Author Topic: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - Anashti Sul  (Read 22165 times)


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - Anashti Sul
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2016, 01:46:36 AM »
Continuing the updated strat and achievement goal posts - here we are at Anashti Sul - Enslaver of Souls

This is long overdue for this event:

This fight is a fustercluck of activity! This is a multi mob, add wave, AE heavy deathfest!

This fight is split into multiple stages with new abilities along the way. Cliffnotes version:
First Stage: 100%-70%. Boss will summon waves of 8 adds. Boss will summon crystals to heal her and explode on us if we don't kill them.  Boss will put a defensive proc on herself that will cause large amounts of healing from melee attacks.
Second Stage: 70%-45%. Boss will turn into the damsel of decay version - no more corruption/disease spells. Boss will stop summoning adds. Boss will stop summoning healing crystals. Boss will start casting Mortal Decay. Boss will start casting Poison Blast.
Third Stage: 45%-0%. Boss will turn into Enslaver of Souls at 45%. Boss will summon three mini named with their own shit abilities. When mini's are dead or combined, starts casting Aura of Pain doom effect. Boss starts casting Rotting Flesh.

Event is timed, we should not exceed 25 minutes:
[Thu Aug 04 17:43:21 2016] Anashti Sul shouts, 'Can you feel it? You are already declining, dying, and within 24 minutes you will be MINE!'

Spells in play: - Wave of Life (no crystals) - Wave of Life (one crystal) - Wave of Life (two crystals) - Wave of Life (three crystals) - Splash of Purification - Mark of Sul - Guard of Sul - Benevolence of Sul - Healing Light - Mortal Decay - Protective Aura - Poison Blast - Aura Doom (Aura of Pain) - Explosion of Pain - Rotting Flesh - Ocean's Cleansing

Minis: - Blessing of Decay - Ravaging Wounds - Punishing Blow - Chilling Stare - Horrifying Shriek

Expected Tanking Position:

Black star is the platform in the middle. She should be tanked here for Stage 1 and Stage 2.  Blue circles are the aura pools - North, East, West. Red Diamond is where she should be tanked after unrooted at 45%. If the enraged golem is spawned, both her and it need to be in the red diamond area.

All toons - after 45% should be stacked under the mob(s) that are up for splash curing of the Rotting Flesh DoT. The only time you need to not be in this pile is when you have Aura of Pain and are supposed to run away for the short duration of that debuff.

The fight:
Hail her to start the fight, no ramp tank needed. From 100%-70% full burn should be done to limit the amount of adds that are dealt with, limit the amount of healing crystals that spawn, and to limit the amount of times she can cast Mark of Sul. AE abilities should be used to hit her and the adds. All mobs should be tanked on the platform in the center.

At 70% she will switch to Damsel of Decay, and burns should continue. She will start casting Poison Blast and Mortal Decay. When emoted on Poison Blast - get near the pile of toons, the damage gets split. When Mortal Decay is emoted - you have 10s to find the Aura in one of the three pools and get into it. This is preventative to keep the Mortal Decay DoT from landing on you, it will not remove it if you already are afflicted. This is for ALL toons, all 54 should get in the pool. No one pee in the deep end.  Tanks - She will become rooted in the center and memblur - cast a hate over time on her before getting in the pool or pick her up asap when the all clear goes off.  Any adds that are still up when Mortal Decay starts should be dragged with you to the Aura.  She needs to be returned to the center platform to spawn the Aura that protects against Mortal Decay.

At 45% she will warp to center, become Enslaver of Souls, become rooted, and 3 minis will spawn. MTO - keep aggro on her, but there is no need to stand and get beaten as she is rooted and will not summon during this time. The three minis will be pulled to their respective pools (marked above) to be killed. When the minis are dead, AS,EoS will unroot and can be moved to the diamond location for final killing.  Everyone should be gathered nearby to get cured of the Rotting Flesh DoT. If emoted for Aura of Pain, you need to run either to the far north or the far south in the room to get away from other people, so when you explode, you will not kill everyone.

