Author Topic: LS - Ankexfen Keep - T2 - Prisoners of Ankexfen  (Read 4044 times)


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LS - Ankexfen Keep - T2 - Prisoners of Ankexfen
« on: February 24, 2024, 10:36:44 PM »
Ankexfen Keep - T2 - Prisoners of Ankexfen

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Laurion Inn
NPC Name: Thormir Helmsbane
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

DZ Enter:Click Door 10

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Commander Zoraxmen tells you to choose which Brigadier to fight first.  The choice made determines how event unfolds.

After both Brigadiers are killed, Commander Zoraxmen activates.

Percentage and timed based adds spawn throughout the event.

React to ground auras and emotes during the event.

Keep the Executioner from killing prisoners.

Deal with traps and hidden barrels.


Strategy differs depending on brigadier chosen at event start.

Brigadier Navulta:   Brigadier Swarn:
Removes an enraged bear from event   Enraged bears spawn throughout event
Acolytes - Follow boss into aura to avoid AE effects   Removes Acolytes from event


Stack and kill adds.

Back out of Swarn's red target ring to avoid Knife Flurry.

Raid stay out of Navulta's exploding bomb ground auras.  Achievement: Blow up Navulta by placing him over his own bombs.

Emoted players run outside and away from fort to avoid Elemental Explosion.

Kill Executioner immediately when active.  Failure results in penalty add.

Disarm the hidden barrels in locations throughout the fort.

Kill traps in order emoted to avoid trap effects.  Do not use AE damage during this portion of event.

Trap and Hidden Barrel Locations:

- Stack all adds at center campfire
- Sacrificial tank will be used to blow up Navulta's bombs

Rogues and Bards:
- Disarm hidden barrels in fort
- Add locations to map file found below.

MA Kill Order: Executioner, Adds, Brigs, Commander

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Commander Zoraxmen

Active: Commander Zoraxmen leaps from the balcony with a roar, all reason lost in his fury.

Snickering DoubtCaster AE - 30k HP DoT + Mana Drain + Decrease Melee Haste by 80% + Decrease Spell Haste by 30%
1st Person: Doubt about your skill and decisions seeps into you.
- Commander Zoraxmen casts at 55s intervals


Hidden Barrels

Commander Zoraxmen shouts, 'Seek, hunt, find my surprise!  Somewhere I have left you a deadly prize.

Forceful ExplosionCaster AE - 700k DD + Knockback (range 300)
1st Person: An explosion slams into you.
- Find and disarm hidden barrels within 35s to avoid Forceful Explosion



At 45%~ Commander Zoraxmen begins emoting for traps.

No area effect damage during this portion of event.

Traps emote in various patterns.  Kill in the order emoted.

All around you lies a problem, flames, frost, poison, lightning, and, entangle, it is for you to solve them.
All around you lies a problem, frost, lightning, entangle, flames, and, poison, it is for you to solve them.
All around you lies a problem, lightning, poison, frost, entangle, and, flames, it is for you to solve them.
All around you lies a problem, poison, entangle, flames, frost, and, lightning, it is for you to solve them.
All around you lies a problem, entangle, flames, lightning, frost, and, poison, it is for you to solve them.

Fire TrapPBAE - 700k DD (range 75)
1st Person: Flames burn your skin.

Frost TrapPBAE - 9k Mana Drain + Decrease Melee Haste by 80% + Decrease Movement by 80% (duration 24s, range 75)
1st Person: Cold seeps into your very bones.

Lightening TrapPBAE - 15k Mana Drain (range 75)
1st Person: Electricity fries your mind.

Net TrapPBAE - Decrease Movement Speed by 10000% (range 75, duration 12s)
1st Person: A net binds you.

Poison TrapPBAE - 550k DoT (range 75, duration 24s)
1st Person: Poison enters your body and starts tearing you down.


Brigadier Swarn

Active: Brigadier Swarn shouts, 'Let's get to work, my allies. We will make sure every one of them dies.'

Elemental ConvergenceSingle Target
Casts on Fade: Elemental Explosion - Target AE - 650k DD + Stun (range 150)
Warning Emote: Brigadier Swarn pulls elemental forces to gather around Soandso, Soandso, and Soandso.
1st Person: Elements begin to gather around you.
- Players emoted run out and away from fort and spread out 150'


Brigadier Navulta

Active: Brigadier Navulta screams a war cry and leaps into the courtyard. Soldiers shout in response.

Knife ThrowSingle Target - 450k DoT (duration 48s)
1st Person: A dagger slams into you, leaving you bleeding.

Knife FlurryCaster AE - 550k DoT (range 60, duration 36s)
1st Person: Knives repeatedly slash you, leaving you bleeding.

