Author Topic: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay  (Read 31708 times)


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Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Demiplane of Life, at crystal.
NPC Name: N/A
NPC Location: N/A
Keyword to Enter:Click your: Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul
Mirror clicky is obtained from completing the task: Into the Temple
Into the Temple task can be requested from Mayor Salvador West, in Demiplane of Life; kw: allow
Mirror clicky is the only way inside the instance.  Campfires do not work to port in.
Once inside instance, move all the way down into the pit.

Flag & Key Requirements

Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul is required for this event.

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul
Group Mission/Task: Into the Temple
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Nothing required.

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

This event has a 25 minute timer.

Do not cast Disease and Corruption based spells and debuffs on Anashti Sul.  Each Disease or Corruption based spell/debuff used against Anashti Sul will cause her to heal approximately 5% HP.  A flash across the screen emote indicates when this occurs and by whom, and trigger will fire.

The event begins with Anashti Sul on the top floor.  Periodically Bokon and oozes spawn which we vertically align together causing them to despawn.

Anashti Sul casts a Targeted AE (25' range) called: Gifts of Anashti Sul.  It has a 50% chance to trigger either a beneficial or detrimental effect:
- Gift of Living Death: 133k DD + 20k DoT for 1 minute (bad).
- Gift of Endless Life: Increase HP 116k and 3k HoT, for 1 minute (good).

Anashti Suls first port down occurs at 55% HP.  Traps come into play, avoid them.

Withering Decay debuffs come into play when Anashti Sul reaches 40% HP.

Withering Decay debuffs: Depending on class type (be it Tank, Healer, DPS Caster/Melee), specific Withering lines are favored to perform well.  Withering when cured casts a different withering on the target cured and a different withering on the person who cured the target.  The idea is to cycle the withering debuff to the one favored for your class type.  React to your triggers when it tells you to Cure Disease.

Potion Curing Withering Decay Debuffs:

For classes who don't have a spell they can cast to cycle the debuff or if you want to save a spell slot,  you can use a disease cure potion to flip the debuff to one preferred by your class.  This allows you to be self-sufficient.

The debuffs flip in this order: Faith > Physicality > Limbs.

There are 29 counters you must remove to change to the next debuf.  If you cure 58+ counters, it will skip one debuff and land on the next.

Healers:For Faith use Distillate of Immunization XV (cures twice). For Physicality use Distillate of Immunization XIII (cures once).
DPS:For Limbs use Distillate of Immunization XIII (cures once). For Physicality use Distillate of Immunization XV (cures twice).
Tanks:For Physicality use Distillate of Immunization VII+.

Cures one debuff
Shield of Immaculate Light=cures 35 counters
Immunization VII=cures 32 counters
Immunization VIII= cures 36 counters
Immunization IX=cures 40 counters
Immunization X=cures 44 counters
Immunization XI=cures 48 counters
mmunization XII=cures 52 counters
Immunization XIII=cures 56 counters
Cures two debuffs
Immunization XIV=cures 60 counters
Immunzation XV=cures 64 counters
More than one cast to cure
Cleansing Rod=cures 20 counters

If you need potions, ask in FLRaids if anyone has a few extras, or check out the /bazaar for some.  Raccoo carries a few extra potions to hand out to FL raiders as well (thanks Raccoo!).

  • Clicky disease cures are invaluable for this event; such as: Shield of Immaculate Light.
  • If you cannot self-cure disease by any means, be it spell or clicky shield, then you need to identify someone in your group who can cure you and setup a hotkey via TELL ONLY asking for a cure when you need one.  NEVER ASK FOR A CURE IN GROUP, because more than one person may attempt to cure you, resulting in the buff being cycled more than once, which in most situations will not end well.
  • Any form of DA (Invulnerability), and you will be DT (killed), by Anashti.  If DA fires, click it off immediately.

