Author Topic: The Classroom  (Read 24139 times)


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The Classroom
« on: July 20, 2011, 04:53:22 AM »
Class Specific Forums
* Updated September 16, 2017 *

Improve how you play your class through continuous education and interaction with your peers.  Visit your class forums regularly.

Forum Tips

Class forums are all about discussing and sharing information.  Below are some tips I've written that hopefully will help on the forum front.

i.  Avoid trying to absorb all the information on a forum at once.  Doing so results in low retention of the information and can serve to discourage oneself. 

Follow a process:
  • Take a piece of information
  • Apply it to your gameplay
  • Gauge/Parse the outcome
  • Re-apply if necessary
  • Return for more information
ii.  Challenge questionable information in a polite way, but back it up with proof when necessary.  Ask for clarification if needed.

iii.  Don't be afraid to ask questions.  But always first search for the answer on the respective forum and abroad.  If you can't find your answer, then pose your question with a good lead in imo, such as: I tried searching for the answer to this question, but was unable to find an answer.  Does anyone know if ... etc.

iv.  Trolls!  They're ugly in EQ, and take another form in real life on forums!  The point here is, trolls are posters that try and incite anger in others through personal character attacks and/or simply enflaming a thread for their own agenda.

Cut through the noise (troll posts), and don't take it personal if someone attacks you.  It's all about being diplomatic in your replies, and the moment you take offense and respond in haste, is when you stoop to the same level and you fall into the trollish trap!

Class Specific Forums

For each class, I've included the main 3rd party forum as well as the Daybreak Games (DBG) official class forum.  In addition, I've included serverwide class in-game channels as another avenue to tap into real-time interaction with others of your class.

For the starter thread links, I kept the poster topic intact mostly.  For some, the topic isn't always revealing, so I've added what it pertains to within brackets.

Serverwide channels are listed within brackets under each Class heading.
* Note: Please reply to this thread with any updates/links/comments you feel should be included and I'll update this post where necessary.


ForumGood Starter Threads
The Concert HallBard forum: Registration required to view other areas it seems.
EQ Freelance ForumsBard Discs
Bard Raid Melodies
Hybrid (DBG sub-forum)Proper Care and Feeding of Heroic Bards
bard burnable AAs
Raid group song setups and advice
The Beastlord's DenTime to get offensive....
Hybrid (DBG sub-forum)
Melee (DBG sub-forum)
EQ Cleric ForumsClerical Tips and Words of Wisdom - Sub-forum with a variety of good posts.
Priests (DBG sub-forum)
The Druids Grove
Priests (DBG sub-forum)
Casters (DBG sub-forum)
Magician's TowerLibrary Area - Various posts covering many aspects of the class.
Must have (or nice to have) Clickes?
Buffs/Burn: Raid - Still relevant.
Casters (DBG sub-forum)
Monkly Business
EQ Freelance ForumsL105 Monk DPS -The Broken Mirror-
Melee (DBG sub-forum)
NecroTalk.comNecro DPS - Spell Casting Order v2.0
DPS tools - what you'll need & never outgrow
Anomalous Rock of Alteration
EQ Freelance ForumsNecromancer Guide - TBM
Necro Triggers
Casters (DBG sub-forum)
Paladins of Norrath
EQ Freelance ForumsStraight up DPS
Tanks (DBG sub-forum)Gone for almost 12 years. Heroic Paladin - Help please.
Paladin stuns, help me sort it out...
Which Paladin BP clickies should I get? (group-geared)
Paladin Must Have Items and Clicky's?
Paladin Healing?
Healing while fighting (solo paladin)
Best paladin AA's for soloing...
EQ Freelance ForumsTDS - Ranger DPS (updated to TBM I believe, but not EoK yet)
Hybrid (DBG sub-forum)
(serverwide by invitation only) 
The Safehouse
EQ Freelance ForumsRogue DPS Guide - The Broken Mirror Edition
Melee (DBG sub-forum)
EQ Freelance ForumsSk's can't tank.... defensives by the numbers.
AE Aggro spell sets
DPS considerations.
Tanks (DBG sub-forum)
The Shaman's Crucible
EQ Freelance ForumsShaman guides
Priests (DBG sub-forum)
EQ Freelance ForumsWarrior Hotkeys
Tanks (DBG sub-forum)
EQ Wizards
EQ Freelance ForumsWizard DPS in The Broken Mirror
Casters (DBG sub-forum)
« Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 09:44:55 PM by Furro »


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Re: The Classroom
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2011, 11:49:01 PM »
Ssark here is the write up on Zerker burns I roll with.  Can be changed with playing style....blah, blah blah.

