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Messages - Brenlaven

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Freelance Ramblings / Evolving Eye of Decay and Eye of Life
« on: May 08, 2016, 04:05:39 AM »
For those wanting to know how to evolve the eye's...

Even tho the Eye of Decay says "The eye awaits the Vanquisher of Vim and Vigor" it is actually wrong per that post.  It seems the Eye of Decay needs Vanquisher of Wither and Decay achievement to evolve.

So, lets focus on the achievements when they are called for....going well so far....

I've mentioned  it before but we don't have to kill all the adds before we start the event.

Freelance could also try to do the event like RoI does and simply move the boss and entire raid when adds spawn since they are nonaggro at start and they will not aggro anyone if people are out of aggro range.  There is a video of this strat btw. Not saying it is the strat Freelance wants to use but if we are tossing out ideas there is another one to consider...

This is an interesting strat and it might work but don't you have to kill all the adds in the end to beat the event? And it isn't related to the achievement is it?

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Akkapan Fast
« on: May 07, 2016, 07:29:12 PM »
Achievement Akkapan Fast.

I like that Freelance is working on the achievements.  This one needs some refinement which is to be expected. As there is more attempts at it the strategy will come together.  As an idea for are some observations/thoughts...

It took almost 3 minutes to kill all the adds at the start (best guess) which leaves all of 12 minutes to kill the boss.  Assuming we will have between 10-12 minutes to kill the boss and all his adds the strategy has to change for doing this achievement.

On the engage of the boss...the burns from the adds are still running in some cases so wasting even 30 seconds to plant fires is 30 seconds of burns being wasted. Instead, how about the MTO picks up the boss after the initial adds are dead and stand a spot and tank the boss. The fires can be dropped while the boss is being worked on with the leftover burns.  A totem will spawn eventually and the boss can be moved to a fire as normal.

Rather than pulling the boss away from the adds every time they spawn how about we simply leave the boss where he is (totems of course need reacting to) and kill the first 3 (maybe 4?) waves of adds at the bosses feet?  The first 4 waves are 1, 3 , 5, 5 according to other posts in this thread.  There should be no reason to pull the boss away from adds for these waves.  Later waves sure...the numbers add up.

The first 3 or 4 waves of adds could be AE'd down pretty reasonably right?  There are times where an add tank has 2 or 3 adds on him from broken mez or simply non-mez adds so if the heeler for that add tank actually does heel the add tank it should be okay to let the wave not be mezzed.

After wave 4 (?) go back to the move boss -> mez adds -> run around looking for adds because they are not grouped together strategy...until the boss is dead.

Just some thoughts on how to optimized the strat...

Pulsing Fumes - run away dot....

IMO, if there is a toon that can group cure it...they should be casting it.  It helps in every way possible. Casters don't have to "run" to cure and can keep dpsing. Melee don't have to "run" to cure and can keep dpsing.

However, melee are in rampage range so the curer for those toons may be eating rampage too which isn't always a good idea. It just depends on the toon.

But in the end...if a toon is dying from this dot waiting for a cure it is on that toon to think and move instead of expecting a cure or simply dying.  This is assuming the toons in the group are doing the right thing and trying to stay near the heeler/curer instead of being spread out for no valid reason. Those green 'x' on your map are useful...people should be using them.

The entire event and strategy is a mess.  Everyone runs way too far to cure Pulsing Fumes is 50' or need to run to other side of the zone.  Personally, it seems reasonable for a heeler/curer to be in the middle of the 'circle' and only move if/when a totem is in the way. The group could stand near the heeler and then when the heeler moves to avoid the totem the group moves to the heeler.  The strat of being 'outside' the circle is interesting but just seems to make the 'stay together' plan harder.

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Vanquiser of Anashit Sul
« on: May 02, 2016, 05:35:58 AM »
Freelance needs to smooth out this raid before worrying about these achievements. So lets get this raid on farm status so we can knock out these achievements!

