Author Topic: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence  (Read 20975 times)


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TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« on: May 10, 2020, 02:55:38 AM »
Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Mearatas
NPC Name: Dreadblade Yiaga S`Lon
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: Greater Battle Writ of the Jann (Raid) achievement
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: N/A

Brief Event Overview

20 minute timed event.

Unfettered Emerald Excellence boss triggered by keyword to start event.

Mephit & Armor adds spawn and depending on type are weak to various abilities: Snare, Stun, Slow, Mez and Root

Boss temporarily roots itself in center area and goes INACTIVE during adds.

Big boulder with an aura spawns at player emoted locations.  Aura causes damage to players caught in it.

There is a range AE effect in play at certain times during event.  Players near center of event area take less AE damage than outer areas.

Random players hit with one of two effects with penalty for improper action.

Player death results in mephit add penalty.  Player returns with DT effect requiring cure.

At 84% - Mephit waves spawn and boss INACTIVE.  After FOUR mephit waves boss goes ACTIVE.

At 70% - All players get a protective mark buff.  Players must run to the correct hallway their mark is associated with or suffer a penalty (death).

At 68% - Armors spawn in random hallways and path towards boss.  If armor reaches boss it causes 375k AE and stun.

At 50% - Mephit waves spawn and boss INACTIVE.  After FOUR mephit waves boss goes ACTIVE.  Armors continue to spawn.

At 50% to 25% - Boss active, boulder spawns dramatically increase.  Armors continue to spawn and emote/cure mechanic in play.

At 25% - Waves of Mephits.

At 25% - Boss INACTIVE - Hallway Emotes - Sentinels Continue Spawning.

At 24% - Boss ACTIVE - Mephits and Sentinels continue to spawn until event completes. 

At 6% to 2%~ Sentinels appear to increase to two at a time when boss reaches lower HP range.




Adjust position to avoid boulders.  Run to hallway when emoted.

At 84% - KILL Mephits with BANE damage.

At 70% - Run to hallway emoted as indicated; to the red "Run To" marker and STOP.  Your trigger will emote whether success/failure and safe to return.

At 68% - DPS Armors to 90% for BANE damage to work.  Kill armors to stop them from reaching CENTER.

At 50% - KILL Mephits with BANE damage - BOSS mostly invulnerable for short time.  HALLWAY ARMORS continue to spawn - KEEP PACE. 

At 50% to 25% - FULL BURN on BOSS unless assigned to HALLWAY ARMORS or MEPHITS.

At 50% to 25% - Shifting boss around room

At 50% to 25% - MELEE DPS + BOSS:
  • Start at SOUTH location (ref diagram marker "Melee Boss 1", in-game map markers are abbreviated MB #)
  • MELEE DPS SHIFT counter-clockwise with boss when MT moves to x marked locations in diagram

At 50% to 25% - CASTERS & HEALERS:
  • Start SW location (ref diagram marker "Casters & Healers 1", in-game map markers are abbreviated CH #)
  • When MT SHIFTS BOSS - Casters/Healers move to your next location
  • If boulder spawns at your current location then SHIFT to next "Caster & Healer X" spot

Note: In-game map file with markers available in Map Locations section of post.

At 25% - Waves of Mephits:

Everyone who has the ability to do ANY BANE against a Mephit needs to do so!

Setup a /target hotkey for each mephit type you can BANE against and use the 2nd line in hotkey to cast your bane type spell.

Your SPELL DOES NOT HAVE TO LAND for the BANE to do massive damage.  It can be a low level spell and as long as it meets the BANE criteria it will work.

Check out the "Mephits & Armors Kill Team" section of this strategy post for BANE breakdowns and mephit names to setup your hotkeys.

It is absolutely critical that everyone that can BANE is doing so at the 25% stage.

At 25% - Boss inactive - Hallway Emotes - Sentinels Continue Spawning

AFTER returning from Hallway emote - MOVE TO SOUTH campfire - DO NOT GO TO MIDDLE (AE/Mana drain in effect still). 

Avoid crossing through middle also, go around the outside to reach raid.

Sentinels still have to be killed before they reach middle.

At 24% - Boss ACTIVE - Mephits and Sentinels continue to spawn until event completes. 

At 6% to 2%~ Sentinels appear to increase to two at a time when boss reaches lower HP range.

Diagram to illustrate our shifting around room from 50% to 25% Stage:

Note: The X locations are approximate only.



TWO effects happen during event.  Our triggers are SIMPLE.  Depending on effect the action is DO NOT CURE OR CURE.

Trigger tells you exactly what to do.

Poison Proliferation - ON YOU - DO NOT CURE

Spreading Stone - ON YOU - POISON CURE

You have 18 seconds to do the correct thing.

As you can see, when you have Poison Proliferation (PP for short), you DO NOTHING.

When you have Spreading Stone (SS for short), you POISON CURE.

For players who cannot SELF POISON CURE - We will hand out potions: Distillate of Immunization XVII.  Only ask for poison cure in group when your potion is on cooldown!

This is one of those raids where incorrect action taken when afflicted by an effect has a devastating impact for the entire raid.

When your trigger fires, READ / LISTEN to the message and act accordingly.


IF you cast POISON CURE with Poison Proliferation buff on, you cause AE DAMAGE to entire raid.

IF you are not POISON CURED to remove SPREADING STONE you are hit by DEATHTOUCH AND a mephit add spawns.

IF you DIE for any reason, when you return you automatically have Spreading Stone.  Your trigger fires normally when this happens to indicate POISON CURE.

Classes: Cleric, Paladin, Druid, Shaman

IF someone in group asks you for a POISON CURE because their potion is on cooldown, then perform the following steps:
  • Target YOURSELF and cast single target CURSE CURE: Eradicate Curse (in case you have PP buff)
  • Then TARGET PLAYER to cure and cast single target POISON CURE: Eradicate Poison

Classes: Ranger and Beastlord

This is here because our class setup in raids varies and having extra classes that can cast single target POISON CURE: Eradicate Poison can potentially be helpful.

Special steps to cure if you're playing a Ranger or Beastlord.

