Author Topic: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence  (Read 19932 times)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2020, 11:49:25 PM »
August 21, 2020 - Strategy Post & Triggers Package Updated

Good attempt last night.  We got UEE to 8% for the first time!  Closing the gap!  Let's keep going!

Trigger Package Update

Another update to tweak the delay moving to center area too early when UEE activate emote occurs.

Classes - Banes & Tips

Thanks to the contributors to date!  Updated "Classes - Banes & Tips" section of Strategy post.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #31 on: August 22, 2020, 03:27:07 AM »


Contributor: Furro

Spell Lineup: TODO, ran out of time

Cleric Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  Tarnation  61   ST  --
  Awe *  -   ST  -- If you don't have Tarnation, use lowest level in Awe* spell line
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Blessed Chains  -  ST  138-
  Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)

Clerics with the attention & spell gems to spare for banes can use:

on Timer 6: Sound of Wrath Rk.III, level 108 (rk 3 is important for cast time, the level is not. I call out the level 108 because Freelance's TBL raids should provide the Median Lamp to get rk3)
on Timer 5: Stun, level 2. 12 second reuse timer, not 2 minutes
on Timer 4: Tarnation level 61 -or- Aweflash

also spell:Shackle, lv97, important for those clerics that lack their VexThal clicky to not have to wait on AA refresh (quick though it is)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #32 on: August 22, 2020, 03:50:42 AM »

Contributor: Furro, extrapolated spell lineup from Skattle's casts

Spell Lineup:

Al'ele's/Venon's Vindicationnot a spell
Bestial Vivisection/Rendingnot a spell
Bethun's Mending
Bloodmaw's Bite
Dissident Fury
Endaroky's Chill
Frostbite Lance
Frozen Malignance
Growl of the Lioness
Ikatiar's Blood
Neemzaq's Endemic
Restless Lance
Vkjen's Maelstrom

Beastlord Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --

Bst, like ber/rog, focus on boss dps in Mearatas. The countdown to enrage timer is the key mechanic to be battling against. Use discs early & often. Consult bst forum for good guides, maybe.

Beastlords bane with

/tar a_flame_mephit0
/cast # (Sha's Reprisal spell lv87)
/cast # (Sha's Legacy spell lv70)
/alt activate 1269 (Sha's Reprisal AA)

those two spell gems do not interfere at all with core dps spell line up of:

Dichotomic Fury (1/minute while engaged with the boss or you're letting the team down! Rejuv to get it twice in some burn!)
Frozen Malignance
Vkjen's Maelstrom
Endaroky's Chill
Ikatiar's Blood
Neemzaq's Endemic
Growl of the Lioness

Beastlords must either be super careful with, or completely eschew, the very good pet heal Salve line. It is a poison cure and will trigger Poison Proliferation if the beastlord is cursed.

The bad any-target Mending heal is safe, just not… good. As always.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 09:11:35 AM by Szilent »


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #33 on: August 22, 2020, 04:20:42 AM »

Contributor: Furro, extrapolated banes from Ranger spell casts (Keloden, Kevsaiyan and Rulolin possibly, forget atm)

Spell Lineup: WIP

Ranger Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Entrap IV  -   ST  219-
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Vinelash Assault  -  98  F.AE- Frontal AE
  Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)

/tar a_wave_mephit0
/cast # (Earthen Roots lv63)
/alt act 584 (Grasp of Sylvan Spirits)
/useitem Ring of Immobilization

Vinelashes is very fine, especially against multiples, but can be hard to aim on the slopes of our fighting arena, especially as we're dodging boulders. A bane key with faster reuse single target spell+AA is much more reliable. Ambitious rangers will maybe show their quality by employing 'lash & the hotkey both?

/tar an_animated_mephit0
/cast # (Tangling Weeds lv5)
/alt activate 219 (Entrap)

Above two spells, one for each hotbutton, leave tonnnns of room for the ranger dps spells:

Marked Shots
Dissident Fussilade
Focused Blizzard of Arrows
Summer's Sleet
Ice Burrower Swarm

Rangers need to take special care with their Balm cure spell. Though it is their only way to cure Curse, it also cures Poison so it is NOT SAFE to cast for clearing Poison Proliferation, only for clearing Spreading Stone.