Achievement Dance Dance Retribution should to be successful every run. The dot Mortal Decay is nasty and will kill pretty much any toon that gets IMO if someone gets it they should just die and get a rez...otherwise the heelerz will spend most of the time trying to keep that poor toon alive.  But if people want to live...start moving to the pools quickly. The dot lasts for 5 minutes...which is a long time for a heeler to spend focused on a toon.  It seems possible to keep the MTO alive with the dot but that means a the boss should be pulled to the pool by the MT for the success attempts.

Achievement Golem is as Golem Does is related to letting the three minis combine into one.  Not sure if they have to be near each other (probably) or in an aura (probably not) but it means having to tank the three minis for a while and then killing the merged mob.  Until this event is a lot smoother this achievement will have to wait...far too much death on this raid for right now...but once we get it down better we can look forward to Furro trying this one too.

Wins are most important but when Furro calls for going for achievements we all should work as best as we can to get them down for the benefits everyone gets from them.

These achievements seem to power up the Eye of Life or Decay (not sure which one) but working on the achievements to get the eyes are probably more important for now.

However, these achievements look easy enough.

First, Non Transferable. This is the one Curmugly and others are talking about hugging the boss.  If it is cured near the boss every time this achievement is a success. Self curing it away from the boss means a failure.  This can be a challenge if an add tank or someone working the portal gets hit with it...they have to run to the boss to be cured. Not always the easiest thing...but we should try to always be near the boss to get it cured.

As for No Restoration...apparently there are oozes that spawn that will heal the boss. Killing them quickly might be the solution...maybe pulling them away from the boss.  Not sure when they spawn or exactly where so any information on this would be helpful.

No Unity....not sure the last time Freelance has had a Radiant Steam Soother spawn so not even sure how that happens so lets not find out!!!

Wins are most important but when Furro calls for going for achievements we all should work as best as we can to get them down for the benefits everyone gets from them.

Freelance should be able to try to get these achievements completed to get the reward Eye of Life. It gives a type 3 aug that improves damage for all abilities by 1%. With further achievements in other raids it can reach up to 10%. Seems to scale from 1% to 3%, 5%, 7%, and then 10%.

Brenlaven's achievements show No Heroes was won on 05 Dec 2015 (maybe earlier?). No Relife for Allies was beat on 11 Mar 2016.

The Uncursed! achievement is unclear on how to get a success. If anyone has a good (guess? idea?) to get this one...please share...  For now, it seems if the buff runs the timer and the person is not cured (to 100% based on the dbgbugtracker site?) and the person survives (required?) it might mean a successful achievement.

So as Furro has mentioned in this thread...running away (up the tunnel past the coffins?) and not letting the others with the debuff be near each other might be a strat to try...being not near anyone else seems to be important for that achievement.

Wins are most important but when Furro calls for going for achievements we all should work as best as we can to get them down for the benefits everyone gets from them.

Freelance should be able to get these achievements completed to get the reward Eye of Decay. It gives a type 3 aug that improves damage for all abilities by 1%. With further achievements in other raids it can reach up to 10%. Seems to scale from 1% to 3%, 5%, 7%, and then 10%.

Based on the wins in the DKP site and Brenlaven's achievements it looks like Gifts Unopened was first achieved on 30 Jan 2016 (first win).  Et tu, Kebaber was won on 11 Mar 2016 (if not earlier?).  The only one left it Seven at One Blow at least for Brenlaven.

While this event is still a challenge, Freelance has proven to be able to get it down on a consistent basis.  With the expansion beaten everyone should be eager to focus on getting the events down efficiently and trying some achievements when Furro calls for them.

Wins are most important but when Furro calls for going for achievements we all should work as best as we can to get them down for the benefits everyone gets from them.