Ocsee Clene

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Re: The Classroom
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2012, 12:16:07 PM »
So the other night you were trying to get the healers to be more aggressive about healing with a nice long talk in channel about ways to improve.  One of the things you mentioned was twinhealing, and you seemed to think that there was a way to do twinheals basically on command if you're anticipating a big hit on the tank.

Is there a place I can learn how to do twinheals with Persephonae?  I haven't gotten the chance to raid with her a lot since I am still getting back up to speed after an absence, but I have raided with her a many times with freelance in the past, and if I'm to do it again I want to know the new tricks.


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Re: The Classroom
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2012, 07:29:36 AM »
So the other night you were trying to get the healers to be more aggressive about healing with a nice long talk in channel about ways to improve.  One of the things you mentioned was twinhealing, and you seemed to think that there was a way to do twinheals basically on command if you're anticipating a big hit on the tank.

Is there a place I can learn how to do twinheals with Persephonae?  I haven't gotten the chance to raid with her a lot since I am still getting back up to speed after an absence, but I have raided with her a many times with freelance in the past, and if I'm to do it again I want to know the new tricks.

Okay, early AM here and I'm tired (this is Halfling abuse btw!).  This is going to be quick and dirty.  Specific to Cleric class, but Shaman/Druids get similar lines to certain degrees.

Target's Target

Two types of Target's Target (ToT) lines were introduced starting back in Underfoot.

In-game spell menu [list bull-blackarrow]
  • Heals[list bull-blackarrow]
  • Misc
Contravention Line: Cast against Mob -> Damages mob, and a heal portion is channeled to the mobs current target.
    95 - Elysian Contravention
    90 - Celestial Contravention
    85 - Holy Contravention
Intervention Line: Cast on Player -> Heals player, and damage portion directed to players target
    93 - Elysian Intervention
    88 - Celestial Intervention
    83 - Holy Intervention
Twinheal / Twincast

In-game spell menu [list bull-blackarrow]
  • Direct Damage[list bull-blackarrow]
  • Twincast
The Glorious series is our Twinheal line consisting of a nuke with a chance to twinheal buff with counters.  You nuke a mob, a Twinheal buff icon will appear in your short-term buff window, and the next TWO heal type spells you cast will crit heal (double).
    94 - Glorious Admonition
    89 - Glorious Censure
    84 - Glorious Denunciation
Twinheal Technique

The concept is simple.  Use a Glorious line to twinheal proc; follow up with an Intervention 2x, and/or whatever as the situation demands.  Rinse, repeat.
    Any direct cast heal will work with the twinheal.  This includes our target Splash line.

    All these lines are fast cast times 1.0 - 1.5 seconds.

    They don't share the same spell line refresh timer.
Be Aware: Careful using Intervention on players with mezzed mobs on their target (it'll break mez, as the nuke portion hits the mob).

Contravention Notes:
  • Contravention line does not crit heal with the twinheal running.  Because it is a nuke/heal, not a heal/nuke.
  • Although it won't crit with twinheal proc, it is still useful simply due to the fact it can trigger Necro Reluctant Benevolence, and it contributes to our overall DPS.  Every bit counts.
Comments & Suggestions

I use a mix in my lineup.  But it always includes minimum:  1 Glorious, 2-3 Interventions.

Glorious refreshes fast enough that one is all that's needed.

Contravention is slotted in event specific.

If you're used to conventional dated heal methods, then you'll find this hard at first.  But with practice, you can pick it up fast imo.  Biggest thing is, don't give up on it right away.  Stick with it.  More healers need to adopt this technique.