IF someone in group asks you for a POISON CURE because their potion is on cooldown, then perform the following steps:
  • IF YOU have Poison Proliferation buff - DO NOTHING - DO NOT CURE ANYONE
    • Seriously, if you have PP buff, STOP and do nothing -- You cannot help the person needing a cure!
  • WITHOUT Poison Proliferation buff - Then TARGET PLAYER to cure and cast single target POISON CURE: Eradicate Poison
* Note: Poison Proliferation can be seen TWO ways: GINA YELLOW OVERLAY displays when you have buff OR it'll be visible in your BARD WINDOW.

Mephits & Armors Kill Team:

Mephits and Armors are weak to the following spells/abilities outlined below. 

Make /tar hotkeys accordingly and hit hokey to /tar add and cast correct bane.  Combine cast/abilities in hotkey etc.

No need to wait for assist call on mephits and armors.

For armors, position yourself at entrance to hallway to spot when armor spawns, engage and DPS it to 90% then use bane against armor to kill it.

Review below and then go to "Classes - Banes & Tips" section and navigate to YOUR CLASS for details to optimize your banes and performance.

Mephit & Armor    Location    Weakness   /tar hotkey  Classes
ANIMATED   -    SNAREan_animated_mephit- Ranger, Cleric, Druid, Shaman, Shadowknight, Warrior, Necro, Rogue, Wizard
   SOUTH    SNAREan_animated_sentinel
BREEZE-    STUNa_breeze_mephit- Enchanter, Druid, Warrior, Berserker, Monk (any melee with stun ability)
NW    STUNa_breeze_sentinel
FLAME-    SLOWa_flame_mephit- Bard, Shaman, Enchanter, Beastlord
WEST    SLOWa_flame_sentinel
ROCK-    MEZa_rock_mephit- Bard, Enchanter
NE    MEZa_rock_sentinel
WAVE-    ROOTa_wave_mephit- Ranger, Cleric, Druid, Shaman, Shadowknight, Necro
EAST    ROOTa_wave_sentinel

Classes - Banes & Tips

Thanks to the contributors to date!  Navigate to YOUR CLASS for details.


Contributor: Szilent

Songs: DPS melody

(Aura of Margidor on)
Sathir's Insult
Aria of Margidor
War March of Radiwol
/melody goes 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 , the Insult just skips if it's not ready to be sung

Bard Banes

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Selo's Assonant Strain  54   AE  -Spell menu: Utility Detrimental > Slow, also Utility Detrimental > Snare
         Largo's Assonant Binding  51   ST  - 
BREEZESTUN  Denon's Bereavement  59   AE  -Spell menu: Damage over Time > Poison
FLAME SLOW  Selo's Assonant Strain 54   AE  -Spell menu: Utility Detrimental > Slow, also Utility Detrimental > Snare
        Largo's Assonant Binding  51  ST  - 
ROCKMEZ  Wave of Somnolence  110   AE  -Spell menu: Utility Detrimental > Enthrall
      Wave of Sleep  115 AE  -Spell menu: Utility Detrimental > Enthrall
      Slumber of Zburator  114  ST  -- Unlike ENCs, high & low lvl songs have same "cast time" and cost same (nothing),
so may as well use the one that can save the tanks a melee round
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --

Bard Event Tips:

During mephit intervals (85%, 50%, 25%) I do not plainly melody this whole mess together, that would be terribly slow & inefficient. I also don't just sing one song, that also would be slow & inefficient since a constantly-played song will only refresh each tick. A "trick" is available to bards in that single-target songs will be skipped in /melody if there is no target, so the technique nearly all the time mephits are up is to /melody just the best AE song (Selo's, double Bane types!) along with some single-target song while targeting nothing: the good AE repeats as fast as possible. My choice has been to /melody Selo's with single target mez since the AE isn't already hitting mez banes; I target a rock mephit if one is up alongside just one of the Animated/Flames. If there are no Animated or Flame mephits up, and there are Breeze mephits, then I swap to the same sort of 2-song melody but with Denon's instead. This case is unusual as enc & pal & wiz are so much better at stun baning. Ditto AE mez; due to bard AE mez songs having a substantial reuse timer, it is rare that mez baning is a stronger contribution than AE snareslowing.

During boss phases, if there's a mephit due to someone dying out of turn, I make sure Aria & War March are staying on the group. Maintaining dps (increasing it if we can) will be crucial to our eventual win. It's not been a problem to solo bane a solo mephit to death before the key ADPS songs need to be re-sung.


Contributor: Szilent, Furro, extrapolated spell lineup from Skattle's casts

Spell Lineup:

Bethun's Mending
Bloodmaw's Bite
Dissident Fury
Endaroky's Chill
Frostbite Lance
Frozen Malignance
Growl of the Lioness
Ikatiar's Blood
Neemzaq's Endemic
Restless Lance
Vkjen's Maelstrom

Note: Adjust accordingly for banes.  Dicho reminder.

Beastlord Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  Sha's Reprisal 70   ST  -- Can use this spell and the AA version in hotkey
- Refer to hotkey example below in tips area
  Sha's Reprisal -   ST  1269- AA
  Sha's Legacy 87   ST  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --

Beastlord Event Tips:

Sentinels will be Raid Marked and show up in your ETW providing you set it properly.  Select a slot on your ETW and right click for context menu.  Then select "Raid Mark Target 1".  Do the same for another ETW slot and mark as 2.

Sick your pet on Sentinels when they appear on ETW.  This helps bring Sentinel HP to 90% to allow player banes will work.

Bst, like ber/rog, focus on boss dps in Mearatas. The countdown to enrage timer is the key mechanic to be battling against. Use discs early & often. Consult bst forum for good guides, maybe.

Beastlords bane with

/tar a_flame_mephit0
/cast # (Sha's Reprisal spell lv87)
/cast # (Sha's Legacy spell lv70)
/alt activate 1269 (Sha's Reprisal AA)

those two spell gems do not interfere at all with core dps spell line up of:

Dichotomic Fury (1/minute while engaged with the boss or you're letting the team down! Rejuv to get it twice in some burn!)
Frozen Malignance
Vkjen's Maelstrom
Endaroky's Chill
Ikatiar's Blood
Neemzaq's Endemic
Growl of the Lioness

Beastlords must either be super careful with, or completely eschew, the very good pet heal Salve line. It is a poison cure and will trigger Poison Proliferation if the beastlord is cursed.

The bad any-target Mending heal is safe, just not… good. As always.