Healers & Paladins:
  • Do not use any heal that contains a cure component.  That means avoid all Renewal lines, Group heals with cures, Group HoTs with cures etc.
  • Do not use the blood line of cures, as it contains curse cures which can remove the Life of * dot which will DT you.
  • Do not use Cleric Epic, it'll cure group which will end badly.
  • Do not use Radiant Cure AA.
  • Do not use Group/Single Purify Soul AA.
  • Do not use Ward of Purity AA.
  • Do not use Paladin Splash line.
  • There's a nasty spell and melee slow with snare and dot, do not waste time curing it.
  • Mem spell Eradicate Curse.  If you don't have the spell, send me a tell, I carry extra copies on me.
  • Mem spell Abolish Disease (disease cure).  If you have the Shield of Immaculate Light, use it instead.
  • Do not cure others Withering buff unless they ask you for one via TELL ONLY.

Cleric Spell Lineup:
  • Spiritual Remedy
  • Undying Life
  • Graceful Remedy
  • Mystical Intervention
  • IoS
  • Syllable of Convalescence
  • Elixir of the Seas
  • Eradicate Curse
  • DI
  • 15th Emblem
  • Unity of Nonia
  • Convalescence Splash
Note: I use Shield of the Immaculate Light to abolish disease.  If you do not have the shield, swap in Abolish Disease spell somewhere in your lineup.

Shaman spell lineup:
  • Reckless Regeneration
  • Reckless Restoration
  • Spiritual Swell
  • Krasir's Recourse
  • Historian's Intervention
  • Glacial Gift/Reefmaw's Bite
  • Srasku's Curse
  • Eradicate Curse
  • Unity of the Doomscale
  • Kromtus
  • Shear of Renewal
  • Roar of the Lion

Main Tanks:
  • Do not summon tank boss, or you'll be killed.
  • In the group mission, the Main Tank was not immune to Withering.  Expect it is the same in the raid version.
  • It's entirely possible to get Withering of Physicality and die instantly as MT; the damage debuff mod is extremely high.
  • Try not to stand in the Tenticles that spawn periodically, otherwise you take extra damage.

Gifts of Anashti Sul

Gifts of Anashti Sul is a Targeted AE, Range: 10000', AE Range: 25'. 

Gift of Endless Life:    Beneficial:
(Do not cure this!)Increase Current HP by 15000 per tick
Increase Current HP by 15000
Cast: Broken Promises on Curer (Detrimental)
Increase Curse Counter by 1
60s duration
Broken Promises: Detrimental (on curer)
Stun for 6s
Decrease Current Mana by 306574/999999
Decrease Current Endurance by 324844/999999
Decrease Current HP by 20000/100000
Autocast: Broken Promises Trigger: Caster AE, Range: 10000', AE Range: 10000'
Broken Promises: Cast on you message: You've drawn the ire of Anashti Sul.
Gift of Living Death:    Detrimental:
(CURE THIS!)Decrease Current HP by 75000 per tick
Decrease Current HP by 100000
Increase Curse Counter by 29
60s duration
Cast on you: You receive the Gift of Living Death.
Cast on other: Soandso receives the Gift of Living Death.
Wears off: You reject the Gift of Living Death.

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

GINA File: tbm-demiplane-of-decay-anashti-02-15-2016-953pm.gtp (updated 02-15-2016, 9:53pm)

- Disease and Corruption trigger, for when someone uses those types of spells against Anashti Sul, causing her to heal HP.
- Boss Warp, when she ports between levels.
- Event Timer, reminder based on Anashti messages x/xx minute(s) remaining.
- Gift of Living Death - Check Overlay First - Get Curse Cured if you don't have Endless Life DoT.
- Gift of Endless Life - Bad effect - DO NOT CURE (this is an overlay when you have Endless Life DoT).
- Broken Promises - Failure (cured wrong DoT).  Whether you cured or someone else did, this will let you know when it happens.

Withering debuffs.  Cure Disease to cycle the buff that is least harmful to your class.

Tanks: GINA File: tbm-demiplane-of-decay-anashti-sul-damsel-of-decay-tanks-02-15-2016-953pm.gtp (updated 02-15-2016, 9:53pm)

- Withering Physicality

Healers: GINA File: tbm-demiplane-of-decay-anashti-sul-damsel-of-decay-healers-02-15-2016-953pm.gtp (updated 02-15-2016, 9:53pm)

- Withering Faith
- Withering Physicality

DPS: Melee & Casters: GINA File: tbm-demiplane-of-decay-anashti-sul-damsel-of-decay-dps-melee-and-casters-02-15-2016-953pm.gtp (updated 02-15-2016, 9:53pm)

- Withering Limbs
- Withering Physicality

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).
« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:58:20 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2015, 08:22:21 PM »
Brief Event Overview & Strategy (Updated)

Revised based on our two attempts so far from late Friday.  Currently a work in progress (WIP).

