 61.1% (26.2% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 38.9% (73.8% of DMG)
------ Attempts: 2258 -- Hits: 2258 -- Misses: 0 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 100%

Savard2.0 - Buffed - 2x Brightedge

Combat Dummy Dena on 3/21/2016 in 600sec

 --- DMG: 28317034 @ 47195 sdps (47195 dps in 600s) [100%] - Improvement
------ Total: 28317034 -- Crush: 20296405 -- Backstab: 6027368 -- DoT: 1376000 -- DirDmg: 617261
------ Normal rate: 61.6% (26.2% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 38.4% (73.8% of DMG)
------ Attempts: 2494 -- Hits: 2494 -- Misses: 0 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 100%

Savard2.0 - Buffed - 2x Brightedge/Ethernere Traveler Belt

Combat Dummy Dena on 3/21/2016 in 599sec

 --- DMG: 33760385 @ 56361 sdps (56361 dps in 599s) [100%] - Improvement
------ Total: 33760385 -- Crush: 23800283 -- Backstab: 7881329 -- DoT: 1456000 -- DirDmg: 622773
------ Normal rate: 60.9% (25% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 39.1% (75% of DMG)
------ Attempts: 2884 -- Hits: 2884 -- Misses: 0 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 100%

Savard2.0 - Buffed - 2x Brightedge/Ethernere Traveler Belt/Ethernere Traveler Armguards

Combat Dummy Dena on 3/21/2016 in 598sec

 --- DMG: 32661245 @ 54617 sdps (54617 dps in 598s) [100%] - Stagnation or potential Loss
------ Total: 32661245 -- Crush: 23641598 -- Backstab: 7162422 -- DoT: 1328000 -- DirDmg: 529225
------ Normal rate: 59.4% (24.8% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 40.6% (75.2% of DMG)
------ Attempts: 2776 -- Hits: 2776 -- Misses: 0 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 100%

Savard2.0 - Buffed - 2x Brightedge/Ethernere Traveler Belt/Ethernere Traveler Armguards/Ethernere Traveler Pants

Combat Dummy Dena on 3/21/2016 in 599sec

 --- DMG: 34998146 @ 58428 sdps (58428 dps in 599s) [100%] - Improvement
------ Total: 34998146 -- Crush: 25219007 -- Backstab: 7832845 -- DoT: 1312000 -- DirDmg: 634294
------ Normal rate: 61.3% (24.9% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 38.7% (75.1% of DMG)
------ Attempts: 2962 -- Hits: 2962 -- Misses: 0 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 100%

Savard2.0 - Buffed - 2x Brightedge/Ethernere Traveler Belt/Ethernere Traveler Armguards/Ethernere Traveler Pants/Gauntlets of Finalty

Combat Dummy Dena on 3/21/2016 in 599sec

 --- DMG: 35566005 @ 59376 sdps (59376 dps in 599s) [100%] - Stagnation or potential Improvement
------ Total: 35566005 -- Crush: 25966646 -- Backstab: 7534595 -- DoT: 1424000 -- DirDmg: 640764
------ Normal rate: 60.7% (25.1% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 39.3% (74.9% of DMG)
------ Attempts: 3025 -- Hits: 3025 -- Misses: 0 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 100%

Savard2.0 - Buffed - 2x Brightedge/Ethernere Traveler Belt/Ethernere Traveler Armguards/Ethernere Traveler Pants/Gauntlets of Finalty/Visor of Gobeker

Combat Dummy Dena on 3/21/2016 in 601sec

 --- DMG: 37103498 @ 61736 sdps (61736 dps in 601s) [100%] - Improvement
------ Total: 37103498 -- Crush: 26935730 -- Backstab: 8174013 -- DoT: 1376000 -- DirDmg: 617755
------ Normal rate: 60% (24% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 40% (76% of DMG)
------ Attempts: 3096 -- Hits: 3096 -- Misses: 0 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 100%

To save this from Becoming a Wall of Text, the Rest will just be the item(s) added + the resultant dps;

+ Ethernere Traveler Bracer = Savard --- DMG: 36916300 @ 61527 sdps (61527 dps in 600s) [100%] - Stagnation
+ Ethernere Traveler Jerkin = Savard --- DMG: 36856719 @ 61633 sdps (61633 dps in 598s) [100%] - Stagnation
+ Ethernere Traveler Cap = Savard --- DMG: 36168423 @ 60381 sdps (60381 dps in 599s) [100%] - Stagnation or potential Loss
+ Ethernere Traveler Shoulderpad = Savard --- DMG: 36470723 @ 60886 sdps (60886 dps in 599s) [100%] - Stagnation
+ Ethernere Traveler Boots = Savard --- DMG: 35706342 @ 59313 sdps (59313 dps in 602s) [100%] - Stagnation
+ Fieldsplitter Shortbow = Savard --- DMG: 36416435 @ 60795 sdps (60795 dps in 599s) [100%] - Stagnation
+ Forgotten Relic Necklace = Savard --- DMG: 35801730 @ 59570 sdps (59570 dps in 601s) [100%] - Stagnation
+ Fireshard Ring = Savard --- DMG: 36413333 @ 60689 sdps (60689 dps in 600s) [100%] - Stagnation
+ Tunare's Earring = Savard --- DMG: 34975207 @ 62567 sdps (62567 dps in 559s) [100%] - Stagnation or potential Improvement

Bonus Info;