Spell Lineup: WIP

Berserker Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  Battle Leap  -   ST  611-
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Binding Axe VI  -  ST  642-


Contributor: Mirytauro (Oruatyrim)

Spell Lineup: WIP

Monk Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Sweeping Kick  -   -  -- Melee combat ability enhanced with AA.
BREEZESTUN  Stunning Kick  -   ST  -- Skill
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --


Contributor: Szilent, Furro, extrapolated banes from Ranger spell casts (Keloden, Kevsaiyan and Rulolin possibly, forget atm)

Spell Lineup:

Marked Shots
Dissident Fusillade
Focused Blizzard of Arrows
Summer's Sleet
Ice Burrower Swarm

Ranger Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Tangling Weeds  5   ST  --
       Entrap IV  -   ST  219-
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Earthen Roots  63  -  ST-
  Grasp of Sylvan Spirits  -  ST  584-
  Vinelash Assault  98  F.AE  -- Frontal AE
  Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)

/tar a_wave_mephit0
/cast # (Earthen Roots lv63)
/alt act 584 (Grasp of Sylvan Spirits)
/useitem Ring of Immobilization

Vinelashes is very fine, especially against multiples, but can be hard to aim on the slopes of our fighting arena, especially as we're dodging boulders. A bane key with faster reuse single target spell+AA is much more reliable. Ambitious rangers will maybe show their quality by employing 'lash & the hotkey both?

/tar an_animated_mephit0
/cast # (Tangling Weeds lv5)
/alt activate 219 (Entrap)

Above two spells, one for each hotbutton, leave tonnnns of room for the ranger dps spells:

Marked Shots
Dissident Fussilade
Focused Blizzard of Arrows
Summer's Sleet
Ice Burrower Swarm

Rangers need to take special care with their Balm cure spell. Though it is their only way to cure Curse, it also cures Poison so it is NOT SAFE to cast for clearing Poison Proliferation, only for clearing Spreading Stone.

Desperate & Spring heals are safe. Spring is bad, but what're you gonna do? (you're going to trust the shm are AE healing with their Gift+Squalls!)


Contributors: Padraigg, Furro

Spell Lineup: Rogue DPS Guide - ToV Edition (by Padraigg)

Rogue Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Ligament Slice  -   ST  672-
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --

my logs of Mearatas show Padraigg only landing bane damage by Ligament Slice. This bears out my experience Berserkering that Combat Abilities do not fire banes, only spells & AA & clicks that come with a "begins casting" message (not "activates")

Unfortunately, this means that rogues are limited to Animated mephit for bane.

Fortunately, this frees up rogues to really bear down hard on burning the boss. Padraigg's guide is here.


Contributor: Faldyarr

Spell Lineup: WIP

Enchanter Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  Chaotic Feedback  7   ST  --
  Color Flux  3   AE  --
  Color Shift  20   AE  --
  Color Skew  43   AE  --
FLAME SLOW  Languid Pace 9   ST  --
  Enveloping Helix -   T.AE  --
ROCKMEZ  Mesmerize  2   ST  --
  Entrancing Lights  2   AE  --
WAVEROOT  Greater Fetter  61  ST  --
      Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)

Enchanter Event Tips:

Recommended Enchanter Bane spells for Maeteras

The spells do not need to have the level to effect the target only be the correct bane


beyond this tash, 2 mindrift and mindslash for damage when no bane targets are up and use the other 2 for buffs


Contributor: Canneto

Spell Lineup: WIP

Magician Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  Elemental Silence  63   ST  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --

Magician Event Tips:

Sentinels will be Raid Marked and show up in your ETW providing you set it properly.  Select a slot on your ETW and right click for context menu.  Then select "Raid Mark Target 1".  Do the same for another ETW slot and mark as 2.

Sick your pet on Sentinels when they appear on ETW.  This helps bring Sentinel HP to 90% to allow player banes will work.

Regarding Magician bane attacks...

I have been using my Elemental Silence (level 63 Mez, Mem Blur).  I have used it successfully on both the Rock Mephits and Rock Armors.

I have a simple hotkey - /tar a_rock - I spam it repeatedly during the mephit phases, then manually click the spell gem as fast as it refreshes.
I pick up the armors from the Extended Target Window and the voice trigger, then make my way down the hallway to send my pet and cast.


Contributors: Raccoo, Faldyarr, Furro

Spell Lineup:  Raccoo's base lineup; not specific to this event.  A starting point from Necromancer guide thread.

Assert for Blood
Dissident Paroxysm
Pyre of Klraggex
Crystal Crawler
Dracnia's Pallid Haze
David's Decay
Broiling Shadow
Pyre of the Wretched
Grip of Zorglim
Tserina's Grasp
Frozen Leech
Mind Erosion
Malevolent Covenant

Necromancer Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Encroaching Darkness  -   ST  826-
BREEZESTUN  Conglaciation of Bone  55   ST  --
  Burn Bones  110   ST  --
  Char Bones  115   ST  --
FLAME SLOW  Scent of Thule XV -   ST  751-
ROCKMEZ  Screaming Terror  22   ST  --
WAVEROOT  Pestilent Paralysis  -  ST  431-
  Shackle  98  ST  --
      Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)

Necromancer Event Tips:

Sentinels will be Raid Marked and show up in your ETW providing you set it properly.  Select a slot on your ETW and right click for context menu.  Then select "Raid Mark Target 1".  Do the same for another ETW slot and mark as 2.

Sick your pet on Sentinels when they appear on ETW.  This helps bring Sentinel HP to 90% to allow player banes will work.


Contributors: Szilent

Spell Lineup:

Shield of Destiny
Musing Gambit
Claw of Sontalak
Stormjolt Vortex
Ethereal Confluence
Ethereal Brand
Restless Ice Comet

Wizard Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Atol's Shackles  -   T.AE  1155-
       Atol's Spectral Shackles  51   T.AE  --
BREEZESTUN  Spiked Lightning  113   ST  --
  Divergent Lightning  108   ST  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Frost Shackles  -  ST  851-
  Ice Grinder  104  ST  --
  Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)

Wizard Event Tips:

I don't believe he frequents these forums, but I will say on his behalf that Lophophora has had great success as a wizard baning with:

/tar a_wave_mephit0
/alt activate 851 (Frost Shackles AA)
/cast # (Ice Grinder spell)

/tar a_breeze_mephit0
/cast # (Spiked Lightning spell)
/cast # (Divergent Lightning spell)

/tar an_animated_mephit0
/alt activate 1155 (Atol's Shackles AA)
/cast # (Atol's Spectral Shackles spell)

In the runs he participated in the sentinels group, he spent Flame Sentinel, Rock Sentinel time bombing the boss. The above four spells left plenty of room for the core wizard line up:

Shield of Destiny
Musing Gambit
Claw of Sontalak
Stormjolt Vortex
Ethereal Confluence
Ethereal Brand
Restless Ice Comet


Contributors: Raiena, Centare (?), Camraderry (?)