This event has a 25 minute timer.

Avoid Disease and Corruption based spells and debuffs.  Each Disease or Corruption based spell/debuff used against Anashti Sul will cause her to heal approximately 5% HP.  A flash across the screen emote indicates when this occurs and by whom, and trigger will fire.
The event begins with Anashti Sul on the top floor.  Periodically Bokon and oozes spawn which we vertically align together causing them to despawn.

Anashti Sul casts a Targeted AE (25' range) called: Gifts of Anashti Sul1.  It has a 50% chance to trigger either a beneficial or detrimental effect:
- Gift of Living Death: 133k DD + 20k DoT for 1 minute (bad).
- Gift of Endless Life: Increase HP 116k and 3k HoT, for 1 minute (good).

Anashti Suls first port down occurs at 55% HP.  Traps come into play, avoid them.

Withering Decay debuffs come into play when Anashti Sul reaches 40% HP.

Withering Decay debuffs: Depending on class type (be it Tank, Healer, DPS Caster/Melee), specific Withering lines are favored to perform well.  Withering when cured casts a different withering on the target cured and a different withering on the person who cured the target.  The idea is to cycle the withering debuff to the one favored for your class type.  React to your triggers when it tells you to Cure Disease.

1Gifts of Anashti Sul footnotes: based on player feedback/observations
- No visuals reported as to area targeted, and/or emote warning if player targeted.
- Her cast appears to occur at 35s intervals, beginning with two casts at a time; increasing to three at some point later.
- Gifts cast may come into play at xx% HP of Anashti Sul.
- Lisard reported he was able to back away when Gifts was cast and avoid the effects.
- Dimerall and Nuttann however reported that from afar they were hit by Gifts.
- It does appear to be a targeted ae, and that adjusting position after the cast occurs can have favorable outcomes.
- If it's a player targeted ae, being clumped together will affect more players naturally.
- More testing/experimentation/observations required.

That's it for now, our next attempt will be more revealing and allow us to test/refine our strategy.

Temporary notes: Based on our group mission experiences (keeping here for now, as they are still applicable going forward)

  • Clicky disease cures are invaluable for this event; such as: Shield of Immaculate Light.
  • If you cannot self-cure disease by any means, be it spell or clicky shield, then you need to identify someone in your group who can cure you and setup a hotkey via TELL ONLY asking for a cure when you need one.  NEVER ASK FOR A CURE IN GROUP, because more than one person may attempt to cure you, resulting in the buff being cycled more than once, which in most situations will not end well.
  • Any form of DA (Invulnerability), and you will be DT (killed), by Anashti.  If DA fires, click it off immediately.

Healers & Paladins:
  • Do not use any heal that contains a cure component.  That means avoid all Renewal lines, Group heals with cures, Group HoTs with cures etc.
  • Do not use the blood line of cures, as it contains curse cures which can remove the Life of * dot which will DT you.
  • Do not use Cleric Epic, it'll cure group which will end badly.
  • Do not use Radiant Cure AA.
  • Do not use Group/Single Purify Soul AA.
  • Do not use Ward of Purity AA.
  • Do not use Paladin Splash line.
  • Mem a group and single target corruption cure.  There's a nasty spell and melee slow with snare and dot.
  • Mem a Disease cure which has at least 29 counters.  If you have the Shield of Immaculate, you don't have to mem a disease cure.
  • Do not cure others Withering buff unless they ask you for one via TELL ONLY.

Main Tanks:
  • Do not summon tank boss, or you'll be killed.
  • In the group mission, the Main Tank was not immune to Withering.  Expect it is the same in the raid version.
  • It's entirely possible to get Withering of Physicality and die instantly as MT; the damage debuff mod is extremely high.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 11:25:45 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2015, 10:24:36 PM »
When cast
You receive the Gift of Living Death.  You have taken 65000 points of damage.

Dot ticking
You have taken 48750 damage from Gift of Living Death by Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay.

