Author Topic: 17th Anniversary Raid - Hate's Fury - Captain Krasnok  (Read 12245 times)


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17th Anniversary Raid - Hate's Fury - Captain Krasnok
« on: March 24, 2016, 03:58:19 PM »
17th Anniversary Raid - Hate's Fury - Captain Krasnok

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Crypt of Nadox (near Hate's Fury ZL [ route: PoK -> Gunthak -> CoNadox ])
NPC Name: a besotted sailor
NPC Location: N/A
Keyword to Enter:...

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission/Task: None (but if you have miniboss lockouts, don't ask for raid invite until we have minibosses down)
Event Flags:
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul.

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

For this event, we clear minibosses and trash to collect items which unlock the door to the main event area.

Main event: Captain Krasnok

Captain Krasnok spawns four miniboss type adds at 75%.

Various AEs in play including DDs, Stuns, Mana Drains.  Mana Drain AE has a relationship/protection to potentially timed auras of select color.

Assist MA

-- Gimamam's post from earlier in the thread -- Everyone read, as it lays it out fairly well

Call the Mist debuff happens at 95% and then every 15% after.  So slow DPS down to 96, wait till auras about to pop and bring him down to 95 to spawn the debuff. get in auras and avoid it/strip it off.  Once the Captain starts casting Call the Mist, he casts it 4 times, and then it is safe to get out of the auras.

Call the Mist: 95, 80, 65, 50, 35, 20, 5

The purple auras on the floor spawn every 2 minutes from the moment you aggro him.

DO NOT OVER DPS and cause Call the Mist before auras pop, or its basically going to wipe us because healers will not have any mana.  Pay attention to MA assist/back off calls.

He has an AE called Sweeping Scimitar on a timer - if you do not want to take the extra damage, there is a timer in trigs to warn you on incoming so you can back away.

[48234] Sweeping Scimitar
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 150'
Resist: Unresistable
Focusable: Yes
Reflectable: No
Casting: 0s
1: Decrease Current HP by 76555

Fists of Krasnok spawn x4 at 75% on his health.  The adds themselves do not cast any debuffs, but the 'room' does. (at least when you look at and run the previous iteration of this raid in the original zone).  The Fists do not have cast messages. The debuffs cast immediately on their spawn. The tank on the 'stun' corner mob (SE corner), needs to NOT be directly in the corner or they will be immediately stunned and the mob will be loose.  A loose Fist is basically a wipe as the stun will pretty much screw the tanks/healers in the rest of the room.  Stun corner needs to stand a bit away from the corner, but still pick up the mob quickly.

Here is the stun info, and you can see how detrimental it truly is at 5s stun with an 87k dd attached:

[42994] Hate's Furies
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 200'
Resist: Magic
Focusable: No
Reflectable: No
Casting: 0s, Recast: 7.8s
1: Stun for 5s
2: Dispel (9)
3: Decrease Current HP by 87555
Text: A wave of fury crashes over you.

All of the Fist mobs can be stunned - this is very important.  They hit for 32k+, the tank that is on them as well as the rest of the raid benefits from not having these mobs wrecking anyone.  Each corner will be assigned an SK for aggro, and a paladin or enchanter or both as class availability allows.  Priority for locking in the corner in which is spawned is the Stun mob.  The others' DoTs and Debuffs can be cleared with cures.  The stun mob is important to lock up quickly.

Other debuffs from when the 4 Fists are up:
Drowning Dread:
[42993/3784] Drowning Dread
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 150'
Resist: Disease -100
Focusable: No
Reflectable: No
Casting: 0s, Recast: 34s
Duration: 48s (8 ticks), Dispelable: No
1: Decrease Melee Haste by 35%
2: Increase Disease Counter by 27
3: Decrease Current HP by 43555 per tick
Text: You gasp for breath and feel as though you are underwater.

Weeping Ether:
[42995] Weeping Ether
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 150'
Resist: Poison -200
Focusable: No
Reflectable: No
Casting: 0s, Recast: 32s
Duration: 48s (8 ticks), Dispelable: No
1: Decrease Current Mana by 12555 per tick
2: Increase Poison Counter by 27
Text: You feel the magic drain from your body.
Drains mana from the target.

Yearning of the Sea:
[42992] Yearning of the Sea
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 200'
Resist: Cold -1000
Focusable: No
Reflectable: Yes
Casting: 0s, Recast: 38s
Duration: 48s (8 ticks), Dispelable: No
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 70%
2: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
3: Increase Curse Counter by 27
Text: The sound of waves distracts you.

