After careful thought over the last few days, I'm removing the formula for calculating DKP earnings. The "Points per hour" approach in a way, rewards failure, and it actually encourages people to work slowly, to gain more points. This isn't something I want to promote. The other issue with hourly, is maintenance. It would be extremely mickey mouse to accurately log /who outputs hourly in a zone. It can be parsed, but it's totally up to the logger (me), to hit a hotkey with /who output and markers every hour on the hour. Even adding in a 5 min grace period to account for LD'ers or those out of zone due to death/RIP elapsed timers, wouldn't result in accurate counts. There are numerous other reasons I can get into why this won't work how it's setup.
Dynamic DKP Earning
Instead of "Points per hour", I'm considering a more dynamic approach to earning DKP. Points earned based on the total loot distribution value divided by total raid members in attendance. For example a 35 person raid, distributing loot worth 500 DKP total would mean each person in attendance receives approximately 14 DKP. If the same raid had 54 in attendance, each person earned 9 DKP.
Formula: [ bounty_total / raid_attendance ]
Note: bounty_total is dynamic, that means constantly changing. Covered in section below under ' Dynamic DKP Spending' with fixed minimum opening bid value per item.
Example 1:
Bounty Total: 500 DKP
Max minimum Bounty Total: 40 DKP (that's 10 DKP per item, 4 items)
Raid Attendance: 35
Win DKP Earned: 14
Fail DKP Earned: 1
Fail calculation:
= (40/35)
= 1.14
Dynamic DKP Spending
Lets have raiders decide the value of items, based on their desire to have it.
All items start open bid at 10 DKP
3 rounds of bidding. Going once, twice, sold.
All done in /rs open bid war. No ceiling, but you can't bid more then you have.
A few observations to consider. Using base value for items as the starting point, we let bid wars decide DKP earnings for the night. This can be good and bad, but it's totally self sustaining and requires much less overhead (ie, me figuring out item values across multiple tiers and slots). On the same note, no item decay has to be figured out over time, as players demand will solve that through bid wars.
With minimum opening bid per item being a fixed value, we establish a bounty total for use in determining DKP earnings on event failures. An example is already shown above in the DKP earnings section.
DKP Hoarding
Now, on to the other issue, to prevent hoarding DKP. We want people to spend DKP, even on little upgrades. How about a DKP Tax. Keep it simple, for every 1 DKP you have, ensues a tax of 0.5%. So, someone with 150 points, would pay 75% more for an item.
Player_A: 150 DKP holdings
Item Cost: 20 DKP
Player_A Cost: 35 DKP
150 (0.5) = 75
20 (0.75) = 15
This is just 75% of the bid price 20 DKP.
This is actually something we could factor in after bid wars, and adjust it in the standings. People would feel the pinch if they started banking large amounts of DKP. 300 DKP banked, you'd be paying 150% more for items. Also keep in mind, we can set thresholds here even, so it doesn't penalize low DKP holders.
MIA Players
On the topic of inactive DKP holders, I've been trying to come up with a way to decay DKP fairly. I guess fair is subjective, and in this regard, I considering the following format:
For every 16 Freelance raids held, a person must have attendance at any 3.
That's under 20% Raid Attendance, before DKP decay will kick in. Not a high percent at all imo.
Comments greatly appreciated. Thanks
- Furro