Explosive BarrelCaster AE - 800k DD + Knockback (range 300)
1st Person: Shrapnel slices into you.
- Navulta takes 20% damage when blown up by own bombs



Explosive BarrelCaster AE - 800k DD + Knockback (range 300)
1st Person: Shrapnel slices into you.
- Navulta takes 20% damage when blown up by own bombs



an angry ghostOtherworldly Terror - Silence + Decrease Mana by 45% (duration 6s)
1st person: Terror fills your mind, freezing your thoughts.
- Penalty add for allowing the prisoner to die

an acolyte of earth--
- Comes into play when Brigadier Navulta is chosen at event start

an acolyte of incandescence--
- Comes into play when Brigadier Navulta is chosen at event start

an acolyte of torrents--
- Comes into play when Brigadier Navulta is chosen at event start

an acolyte of vapor--
- Comes into play when Brigadier Navulta is chosen at event start

an earthen servant--
- Randomized spawn every 12% while Swarn is active

an incandescent servant--
- Randomized spawn every 12% while Swarn is active

a torrential servant--
- Randomized spawn every 12% while Swarn is active

a vaporous servant--
- Randomized spawn every 12% while Swarn is active

an enraged bear--
- Spawn 2x every 16% while Navulta is active when Swarn is chosen at event start
- Spawn 3x at 80%, 64%, 45%, 27%, and 9% while Commander Zoraxmen is active when Swarn is chosen at event start
- Spawn 4x at timed intervals as penalty adds when enrage timer expires
- Bears shield Brigadiers and Boss

an executioner--
- Indifferent
- Kill executioner before it kills prisoner
- Activates at 1 minute 35s~ intervals


Start Event

Event is triggered by speaking with Commander Zoraxmen.  Instructions provided to choose which brigadier to fight first.  Event starts once a choice has been made.

Commander Zoraxmen says, 'If death is what you seek, that is something we can do.  I give you a choice, which of my brigadiers would you have kill you?'


- Savior
-- Don't let any prisoners die.

- Dynamite
-- Blow up Navulta with his own bombs.

- Defuse
-- Never fail to disarm the Commander's traps properly.


Event Reset:

One of the defenders, being left unattended, kills the remaining prisoners and the memory fades and reforms.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Map file: ankexfen_1.txt (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Trap Locations:
Code: [Select]
P -1151.1155, -1629.2494, 439.1267,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Net_Trap
P -1130.0176, -1689.7870, 439.1042,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Frost_Trap
P -1060.5020, -1627.4867, 439.1355,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Poison_Trap
P -1065.3965, -1680.4048, 439.0881,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Flame_Trap
P -1103.3693, -1604.7738, 437.2652,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Lightning_Trap

Labels submitted by: Raiena

Hiddden Barrel Locations:
Code: [Select]
P -1197.7654, -1609.6576, 437.5537,  0, 240, 240,  1,  Hidden_Barrel
P -1119.0415, -1556.5752, 462.0453,  0, 240, 240,  1,  Hidden_Barrel
P -1012.8738, -1724.2853, 437.5537,  0, 240, 240,  1,  Hidden_Barrel
P -974.9872, -1694.6067, 462.0453,  0, 240, 240,  1,  Hidden_Barrel
P -1032.5558, -1585.2188, 437.5537,  0, 240, 240,  1,  Hidden_Barrel
P -1184.0625, -1710.9500, 437.5537,  0, 240, 240,  1,  Hidden_Barrel

Labels submitted by: Snipe

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2024-03-26 (05:20pm)  - Add Spawn - Angry Ghost
- Add Spawn - Elementals
- Add Spawn - Enraged Bears - Penalty Adds

- Brigadier Navulta
-- Brigadier Navulta - Knives - Back Away
-- Brigadier Navulta and Explosive Barrels Active

- Brigadier Swarn
-- Brigadier Swarn - Elemental Forces - Players Emoted (1st Person)
-- Brigadier Swarn Active

- Commander Zoraxmen
-- Boss Active - Commander Zoraxmen
-- Commander Zoraxmen - Hidden Barrel - Find and Disarm
-- Commander Zoraxmen - Traps - Solve

- Executioner - Switch Targets and Kill

- Event Reset

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).
« Last Edit: August 13, 2024, 10:05:30 PM by Raiena »


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Re: LS - Ankexfen Keep - T2 - Prisoners of Ankexfen
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2024, 11:29:46 PM »
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - Update.

Everyone trigger package updated.

OKAY TO MERGE WITH EXISTING TRIGGER PACKAGE "Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen - Everyone"

See everyone in-game! :)


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Re: LS - Ankexfen Keep - T2 - Prisoners of Ankexfen
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2024, 11:24:38 PM »
Thanks, Rai.  By the way, the map file isn't downloadable.  It's not a link.


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Re: LS - Ankexfen Keep - T2 - Prisoners of Ankexfen
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2024, 11:37:54 PM »
The map isn't a link, it's an image.

What browser are you using? Try switching? It should be visible in the post.


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Re: LS - Ankexfen Keep - T2 - Prisoners of Ankexfen
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2024, 04:45:36 PM »
Sunday, July 22, 2024 - Update.

Strategy updated to include differences when choosing Brigadier at event start.

See everyone in-game! :)