Attached is a map picture of the room with the position to tank the boss in and the add spawns from 75%.  Boss is tanked center of the West wall, near the door.

When we reach the 40% mark, Call the mist and auras are ignored and full burn should happen. 

The blade adds start somewhere around 35% (couldn't lock down when), but everyone should be over on the west side of the room at this point and rangers, druids, shaman, chanters, and anyone with a root/kick should be putting those blades on the east side of the room parked until the boss is burned down.  These appear to come in sets of 8 on a timer after a certain point.

The Blade adds charm the person they are hitting.  They have to land a hit for the charm to proc - so if you have fort, flash, deflect, other that will keep you from getting charmed, use it. Blade adds can be kited, rooted, presumably snared.  So there again is no reason for you to get charmed/hit.

The faster we burn the boss, the less of the adds we'll have.  On our win last week we had one set, but if we take too long, we'll end up with 2 sets or more.

Additional items that couldn't be locked down as to timing - there is another debuff that is in play towards the end call Crush of the Kraken.  It is a root/silence.  Tanks be aware of this and plan accordingly to not receive heals.

-- End of Gimamam's post --


- Recent patch Wednesday, March 23, 2016 addressed various event bugs.  Hopefully this will make the event more enjoyable.
- Captain Krasnok aggros upon clicking through door into event area.
- Captain Krasnok (s.ref Sweeping Scimitar [76k AE DD 150' range]) ...
- 75% minis: Fist of Krasnok (s.ref Drowning Dread), ...
- 30%+/interval adds called: Blade of Hate

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

GINA File: 17th-anni-hates-fury-raid.gtp (added 01-04-2016, 7:55pm)


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).
« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:57:16 PM by Furro »


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Re: 17th Anniversary Raid - Hate's Fury - Captain Krasnok
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2016, 04:18:20 PM »
Here's the Triggers I made for this, aura is every 2m

The Mist is % based apparently, I'm guessing every 10% but would have to watch closer next time. He should also no longer insta aggro on click up after the last patch


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Re: 17th Anniversary Raid - Hate's Fury - Captain Krasnok
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2016, 11:32:11 PM »
On the EQ forums for the anniv raid is a very nice post that has a link to the guild site of the guy posting that explains how they understand the raid working. They will test it further Sat 26 Mar 2016 but if Furro wants to read it and decide what info he would like to test against it is there...very detailed write up BTW.

Post #209 as of this writing:

The link to the guild site:

I posted what we know about the raid including a gina package at:


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Re: 17th Anniversary Raid - Hate's Fury - Captain Krasnok
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2016, 09:45:26 PM »
This is NOT a burn fight. we need to control our DPS to control when we get the Mist debuff while we have the Auras up that will block it.  So listen to MA calls and dps accordingly. 

burns will likely happen at add spawn times. - follow MA/Minisca on when these will happen.

mist debuff reported to happen at 95, 80, 65, 50, 35, 20, and 5 percents on the boss, while the auras to block them are spawning every 2 minutes static. auras have a limit on people that can be in them - plan accordingly to not blow up an aura with too many people.

4 fist of krasnok adds spawn at 75%.  these reportedly are stunnable.  we will have paladins/chanters + other tanks assigned to these for control.

the blades spawn somewhere in the lower end of his health (30 ish?), they charm their target they hit.  Tanks can use ae abilities coupled with flash/deflection/fort to keep them from hitting you to avoid the charm.  alternatively - rangers/druids/chanters/shaman be ready to punt/root these.  these will continue to spawn at an interval, so the faster we get boss down after the fists, the less of these we will likely see.

expect to move with mobs/to mobs to kill, follow MA calls and we can get this down without the cheese.

if you do not at this time have a trigger that fires a notice to you when MA calls 'Stop DPS', i suggest you make one, as we will be using this a lot to help control the dps.


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Re: 17th Anniversary Raid - Hate's Fury - Captain Krasnok
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2016, 05:31:51 PM »
Gratz on the win folks.

This fight is most definitely about dps control.

Call the Mist debuff happens at 95% and then every 15% after.  So slow DPS down to 96, wait till auras about to pop and bring him down to 95 to spawn the debuff. get in auras and avoid it/strip it off.  Once the Captain starts casting Call the Mist, he casts it 4 times, and then it is safe to get out of the auras.

Call the Mist: 95, 80, 65, 50, 35, 20, 5

The purple auras on the floor spawn every 2 minutes from the moment you aggro him.

DO NOT OVER DPS and cause Call the Mist before auras pop, or its basically going to wipe us because healers will not have any mana.  Pay attention to MA assist/back off calls.