Spell Lineup: WIP

Warrior Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Knee Strike  -   ST  801-
       Call of Challenge  -   ST  552-
BREEZESTUN  Battle Leap  -   ST  611-
  Press the Attack  -   ST  467-
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --

Warrior Event Tips:

Confirmed Warrior - Knee Strike (801) which casts Knee Strike Snare can be used as a bane for animated.

08/22/20 07:44:32 PM   an animated mephit has taken an extra 195000000 points of non-melee damage from Raiena's Knee Strike Snare III spell.

Now this spell is easily overwritten so might to be our advantage to have this one first on our hotkey and then Call of Challenge.


Contributors: Szilent, Furro, extrapolated spell lineups and banes from Helicoprion and Luthernhamner's casts

Spell Lineup:

Burst of Wakening
Dissident Force
Eradicate Curse
Eradicate Poison
Force of the Grotto
Invocation of the Devout
Sincere Cleansing
Sincere Force
Wave of Propitiation
Aurora of Morninglight
Dichotomic Force
Force of Mercy
Wave of Expiation

Paladin Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  Divine Stun  -   ST  73- 9s refresh
  Hallowed Lodestar  -   T.AE  2027- 90s refresh
  Cease  7   ST  -- 9s refresh
  Desist  13   ST  -- 10s refresh
  Force of the Grotto  115   ST  -- 12s refresh
  Sincere Force  111   ST  -- 12s refresh
  Holy Might  42   ST  -- 18s refresh
  Force of Mercy  109   ST  -- 30s refresh
  Dichotomic Force  101   ST  -- 60s refresh
  Dissident Force  106   ST  -- 60s refresh
  Beacon of the Righteous  -   AE  10394- 90s refresh
  Invocation of the Devout  115   ST  -- Self buff.  Melee Stun Proc
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Shackles of Tunare II  -  ST  10393-
  Shackles of Tunare  65  ST  -- Can use this spell and the AA version in hotkey
- Refer to hotkey example below in tips area

Paladin Event Tips:

Like most classes with AA or clickies, baning can be done faster with a mix of AAs/clickies and spells, if the spell gem can be spared:

/tar a_wave_mephit0
/alt activate 10393 (Shackles of Tunare AA)
/cast # (Shackles of Tunare spell, level 65)

^ jamming that button should solo wreck a wave mephit in one tick. Blessing of the Faithful kill proc yeah!

on stuns, list above is missing :
/alt activate 73 (Divine Stun AA, 9sec reuse)
/alt activate 2027 (Hallowed Lodestar AA, AE stun 90sec reuse)

and spells:
Cease, level 7, 9sec reuse no timer
Desist, level 13, 10sec reuse no timer

Lesson of Propitiation is slow cast and long reuse time compared to Force of Grotto, Sincere Force, Cease, Desist. Recommend against Lesson. If a 5th spell besides the good ones (plus Dissident and Divine Stun) is desired, lv42 Holy Might is same 2sec cast as Lesson, with 18s instead of 24s reuse.

Shadow Knight

Contributors: Szilent, Furro, extrapolated spell lineups and banes from Bubbulz, Zimmak, Persephone and Modalex

Spell Lineup:

Abhorrent Bargain
Blood of Ikatiar
Bloodletting Covenant
Bond of Vulak
Cadcane's Skin
Dire Indictment
Dissident Fang
Insidious Rejection
Pestilent Darkness
Protest for Power
Spear of Cadcane
Stormwall Stance
Terror of Mirenilla
Touch of Drendar
Touch of Lutzen
Touch of T`Vem
Touch of Zlandicar
Vulak's Bite

- Adjust lineup accordingly, obviously the list exceeds spell gems available.
- Torrent of Anguish can be useful if not in group with Warrior; providing the War uses it.  Otherwise the AC buff doesn't stack with Warrior Paragon Champion (group buff).
- Lifetaps (Touch * line), adjust accordingly.

Shadow Knight Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Encroaching Darkness  -   ST  826-
       Despairing Darkness  87   ST  --
       Suppurating Darkness  92   ST  --
       Smoldering Darkness  97   ST  --
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --

Shadow Knight Event Tips:

/tar an_animated_mephit0
/alt activate 826 (Encroaching Darkness AA)
/cast # (Despairing Darkness lv87)
/cast # (Suppurating Darkness lv92)
/cast # (Smoldering Darkness lv97)

The damage done by Darkness dots is superfluous, using the lowest level ones that still cast instantly saves bunches of mana. One cycle of a bane key like this is expected to flatten any one Animated entirely, solo kill in ~1tick. Instant banes are "some good". Having a good bane key is good for the SK not just for the raid (it's very good for the raid) because baning a mephit to death is a kill, so the SK can pick up Mortal Coil :D

How many of those spells to load will be up to the SK, of course. It takes three to max out snare spamming but spell gems can be at a premium.

Core lifetaps always:
Touch of Drendar
Touch of T'Vem
Dire Indictment
Dissident Fang

From the log, mephit waves at 85%, 50%, and 25%->finish are every 20s:
[Thu Aug 20 20:20:31 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.
[Thu Aug 20 20:20:51 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.
[Thu Aug 20 20:21:31 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.
[Thu Aug 20 20:21:51 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.

This is of special interest to SK when talking about spell gems because Splode/Splode/Stream AAs are each 45 cooldown, so while (with care) one of that set can be ready for each wave, good SKs pretty surely want spell backup for them: Insidious Rejection (highly recommended) and/or Abhorrent Bargain (<Bargain shares timer with Spear) and/or Contempt-Revulsion-Disgust (<"not great" cast times on these).
When agroing those mephit waves, survivability matters, so there's no dropping Cadcane's Skin. A survivability-focused SK will want Stormwall Stance & Touch of Zlandikar self buffs on also, maybe? these are long enough duration to consider a /memspellset swap for.

