Author Topic: UF - Pellucid Grotto - The Unburrowing  (Read 7659 times)


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UF - Pellucid Grotto - The Unburrowing
« on: January 12, 2011, 01:13:07 AM »
Pellucid Grotto - The Unburrowing
*[02/21/2011] NOTICE: This post has been modified to reflect amendments posted within this thread *

Zone & Instance Info
Zone: Pellucid Grotto

NPC Name: Kronk Kollus
NPC Location: Inside the magnite building in the west area.

Keyword to Enter: prepared

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Event Flag: None

Brief Event Overview

This event takes place in SIX stages, includes a boss and several mini-boss adds with friends.

Waves spawn at timed intervals, and consist of 6 - 8 mobs, mixed randomly of various types.

Throughout the event, non-confrontational cliknar messenger adds spawn one at a time and path towards Protarius Sithirhin.

Following the add waves, THREE Magrix mini-bosses and Mutabeetles spawn.

Eventually, the boss Protauris Sithirhin will go active and attack.  Protauris spawns adds at timed intervals.

Event Reset Causes:
  • Leash / Move an add beyond either gnome NPC near event area

  • Failure to AGRO any mob, and/or if any mob loses agro for any reason
Strategy Overview

Be aware:  This is an overview only.  Tank, CC, and Healer details are covered further down in the post.  Additional details given at prep during raid time.


Stay central to the raid.  Here's a few points why this matters, especially during the add waves:
  • Enchanters can do their stun/mez webs easier if the adds are close together.

  • More efficient for melee DPS.

  • Prevents delays for tanks when re-agroing errant adds by having them close at hand.

  • Less chance of event reset due to erratic pathing from player agro afar.

Everyone ASSIST MA on the ADULTS first, then the YOUNG.  DPS use a short disc each wave.  Casters don't hold back.

Enchanters - PBAE Stun adds in camp.  Young types are mezzable.

Bards - Watch for, and charm the cliknar messengers that spawn.


When Magrix & Mutabeetles come into play, continue to ASSIST MA when called on please.

Bards - Use your charm clicky you got from the messengers; against your mutabeetle, and have it attack MA's target, unless assigned a specific Magrix ahead of time.


When Protauris goes active, we'll either KITE or OT him, until we finish off the Magrix's and any beetles remaining.

Watch for MA calls please, as timed adds spawn while Protauris is being killed.

Any questions, please ask in the FLRaids channel.  Thanks!

Mobs & Time Details

  • Adds spawn on and behind the ant hills in the middle area

  • Young ones = Mezzable

  • Adult ones = Non-mezzable
Forcestrikers, Sandblights     0:00    
Exalts, Forcestrikers, Sandblights     2:15    
Exalts, Forcestrikers, Sandblights     4:35    
Chitinguards, Lifemenders     7:55    
Bladeguards, Shells     11:35    
Bladeguards     13:35    
Magrix & Mutabeetles     18:15    
Protauris Sithirhin     21:35    

Note: These are approximate spawn times based on player feedback/web sources.  Knowing the times allows for our Tanks/CC to be able to prepare for the next wave of adds and so forth.

Tanks - Paladins, Shadowknights, Warriors

Be aware: The wave adds are not weak hitters.  Please do not blindly AE agro and think you'll survive the onslaught, you won't.


Make sure you use level appropriate stuns on the adults.  Adult chitinguards are unstunnable.

The adds have a mix of AE's, including Blind, Melee/Spell slow, DoT's, and Roots.  Splash of Sanctification can remove many of these afflictions.

Constantly use splash to cure the DoTs during the Magrix stage.  For example: Magrix Leenax has a 2k DoT Mana Drain, Elidax a Melee 50% Slow, and Phelaux a 40% damage mod.

Patch heal yourself!  This helps reduce the burden on our healers, and increases your chances of survival.


As stated above, try not to AE agro on these waves without an active deflect/disc.

Lifetaps!  Use them!  This helps reduce the burden on our healers, provides extra DPS, and increases your chances of survival.


As stated above, try not to use your AE agro ability without an active melee invulnerability disc.

Bind wound is your friend.  Haha!  Just kidding!

Crowd Control - Bards, Rangers, Druids, Enchanters

Brief overview here, details/adjusts based on our setup are done on a per raid basis.


Setup a PBAE Stun web/chain at camp.

Mez the youngs.


At timed intervals during the event, 'a cliknar messenger' spawns in the northeast area and walks towards Protaurius Sithirhin.

When you see one, CHARM it, and it'll despawn, and a Blob of Mind Control Jelly will appear on your cursor.  This is a one shot clicky charm ALL/ALL item (duration 1.6 mins).

Use this Jelly later to charm the mutabeetles that spawn during the Magrix stage.  Use your new found pet against the Magrix's as assigned.

Healers - Cleric, Druid, Shaman

Expanding on some areas we cover in the healer channel during prep.


During the Magrix stage, Leenax casts Arcane Disjunction, a 2k DoT Mana Drain.  Fortunately it's only a few corruption counters to cure it.

Pattern: You have become engulfed
Action: Corruption Cure, or RC AA, or CLR Epic to remove.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2021, 01:00:10 AM by Furro »


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Re: UF - Pellucid Grotto - The Unburrowing
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2011, 02:05:53 AM »
We made good progress on this event over the past weekend.  Adjustments are in place for our next run.

Thanks everyone for attending, and those who provided feedback.  Hope to see everyone at our next attempt!

See you in game!


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Re: UF - Pellucid Grotto - The Unburrowing
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2011, 06:59:15 PM »

Strategy Overview

Be aware:  This is an overview only.  Tank, CC, and Healer details are covered further down in the post.  Additional details given at prep during raid time.


Everyone ASSIST MA on the ADULTS first, then the YOUNG.  DPS use a short disc each wave.  Casters don't hold back.

Rangers & Druids - Use Vinelash to root the adds on incoming.

Enchanters - PBAE Stun adds in camp.  Young types are mezzable.

Bards - Watch for, and charm the cliknar messengers that spawn.

Crowd Control - Bards, Rangers, Druids, Enchanters

Brief overview here, details/adjusts based on our setup are done on a per raid basis.


Use Vinelash Cascade to root the adds before they reach camp.


Setup a PBAE Stun web/chain at camp.

Mez the youngs.

Removed the highlighted areas above in RED.

Rangers & Druids: Do not use Vinelash anymore please.


-  Causes raid drift from base camp; when MA calls rooted targets by mistake/necessity.
-  Players inadvertently end up near rooted mobs while assisting MA, and leads to player death/unnecessary damage/resource drain.