This dot also blocks Roar of the Lion, probably because it is on the regen slot.

Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay moans, 'Ahhh, that feels much better. I am disease and corruption incarnate, Owmy. You should be more careful with the magic you wield!

Text from trap that spawns
You are lashed by tendrils of pestilence!  You have taken 32500 points of damage.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 10:51:31 PM by Raccoo »


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2015, 11:25:04 PM »
Trigger Addition - Disease and Corruption

Thanks Raccoo, I added a trigger for when this occurs that'll display the player name so we can at least track it easier.

The file is in the main post, trigger section, as part of the main trigger file package; currently: tbm-demiplane-of-decay-anashti-12-12-2015.gtp
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 11:26:53 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2015, 05:02:54 AM »
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:51 2015] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay healed you for 15000 hit points by Gift of Endless Life.
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:51 2015] You have taken 48750 damage from Gift of Living Death by Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay

It seems the Endless Life buff was ahead of the Living Death when I cured myself tonight.

[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] Your target has been cured.
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] You reject the Gift of Endless Life.
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] You are stunned!
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] Raccoo hit Raccoo for 100200 points of non-melee damage.
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] Your spell is interrupted.
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] You've drawn the ire of Anashti Sul.  You have taken 100200 points of damage.
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] You have been slain by Raccoo!


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2015, 11:59:07 PM »
Trigger Additions

Added the following triggers to the base package tbm-demiplane-of-decay-anashti-12-13-2015-954pm.gtp:

- Boss Warp, when she ports between levels.
- Event Timer, reminder based on Anashti messages x/xx minute(s) remaining.
- Gift of Living Death - Check Overlay First - Get Curse Cured if you don't have Endless Life DoT.
- Gift of Endless Life - Bad effect - DO NOT CURE (this is an overlay when you have Endless Life DoT).
- Broken Promises - Failure (cured wrong DoT).  Whether you cured or someone else did, this will let you know when it happens.

Gifts of Anashti Sul

Gifts of Anashti Sul is a Targeted AE, Range: 10000', AE Range: 25'. 

When Anashti casts Gifts of Anashti Sul, it has a 50% chance to trigger either Gift of Endless Life (good effect) or Gift of Living Death (bad effect).  However, I believe the 50% chance factor is variable based on two range mod integer values in the spell data which affect the chance % to which either DoTs are cast.  The degree to which these range mods factor in is perhaps based on the distance the player is in relation to the source target, or maybe the distance the player is in relation to other player(s).  I suspect; but have yet to thoroughly test, that it is the latter, not the former, and that each time Anashti Sul casts Gifts of Anashti Sul AE, if no other player is within 25' range of you, that there is a very small chance or no chance that you will be hit with either DoT type.

Putting the technical aside for the moment, here are both the trigger DoT effects we're dealing with:

Gift of Endless Life:    Beneficial:
(Do not cure this!)Increase Current HP by 15000 per tick
Increase Current HP by 15000
Cast: Broken Promises on Curer (Detrimental)
Increase Curse Counter by 1
60s duration
Broken Promises: Detrimental (on curer)
Stun for 6s
Decrease Current Mana by 306574/999999
Decrease Current Endurance by 324844/999999
Decrease Current HP by 20000/100000
Autocast: Broken Promises Trigger: Caster AE, Range: 10000', AE Range: 10000'
Broken Promises: Cast on you message: You've drawn the ire of Anashti Sul.
Gift of Living Death:    Detrimental:
(CURE THIS!)Decrease Current HP by 75000 per tick
Decrease Current HP by 100000
Increase Curse Counter by 29
60s duration
Cast on you: You receive the Gift of Living Death.
Cast on other: Soandso receives the Gift of Living Death.
Wears off: You reject the Gift of Living Death.

What to do if you or someone has BOTH DoTs

You don't do anything.  Basically you/they have to be healed through the duration until Living Death fades naturally after 60s.

If you use Eradicate Curse for example, it's a two slot curse cure for 30 counters each.  That means in the two DoT situation; regardless of the DoT order, Eradicate Curse will remove BOTH DoTs.  So you don't want to do this on yourself or anyone else.