Desperate & Spring heals are safe. Spring is bad, but what're you gonna do? (you're going to trust the shm are AE healing with their Gift+Squalls!)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #34 on: August 22, 2020, 05:31:14 AM »


Contributors: Padraigg, Furro

Spell Lineup: WIP

Rogue Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Ligament Slice  -   ST  672-
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  Smokeshade  105   AE  --
  Audacious Escape  105   ST  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --

my logs of Mearatas show Padraigg only landing bane damage by Ligament Slice. This bears out my experience Berserkering that Combat Abilities do not fire banes, only spells & AA & clicks that come with a "begins casting" message (not "activates")

Unfortunately, this means that rogues are limited to Animated mephit for bane.

Fortunately, this frees up rogues to really bear down hard on burning the boss. Padraigg's guide is here.


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #35 on: August 22, 2020, 06:15:40 PM »
Shadow Knight

Contributors: Furro, extrapolated spell lineups and banes from Bubbulz, Zimmak, Persephone and Modalex

Spell Lineup:

Abhorrent Bargain
Blood of Ikatiar
Bloodletting Covenant
Bond of Vulak
Cadcane's Skin
Claret Ragenot a spell
Dire Indictment
Dissident Fang
Insidious Rejection
Pestilent Darkness
Protest for Power
Soul Carapace/Shield/Guardnot a spell
Spear of Cadcane
Stormwall Stance
Terror of Mirenilla
Torrent of AnguishAC buff doesn't stack with War:Paragon Champion. /tell Raiena war buffs pls
Touch of Drendar
Touch of Lutzen
Touch of T`Vem
Touch of Zlandicar
Vulak's Bite

Note: Adjust lineup accordingly, obviously the list exceeds spell gems available.

Shadow Knight Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Encroaching Darkness  -   ST  826-
       Pestilent Darkness  112   ST  --
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --

/tar an_animated_mephit0
/alt activate 826 (Encroaching Darkness AA)
/cast # (Despairing Darkness lv87)
/cast # (Suppurating Darkness lv92)
/cast # (Smoldering Darkness lv97)

The damage done by Darkness dots is superfluous, using the lowest level ones that still cast instantly saves bunches of mana. One cycle of a bane key like this is expected to flatten any one Animated entirely, solo kill in ~1tick. Instant banes are "some good". Having a good bane key is good for the SK not just for the raid (it's very good for the raid) because baning a mephit to death is a kill, so the SK can pick up Mortal Coil :D

How many of those spells to load will be up to the SK, of course. It takes three to max out snare spamming but spell gems can be at a premium.

Core lifetaps always:
Touch of Drendar
Touch of T'Vem
Dire Indictment
Dissident Fang

From the log, mephit waves at 85%, 50%, and 25%->finish are every 20s:
[Thu Aug 20 20:20:31 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.
[Thu Aug 20 20:20:51 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.
[Thu Aug 20 20:21:31 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.
[Thu Aug 20 20:21:51 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.

This is of special interest to SK when talking about spell gems because Splode/Splode/Stream AAs are each 45 cooldown, so while (with care) one of that set can be ready for each wave, good SKs pretty surely want spell backup for them: Insidious Rejection (highly recommended) and/or Abhorrent Bargain (<Bargain shares timer with Spear) and/or Contempt-Revulsion-Disgust (<"not great" cast times on these).
When agroing those mephit waves, survivability matters, so there's no dropping Cadcane's Skin. A survivability-focused SK will want Stormwall Stance & Touch of Zlandikar self buffs on also, maybe? these are long enough duration to consider a /memspellset swap for.

As with all classes, dps also matters. Dps almost always matters, but in this event in particular there's an enrage timer issue coming up. Spear spell is great if Abhorrent Bargain isn't being used. Bloodletting Covenant is super since the raid has one big target for all the SKs to be lifetapping.


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #36 on: August 22, 2020, 06:25:39 PM »


Contributor: Furro

Spell Lineup: TODO, ran out of time

Cleric Banes:


Clerics with the attention & spell gems to spare for banes can use:

on Timer 6: Sound of Wrath Rk.III, level 108 (rk 3 is important for cast time, the level is not. I call out the level 108 because Freelance's TBL raids should provide the Median Lamp to get rk3)
on Timer 5: Stun, level 2. 12 second reuse timer, not 2 minutes
on Timer 4: Tarnation level 61 -or- Aweflash

also spell:Shackle, lv97, important for those clerics that lack their VexThal clicky to not have to wait on AA refresh (quick though it is)

Thanks Szilent!

Minor note.  Regarding Sound of Wrath, there isn't a cast time difference among the ranks.  Perhaps you're thinking of the older lower level versions though, L88 and downward.  For reference: Sound of *

Cleric and Beastlord sections updated in strategy post.  Will try and get to the rest later or tomorrow, running out of time today.