Raider Essentials / Re: FL Tank Communication 101
« on: May 02, 2016, 04:12:50 AM »
My name is Croydan I have all but 1 piece of TBM RAID GEAR. I use gina I have triggers I was with SR left on very good terms have been told by Stell that I can reap in 3 months.
I do not Raid on Christmas , Easter, Thanksgiving, or Family Birthdays that is wife, daughter and son.
Croydan, good to see you read the hotkeys, etc. and you have nice gear for sure...I am sure Furro will work you into the MTO as he can...

Furro rarely (ever?) misses raids...regardless of the day...but people do what they do and Freelance just chugs along.

Freelance doesn't use voice chat but some are in vent or other chat systems...nothing official.

As for politics, etc. in FLRAIDS is basically non-existent...more focused on the raiding and helping others that raid Freelance.  There is a good deal of joking among the folks in channel at times. Some deal with it better than others but most people are just having fun and nothing is done in a mean spirited manner IMO.

Glad to see you interested in Freelance...

Shadow Knight / SK DPS - Brenlaven style
« on: March 27, 2016, 06:38:45 AM »
How Brenlaven does DPS
Some have asked for Brenlaven's spell here is a general overview of how Brenlaven "tanks" (really does DPS) on raids.

Gimamam normally beats Brenlaven on parses and he has different information all of us could learn from...this is what Brenlaven does...but check out Gimamam's post on SK DPS here...

Start with the fact Brenlaven is not a good SK. There are better SKs all across the game...just ask them...they will tell all of this is just Brenlaven's understanding of SK DPS.

Different types of SKs

There seems to be three broad play styles for SKs: The Aggro is King SK, the DoTs Rule SK, and the Lifetaps Rule SK. None of these play styles is necessarily wrong...just different.
  • The Aggro is King SK.  These SKs typically use terrors and ae aggro abilities to hold aggro on the boss.  AE aggro can include Deceitful Deflection ae lifetap, Distasteful Bargin ae nuke, or Disgust ae aggro in addition to the ae aggro AA's. They think lifetaps are for patch heeling and thus are used only when needed...leaving it to the heelerz to keep them alive.
  • The DoTs Rule SK. These SKs prefer DoTs for DPS. They use DoTs and either lean toward Aggro is King or Lifetaps Rule style. Basically, they use DoTs and either build aggro with terrors or they lifetap as needed between keeping DoTs going.
  • The Lifetaps Rule SK.  These SKs believe in lifetaps as DPS.  They may use some DoTs and/or terrors but the main spell usage is lifetaps.

The Nuts and Bolts
Brenlaven is a Lifetaps Rule SK.  By looking at Furro's parse information it becomes clear Brenlaven is a Lifetaps Rule SK.  Below is an outline of Brenlaven's setup on raids.  For raids where no disease/corruption are allowed some spells change.  Brenlaven rarely uses a 2 hand weapon...and never on a all of this is with 1 hand/shield.

Here are the spells Brenlaven normally has loaded on raids:

Furro expects specific debuffs to be cast on raids.  The current SK debuffs are Torrent of Hate, Dire Strangulation, and Torrent of Misery.
  • Torrent of Misery - is an AC group boost/reduces the mobs AC and is a raid debuff.
  • Bond of Bonemaw - is a DoT heel...self heeling FTW!
  • Dire Strangulation - is a DoT raid debuff...commonly assigned to Brenlaven.
  • Spear of Vizat - is a nuke.
  • Dichotomic Fang - is a huge lifetap.
  • Impose for Power - is a self AC boost.
  • Touch of Falsin - is a lifetap.
  • Vizat's Skin - is a buff to absorb damage.
  • Terror of Narus - is an aggro spell.
  • Staunch Stance - is a self HP boost.
  • Dire Declaration - is a big lifetap.
  • Touch of Lutzen - is a lifetap.
As you can see there are only two DoTs and one is only loaded because it is a raid requirement.

The key to Brenlaven's DPS is multibind

Pure and simple...multibind is how Brenlaven produces so much DPS.  A multibind comes in two main forms...some people map spell gems to a single key while others map hotbars to a single key. Both work but Brenlaven prefers the hotbar setup because it allows for different setups by simply switching a hotbar page.

