Author Topic: Beastlord guides  (Read 45148 times)


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Re: Beastlord guides
« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2023, 03:00:29 AM »
anyone got a good update for NOS.  and how often do people use alliance.  I know for a few classes its not worth casting is. 


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Re: Beastlord guides
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2024, 06:27:52 PM »
Bumkus notes 6/22/2024

So I spent some time organizing my Beastlord notes today.  Thx to Raccoo, Zu and all the other people I’ve been bugging for help lately.

Anyway, as I was putting these notes together, I figured I would post them here for others to see.  Hopefully there are some useful nuggets.

Big Personal Burn
/disc Kejaan's Vindication
--> Spam Cold or Poison DoTs while Vindication running during Big Burn
/alt act 127 (Frenzy of Spirit)
/alt act 1240 (Frenzied Swipes)
/alt act 241 (Bloodlust)
/alt act 245 (Bestial Alignment)
--> Savage rancor* on BA fade
--> Ferociousness on Savage rancor fade
--> Group BA on Ferociousness fade

I handle transitions to Savage Rancor, Ferociousness, Group BA through my triggers.

Don't do Nukes while Dicho/Ruuabri's running, unless Bard quicktime is running.  Time spent casting is time NOT spent swinging.  Instacast DoTs are OK.

Dicho chain while burning
Dicho-->Ruaabri's-->Dicho-->Forceful rejuv-->Dicho
--> Note that Ruuabri's overwrites and blocks Dicho/Eliptic Fury, so make sure Ruuabri's is down before clicking Dicho
--> This will give you a full 1 min 30 sec for Fury, which will cover entire Bestial Alignment duration

Glyph notes
Glyph and Intensity of the Resolute do NOT stack
Only Glyph AFTER Shm epic fades.  I note this in my ADPS Shm Epic trigger

You cannot have too much.  I’m guessing I will need close to 5K hDEX (between gear, trophies, tribute, power source, etc) before I reach 100% crit rate, and that is with Rangers doing Auspice, Shm doing Ancestral Aid, Circles of Power and whatever else gets thrown out there during raids.

No procs on pets during raids
/blockspell add pet 16287 16528 46212 65378 32376 63747 16525 6278 3290 64145 61421 16329 49719 49713 64105 63063 63033 11538 49278 61566

No proc weaps on pets
Pierce weaps on pets better when grouped with Rogues
Blunt weaps better when grouped with Shaman

Pet Burn
/alt act 981 (Attack of the Warder)
/alt act 443 (Bestial Bloodrage)
-->  Don't use Bestial Bloodrage if pet tanking, due to de-aggro component

Potions that don’t overwrite each other
Gorowyn Fortified Drink -- 1hr 20 min
Hedgewizard brew or Dragonmagic Focus or Spectral Focus or Spider Bite -- Various durations
Refined Mana Tonic -- 6 hr 30 min
Burning Salad (if no Bard in group) -- 12 min
Mana Infusion -- 1 hr

Venomous Conjunction
Use often if there is at least one other BST in raid, but DON’T put it in a spam key.  You don’t want to fire it on some trash mob that is going to die in 10 seconds anyway
Also, it takes 4 BST DoTs to fire Conjunction, so don’t cast it if there is only one other BST in raid and you don’t have enough mana to cast any DoTs yourself (another reason not to put it in a spam key)
Have a trigger to catch other BST Conjunction casts, so you don’t overwrite theirs.  If you see a Conjunction cast, then only cast after other BST’s Conjunction fires.  A trigger is included in the Gina files below

Focused Clamor of Claws vs. Barrage of Claws
I have 2 separate combat spam keys for raids like Ankexfen Keep, where we need to stop doing AE after last boss hits 50%
If AE is not an issue, always use Barrage.  Even against a single target, it does more damage than Focused Clamor of Claws

Combat Focused
/pet swarm
/disc Wallop Rk.II
/alt act 11080 (Chameleon Strike)
/disc Focused Clamor of Claws Rk. III
/alt act 1239 (Consumption of Spirit)

Combat Barrage
/pet swarm
/disc Wallop Rk. II
/alt act 11080 (Chameleon Strike)
/disc Barrage of Claws Rk. II
/alt act 1239 (Consumption of Spirit)

Since our last 2 Lance spells share a timer now, I only multibind 4 spell slots, which I cast in this order
Xxx Maelstrom
Xxx Bite
Frozen Creep
Ankexfen Lance
For my last DD slot, I generally mem our AE Hoarfrost Roar.  But I manually click this instead on including it my multiband

I did a big clean up on my triggers today.  Some of these are triggers I made, and some came from other BSTs that were nice enough to share


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Re: Beastlord guides
« Reply #32 on: June 23, 2024, 09:12:23 PM »

Autoactivate skills
Round Kick
Tiger Claw - Triggers Raven Claw attack debuff.  (I don't like using Eagle Strike, since it triggers a DoT and i don't like DoT'ing in an uncontrolled manner)

To Autoactivate, hold right click over Tiger Claw or Round Kick button and then select "auto activate"

And some cosmetic changes to BST Triggers.gtp 6/23/2023 4:02pm CST

Bestial Bloodrage
Changed trigger phrase from “<warder’s name> enters a bloodrage” to “You begin casting bestial bloodrage” so pet name is irrelevant
Also changed spelling of Audio Text to Speech so it sounds better

Venomous Alliance Fulfilled
Changed Display text to “BST Venomous resolved”, for consistency when they release the next version of Venomous “whatever”.

Deleted BST Fulmination triggers, since it is now covered by the Venomous Alliance fulfilled trigger

No changes to ADPS triggers.gtp


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Re: Beastlord guides
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2024, 11:26:34 AM »
I've been watching other BST Warder parses lately.  When blocking all procs on my Bear, i'm seeing other warders outparse him.  I going to do a little trial-and-error testing with what procs to block


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Re: Beastlord guides
« Reply #34 on: July 28, 2024, 06:21:37 PM »
please let us know if we need to update our Pet buffs!


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Re: Beastlord guides
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2024, 09:33:03 PM »
Here is what I'm trying for now.

Keeping these on Pet.
> Blackguard's Synergy Strike V
> Outrider's Synergy Strike V
> Unleashed Fury
> Kanghammer's Strike III

Also, casting Might of the Wild Spirit from 2.0 Spiritcaller Totem of the Feral.  It has a small proc, but also a double attack boost.

Definitely blocking SHM Eclyptic Roar on pet.  And not running any Pet/Pet Misc Buffs.  (I see other BST running Spirit of Shoru.  I'd be interested to hear their opinion on this.