As with all classes, dps also matters. Dps almost always matters, but in this event in particular there's an enrage timer issue coming up. Spear spell is great if Abhorrent Bargain isn't being used. Bloodletting Covenant is super since the raid has one big target for all the SKs to be lifetapping.


Contributors: Furro, Szilent

Spell Lineup:

Restoring Splash
Sincere Remedy
Merciful Remedy
Spiritual Remedy
Promised Redemption
Issuance of Sincerity
Syllable of Soothing
Elixir of Transcendence
Dissident Blessing
Divine Intermediation
Seventeenth Rejuvenation
Eradicate Curse
Eradicate Poison

Cleric Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  Sound of *  -   ST  -- Pick highest level at or above L93
- Negligible mana cost among the spell line; therefore the higher heal proc is preferred
- On Timer 6
  Stun  2   ST  -- On Timer 5
  Awe *  -   ST  -- Use lowest level in Awe* spell line; adjust accordingly for your mana though
- On Timer 4
  Tarnation  61   ST  -- Favour Awe* line over Tarnation, but if you don't have any of the Awe* spells at the time and
can't skip out to get one, then this is an option
- On Timer 4
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Blessed Chains  -  ST  138-
  Shackle  97  ST  --
  Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)


Contributor: Furro, extrapolated spell lineup and banes from Dimbly's casts.  Added my own notes.

Spell Lineup:

Dissident Winds
Icerend Aura (or Wildfire Aura depending on group makeup)
Maelstrom of the Stormborn  (adjust accordingly)
Typhonic Roar (adjust accordingly)
Vinelash Assault
Vinespike Rush

Druid Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Entrap IV  -   ST  219-
BREEZESTUN  * of the Stormborn  71+   ST  -- Use the lowest level in the Stormborn spell line (to save mana),
or adjust for little more DPS accordingly
  * Roar  93+   ST  -- Use the lowest level in the Roar spell line (to save mana),
or adjust for little more DPS accordingly
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Vinelash Assault  -  98  F.AE- Frontal AE
  Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)


Contributors: Minrye, Szilent, Raccoo.  Furro, extrapolated spell lineup from Agency's casts

Spell Lineup:

Blood of Tevik
Dissident Roar
Elkikatar's Pandemic
Eradicate Curse
Erogo's Drowse
Primordial Intervention
Reckless Regeneration
Reckless Rejuvenation
Reckless Renewal
Primordial Intervention (Soothsayer's Intervention X)
Spectre of Renewal
Spiritual Squall
Zrelik's Recourse

Shaman Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability / Clicky LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  Turgur's Swarm -   ST  3729-
        Turgur's Virulent Swarm  -  T.AE  856-
      Time's Antithesis  -  ST  -- PoTime Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Virulent Paralysis  -  ST  171-
      Shackle  -  ST  --
      Spiritual Rebuke  -  F.AE  147- Frontal AE
      Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)

Shaman Event Tips:

Shaman Bane hotkeys from Minrye.  Adjust accordingly for your bane specialty.

FLAME        WAVE    
Example images by: Minrye

Finish casting your Gift+Squall combo, then hit [Esc] button to clear your target before tapping bane buttons. If Gift+Squall is up, do that, then go back to tappy-tappy-tapping bane buttons:

/tar a_wave_mephit0
/cast # (Shackle spell)
/alt activate 171 (Virulent Paralysis AA)
/useitem Ring of Immobilization

/tar a_flame_mephit0
/pause 3,/alt activate 3729 (Turgur's Swarm AA)
/alt activate 856 (Turgur's Virulent Swarm AA)
/useitem Time's Antithesis

If there's no mephits to target, the buttons will work Just Fine for sentinels too, once you've targeted them yourself. I don't think we have shaman playing with those now, though?

The AE root AA is directional, so you only use that if your character is faced toward the Wave Mephit (hopefully more than one, but whatever). Can't just spam it out there, not productively.

Besides Ring of Immobilization, there are a few other items that have the same spell clicky.


I'd suggest poison/magic dots on shaman, over using disease dots (disease is lower dps, but duration is longer, not so great on adds that need to die quick, or on UEE that dispells himself).

Armor Adds Tracker and Announcer:

Player assigned to track and announce in raidsay armor type, location, bane to use.

When sentinel (armor) mob appears on track, immediately announce to raid by using your hotkeys setup as outlined below.

Five hotkeys with format separating the mob type, location and bane to use by a delimiter (: or - or |).

Separate hotkeys for each mob type, for example:

FLAME/rs FLAME : SW : Slow
ROCK/rs ROCK : NE : Mez
WAVE/rs WAVE : SE : Root


- MTO move boss if boulder aura too close

- Do not use Splash


Avoid all forms of group cures:
- Do not use Renewal spells
- Do not use group heal with cure component
- Do not use group HoT with cure component
- Do not use Purify AA (cure) or Group Purify AA
- Do not use Ward of Purity AA

Shaman Example Cure hotkey:
Example image by: Minrye

Note: It may be safer to separate this approach into two hotkeys to deal with a spell interrupt.  First self curse cure and then trigger emotes that you are cured.  Then hit the 2nd hotkey to group poison cure.


- Mephits when boss INACTIVE
- Armors when boss INACTIVE
- Boss when ACTIVE, unless you are assigned to Mephits & Armors Kill Team
-- If you can BANE type a Mephit, then do so.

MA Kill Order:

- Certain classes FFA with bane damage against mephits and armors accordingly
- A player is delegated with Raid Mark NPC and will mark Sentinels to show up on ETW (set your ETW to show Raid Mark NPC 1)

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Unfettered Emerald Excellence


Spawns mephit adds HP based 84%, 50%, ... Emote: A wave of mephits materializes.

Additional mephit spawn emotes occurred at 20s intervals up to four times.

- Boss not rooted until around the time mephits spawn
- Just prior to mephits spawning, player Centare reported boss INACTIVE.  Centare also reported boss rooted at this time
-- Boss indicates invulnerable in brackets under name

Invulnerable (INACTIVE) emote from boss just prior to mephit emote:
[Sat May 09 23:05:35 2020] Unfettered Emerald Excellence boasts, 'You cannot kill me. I am eternal!'
[Sat May 09 23:05:50 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.