To multibind spell gems put the same letter in the Keypress OR Alternate column.

To multibind a hotbar pick a hotbar and put a letter in the Keypress column. Note that ALL pages of the hotbar will use the letter you choose.

Once you have the hotbar multibind setup then pick the spells and anything else you need in the proper button locations.

On this hotbar there is one social then Spear of Vizat, Dichotomic Fang, Dire Declaration, Touch of Luzten, Touch of Falsin, Bond of Bonemaw, Dire Strangulation, and Torrent of Misery.

The order of the spells is important. Lag can impact how effective your multibind too. In the above list it is nearly impossible for Brenlaven to cast Torrent of Misery given the spell refresh times of all the spells before Torrent of Misery is simply in the hotbar to make it easier to click to cast.

The social is a 'mash' key that does these abilities/discs: Repel, Bash, Vicious Bite of Chaos, Banestrike, and Lacerating Blade.

To DPS just mash the key selected over and over and over...the "N" key for Brenlaven.


Over time Gimamam and Brenlaven have discussed burns and tried various different setups. Currently Brenlaven's burn hotkey is this...and is different than Gimamam's and other real SKs.

On a burn call Brenlaven will usually use Glyph of the Cataclysm then hit the hotkey above...which will cause him to gain instant aggro on the boss so use Shield Flash (if necessary) to let the MTO time to get the boss back...and if needed FD to drop it back on the MTO.

NOTE: Since you can gain aggro hitting this hotkey never use a 2 hand weapon with this hotkey.

That is basically it for Brenlaven DPS...if you have different setups or different ideas share them.  If you want to claim this is a bad setup then just start beating me on the parses (and share your setup here) we can all learn the right way to DPS.

Tanking a mob is only slightly different...usually no burns...more use of defensive disciplines and clickies...but the spells cast are the same...lifetaps. Maybe another post on how Brenlaven tanks will be done in the future

Are we raiding PoWarrior tonight?

Shadow Knight / Re: pretty pretty UI!
« on: March 27, 2016, 05:29:26 AM »

Could you list some of the clickies you have in that UI? Specifically:

Hotbar 3 slot 8, 9, 11.
Hotbar 4 slot 10, 12.
Hotbar 5 slot 6, 7, 8 (a fishing pole?), 9, 11.
Hotbar 8 slot 10, 12.

Also, what is in Potion belt slot 3?

And my UI has a lot more chat windows and I use all 10 hotbars in various manners. On raids I will have up to 6 chat windows for various filtered outputs.

On the EQ forums for the anniv raid is a very nice post that has a link to the guild site of the guy posting that explains how they understand the raid working. They will test it further Sat 26 Mar 2016 but if Furro wants to read it and decide what info he would like to test against it is there...very detailed write up BTW.

Post #209 as of this writing:

The link to the guild site:

I posted what we know about the raid including a gina package at:

I think my biggest problem i have is lagg.

There are posts that talk about how to reduce lag in EQ. It is common for people to blame the connection...but there are many things in the game that can be done to reduce lag.

One of the biggest lag issues in EQ is if you have NPC Journal turned on. ALT-J or EQ->Quests->NPC Journal. Make sure "Enable Journal" is NOT checked. It is a huge lag generator.

Another common way of improving lag in EQ is to revert to old models. That one you have to set from the Launchpad. I only have mounts and a couple others (elf?) using new models. The old models help reduce lag as well.

There are many other things to do...change your environment settings (far clip plane, etc.) to lower/minimal levels. It reduces what you see in the game (grass, how far you can see a NPC etc.) but if you need to not lag out they are helpful.  You can change the environment settings and zone to have them in effect so if you lower them before starting to raid and put them high again if you like them  in group stuff...that is an option.

Look around on FL forums and EQ forums for hints on how to improve your EQ experience. Mildaria has posted in the past I think on how to improve performance here on FL forums and others have on EQ forums.

