Author Topic: EoK - Lceanium - T1 - Doorstep of War  (Read 10928 times)


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EoK - Lceanium - T1 - Doorstep of War
« on: November 17, 2016, 08:23:39 PM »
Lceanium - Doorstep of War

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Lceanium
NPC Name: Praetor Denik
NPC Location: middle area of city (CTRL-F)
Keyword to Enter:prepared

Flag & Key Requirements

Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul is not required for this event.

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Nothing required.

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

This event consists of defending the city from multiple waves of various types of adds.  Various AEs, emotes and other mechanics are in play.

There are three main named friendly NPCs: Tsaph Katta, Praetor Denik, Lcea Katta.  If Tsaph Katta dies, the event is reset.  Additional fodder NPCs which help defend the gateways are also friendly and help us, but need our help at times.

Breaking this event down in stages.

Event Start

Gorenaire attacks and has directional emotes.

At 94% it flies up, and the assault waves begin.


Main Raid:
  • Assist MA and react to directional emotes as triggers indicate.
  • Unless you're the main tank, avoid the front of Gorenaire, that way you avoid Gorenaire's Freezing Breath DD + Melee slow.

Gorenaire Main Tank: Face Gorenaire North please.

Stage 1 - Sarnak Add Waves

Sarnaks approach three gateways: East, North-East, North-West.

Each gateway has friendly NPC guards which attack active Sarnaks.  Among them are a magio type which keep the blue barrier shield up that prevents most adds from coming through.  Any adds affected by the barrier appear feigned death (FD).  If magio die, the barrier falls and all the built up FD adds at that gate rush in.

At various intervals breaches in the barrier occur with a clear emoted location, for example: Praetor Denik shouts, 'We need reinforcements at the northeastern breach!

When a breach emote occurs, a handful of adds approach the gate location emoted and pass directly through the barrier.  Friendly NPCs will attack the breaching sarnaks if in range, otherwise the breaching Sarnaks go straight for Tsaph Katta.

Note: Our friendly NPCs at the gates also appear to get bored and aggro the FD Sarnak adds which then causes them to attack.  So there are times when we need to save them by peeling these adds off as well to save our friendly NPCs.


Main Raid:
  • Assist MA to dispatch adds quickly.
  • AE damage is encouraged.
  • Stay close to the main raid to avoid ping-ponging adds.

  • Assigned puller tanks immediately intercept priority to breach barrier Sarnaks; if we're keeping pace on them, pull other adds that the NPCs are attacking and bring them to the raid located at Tsaph Katta.
  • Puller tanks will be paired up and assigned to each gate.  NE and NW gates are the furthest from the raid, therefore we need these tanks positioned nearby so that if/when those gates are emoted they are quickly able to react and bring the adds to the raid without delay or if our friendly NPCs need help, pick off those adds and bring to the raid.
  • Remaining tanks not assigned will pick up adds via ETW as pullers bring them in.

CC - Enchanters:
  • Your job is to co-ordinate an AE Stun rotation to lock the adds down as they reach the raid.
  • Please position close to the raid, and surround yourself with other players.  This way if the adds do slip through a tank, they're more likely to hit someone else, and not you.  It'll also allow you to keep your AE Stun centralized which is pretty critical to having good coverage.  If you're outside the main raid, the stun will not be as effective.
  • If you're interested in co-ordinating the AE Stun effort, please let me (Furro) know during prep.  Thanks.

Healers: Position along the south building on the ledge a few feet from the ground.  Keep Divine Alliance up on your group tanks.

Stage 2 - Giants, Griffin mounts & Sokokar Bombardier adds

At least three enraged giants spawn.  Giants cast Giant Stomp PBAE 120k DD + Stun + Knockback, 90' range.

An emote occurs when giants spawn, for example: Praetor Denik shouts, 'Heroes! We need you in the southeast. They have sent giants to climb our walls!'

The Griffin mounts and Sokokar Bombardier adds are handled by the griffin team lead by Dimbly.  Players are assigned and instructions in this area are given during prep.  Anyone not assigned, please leave the Griffin mounts be, thank-you.


Main Raid: Assist MA and dispatch each giant.

  • Tanks assigned to each Giant.
  • Giants come from the southeast.
  • Target hotkey: /tar an_enraged_giant00, 01, 02 -- where ## represents the number you are assigned.
  • Tanks position your giant # according to the map position markers (G00, G01, G02).

Main Assist: Focus on the first giant positioned East, then work North from there.  Refer to map for markers if needed.

Stage 3 - Flame Assaulter Adds

Several Flame assaulter adds spawn and rush in.  These adds have a shield which reflects spells (a mechanic/action removes it).