Log of fight:
Beginning of event text:
[Thu Aug 04 17:42:22 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life shouts 'Why have you been so cruel, coming to me with [malicious intent]? Have I not been the most benevolent benefactor? The lifegiver? Am I not more deserving of your affection than the Prime Healer himself?'
[Thu Aug 04 17:42:24 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life shouts 'You bring [pain and death]. I bring life everlasting. You misunderstand what gifts I have to offer your world.'
[Thu Aug 04 17:42:25 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life shouts 'If I must defend myself, I will, but I cannot comprehend this unwarranted aggression towards me.'

After 6s, the first wave of adds spawn:
[Thu Aug 04 17:42:31 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life calls upon her devoted followers to defend her!

And then every 1m 30s after while still above 70%:
[Thu Aug 04 17:44:02 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay calls upon her devoted followers to defend her!

You can see in the above that we hit 70%, turned her to Damsel of Decay right as the adds were due to spawn - this means we need to kill her faster next time.

Also while she is Lady of life, we have A Shard of Health crystals to deal with. These spawn 3 at a time at the pools in the North, East, and West.  They cast Healing Light repeatedly while alive.  After 30s, AS,LoL will cast Wave of Life. The power of this spell depends on how many crystals are still up. At 0 crystals, the AE from Wave of Life isn't too bad to splash heal through. At 3 crystals up, expect a mostly raid wide wipe:
[Thu Aug 04 17:42:58 2016] a Shard of Health begins to cast a spell. <Healing Light>
[Thu Aug 04 17:42:58 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life is lightly healed by pure energy.
[Thu Aug 04 17:42:58 2016] a Shard of Health begins to cast a spell. <Healing Light>
[Thu Aug 04 17:42:58 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life is lightly healed by pure energy.
[Thu Aug 04 17:42:58 2016] a Shard of Health begins to cast a spell. <Healing Light>
[Thu Aug 04 17:42:58 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life is lightly healed by pure energy.

[Thu Aug 04 17:43:26 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life begins to cast a spell. <Wave of Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:44:31 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay begins to cast a spell. <Wave of Life>

To illustrate the varying power of the Wave of Life spell:
[Thu Apr 21 19:12:49 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life begins to cast a spell. <Wave of Life>
[Thu Apr 21 19:12:49 2016] A blast of energy throws you backwards!  You have taken 179822 points of damage.
[Thu Apr 21 19:12:49 2016] Anashti Sul is greatly restored by the shards of pure health!

[Fri Apr 15 18:53:30 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life begins to cast a spell. <Wave of Life>
[Fri Apr 15 18:53:30 2016] A blast of energy throws you backwards!  You have taken 134787 points of damage.
[Fri Apr 15 18:53:30 2016] Anashti Sul is moderately restored by the shards of pure health!

[Thu Apr 21 19:11:44 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life begins to cast a spell. <Wave of Life>
[Thu Apr 21 19:11:44 2016] A blast of energy throws you backwards!  You have taken 70258 points of damage.
[Thu Apr 21 19:11:44 2016] Anashti Sul is lightly restored by the shards of pure health!

The Shards of Health need to be killed ASAP to prevent the AE, and to prevent them from healing her - each cast of the Healing Light by them on her is a 4250000 heal.

While all that is going on, we also have to deal with her casting Mark of Sul on herself.  This ability puts a defensive proc on her that will react to melee hits.  Every proc will heal her for 2575500.  This spell procs A LOT.  It is important to use a beneficial dispel to remove it.  This spell is cast every 35s and needs to be removed.  With all the melee, tanks, pets, and swarm pets - this can negate the entire burn if not removed:

[Thu Aug 04 17:42:58 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life begins to cast a spell. <Mark of Sul>
[Thu Aug 04 17:42:58 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life is healed by enemy attacks.
[Thu Aug 04 17:43:33 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life begins to cast a spell. <Mark of Sul>
[Thu Aug 04 17:43:33 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life is healed by enemy attacks.

To throw one more ability into the mix before 70% - she will also cast Splash of Purification on herself approx. every 35s. This seems to strip some debuffs off her and also heals for a large amount:

[Thu Aug 04 17:42:57 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life begins to cast a spell. <Splash of Purification>
[Thu Aug 04 17:43:31 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life begins to cast a spell. <Splash of Purification>

At 70% she emotes, and turns from Lady of Life to Damsel of Decay:
[Thu Aug 04 17:44:01 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life shouts 'Enough of this charade... You are not deserving of my charity or my compassion. No... Death and decay is all you deserve. And you shall have it! Come lay your weak and worthless flesh at my feet!'

