Author Topic: Monk AA  (Read 30978 times)


  • Pie Thief
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Monk AA
« on: May 23, 2012, 01:09:37 AM »
As a monk almost maxed at 7200AA, I often get asked: which AA are important for monks?  Well, as usual, the answer is: it depends.

Monk AA is split into three catagories: Offensive (DPS), Defensive (Survivability), and Pulling.  As you progress, you're going to have to work on all three.  Even if you're primarily a raiding monk, and you figure DPS is you main function, you still need to live through the fight's AEs, occasionally offtanked add, etc.
Here I have a three tables of monk AA: critical, very high, and high priority.  All the AAs not listed may still be important, but not as important as the ones listed here.  This will easily take you into 2000+ AA.  Which order you get the critical ones is up to you, but I'd finish or get close to finishing everything critical before moving onto the next table.


Monk AA Name                        Type      Group/Raid      Notes
AmbidexterityDPSG/RWe dual wield, make no mistake
Combat Agility 18DEFGUp to 18 is critical, drops off after this
Combat Stability 18DEFGUp to 18 is critical, drops off after this
Critical MendDEFG/RHealing 50% of HPs is nice
Extended CrystalpalmDPSROne of two main burns
Extended Speed FocusDPSROne of two main burns
Fists of SteelDPSG/RUsually not a big fan of procs, but it's often and so good it makes 1HB useless on a monk
Hastened DeathPULG/RFade every 30s
Hastened MendDEFG/R Mend every 30 seconds!
Heightened AwarenessDEFG
Imitate DeathPULG/ROur fade
Innate Run SpeedPULG/R
Moving MountainsPULG/RIncredibly nice pull/split tool
Natural DurabilityDEFG/RMust for any class
Planar DurabilityDEFG/R3% of 60k is almost 2k!
Planar PowerDPS/DEFG/RJust do this
Purify BodyDEFRCures anything, including "that pull" from the Avatar
Rapid FeignPULG/RWhen FD fails, you'll wish you put points here
Rapid StrikesDPSG/RPure quickness
Shielding ResistanceDEFRThis allows you to wield in secondary against nasty DS
StonewallPULGFD through spells
Unflinching ResolvePULGStun from behind when pulling = death
Weightless StepsPULG/RRun 8 more or less

Very High:

Monk AA Name        Type      Group/Raid      Notes
Armor of WisdomDEFGAC boosts never bad when tanking
Combat Agility 32DEFG/RContinue to work this upward
Combat FuryDPSG/RCriticals
Combat Stability 32DEFG/RContinue to work this upward
Discordant DefianceDEF/PULG/RResist stuff more often, live longer
Extended IngenuityDPSG/RSo self-buffs last longer... but more importantly, so does Zan Fi!  Huge boost!
General Sturdiness 20DEFG/RAdd some HPs to the mix
Grappling StrikeUTIG/RVery handy positioning tool (think: High Priest in Sarith)
Hastened Purification of the BodyDEFRFor those repeating status ailments
Hastened Stunning KickDPSG/RThis, plus Masters', lowers re-use from 60 to 9 seconds.
Infusion of ThunderDPSG/RPerfect for use with Speed Focus/td]
Kick MasteryDPSG/RSo much of monkly DPS is tied to the kicks...
Masters' Hastened CombinationDPSG/RThis plus Hastened Stunning Kick lowers Stunning Kick to 9 seconds
Physical EnhancementDEFG/RPretty simply, helps everything defensive
Return KickDPSGRiposte fires often, extra Flying Kicks never hurt
Second SpireDPSG/RPerfect little 10min refresh boost
Sinister StrikesDPSG/RSweet passive boost
Stunning KickDPS/DEFG/RIf the mob is stunnable, greatly lowers the mobs' DPS output, so it's both DPS and DEF!
TwinprocDPSGFor those who like to see procs
Zan Fi's WhistleDPSG/R30% DPS boost when active, see also Extended Ingenuity

Monk AA Name        Type      Group/Raid      Notes
Burst of PowerDPSG/RTake triple attack all the way to 500 skill!
Combat Agility 45DEFG/RFinish it off
Combat Stability 45DEFG/RFinish it off
Dreamlike MightDPSG/RRaw Strength
Earthern BrawnDPSG/RRaw Strength
Enhanced AggressionDPSG/RParses show this is not as useful as you'd think; get the STR first
Extended Impenetrable DisciplineDEF/PULG/RYou'll thank me one day, when Furro asks you to "tank those four until the tanks get in there"
Five Point PalmDPSG/RThis provides a nice little kick every so often
General Sturdiness 25DEFG/RFinish it off
Mystical Attuning 8UTLRFor hybrids, this is real important; but we usually have plenty of room for buffs
Punch MasteryDPSG/RGet this nearly last; sounds weird, but only affects some special attacks
Technique of Master WuDPSG/RThis fires often at the end, and helps enough!
Veiled StrengthDPSG/RRaw Strength
Veteran's WrathDPSG/R

Ok, while this isn't perfect... it's not a bad start.  Feel free to post your own thoughts here, tell me if I missed a big one, or send a /tell in game!

« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 10:09:01 AM by Ssark »


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Re: Monk AA
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2012, 06:42:04 PM »
Very fair and up to date list, perhaps a quick breakdown of totals to spend for each new ability would be bonus but not
critical to your guide.

If I were to suggest any changes it would be the extended burn disciplines imo are not higher priority over sinister strikes and other raw melee dmg modifiers. I have always believed in more consistent dmg vs. spike dmg.

When asked about starting monk AA's I always say FD are most important, because if you can't keep a steady flow of mobs coming to the group dps is wasted anyway. Hell the majority of group mobs I kill I am only present for 50%-70% of the mobs hps anyway before going out to get another.


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Re: Monk AA
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2012, 11:13:57 PM »
Aye, it's a tough call.  Extended are mostly in there for the raid burns, where on a mob like the HP in Sarith you're almost in 100% burn mode.  That's why they have the "R" listed and not "R/G" or "G".

In a standard XP group setting, I'd agree with some of the non-extendeds taking preference.

Also, you'll notice some of the FDs at the top, but in most raids we really don't use them.  Again, this is more for you as a puller in a group, where those tools are invaluable and make you what you are. :)