An emote occurs when flame assaulters first spawn: Denik shouts, 'Be ready, incoming enemy reinforcements! I don't like the look of those shields!'

Flame assauters cast Sarnak Bash 90k DD + Stun 6s (single-target).


For these adds, we're currently letting them attack Tsaph while pulling out a single add at a time and dispatching it.

Note: Removing flame assaulters shield buff

We've tried a few things to remove the shield.  Including a suggestion that we move the flame assaulter near a magio to remove the shield buff.  I haven't personally seen the buff drop when we've done this, so I can't confirm whether it worked.  Some feedback/reports on this would be great.

I have a feeling it's not the magio that remove the shield, but possibly the big blue ring that appears to randomly target NPCs.  The ring is targeting both friendly and enemy NPCs which are then hit by Gorenaire's Freezing Breath AE.  Perhaps moving the flame assaulter inside the ring removes the shield.  Anyway, it seems strange to have this ring appearing and for it to only hit NPCs.

Not to pigeon hole my theory above, but when we did move the flame assaulters to magio, if the shield dropped, was it really magio causing it or just a fluke that the ring was there as well...  Obviously I don't know, I didn't record the event and I wasn't watching closely enough at the time.  I do recall though, on one of our earlier attempts when flame assaulters were attacking Tsaph, the shield was down on one I targeted, but I don't know if it had just worn off or was removed somehow.

We also need to make a serious attempt at avoiding fire spells on flame assaulters and only use COLD.  If the shield is fire, and we use opposite (cold), it may break the shield.  This is a common mechanic we've seen in past events.  Watch for /rs instructions on this, as it's something we'll explore in an isolated run.

Main Raid: Assist MA and dispatch each flame assaulter when called upon.

Stage 4 - Gorenaire, Blizzards, Squalls, and Dreadfrost Drakes

At this point Gorenaire is forced to the ground by the griffin team and attacks the raid.

Blizzards & Squalls:
  • Spawn when Gorenaire emotes: Gorenaire's freezing breath coalesces into living things. Angry living things.
  • These adds cast Whiteout: Blind + Decrease Dodge, Block 30% + 25k DoT + Mana Drain (12s, 90' Caster PB).
Dreadfrost Drakes:
  • Spawn when Gorenaire emotes: Gorenaire calls for aid, and you immediately hear the beating of wings.
  • Drakes spawn from the west on the ground, then take flight to the air.
  • Mezzing a drake brings it back to the ground.
  • Drakes cast Chilling Drake Breath - Directional AE 50k DD + 24k DoT, but increases spell damage taken when player hit by Gorenaires frontal AE (Gorenaire's Freezing Breath).


Main Raid:
  • Assist MA when called upon to dispatch adds immediately.  The adds are the greater threat.
  • Avoid attacking Gorenaire when adds are up.  We need all our efforts on adds due to their AE.
  • When fighting Gorenaire react to directionals emotes as triggers indicate.

  • Adds - Each tank is assigned to an ETW add.
  • Boss MT - When adds spawn, move Gorenaire North away from main raid, this helps in two ways:
    • a) Raid less likely to get hit by Gorenaires directional AEs while we're dealing with adds.
    • b) Whiteout AE is cast by blizzard and squall adds, which reduces your ability to tank effectively.
Tanks, Gorenaire appears to ignore the most hated at times.  It was pretty chaotic when we reached Gore on Saturday, but it looks like it switches when the following emote occurs:

[Sat Nov 19 21:40:12 2016] Gorenaire grasps the one she hates the most in her teeth and tosses the pest away.
[Sat Nov 19 21:40:12 2016] Gorenaire begins to cast a spell. <Bite and Toss>

The next tank needs to be ready to react and step in.

Map with Gate Locations & Raid

Map file: lceanium_1.txt (includes regular zone quest NPCs etc).

Gate locations (in red): Three gate locations where Sarnak adds approach: East, North-East, North-West.

Giant Positioning - G00, G01, G02 markers (in brown):
  • Location where we want Tanks to position their giant.
  • These markers do not represent where giants spawn.  Giants spawn from the southeast.
  • Main Assist - Start killing the first giant at East location.
Note: Giant positions are 110'~ apart due to their 90' AE 100k+ DD.

Drakes (in blue): Drakes spawn location


Locations for map file - If you choose not to use the above lceanium_1.txt map, the locs below can be manually added to your map file:
Code: [Select]
P -217.8855, 296.4178, -64.6910,  240, 0, 0,  3,  EAST
P -457.4645, 271.6768, -64.7358,  0, 0, 240,  3,  RAID
P -972.9807, -153.3890, -62.8424,  240, 0, 0,  3,  North_East
P -1227.7670, -153.6447, -64.8594,  240, 0, 0,  3,  North_West
P -669.7009, 264.0729, -63.4101,  0, 0, 240,  3,  Drakes
P -318.3493, 287.5800, -64.8276,  127, 64, 0,  3,  G00
P -323.4134, 178.0298, -64.8067,  127, 64, 0,  3,  G01
P -327.4361, 68.2667, -64.6007,  127, 64, 0,  3,  G02

Explosives casting spells

This is just for reference.