At 70%, she stops summoning adds and begins new abilities.  No more corruption or disease spells should be cast at this point.  She starts emoting poison blast every 15s.  You have approximately 10s to get into the pile of people to disperse the damage:
[Thu Aug 04 17:44:06 2016] Sunlace has been targeted for poison blast!
[Thu Aug 04 17:44:21 2016] Cyprian has been targeted for poison blast!
[Thu Aug 04 17:44:36 2016] Mulila has been targeted for poison blast!
[Thu Aug 04 17:44:47 2016] You are hit by a Poison Blast for 13888 damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:44:51 2016] Minisca has been targeted for poison blast!
[Thu Aug 04 17:45:02 2016] You are hit by a Poison Blast for 9803 damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:45:06 2016] Mudkip has been targeted for poison blast!
[Thu Aug 04 17:45:21 2016] Cyprian has been targeted for poison blast!
[Thu Aug 04 17:45:36 2016] Celebairn has been targeted for poison blast!
[Thu Aug 04 17:45:52 2016] Aphie has been targeted for poison blast!
[Thu Aug 04 17:46:06 2016] Gimamam has been targeted for poison blast!
[Thu Aug 04 17:46:06 2016] You have been targeted for poison blast by Anashti Sul!
[Thu Aug 04 17:46:17 2016] You are hit by a Poison Blast for 15625 damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:46:21 2016] Landaru has been targeted for poison blast!
[Thu Aug 04 17:46:36 2016] Gimamam has been targeted for poison blast!
[Thu Aug 04 17:46:36 2016] You have been targeted for poison blast by Anashti Sul!
[Thu Aug 04 17:46:48 2016] You are hit by a Poison Blast for 18518 damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:46:51 2016] Pikell has been targeted for poison blast!
[Thu Aug 04 17:47:02 2016] You are hit by a Poison Blast for 14285 damage.

Also at 70%, she starts emoting for Mortal Decay. When this emote goes off, she will root in center, stop summoning briefly, and you will have 10s to get to the Protective Aura pool. She will emote this every 30s until 45%.  All toons including MTO need to get to the Aura.  This emote should be set to interrupt and set to make sure you know that you need to pay attention to it:
[Thu Aug 04 17:44:21 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay says 'Stand and watch in horror as I melt the flesh from your bones!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:44:51 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay says 'Stand and watch in horror as I melt the flesh from your bones!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:45:21 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay says 'Stand and watch in horror as I melt the flesh from your bones!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:45:52 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay says 'Stand and watch in horror as I melt the flesh from your bones!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:46:21 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay says 'Stand and watch in horror as I melt the flesh from your bones!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:46:51 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay says 'Stand and watch in horror as I melt the flesh from your bones!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:47:21 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay says 'Stand and watch in horror as I melt the flesh from your bones!'

You need to make your best effort to get into the correct pool on Mortal Decay emotes.  You need to have your particles adjusted to allow you to see the Aura, or you need to get into the pool with the pile of people in it. Neither should be hard to see at this point of your raiding career. 10s is an eternity to find that Aura and move to it. If you fail this emote, you are wasting healer attention off the tanks. This is a 5 minute high damage DoT and at that point, you are more of a drain to keep alive than to rez.

All toons should be shrunk for this event so that 54 people can fit into the kiddy pool. See this post if you are confused as to the requirements of shrink:

At 45% she warps to middle, becomes rooted, turns from Damsel of Decay to Enslaver of Souls, and summons 3 minis.  These mini's do not hit terribly hard, but have special abilities they use:
[Thu Aug 04 17:47:46 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay shouts 'Witness the true might of decay, disease, and death! EVERYthing dies, and I control what is dead. I will command EVERYTHING!'

The three minis are Brutal Aspect of Decay, Voracious Aspect of Disease, and Haunting Aspect of Death.  These minis should be tanked in their respective auras marked on the map above.  They also cast and have abilities below:

[Thu Aug 04 17:47:47 2016] Brutal Aspect of Decay begins to cast a spell. <Blessing of Decay>

[Thu May 05 19:26:24 2016] Blood flows from a massive slash in your side.
[Thu May 05 19:26:25 2016] You have taken 19111 damage from Ravaging Wounds by Voracious Aspect of Disease

[Thu Apr 21 19:41:00 2016] You are crushed by a massive fist!  You have taken 30929 points of damage.
[Thu Apr 21 19:42:21 2016] You resist the Punishing Blow spell!