Work with the setup in your daily group sessions as well as raid.  It's easier to manage in group obviously, as you have a more controlled environment to stop/go.  But in a raid setting the pressure is on so you'll learn it faster imo!  Use it in all situations though really.

You'll mistarget often as well at first, and end up nuking a player.  Funny, but not so much when it eats your spell timer on that gem.

It'll take more focus, but you'll notice the gains in your burst heal ability right away. 

Oh, and I use a GTT trigger with a sound tie in for the twinheal proc.  I find it useful to time splashes with twin running etc, if I have a twin up having just heard the sound, I know I can drop a 1.5 rq, and then splash for the 2nd proc to crit the raid with 20k+ heals etc.  Stuff like that.

GTT Pattern: Your healing power temporarily forks in two.

09/28/2014 Edit: Be mindful that this post is somewhat dated now and over time with game changes our healing has adapted along with it.  Some facets are still applicable however, such as 0.5-1.5s heals, ToTs, and of course spell sets change depending on the events/situation.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 04:23:21 AM by Furro »


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Re: The Classroom
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2012, 11:01:12 PM »
Added to Mage area in table: Buffs/Burn: Raid (By: Piemastaj, 05-18-2012)

We sport a couple mages, it'd be great to see them pushing close to 60k on their short burn.  Checkout Nylrem01's parse snippet in the last page in the parse thread HERE.


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Re: The Classroom
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2014, 04:32:21 AM »
I went through each link and fixed/removed any broken/dated material that is no longer relevant with modern game-play.  Noted areas in red are missing some helpful resources.  Feel free to reply here with any class posts/links and I'll update the related section.  Thanks.


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Re: The Classroom
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2014, 06:21:23 AM »
Favorite threads:

Bard - Raid group song setups and advice
Bard Forum - The Concert Hall - requires confirmation from an admin to register (contact one in the serverwide bard channel)

Cleric - Clerical Tips and Words of Wisdom (not a thread, but all the posts in that forum are good)

Enchanter - Enchanter spell lists and favorite activated aa

Magician - Buffs/Burn: Raid (mentioned in a post above but not in main post, imo this one is still relevant)

Necromancer - Everquest Necro Raid burn (CotF Era -- Tier 2) (YouTube video, highly recommend)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 06:23:09 AM by Mildaria »


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Re: The Classroom
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2014, 02:53:17 PM »
Here's a Link Here before I take off here. Just one of many sites I use for oddball info, but this one has a sort of hodge podge assortment of links.


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Re: The Classroom
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2014, 11:10:50 PM »
Favorite threads:

Bard - Raid group song setups and advice
Bard Forum - The Concert Hall - requires confirmation from an admin to register (contact one in the serverwide bard channel)

Cleric - Clerical Tips and Words of Wisdom (not a thread, but all the posts in that forum are good)

Enchanter - Enchanter spell lists and favorite activated aa

Magician - Buffs/Burn: Raid (mentioned in a post above but not in main post, imo this one is still relevant)

Necromancer - Everquest Necro Raid burn (CotF Era -- Tier 2) (YouTube video, highly recommend)

Updated OP with these links, thanks.

The bard forum I had come across.  Personally, I think it's dumb to have a bard forum presumably intended for public consumption and discussion and have it be private requiring admin approval.  That's akin to the nonsense over on the necro board where there's a "private" area for a "small fee" to get information about some sorta leet dps bs.  Let the information out and it benefits everyone imo.

Still missing some other links highlighted in red in the OP if anyone has some quality posts they wish to link to help the team.

Here's a Link Here before I take off here. Just one of many sites I use for oddball info, but this one has a sort of hodge podge assortment of links.

I'll come back to the link, as there's many threads to sift through there.  Thanks.


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Re: The Classroom
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2016, 09:36:13 PM »
Updated the Classroom post.  Updated/removed numerous forum domain links.  Also removed many old thread links, as they were so dated it was unlikely they were still relevant.

Please let me know if there are any links you feel are important and wish to have added.