There's an explosives NPC casting the spell: Incendiary Explosive - 75K Caster PB, AE range 100' with a knockback.

From my logs, I believe this is only happening during flame assaulters (stage 3).  It clearly doesn't hit everyone, and as you can see it doesn't have a big range.  It could just be extra damage for this stage to make things more interesting, or it could be something else.

Here's logs of just the explosives casting it and players being hit:
Code: [Select]
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] explosives begins to cast a spell. <Incendiary Explosive>
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Fluffy is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Gontik is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Idaran`s pet is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Ehlana`s pet is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Vulvana is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Bamkus`s pet is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Bamkus`s pet is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Bamkus`s pet is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Bamkus`s pet is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Zarake is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Brenlaven is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Rafiki is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Rulolin is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Arsenil is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Dimbly is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Minisca is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Bamkus is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Idaran is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Clawbar is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Savack is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Huevos is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Sylphan is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Dimerall is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] The explosive blast burns your skin.  You have taken 47700 points of damage.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:32 2016] Kissabooboo is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] explosives begins to cast a spell. <Incendiary Explosive>
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Vulvana is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Bamkus`s pet is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Bamkus`s pet is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Bamkus`s pet is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Bamkus`s pet is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Brenlaven is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Rulolin is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Dimbly is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Zannexx is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Savack is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Toransa is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Dimerall is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] The explosive blast burns your skin.  You have taken 47700 points of damage.
[Sat Nov 19 21:29:37 2016] Landaru is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] explosives begins to cast a spell. <Incendiary Explosive>
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Fluffy is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Gontik is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Bamkus`s pet is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Bamkus`s pet is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Endotron is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Leazer is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Vibtik is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Rafiki is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Arsenil is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Ehlana is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Bamkus is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Idaran is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Zannexx is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Sinnayr is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Curmugly is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Nintap is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Clawbar is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Savack is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Toransa is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] Minasu is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:24 2016] The explosive blast burns your skin.  You have taken 47700 points of damage.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:25 2016] Kissabooboo is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:54 2016] explosives begins to cast a spell. <Incendiary Explosive>
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:54 2016] Gontik is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:54 2016] Endotron is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:54 2016] Rafiki is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:54 2016] Ehlana is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:54 2016] Savack is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:54 2016] Huevos is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:54 2016] The explosive blast burns your skin.  You have taken 47700 points of damage.
[Sat Nov 19 21:30:54 2016] Whosyrdaddy is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:31:31 2016] explosives begins to cast a spell. <Incendiary Explosive>
[Sat Nov 19 21:31:31 2016] Bamkus is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:31:31 2016] Sinnayr is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:31:31 2016] Kaloha is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:31:31 2016] Gruesula is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:31:31 2016] Dimerall is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:31:35 2016] explosives begins to cast a spell. <Incendiary Explosive>
[Sat Nov 19 21:31:35 2016] Arsenil is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:31:35 2016] Ehlana is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:31:35 2016] Doramurx is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:31:35 2016] Gruesula is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:31:35 2016] Landaru is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:32:16 2016] explosives begins to cast a spell. <Incendiary Explosive>
[Sat Nov 19 21:32:16 2016] Evilash is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:32:16 2016] Poddo is enveloped in a blast of fire.
[Sat Nov 19 21:32:17 2016] The explosive blast burns your skin.  You have taken 23700 points of damage.

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone GINA File: eok-lceanium-doorstep-of-war-11-23-2016-1141am.gtp (updated 11-23-2016 (11:41am))

Gorenaire Main Tank - Additional Trigger:

Boss MT GINA File: eok-lceanium-doorstep-of-war-boss-main-tanks-11-23-2016-1141am.gtp (added 11-23-2016 (11:41am))

When boss ignores MT, this trigger should fire for the MT only (based on the Bite and Toss that hits the MT single-target).  The trigger action is text/voice saying "Gorenaire ignoring YOU".  It's up to the MT to tweak the trigger as they need.  Also, I'm not sure if the MT can snap aggro back (like how we did for Stem raid boss) or do we need to Tank Swap when this happens.