Also, as mentioned previously in the strategy post, you MUST AVOID USING ANY heals that cure more than one type of counter. For example, do not use a Group Heal with Cures.  Otherwise, you'll cure others in your group that may have the good dot, and later on when Withering debuffs are in play the other disease cures will wreak havoc curing the wrong debuffs on your teammates.


I'm holding off on sharing another trigger which is based on Gifts of Anashti Sul cast, on a repeating 35s timer.  Where it notifies before it elapses to move away from other players.  I just want to test it first before putting it out there in case it ends up not working correctly.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 12:03:36 AM by Furro »


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2016, 11:53:56 PM »
It is ok to cure someone else if they have both Gift of Endless Life and Gift of Living Death. But if you cure yourself you get DT (maybe DI fires and you go oom.. :P). Maybe they will change this in a patch, but it's safe for now.

I noticed when the AE's land the MT loses a lot of healing, I assume because lots of us are curing. Maybe we can have 1 healer in MT group continue healing and the other work cures. Also, healers (clerics at least) can stand on the same floor and don't need to run up/down. Saves a lot of trouble.


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2016, 04:28:49 PM »
Mildy and I did what she suggested in her post on last nights runs. She focused on curing and I focused on healing the MTO. Seemed to work pretty well for us.

The real hiccups came on port down when the tank gets pulled down and has a chance to be placed peculiarly. Ended up saving Third Spire and Divine Gaurdian til right before the 55% mark to help ensure a smooth transition to the lower level. Did it help? I'd like to think so but it could've been a RNG fluke.

Another point, the enfeeblement casts (spell slow / snare) start coming in fairly quick succession of each other at a certain point. Keeping it cured seemed a bit out of the question most of the time. It's probably best kept for making sure kiters aren't getting eaten and perhaps right before the port downs/ups to help dps travel quicker.

Watch your cures on MTO order when the Withering Debuffs come into play. One bad debuff change on the MT and the fight changes quickly.

We got pretty damn close last night. She's toast next week if we can turn up our DPS game to an 11!


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2016, 05:30:29 AM »
More info

what i did:

parked main pet ( Suspend back up pet )
deployed Fire pet
spammed nuke and employed pet ( while mob was below )

what i noticed:
up to 55%, Fire pet was nuking like a champ !!!

[Thu Jan 21 19:50:30 2016] Gimamam delivers a critical blast! (2476)
[Thu Jan 21 19:51:00 2016] Gimamam performs an exceptional heal! (5368)
[Thu Jan 21 19:52:30 2016] Gimamam delivers a critical blast! (4476)
[Thu Jan 21 19:53:00 2016] Gimamam performs an exceptional heal! (5368)
[Thu Jan 21 19:54:40 2016] Gimamam delivers a critical blast! (6476)
[Thu Jan 21 19:55:50 2016] Gimamam performs an exceptional heal! (5368)

i stood in one spot  up to 55% after 55% left fire pet up top, and noticed fire pet was nuking thru the floor and all damage was landing

[Thu Jan 21 20:00:30 2016] Gimamam delivers a critical blast! (2476)
[Thu Jan 21 20:03:00 2016] Gimamam performs an critical blast! (5368)

i moved with raid, up and down. I also noticed that if DOt was not cursed cured it spawned a tentacle mob in spot i was standing. This was confirmed all times we tried this event

[Thu Jan 21 19:50:28 2016] You tell your party, 'Cure plzzz..........'
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:28 2016] Nintap delivers a critical blast! (104603)
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:28 2016] Wind of Malosinete -> Anashti_Sul,_Damsel_of_Decay00
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:29 2016]   You have taken 32500 points of damage.

i once had both dots and called for Curse cure and used Distillate of immunization,
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:52 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay says 'You will not evade me Foaaniel!'
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:52 2016] You have been summoned!
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:52 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay is pierced by YOUR thorns for 117 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:52 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay hits YOU for 51787 points of damage.
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:52 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay is pierced by YOUR thorns for 117 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:53 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay hits YOU for 56664 points of damage.
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:53 2016] You have been knocked unconscious!
[Thu Jan 21 19:50:53 2016] You have been slain by Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay!

i noticed once Tanks went down, DPS was stagnant, i then started tells with Return of the Exile mage