Poison ProliferationTriggers Poison Splash if a poison cure is cast.  18s duration.  16 Curse Counters.  Single target.  Song window.
Effect - 1st Person: You are afflicted with poison proliferation.
Effect - 3rd Person: Soandso is afflicted with poison proliferation.
Action: Do not cast poison cure when you have Poison Proliferation effect
Poison Splash500k DD Caster AE (250' range).  Recourse: Poison Splash Trigger, Caster AE (12500' range, Achievement trigger)
Effect - 1st Person: You are splashed with a caustic brown goo!
Spreading StoneCasts Spreading Stone Trigger if not cured.  18s duration.  Transforms player into an elemental (Spreading Stone Shape). 
36 Poison Counters.  Single target
Effect - 1st Person: Your movements become stiff.
Effect - 3rd Person: Soandso stiffens.
Emote - 1st Person: NPCNAME locks onto you with a piercing glare.
Action: Poison cure.  Do not self cure if you have Poison Proliferation buff
Spreading Stone Trigger999k DD + 999k DoT (60s duration).  Transforms player into an elemental (Spreading Stone Shape).
Effect - 1st Person: You have turned to stone.
Effect - 3rd Person: Soandso is turned to stone.
Magnificent Presence30k DD
Range Based Mod: 1000% at 0' to 0% at 200'
Effect increases the closer one is to Unfettered Emerald Excellence.
Effect - 1st Person: You are overwhelmed by a magnificent presence.
Note: Comes into play during protective marks stage of event.
Elemental Incompatibility250k DD + MANA/END DRAIN 250k (single-target)
Effect - 1st Person: Your body and mind are turned inside out!
- Penalty when player is not in correct hallway or far enough down correct hallway associated with protective mark buff on player
- Comes into play during protective marks stage of event.


Various adds spawn throughout event.

Mephit adds spawn under two conditions:
  • Scripted at periodic intervals, UEE boss HP 84%, 50%, ...
  • Each time a player dies for any reason (possibly also when a pet is killed)

Armor adds:
  • Spawn in hallway associated with armor type at UEE boss HP 50%, ...
  • Armors slowly path from hallway towards UEE boss.  If armor reaches boss it causes 375k AE and stun.
  • When armor 90% HP, bane X spells/abilities cause 6.5M bane damage
  • Armors do not hit back

An animated mephitElemental Madness - 30k DD + 10k MANA/ENDURANCE DRAIN
Effect - 1st Person: Your body and mind are wracked by elemental madness!
- SNARE spells/abilities cause 195M bane damage

[Sat May 09 23:06:05 2020] an animated mephit has taken an extra 195000000 points of non-melee damage from Raiena's Call of Challenge Snare III spell.

- Elemental Madness: Hits multiple players, perhaps proximity based.
A breeze mephitElemental Madness - 30k DD + 10k MANA/ENDURANCE DRAIN
- STUN spells/abilities cause 195M bane damage

[Sat May 09 23:05:55 2020] a breeze mephit has taken an extra 195000000 points of non-melee damage from Jasson's Dissident Force Stun 6 spell.
A flame mephitElemental Madness - 30k DD + 10k MANA/ENDURANCE DRAIN
- SLOW spells/abilities cause 195M bane damage

[Sat May 09 23:07:07 2020] a flame mephit has taken an extra 195000000 points of non-melee damage from Landaru's Deep Sleep's Malaise I spell.
[Sat May 09 23:06:19 2020] a flame mephit has taken an extra 195000000 points of non-melee damage from Soandso's Turgur's Insects spell.
A rock mephitElemental Madness - 30k DD + 10k MANA/ENDURANCE DRAIN
- MEZ spells/abilities cause 195M bane damage

[Sat May 09 23:06:18 2020] a rock mephit has taken an extra 195000000 points of non-melee damage from Landaru's Deceive Rk. II spell.
[Sat May 09 23:07:01 2020] a rock mephit has taken an extra 195000000 points of non-melee damage from Faldyarr's Neutralizing Wave Rk. II spell.
A wave mephitElemental Madness - 30k DD + 10k MANA/ENDURANCE DRAIN
- ROOT spells/abilities cause 195M bane damage

[Sat May 09 23:06:50 2020] a wave mephit has taken an extra 195000000 points of non-melee damage from Soandso's Root spell.
core of MearatasUnbearable Heat - 7k-70k DD + 1.5k-15k MANA/ENDURANCE DRAIN
(Hidden NPC)- Range based mod: 0% at 0' to 1000% at 500'
- Effect increases the further one is from the center of Mearatas
Effect - 1st Person: You are burned by unbearable heat.
- More damage taken the further player is from center of Mearatas
a steaming stoneSteaming Stone Scorch - 105k DD (single-target)
(Visible Object)Effect - 1st Person: You are scorched by a steaming stone.
  Warning Emote - 1st Person: Unfettered Emerald Excellence hurls a steaming stone in your direction!
- Visual boulder with orange ring aura around it
-  Spawns at player emoted locations.  Aura causes damage to players caught in it
  Steaming Scorch Immunity - Grants immunity to up to 3 applications of Steaming Stone Scorch (18s duration, Song window)
- Blocks Steaming Stone Scorch up to three times
An animated sentinelFusion Detonation - 375k AE DD + STUN
Effect - 1st Person: You are rocked by an explosion!
- When armor 90% HP, SNARE spells/abilities cause 6.5M bane damage

[Sat May 09 00:00:00 2020] an animated sentinel has taken an extra 6500000 points of non-melee damage from Soandso's Something Bane spell.
A breeze sentinelFusion Detonation - 375k AE DD + STUN
- When armor 90% HP, STUN spells/abilities cause 6.5M bane damage

[Thu Jun 04 22:58:35 2020] a breeze sentinel has taken an extra 6500000 points of non-melee damage from Faldyarr's Dizzying Coil Rk. II spell.
A flame sentinelFusion Detonation - 375k AE DD + STUN
- When armor 90% HP, SLOW spells/abilities cause 6.5M bane damage

[Thu Jun 04 22:57:36 2020] a flame sentinel has taken an extra 6500000 points of non-melee damage from Soandso's Constraining Coil Rk. II spell.
[Thu Jun 04 22:57:50 2020] a flame sentinel has taken an extra 6500000 points of non-melee damage from Agency's Curse of Insects spell.
A rock sentinelFusion Detonation - 375k AE DD + STUN
- When armor 90% HP, MEZ spells/abilities cause 6.5M bane damage

[Thu Jun 04 22:58:12 2020] a rock sentinel has taken an extra 6500000 points of non-melee damage from Bard's Wave of Sleep spell.
[Thu Jun 04 23:00:29 2020] a rock sentinel has taken an extra 6500000 points of non-melee damage from Faldyarr's Deceive Rk. II spell.
A wave sentinelFusion Detonation - 375k AE DD + STUN
- When armor 90% HP, ROOT spells/abilities cause 6.5M bane damage

[Thu Jun 04 22:59:30 2020] a wave sentinel has taken an extra 6500000 points of non-melee damage from Luthernhamner's Shackle Rk. III spell.