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #37 on: August 22, 2020, 08:05:44 PM »


Contributors: Padraigg, Furro

Spell Lineup: WIP

Rogue Banes:

my logs of Mearatas show Padraigg only landing bane damage by Ligament Slice. This bears out my experience Berserkering that Combat Abilities do not fire banes, only spells & AA & clicks that come with a "begins casting" message (not "activates")

Unfortunately, this means that rogues are limited to Animated mephit for bane.

Fortunately, this frees up rogues to really bear down hard on burning the boss. Padraigg's guide is here.

Thanks Szilent.

Re: Combat abilities not firing bane.  Yeah, appears that way.  Raiena mentioned her one Warrior ability ended up not working.  Also, Mirytauro (Oruatyrim) mentioned in tell other day that Monk echo (mez) doesn't work either.

Strategy post updated.  SK updates left to merge yet.  Working on it.


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #38 on: August 22, 2020, 08:43:37 PM »
Shadow Knight

Contributors: Furro, extrapolated spell lineups and banes from Bubbulz, Zimmak, Persephone and Modalex

Spell Lineup:

Abhorrent Bargain
Blood of Ikatiar
Bloodletting Covenant
Bond of Vulak
Cadcane's Skin
Claret Ragenot a spell
Dire Indictment
Dissident Fang
Insidious Rejection
Pestilent Darkness
Protest for Power
Soul Carapace/Shield/Guardnot a spell
Spear of Cadcane
Stormwall Stance
Terror of Mirenilla
Torrent of AnguishAC buff doesn't stack with War:Paragon Champion. /tell Raiena war buffs pls
Touch of Drendar
Touch of Lutzen
Touch of T`Vem
Touch of Zlandicar
Vulak's Bite

Note: Adjust lineup accordingly, obviously the list exceeds spell gems available.

Shadow Knight Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Encroaching Darkness  -   ST  826-
       Pestilent Darkness  112   ST  --
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --

/tar an_animated_mephit0
/alt activate 826 (Encroaching Darkness AA)
/cast # (Despairing Darkness lv87)
/cast # (Suppurating Darkness lv92)
/cast # (Smoldering Darkness lv97)

The damage done by Darkness dots is superfluous, using the lowest level ones that still cast instantly saves bunches of mana. One cycle of a bane key like this is expected to flatten any one Animated entirely, solo kill in ~1tick. Instant banes are "some good". Having a good bane key is good for the SK not just for the raid (it's very good for the raid) because baning a mephit to death is a kill, so the SK can pick up Mortal Coil :D

How many of those spells to load will be up to the SK, of course. It takes three to max out snare spamming but spell gems can be at a premium.

Core lifetaps always:
Touch of Drendar
Touch of T'Vem
Dire Indictment
Dissident Fang

From the log, mephit waves at 85%, 50%, and 25%->finish are every 20s:
[Thu Aug 20 20:20:31 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.
[Thu Aug 20 20:20:51 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.
[Thu Aug 20 20:21:31 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.
[Thu Aug 20 20:21:51 2020] A wave of mephits materializes.

This is of special interest to SK when talking about spell gems because Splode/Splode/Stream AAs are each 45 cooldown, so while (with care) one of that set can be ready for each wave, good SKs pretty surely want spell backup for them: Insidious Rejection (highly recommended) and/or Abhorrent Bargain (<Bargain shares timer with Spear) and/or Contempt-Revulsion-Disgust (<"not great" cast times on these).
When agroing those mephit waves, survivability matters, so there's no dropping Cadcane's Skin. A survivability-focused SK will want Stormwall Stance & Touch of Zlandikar self buffs on also, maybe? these are long enough duration to consider a /memspellset swap for.

As with all classes, dps also matters. Dps almost always matters, but in this event in particular there's an enrage timer issue coming up. Spear spell is great if Abhorrent Bargain isn't being used. Bloodletting Covenant is super since the raid has one big target for all the SKs to be lifetapping.

Thanks Szilent.  Looks like a lot of good points covered in this area.

I knew I'd have a big overlap on the spell lineups, since I parsed out the spells of four players.  At any rate, incorporated the details into the SK section and I cleaned it up a little based on above and added some notes.

SK Banes table updated as well.

Strategy post updated to this point.