He has an AE called Sweeping Scimitar on a timer - if you do not want to take the extra damage, there is a timer in trigs to warn you on incoming so you can back away.

[48234] Sweeping Scimitar
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 150'
Resist: Unresistable
Focusable: Yes
Reflectable: No
Casting: 0s
1: Decrease Current HP by 76555

Fists of Krasnok spawn x4 at 75% on his health.  The adds themselves do not cast any debuffs, but the 'room' does. (at least when you look at and run the previous iteration of this raid in the original zone).  The Fists do not have cast messages. The debuffs cast immediately on their spawn. The tank on the 'stun' corner mob (SE corner), needs to NOT be directly in the corner or they will be immediately stunned and the mob will be loose.  A loose Fist is basically a wipe as the stun will pretty much screw the tanks/healers in the rest of the room.  Stun corner needs to stand a bit away from the corner, but still pick up the mob quickly.

Here is the stun info, and you can see how detrimental it truly is at 5s stun with an 87k dd attached:

[42994] Hate's Furies
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 200'
Resist: Magic
Focusable: No
Reflectable: No
Casting: 0s, Recast: 7.8s
1: Stun for 5s
2: Dispel (9)
3: Decrease Current HP by 87555
Text: A wave of fury crashes over you.

All of the Fist mobs can be stunned - this is very important.  They hit for 32k+, the tank that is on them as well as the rest of the raid benefits from not having these mobs wrecking anyone.  Each corner will be assigned an SK for aggro, and a paladin or enchanter or both as class availability allows.  Priority for locking in the corner in which is spawned is the Stun mob.  The others' DoTs and Debuffs can be cleared with cures.  The stun mob is important to lock up quickly.

Other debuffs from when the 4 Fists are up:
Drowning Dread:
[42993/3784] Drowning Dread
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 150'
Resist: Disease -100
Focusable: No
Reflectable: No
Casting: 0s, Recast: 34s
Duration: 48s (8 ticks), Dispelable: No
1: Decrease Melee Haste by 35%
2: Increase Disease Counter by 27
3: Decrease Current HP by 43555 per tick
Text: You gasp for breath and feel as though you are underwater.

Weeping Ether:
[42995] Weeping Ether
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 150'
Resist: Poison -200
Focusable: No
Reflectable: No
Casting: 0s, Recast: 32s
Duration: 48s (8 ticks), Dispelable: No
1: Decrease Current Mana by 12555 per tick
2: Increase Poison Counter by 27
Text: You feel the magic drain from your body.
Drains mana from the target.

Yearning of the Sea:
[42992] Yearning of the Sea
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 200'
Resist: Cold -1000
Focusable: No
Reflectable: Yes
Casting: 0s, Recast: 38s
Duration: 48s (8 ticks), Dispelable: No
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 70%
2: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
3: Increase Curse Counter by 27
Text: The sound of waves distracts you.

Attached is a map picture of the room with the position to tank the boss in and the add spawns from 75%.  Boss is tanked center of the West wall, near the door.

When we reach the 40% mark, Call the mist and auras are ignored and full burn should happen. 

The blade adds start somewhere around 35% (couldn't lock down when), but everyone should be over on the west side of the room at this point and rangers, druids, shaman, chanters, and anyone with a root/kick should be putting those blades on the east side of the room parked until the boss is burned down.  These appear to come in sets of 8 on a timer after a certain point.

The Blade adds charm the person they are hitting.  They have to land a hit for the charm to proc - so if you have fort, flash, deflect, other that will keep you from getting charmed, use it. Blade adds can be kited, rooted, presumably snared.  So there again is no reason for you to get charmed/hit.

The faster we burn the boss, the less of the adds we'll have.  On our win last week we had one set, but if we take too long, we'll end up with 2 sets or more.

Additional items that couldn't be locked down as to timing - there is another debuff that is in play towards the end call Crush of the Kraken.  It is a root/silence.  Tanks be aware of this and plan accordingly to not receive heals.

[48235] Crush of the Kraken
Target: Single
Range: 1000'
Resist: Unresistable
Focusable: No
Reflectable: No
Casting: 0s
Duration: 12s (2 ticks), Dispelable: No
1: Root
2: Inhibit Spell Casting

Feel free to look up the event from the original zone - this one is very similar to it, albeit on steroids.

Attached: map and Gina triggers.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 05:36:24 PM by Gimamam »


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Re: 17th Anniversary Raid - Hate's Fury - Captain Krasnok
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2017, 01:32:20 AM »

Everyone refresh their memory on this event.  Read the original strategy post, especially the section where I've included Gimamam's writeup, as he outlines it well and he did the % co-ordination calls last year on it.