Savard2.0 - Basic Pet Haste - Naked VS Cuclain2.0 = Savard has roughly 140k HP here, the minimum Hit Cuclain musters is 449, max crit is 3375

Savard2.0 - Basic Pet Haste - All Gear Listed above VS Cuclain2.0 = Savard has roughly 165k HP here, the minimum hit Cuclain musters is 331, max crit is 3059


Part 1: Curiosity Killed the Combat Dummy (Archival Purposes)

Tests are as Described~

2x Thalassic Iceblades/Visor of Gobeker/Suit of Thassis' Plate/Suit of Calix's Heirlooms with Frenzy of the Dead on

Combat Dummy Ena on 3/10/2016 in 434sec

 --- DMG: 9812463 @ 22609 sdps (22609 dps in 434s) [100%]
------ Savard:
--------- Total: 9812463 -- Slash: 6947794 -- Backstab: 2788573 -- DirDmg: 76096
--------- Normal rate: 59.4% (28.8% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 40.6% (71.2% of DMG)
--------- Attempts: 1171 -- Hits: 1171 -- Misses: 0 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 100%

 --- DMG: 9812463 @ 22609 sdps (22609 dps in 434s) [100%]

2x Thalassic Iceblades/Visor of Gobeker/Suit of Ethernere Traveler's Armor/Suit of Calix's Heirlooms with Frenzy of the Dead on

Combat Dummy Ena on 3/10/2016 in 449sec

 --- DMG: 13135864 @ 29256 sdps (29256 dps in 449s) [100%]
------ Savard:
--------- Total: 13135864 -- Slash: 9699434 -- Backstab: 3340755 -- DirDmg: 95675
--------- Normal rate: 54.9% (25.8% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 45.1% (74.2% of DMG)
--------- Attempts: 1455 -- Hits: 1455 -- Misses: 0 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 100%

 --- DMG: 13135864 @ 29256 sdps (29256 dps in 449s) [100%]

2x Thalassic Iceblades/Visor of Gobeker/Suit of Thassis' Plate/Suit of Calix's Heirlooms with Frenzy of the Dead/Bard Buffs+Burns/Shaman Buffs+Burns/Ranger Buffs+Burns/Chanty buffs on

Combat Dummy Ena on 3/11/2016 in 451sec

 --- DMG: 19513537 @ 43267 sdps (43267 dps in 451s) [100%]
------ Savard:
--------- Total: 19513537 -- Slash: 14437032 -- Backstab: 4882333 -- DirDmg: 194172
--------- Normal rate: 54.9% (22.5% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 45.1% (77.5% of DMG)
--------- Attempts: 1876 -- Hits: 1876 -- Misses: 0 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 100%

 --- DMG: 19513537 @ 43267 sdps (43267 dps in 451s) [100%]

2x Thalassic Iceblades/Visor of Gobeker/Suit of Ethernere Traveler's Armor/Suit of Calix's Heirlooms with Frenzy of the Dead/Bard Buffs+Burns/Shaman Buffs+Burns/Ranger Buffs+Burns/Chanty buffs on

Combat Dummy Ena on 3/11/2016 in 415sec

 --- DMG: 25663651 @ 61840 sdps (61840 dps in 415s) [100%]
------ Savard:
--------- Total: 25663651 -- Slash: 19777410 -- Backstab: 5886241
--------- Normal rate: 53% (19.4% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 47% (80.6% of DMG)
--------- Attempts: 1960 -- Hits: 1960 -- Misses: 0 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 100%


Seems like the main contributors are Haste/Foci and raw ATK, Cleave would likely have had a more notable effect if my Pet wasn't already critting at such a high rate. All in all, if you're doing this on raids, you're probably best off just going full bore to help your pets survivability aswell as it's damage output.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 03:38:28 AM by Scornfire »


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Re: Equipping your Pet
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2016, 05:57:22 PM »
Just as a small update, I did some tests with weaps/masks only, namely 2x Fused Coral Knifes vs 2x Brightedges. Don't really want to make this thread a giant wall of text so I'll just summarize the results~

Quite simply, there wasn't any real difference between the DPS output of either set. The Backstab mod on the knifes seemed to raise the min backstab damage from roughly 3k to 7k (And min crit from 13k to 23k), but had no impact on the max bs dmg. This raised the inherent backstab DPS a little, but the proc dmg difference between the two weapon sets pretty well evened it out. Suffice it to say, I'd reccomend sticking with the summoned weaps.

I also went full bore and Equipped PC gear in every single slot, ears/fingers/face etc. It didn't seem to give any boost beyond what the Ethernere Traveler stuff was already giving me... As an aside, I'm kind of running out of Leather Rolls to keep messing around with tests, so if anyone wants to sell me some go right ahead! Would like to see if I can pare down the Equiptment that actually makes a difference on Pet DPS, because it's certainly not all of it


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Re: Equipping your Pet
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2016, 06:17:04 PM »
Re: supplies

Don't forget you can /testcopy before using up your gear/supplies and then run the tests on the test server.  When you expend the items, /testcopy again etc.


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Re: Equipping your Pet
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2016, 06:22:07 PM »
The levels of nerding-out Scorn attains is unprecedented!


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Re: Equipping your Pet
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2016, 06:28:01 PM »
Re: supplies

Don't forget you can /testcopy before using up your gear/supplies and then run the tests on the test server.  When you expend the items, /testcopy again etc.

Ha, totally should've done this, sometimes I forget there's even a Test server


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Re: Equipping your Pet
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2016, 03:06:47 AM »
Bump for Update