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #39 on: August 22, 2020, 09:37:58 PM »


Contributors: Furro, extrapolated spell lineups and banes from Helicoprion and Luthernhamner's casts

Spell Lineup:

Burst of Wakening
Dissident Force
Eradicate Curse
Eradicate Poison
Force of the Grotto
Invocation of the Devout
Lesson of Propitiation
Sincere Cleansing
Sincere Force
Wave of Propitiation
Aurora of Morninglight
Dichotomic Force
Force of Mercy
Wave of Expiation

Paladin Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  Dichotomic Force  101   ST  -- 60s refresh
  Dissident Force  106   ST  -- 60s refresh
  Force of Mercy  109   ST  -- 30s refresh
  Sincere Force  111   ST  -- 12s refresh
  Lesson of Propitiation  112   ST  -- 24s refresh
  Force of the Grotto  115   ST  -- 12s refresh
  Beacon of the Righteous  -   AE  10394- 90s refresh
  Invocation of the Devout  115   ST  -- Self buff.  Melee Stun Proc
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Shackles of Tunare II  -  ST  10393-

Like most classes with AA or clickies, baning can be done faster with a mix of AAs/clickies and spells, if the spell gem can be spared:

/tar a_wave_mephit0
/alt activate 10393 (Shackles of Tunare AA)
/cast # (Shackles of Tunare spell, level 65)

^ jamming that button should solo wreck a wave mephit in one tick. Blessing of the Faithful kill proc yeah!

on stuns, list above is missing :
/alt activate 73 (Divine Stun AA, 9sec reuse)
/alt activate 2027 (Hallowed Lodestar AA, AE stun 90sec reuse)

and spells:
Cease, level 7, 9sec reuse no timer
Desist, level 13, 10sec reuse no timer

Lesson of Propitiation is slow cast and long reuse time compared to Force of Grotto, Sincere Force, Cease, Desist. Recommend against Lesson. If a 5th spell besides the good ones (plus Dissident and Divine Stun) is desired, lv42 Holy Might is same 2sec cast as Lesson, with 18s instead of 24s reuse.


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #40 on: August 25, 2020, 11:52:08 PM »
Confirmed Warrior - Knee Strike (801) which casts Knee Strike Snare can be used as a bane for animated.

08/22/20 07:44:32 PM   an animated mephit has taken an extra 195000000 points of non-melee damage from Raiena's Knee Strike Snare III spell.

Now this spell is easily overwritten so might be to our advantage to have this one first on our hotkey and then Call of Challenge.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 05:04:26 AM by Raiena »


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #41 on: August 27, 2020, 09:39:05 PM »
August 27, 2020 - Strategy Post, Triggers, Banes & Tips, Raid Shift Diagram and Map Updates

We're getting there!  Various optimizations.  Every bit counts!

Trigger Package Update

Added voice for color location to each hallway emote.

DELETE OLD TRIGGER PACKAGE "Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence", BEFORE IMPORTING NEW!

Classes - Banes & Tips

Thanks again to the contributors to date!  Updated "Classes - Banes & Tips" section of Strategy post.

Banes & Tips updated to this point.

Raid Shift Diagram & In Game Map Updates

Strategy Post Raid Shift Diagram:

Reduced the size of the circle for Melee Boss and Casters Healers to help keep the outer edge of the room clear for Sentinel Bane players to move more freely from hallway to hallway without having to avoid as many boulders in their path.

In Game Map:

Removed MB and CH markers from in game map.  This should help make it easier to see hallway and run-to labels.

Added color coded hallway labels and accented each hallway entrance with color to make it stand out more easily.  If you find yourself having difficulty reading the labels for which hallway to run to when emoted, try using colors instead.

Color labels added to "Layer 2", to allow for toggling on/off using in game map interface.

Important: For accented colored walls of the map you need to download the base map available in the map section of strategy post.

Note: Best to download ALL of the map files and then toggle layers off/on using the map interface in game for what works for you.

Examples below.

Layers 1 and 2:

- Layer 1 for existing cardinal labels and elements
- Layer 2 for new color labels

Layer 1 Only:

- Existing cardinal labels and elements.
- No color labels.

This may be good enough if you only need to use the accented colored walls, but still have the directional and element labels available.

The color labels removed is a little less noise to deal with.

Layer 2 Only:

- No cardinal labels or elements
- Only showing color labels

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #42 on: August 28, 2020, 04:03:59 AM »
Thursday, August 27, 2020 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence defeated!

UEE Defeated!  Awesome work everyone!  TBL expansion complete!  Onward to Torment of Velious!

See everyone at our next raid! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #43 on: August 28, 2020, 11:34:29 PM »


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #44 on: August 28, 2020, 11:36:52 PM »
That's a horrible picture....I'm not in it!  ;D