Necromancer / Re: Necro DPS
« on: March 19, 2016, 07:49:06 PM »
The reason Roar overrides Dire is most likely due to it being the better debuff as a whole, Cam. Since it has multiple applications of stat lowering. My guess is that the 266 raw agility is more than 91 AC.

This claim that a raw 266 agility is more than 91 AC means that 2.93 raw agility is more than 1 AC point.

This response seems to completely ignore the slots for the buffs. Maybe it is true that 2.93 raw agility is more than 1 AC point which is super great I guess but is it possible that the stacking rules of EQ make it so that the 266 DEX overwrites the 91 AC in slot 3?  Having nothing to do with the AGI in slot 4 at all? Or that the AGI in slot 4 is overwriting the DOT damage in slot 4?

Or are these numbers (1,2,3,4) not really important and just a list? Don't get me wrong I am all for smart people saying smart things but at times it is smart people just claiming things they don't bother looking all.

Until Furro/leadership says Roar of Thunder is more important than Dire Strangulation....BST should not use Roar of Thunder. It is up to Furro to decide what debuffs he wants on the mob.  But if SKs stop casting Dire Strangulation I doubt any SK would complain...other than how it impacts the overall damage on events.  SKs would just have to find a different DOT to DPS with on mobs...oh the shame of it.

 Roar of Thunder XVIII 
    1: Decrease HP when cast by 5000
    2: Decrease STR by 266
    3: Decrease DEX by 266
    4: Decrease AGI by 266

 Dire Strangulation Rk. III 
    1: Increase Disease Counter by 24
    2: Decrease STR by 109 (L105) to 270 (L105)
    3: Decrease AC by 30 (L105) to 91 (L105)
    4: Decrease Hitpoints by 2121 per tick

If it was like Pathosis vs Deceitful Blight then it is more reliable information.  Pathosis disease is in slot 5 and Deceitful Blight disease is in slot 5...making it clear why blight is overwritten.

 Pathosis III 
    5: Decrease Disease Resist by 114

Deceitful Blight Rk. III 
    1: Increase Corruption counter by 30
    2: Decrease Hitpoints by 2222 per tick
    5: Decrease Disease Resist by 54

If someone can point me and everyone else to a thread on how slots and stacking work that would be great too!

Also, is it a good idea to cross post information from behind a login to an open forum? Freelance is open for all to read but your source isn' you think they will mind you sharing the secrets on those forums with everyone in this manner?

DoTs Rule!

What is up with the soothers? The last couple runs have been better but last night a soother or two were nowhere near the assigned corner. One was in the NE corner (steams), another round at least one soother was heading to the boss.

Are tanks having issues pulling them to the corner? Or are the tanks dying because the soothers are not being rooted quick enough? Or is it simply bad luck?

Based on previous experience, it is possible for one drood to park these mobs in the corner. A drood (or shammy) with paralytic spray can punt root the 3 soothers in one shot into the assigned corner for 3+ mins. That is plenty of time to kill the steams it looks like...  If only 2 soothers are in the corner a drood can still use paralytic spray and when the 3rd is pulled over paralytic spore gets that one in the corner.

As long as nobody overwrites the root with a lesser root (vinelash/flusterbolt) or someone nukes soothers to break toon could handle the soothers rooting assignment.  Have a backup drood/shammy/ranger if a soother breaks root from nuking should cover it.  A drood in a caster group (not in a tank/add tank group) should be able to both root the soothers and still heel the casters as needed.

If we use (continue to use?) 3 rangers we are  wasting DPS for adds to die.  If the tanks are not pulling the soothers to the corner fast enough that is a different issue but a tank shouldn't have to wait long for the soothers to be rooted then move out of the corner.  With paralytic spray the tank doesn't even have to be completely in the corner given the knock back of that root.

Just trying to figure out a better mousetrap on soothers. Any thoughts on this?

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