[Sat Apr 16 18:46:04 2016] Haunting Aspect of Death begins to cast a spell. <Chilling Stare>

[Sat Apr 16 18:46:04 2016] You are frozen by a chilling stare.  You have taken 81427 points of damage.

[Thu Aug 04 17:48:22 2016] Voracious Aspect of Disease begins to cast a spell. <Horrifying Shriek>
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:22 2016] Your arms feel weak.

During this time from 45% to 0%, she will target 2 people every 25s and cast Aura of Pain on them. This 12s (server tick rounding could show up to 17s) debuff in your song window makes you the target of an AE called Explosion of Pain. This is high damage and you should leave the raid pile and move to the far north or the far south of the room away from other people. When the debuff is gone, you are safe to return.  The last attempt (8/4/16) only 34 people got the aura of pain emote - yet 294 people were hit with the AE. This means people were failing the move away emote pretty horrendously - PAY ATTENTION:
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:14 2016] Anashti Sul envelops Meepitt in an Aura of Pain!
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:14 2016] Anashti Sul envelops Tirranun in an Aura of Pain!
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:39 2016] An aura of pain envelops you.
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:39 2016] Anashti Sul envelops Othen in an Aura of Pain!
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:39 2016] Anashti Sul envelops Gimamam in an Aura of Pain!
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:39 2016] Anashti Sul envelops YOU in an Aura of Pain!

Timer up, AE being cast:
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:28 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Explosion of Pain>
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:30 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Explosion of Pain>
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:55 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Explosion of Pain>
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:55 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Explosion of Pain>

AE hitting people:
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:55 2016] Minasu explodes.
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:55 2016] Syco explodes.
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:55 2016] Pain explodes from your body.  You have taken 80305 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:50:31 2016] Denriel explodes.
[Thu Aug 04 17:50:31 2016] Xdezilx explodes.
[Thu Aug 04 17:50:31 2016] Nintap explodes.
[Thu Aug 04 17:51:46 2016] Overeasy explodes.
[Thu Aug 04 17:51:46 2016] Meepitt explodes.
[Thu Aug 04 17:51:46 2016] Denriel explodes.

Also from 45% to 0%, she will be casting Rotting Flesh every 45s.  This is the reason we need to be bunched up under her - so the paladins can splash this off:
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:21 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Rotting Flesh>
[Thu Aug 04 17:49:06 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Rotting Flesh>
[Thu Aug 04 17:49:51 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Rotting Flesh>
[Thu Aug 04 17:50:36 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Rotting Flesh>
[Thu Aug 04 17:51:21 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Rotting Flesh>
[Thu Aug 04 17:52:06 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Rotting Flesh>
[Thu Aug 04 17:52:51 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Rotting Flesh>
[Thu Aug 04 17:54:21 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Rotting Flesh>
[Thu Aug 04 17:55:06 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls begins to cast a spell. <Rotting Flesh>

[Thu Aug 04 17:48:35 2016] Blaqheart has taken 37261 damage from Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls by Rotting Flesh.
[Thu Aug 04 17:48:37 2016] You have taken 33761 damage from Rotting Flesh by Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls
[Thu Aug 04 17:50:37 2016] Pikell has taken 37261 damage from Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls by Rotting Flesh.
[Thu Aug 04 17:50:37 2016] Endotron has taken 37261 damage from Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls by Rotting Flesh.

After the minis are dead or combined...:
[Thu Aug 04 17:50:50 2016] Haunting Aspect of Death has been slain by Oruatyrim!
[Thu Aug 04 17:50:51 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls shouts 'Impossible! I don't know how you have survived, but now you will die! I will finish this myself!'

[Thu May 05 19:55:00 2016] If you successfully complete the raid, you will earn the achievement "Golem is as Golem Does."
[Thu May 05 19:55:05 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls shouts 'Impossible! I don't know how you have survived, but now you will die! I will finish this myself!'

... she will be unrooted and can be moved to the red diamond for final killing.
[Thu Aug 04 17:55:16 2016] Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls has been slain by Nintap!

