Oct. 9 targets were - Maenatic Behemoth - Terris Thule - Aerin'Dar - Tallon Zek - Vallon Zek
TARGETS: All 3 HoH trials, Mithaniel Marr and Grummus
Meet in: Halls of Honor for raid invite
Time: Forming at 7pm CST or earlier maybe
Channel: PlanesProg
Required level: 62 or above unless authorised by me and have aerin dar flag if under 62 (future zones need you to be 62)
Required flags: Aerin'Dar or lvl 62
Alts allowed, boxed alts encouraged if you can. Everyone encouraged to come, as we will need numbers as the targets get harder. Lets make this happen folks
Freelance raiders are invited, this is an open raid, AA points are rewarded as you progress through the planes of power. Please remember to try and get the aiding askr in postorms for the baston of thunder access flag and aa point.
hope to see you there