Protective Marks & Wing Areas

When boss reaches 70% HP every player in raid is hit with a random protective mark buff.

There are five protective marks and each is associated with a "wing" or hallway area of the zone.

Each player must react by moving to the correct hallway based on their protection mark buff.

Emotes indicate success or failure and when safe to return.

Failures result in player being hit by Elemental Incompatibility - 250k DD + MANA/END DRAIN 250k (single-target)

Success - Correct Hallway:
[Thu May 28 22:27:39 2020] You are in the correct wing with the matching Mark!

Success - Safe to Return:
[Thu May 28 23:27:50 2020] The marks of Flame, Breezes, Stone, Waves, and Animation fade.

Failure - Wrong Hallway:
[Thu May 28 22:27:39 2020] Soandso does not have the Mark to match the wing they're currently in and is struck with Elemental Incompatibility!

Failure - Not far enough into hallway:
[Thu May 28 22:27:39 2020] Soandso did not manage to get far enough away and is struck with Elemental Incompatibility!

Color Coordinated achievement description: Complete the raid without anyone being caught in a wing without the protective Mark.

Protective mark buffs all describe providing protective from harm in x wing of Mearatas.

Note: When protective mark in play there are two occurrences 45 seconds apart.

Mark of Animation  SNARE (24s duration)
Effect - 1st Person: You receive the Mark of Animation.
Note: SOUTH hallway
Mark of Breezes  SNARE (24s duration)
Effect - 1st Person: You receive the Mark of Breezes.
Note: NORTH WEST (NW) hallway
Mark of Flame  SNARE (24s duration)
Effect - 1st Person: You receive the Mark of Flame.
Note: WEST hallway
Mark of Stone  SNARE (24s duration)
Effect - 1st Person: You receive the Mark of Stone.
Note: NORTH EAST (NE) hallway
Mark of Waves  SNARE (24s duration)
Effect - 1st Person: You receive the Mark of Waves.
Note: EAST hallway

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with NPC.


- Poison Unproliferated
-- Complete the raid without anyone triggering a Poison Blast from Poison Proliferation.

- Color Coordinated
-- Complete the raid without anyone being caught in a wing without the protective Mark.

- Impenetrable Defenses
-- Complete the raid without letting any of the animated armors reach Unfettered Emerald Excellence.


Event Reset:
[Sat May 09 23:10:22 2020] Unfettered Emerald Excellence laughs, 'I knew you were incompetent two-bit thieves. Pathetic!'


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map files: right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder

mearatas.txt - Accented hallway walls at entrance to each hallway
mearatas_1.txt - Layer 1 - Hallway cardinals, elements labels and run-to's
mearatas_2.txt - Layer 2 - Colored labels and x for run to's

mearatas_3.txt - Layer 3 - Contains regular zone named spawns.  Not applicable to event, but for here for completeness of map

Important: For accented colored walls of the map you need to download the base map (mearatas.txt).

Note: Best to download ALL of the map files above and then toggle layers off/on using the map interface in game for what works for you.

Map examples below.

Layers 1 and 2:

- Layer 1 for existing cardinal labels and elements
- Layer 2 for new color labels

Layer 1 Only:

- Existing cardinal labels and elements.
- No color labels.

This may be good enough if you only need to use the accented colored walls, but still have the directional and element labels available.

The color labels removed is a little less noise to deal with.

Layer 2 Only:

- No cardinal labels or elements
- Only showing color labels

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  08-27-2020 (4:19pm) 
- A steaming stone - Steaming Stone Scorch AURA - Visual Boulder
-- A steaming stone - Steaming Stone Scorch AURA - Visual Boulder

- A steaming stone - Warning - Stone incoming in YOUR direction
-- A steaming stone - Warning - Stone incoming in YOUR direction

- Armor Adds - Announcements - Type, Location, Bane to use
-- Armor Adds - Announcements - Type, Location, Bane to use

- Event Timer
-- Unfettered Emerald Excellence - Event Timer

- Mephit Adds Spawned
-- Mephit Adds Spawned

- Poison Proliferation
-- Poison Proliferation - ON YOU - DO NOT CURE

- Poison Proliferation - Cured / Faded
-- Poison Proliferation - Cured / Faded

- Protective Marks
-- Protective Mark - AIR - NORTH WEST - TEAL
-- Protective Mark - ANIMATION - SOUTH - GREY
-- Protective Mark - FIRE - WEST - RED
-- Protective Mark - STONE - NORTH EAST - BROWN
-- Protective Mark - WATER - EAST - BLUE

- Protective Marks - Failure
-- Protective Mark - Failure - Not far enough into hallway
-- Protective Mark - Failure - Wrong Hallway

- Protective Marks - Success
-- Protective Mark - Success - Safe to Return
-- Protective Mark - Success - Correct Hallway

- Spreading Stone
-- Spreading Stone - ON YOU - POISON CURE

- Spreading Stone - Cured / Faded
-- Spreading Stone - Cured / Faded

- Event Reset

- Boss - ACTIVE - Changes his tactics
-- Boss - ACTIVE - Changes his tactics

- Boss - INACTIVE - You cannot kill me. I am eternal!
-- Boss - INACTIVE - You cannot kill me. I am eternal!

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 07:29:49 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2020, 09:54:50 PM »
May 9, 2020 - Strategy Post Updated & Triggers Added

Strategy post has been updated to reflect our tail end of the night attempt last Saturday.

Read the Brief Event Overview and Strategy sections to ensure up to date.

Import the trigger package(s) accordingly.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2020, 09:05:29 PM »
May 21, 2020 - Strategy Post & Triggers Updated

Strategy post has been updated.