At points in the previous fights, that look like post wipes, there was another spell cast as well, but very infrequently seen on my logs:
[Thu Apr 14 19:56:14 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life begins to cast a spell. <Ocean's Cleansing>
[Fri Apr 15 18:11:44 2016] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life begins to cast a spell. <Ocean's Cleansing>
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 01:48:19 AM by Gimamam »


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - Anashti Sul
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2016, 02:00:34 AM »
Achievement posting for Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls.

Destruction of Purity - This is completed by killing all of the A Shard of Health mobs that spawn in the first 30% of the fight and not letting any explode.  This should be a goal every single time as the crystal ae sucks balls and the heals from them can negate our burns pretty badly.

Dance Dance Retribution - This is completed by having 0 people hit by the Mortal Decay DoT. This DoT is nasty - see the above post for spell link.  This one is also necessary to be doing every single time.  The DoT damage is 127150 per tick, and even at the lowest 35% dot shielding you should have at this level, that is roughly 82647 a tick.  That is going to be 4,132,350 damage over the course of the 5 min dot. You are basically wasting healer mana at that point.  To complete this achievement - get into the aura when the emote goes off, stay there until after she casts MD and you are good.  From the time the emote goes off until she casts MD is a 10s window - that is plenty of time to locate the aura and get into it.

Golem is as Golem Does - This is completed by having the three minis at 45% combine into one mob. This Enraged Guardian of Sul mob hits like a truck (about the same amount as AS does). This sounds easy, but normally when the minis are up, AS is rooted and causing no melee damage to the tanks.  When the Enraged Guardian is created, she becomes unrooted and two very hard hitting mobs are active and the ae's are still going off causing damage.

Goal - for the most part, the Dance Dance Retribution ach is the only outstanding at this time - fix your particles so you can see the aura or at the very least follow the herd to the aura.  There is not really a reason to be taking that much damage when it can be avoided.


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - Anashti Sul
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2016, 02:15:41 AM »
Question, during mini phase when Anashti is rooted, she attacks those whoever gets within melee range, correct?


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - Anashti Sul
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2016, 02:48:51 AM »
yes sir - she is still live, just not able to move. dots, dds, taunts, melee will land on her - pets will still attack, but as long as the mto holds aggro, she won't go apeshit on a dps when she is loose.

however, we are all following the MA as we are supposed to correct?....


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - Anashti Sul
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2016, 06:13:35 AM »
I was wondering if during this time if someone who is not at 100% agro steps up to Anashti while the MTO is backed away with full taunt, will she turn and smack down said person? That's how rooted mobs act usually, that's why I was asking. So I'll know to take the long way around here instead of running across the center of the room to get where I'm supposed to be.


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - Anashti Sul
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2016, 01:00:10 PM »
From watching her HoTT when she is rooted, she seems to keep the target of the tank taunting her. I know Zarake and OE have been at range on her and she still keeps them as target.

I'm pretty sure it does not follow standard 'root' rules for aggro, she will still taunt.  Similar to VZ/TZ in PoWar raid summon tanking - except she doesn't summon.

Will watch this week. and if we need a sacrificial lamb - I'll go sit on the floor under her.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 02:45:48 PM by Gimamam »


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - Anashti Sul
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2016, 03:05:30 PM » - Protective Aura

Emote when you enter aura: You are protected.
Short term buff goes in your song window - looks like a little shield.

If you wanted to make yourself a trigger that you are actually in the aura, so you don't fail - use the above emote to know when you have entered the aura.


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - Anashti Sul
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2016, 10:20:24 PM » - Protective Aura

Emote when you enter aura: You are protected.
Short term buff goes in your song window - looks like a little shield.

If you wanted to make yourself a trigger that you are actually in the aura, so you don't fail - use the above emote to know when you have entered the aura.

Until Furro makes a trigger related to this....this is what I have made...

Trigger text seems to be: ^You are protected[.]

« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 10:23:20 PM by Brenlaven »


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - Anashti Sul
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2017, 11:13:37 PM »
01-26-2017 - Trigger Change

The most recent game patch made some changes to log messages.  One of the changes affected the Mortal Decay emote causing it not to fire on our previous run last week.  Thanks Feroxide at the time for parsing his logs to identify it.

Everyone please delete your old trigger set before importing the updated package in the strategy post before attending our next raid.  Thanks.