Everyone - Trigger set includes:
- Gorenaire directionals:
-- Left, Right are reversed in-game currently and the trigger has been adjusted to compensate, so players just react as trigger indicates.
-- Front and Tail directional triggers.
- Breach adds incoming with direction.
- Magio barrier repairers in trouble emote.
- Giants incoming (stage 2).
- Flame assaulters incoming (stage 3).
- Blizzard & Squall adds spawned (stage 4).
- Dreadfrost Drakes incoming (stage 4).

Boss MT - Trigger set includes:
- Gorenaire Main Tank - Gore ignoring most hated (The dragon's bites you and toss you aside)

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).
« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:57:02 PM by Furro »


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Re: EoK - Lceanium - T1 - Doorstep of War
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2016, 11:21:09 PM »
Sized up this event last night.  Had a sub-optimal setup with around 40 in attendance, but we had a look and were able to test a few things.  We have some further adjusts for our next run tonight (Friday), we'll cover them in-game.

I made up some triggers and included them in the strategy post.  Everyone please import and ensure they're toggled on before attending, thanks!

- Gorenaire direction AE emotes (left, right, back, front)
- Breach - Assault wave emote (extra adds from x direction) - One emote handles all three directions and will display accordingly.
- Magio Barrier Repairers in trouble - these guys die we lose the barrier, Tsaph warns when they are in trouble.

See you at raid!


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Re: EoK - Lceanium - T1 - Doorstep of War
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2016, 04:32:39 PM »
Strategy Post Updates

Updated the strategy post to reflect our experiences on this event to date and our current strategy.

Additional triggers added.

Please read over the strategy post and update to the most recent trigger package(s) as appropriate.


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Re: EoK - Lceanium - T1 - Doorstep of War
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2016, 05:48:52 AM »
Friday, November 25, 2016

Doorstep of War defeated!  Nice work everyone!

Strategy post will be updated before our next run.  There are a few tweaks we'd like to implement to smooth out some rough spots.  Overall, everyone was focused on the task at hand and it showed.  Thanks also to all those who were able to attend the day after Thanksgiving (in the US).

Next event is Droga, we'll see what's in store for us there.  Get your experience bar ready!


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Re: EoK - Lceanium - T1 - Doorstep of War
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2016, 12:03:54 AM »
Updated the map file for the location where Drakes spawn, stage 4.  I didn't update the screenshot of the map in the post though.


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Re: EoK - Lceanium - T1 - Doorstep of War
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2016, 08:26:20 PM »
12-10-2016 - Updated Strategy Post

Stage 2 - Giants, Griffin mounts & Sokokar Bombardier adds:

Updated sub-sections for Tanks and Main Assist, as it relates to Giant positioning details and kill order.

Stage 4 - Gorenaire, Blizzards, Squalls, and Dreadfrost Drakes:

Updated Dreadfrost Drakes section:

- Drakes spawn on the ground, then take flight to the air.
- Mez brings a drake back to the ground.

Map with Gate Locations & Raid:

Updated Map file, Locs and screenshot. 

- Added giant positioning markers (G00, G01, G02), for assigned tanks.
- Added marker description/details.
- Drakes marker included in screenshot now (loc/file updated previously, but not screenshot).


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Re: EoK - Lceanium - T1 - Doorstep of War
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2017, 04:02:28 AM »

It seems the last few runs the giants have been a problem and toons are dying that really shouldn't be...and the tanks have been working to smooth out the process.

We need everyone to follow the MA!
We need the MA to give the tanks the few seconds to pull the giants to the spots on the map in the strat post.
We need the giant tanks to target the assigned mob and pull it to the proper spot (again map in strat post).

Tonight (30 Mar 2017) we had a giant tank die (it happens) and another giant tank lose his mob when he got stunned.  Brenlaven had to pull his giant off other tanks THREE times AND move his giant because another giant was running free for a few seconds. The stunned tank should not lose the giant because the aggro simply does not switch while they are stunned...BUT if someone is over aggroing a stunned tank can do nothing about it until he is not stunned. Brenlaven is often stunned while tanking his assigned giant and the aggro never leaves him.

If you are a toon that is dpsing and you are pulling aggro early and/or often you need to look at yourself as much as the tanks.  Nuking or dotting a giant as it is being pulled to the spot to be tanked does NOT help the raid. You may top the dps parse but you are being selfish. If you pull aggro off the tank often (on any raid) we see that usually and work with those tanks to improve holding aggro but you can always send Furro or Minisca a tell about it so they can reach out to the tanks in channel to address the concern. But you can also consider how you can change what you do to lower your aggro while still working to maintain the high level of dps Furro wants across the raid.

The raid doesn't wipe because of the giants not going smooth but it is likely the DPS is lower at the end because some toons are still recovering from dying during giants.

Not losing toons to unnecessary situations is the goal so we can all get to the chests quicker to get that loot!!!

FDed and still waiting for the chest!