Thu Jan 21 20:01:32 2016] Sancus  /tells foaaniel, must have coordinated  max dps when she ports down and if she isn't dead by the time she ports down 2nd time there is too many roots and they wiped it out. You must do at least 3mil DPS at that time. u cannot let her go back up after this

Suggested FYI;

Raid Move's @ 54% down and to right of tunnel
Tanks move when she ports
tanks gain aggro
tanks call BURN
wizzie MAX BURN
zerker MAX DPS + Aura
BST Max Burn
Fl raiders do the most damage we can

We need to massive MAX BURN MOB down on first time we go down. I was talking to a mage in Return of Exile, and they coordinated wizards, mages, zerkers, Rog to unleash there biggest burns on mob to equal 3 Million on mob during  bottom potion of this  event.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 01:04:09 PM by Ramelorm »
The only hard day was yesterday


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2016, 07:44:25 PM »
what i did:

parked main pet ( Suspend back up pet )
deployed Fire pet
spammed nuke and employed pet ( while mob was below )

what i noticed:
up to 55%, Fire pet was nuking like a champ !!!

i stood in one spot  up to 55% after 55% left fire pet up top, and noticed fire pet was nuking thru the floor and all damage was landing

Bolts and Spears cannot go through floors - you have to move downstairs to hit the boss. You can still cast on her, but the bolt will hit the floor and fizzle out. Bolts cannot go through zone geometry - if they hit the ground or a wall or anything like that, they never hit the mob and do 0 damage.

I'm pretty sure your pet's names were Xonobab and Zarober; Gimamam is an actual player. Maybe I was OOR, but I have 0 damage from your fire pets in my parse.


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2016, 08:23:32 PM »
i'm the most awesome pet ever!

also - pet nuke damage will not necessarily register for others - i notice that parse will pick up my pet casting lion procs, but doing 0 direct damage on my outside toon's parse.


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2016, 09:40:19 PM »
i'm the most awesome pet ever!

also - pet nuke damage will not necessarily register for others - i notice that parse will pick up my pet casting lion procs, but doing 0 direct damage on my outside toon's parse.

I never knew you were a pet either.

Pet spell damage isn't echo'd in 3rd person.  The same is true for incoming spell damage against players, in 3rd person context.  You'll see the effect message, but not the damage amount.  But in 1st person, the damage is appended to the effect message.

Pet example:
[Thu Jan 21 22:05:56 2016] Pachydactylus begins to cast a spell. <Lion's Roar 5>
[Thu Jan 21 22:05:56 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay is rent by lion fangs.

Player example:
[Thu Jan 21 22:49:14 2016] Padraigg begins to cast a spell. <Lion's Roar 5>
[Thu Jan 21 22:49:14 2016] Padraigg hit Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay for 16717 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Jan 21 22:49:14 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay is rent by lion fangs.

1st person damage taken example:
[Thu Jan 21 21:45:31 2016] You are lashed by tendrils of pestilence!  You have taken 32200 points of damage.

3rd person damage taken example:
[Thu Jan 21 22:12:02 2016] Padraigg is lashed by tendrils of pestilence!


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2016, 11:11:45 PM »
Trigger Addition

Added the following trigger to the base package tbm-demiplane-of-decay-anashti-01-23-2016-701pm.gtp:

- Tendrils - Spawn and cause DD damage if too close.  Trigger alerts when being hit by the DD and lets you know to adjust position


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2016, 04:36:06 PM »
I've noticed that sometimes I take the damage, from what I assume is the tendrils since it has the same amount of HP, but I don't see the first part saying it is the tendrils.

[Sat Dec 12 20:34:25 2015]   You have taken 32500 points of damage.
[Sat Dec 12 20:34:25 2015]   You have taken 32500 points of damage.


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Re: TBM - Demiplane of Decay - T1 Raid - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2016, 05:01:01 PM »
I've noticed that sometimes I take the damage, from what I assume is the tendrils since it has the same amount of HP, but I don't see the first part saying it is the tendrils.

[Sat Dec 12 20:34:25 2015]   You have taken 32500 points of damage.
[Sat Dec 12 20:34:25 2015]   You have taken 32500 points of damage.

That's damage from Bokon Blast.  Not all spells have context effect messages, and therefore there is no message to prepend to the damage.