im not good at writing this kind of thing but i said i would try.
raid spells
1. sabhattin mending
2. kenk's feralgia----growl of the leopard
3. kromtus lance
4. kreig's bite
5. frozen miasma
6. visoracius maelstrom
7. dichotomic fury
8. kirchen's chill
9. glistenwing blood
10. salve of clorith
11. focus of okasi
12. shared merciless ferocity
kenk's feralgia does 2 things, it casts growl of the leopard and the swarm pets. use growl for the 1st 30% of enslaver then change to kenk's feralgia (cast this each time the swarm pets fade)
growl of the leopard should be on you and your pet none stop never let it fade (Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%)
use kromtus lance, kreig's bite, visoracius maelstrom, frozen miasma every time they are up.
use dichotomic fury every time its up
if you can spare the mana use kirchen's chill, glistenwing blood every time they fade.
keep the epic 2.0 clicky on your pet
spam ability
feral swipe
tempest claws (this is a frontal ae use at your own risk)
chameleon strike
bite of the asp
bestial evulsing (lasts longer then the time its down but dont hurt to spam it when its up)
ruaabri's fury
frenzied swipes
savage rancor
bestal bloodrage
spirit frenzy
third spire
reflexive rending
bestial alignment/group BA
attack of the warders
the burn i have listed is a click everything and burn if our other bst can post on how they extend the burns it might help for burn 1 and 2 insted of a short all out
pact of the wurine
30% accuracy boost, 5,000 mana, 5,000 hp, 100 mana regen
consume spirit
trades some hp for mana
focused paragon (if you have mana problems use on yourself none stop (dont let pesky rangers talk you out of your mana
mgb paragon
/1 inc paragon (thats my fl chan, if furro reads this id like to put this as /rsay )
/alt act 35
/pause 5
/alt act 128
enduring frenzy (chance to retore 3,000 endr on hiting the mob, lasts 1 min. 5 min refresh)
/1 bst endr mark on %t
/1 ooc bst endr mark on %t
/pause 5
/alt act 2068
i do not know if that /pause is needed but i have it there anyways