At a minimum read the Brief Event Overview and Strategy section to ensure up to date.

Trigger package updated:

DELETE OLD TRIGGER PACKAGE "Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence", BEFORE IMPORTING NEW!

It is critical to delete old trigger set before importing new, otherwise you will end up with duplicate and/or incorrect triggers.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2020, 09:16:27 PM »
May 23, 2020 - Strategy & Triggers Updated

Strategy post has been updated to reflect our attempts last night.

At a minimum read the Brief Event Overview and Strategy sections to ensure up to date.

Trigger Package Update:

OK to MERGE PACKAGE WITH EXISTING "Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence"

Warning trigger added to indicate when a steaming stone is incoming in YOUR direction.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2020, 09:05:44 PM »
May 28, 2020 - Strategy Post & Triggers Updated

Strategy post has been updated.

It is important to re-read the strategy section to understand how we are handling cures going forward.

For details, read the Brief Event Overview and Strategy sections to ensure up to date.

Trigger package updated:

PP and SS triggers have been changed to be short and clearly indicate action; if any, to take.

DELETE OLD TRIGGER PACKAGE "Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence", BEFORE IMPORTING NEW!

It is critical to delete old trigger set before importing new, otherwise you will end up with duplicate and/or incorrect triggers.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2020, 02:17:12 AM »
May 28, 2020 - Strategy Post & Triggers Updated

Fixed copy/paste errors in trigger package during raids.

Package has been updated in the strategy post.  This package was shared during raids as well.  But for those who were not in attendance, they'll need to delete old and update new accordingly.

Trigger package updated:

PP and SS triggers have been changed to be short and clearly indicate action; if any, to take.

DELETE OLD TRIGGER PACKAGE "Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence", BEFORE IMPORTING NEW!

It is critical to delete old trigger set before importing new, otherwise you will end up with duplicate and/or incorrect triggers.

See everyone in game! :)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 04:07:24 AM by Furro »


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2020, 09:50:32 PM »
So, I went through our last 2 weeks of attempts and collated pp and ss (what a sentence that was).  Looks like in 99 percent of the cases they occur within 1 second of each other.  I've uploaded the excel sheet to  as always virus scan anything you choose to download from the internet.  I did redownload it, and there were no changes on my test. 


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2020, 10:31:39 PM »
So, I went through our last 2 weeks of attempts and collated pp and ss (what a sentence that was).  Looks like in 99 percent of the cases they occur within 1 second of each other.  I've uploaded the excel sheet to  as always virus scan anything you choose to download from the internet.  I did redownload it, and there were no changes on my test.
Hi Centare,

I didn't have time to checkout the spreadsheet.  But a few comments below.

Lag can play a factor.  We've had a couple instances where players self cured and immediately cast poison cure but failed PP.

Luthernhamner had this issue last night, after he was checking how he failed when he knows he self cured first, but still failed.  My recommendation at the time was to use a trigger to know when you're cured if it's an issue.  PP and SS both have a 1st person message to indicate when the effect is removed/faded.

Another note on this is hotkeys.  If the spell is interrupted; which I think happened to Dimbly last night, or fizzles etc, the player may think they're cured when they're not.

Personally, I don't use the hotkey route.  I manually click the spell gem to cure myself.   But it's personal preference.

Thanks for posting Centare! :)

Edit: Added Cured/Faded triggers for PP/SS to main trigger package.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 11:01:45 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2020, 11:03:17 PM »
May 29, 2020 - Strategy Post & Triggers Updated and Map Files Added

Strategy post has been updated to reflect our progress last night.

At a minimum read the Brief Event Overview and Strategy section to ensure up to date.

Map Files:

- Labels for protective mark "wings" / hallways to run to based on your protective mark buff
- Other map files included for completeness of map set for zone (NPC names, regular zone rares, colored areas of each wing)

Trigger package updated:

- Protective Mark triggers updated
- Protective Mark triggers added for Success/Failure and Safe to Return

- PP and SS triggers added to indicate when Cured/Faded respectively

DELETE OLD TRIGGER PACKAGE "Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence", BEFORE IMPORTING NEW!

It is critical to delete old trigger set before importing new, otherwise you will end up with duplicate and/or incorrect triggers.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2020, 02:36:10 AM »
Useful Shaman hotkeys for the event!


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2020, 09:21:33 PM »
Useful Shaman hotkeys for the event!

Thanks for the hotkeys Minrye.  I've incorporated them into the strategy post.

See ya in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2020, 09:21:59 PM »
June 5, 2020 - Strategy Post Updated

Strategy post has been updated to reflect our progress last night.

At a minimum read the Brief Event Overview and Strategy section to ensure up to date.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2020, 09:20:25 PM »
June 6, 2020 - Strategy & Triggers Updated

Strategy post has been updated to reflect our attempts last night.

Armor - Sentinel Adds:

Added "Armor Adds Tracker & Announcer" instruction section.  This assigned player will track for armors and announce to raid the armor type, location and bane to use.  The raidsay announcement will fire an audio trigger for everyone with the info.

Protective Marks - Hallway Run To Clarification:

When emoted, you do not have to run far down the hallway.  Run to the first ramp just beyond the hallway entrance.  Emote will indicate when it is safe to return.

At a minimum read the Brief Event Overview and Strategy sections to ensure up to date.

Trigger Package Update:

OK to MERGE PACKAGE WITH EXISTING "Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence"

Added trigger: Armor Adds - Announcements - Type, Location, Bane to use

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2020, 08:08:33 PM »
June 11, 2020 - Map Run To Labels Added

Protective Marks - Hallway Run To Labels Added to Map:

Added red "Run To" labels to map file to indicate the spots to stop at.

When emoted, you do not have to run far down the hallway.  Run to the first ramp just beyond the hallway entrance.  Emote will indicate when it is safe to return.

To be clear, run to the red "Run To" marker in the correct hallway and STOP.  Your trigger will emote whether success/failure and safe to return.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2020, 03:55:32 PM »
July 23, 2020 - Strategy Post Updated

Good run last week!  We got UEE to 36%!

Let's close that gap this week and get this event down!

Strategy post has been updated to reflect how we are currently doing the event.

See everyone in game! :)
« Last Edit: July 30, 2020, 08:34:18 PM by Furro »