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Topics - Raiena

Pages: 1 [2]
Freelance Ramblings / Are you still missing ToL raid achievements?
« on: October 22, 2022, 04:51:43 AM »
Make sure you send a request once the event is called if you need any of the following achievements:

Free the Goranga - Price of No Freedom

Doomshade - All Togather Now

Netherbian Swarm Commander - Save the Innocent

Shei Vinitras - Mending Ways

All other events the achievements are part of our normal strategy. You do not need to request those. It is implied that we are always going for them.

Send me a tell in game once the event is announced by Furro, so that adjustments can be made ahead of time.

Freelance Ramblings / Furro's true form...
« on: September 30, 2022, 12:41:30 AM »

Freelance Ramblings / Fix Your Specialization Skills
« on: April 21, 2022, 01:46:13 PM »
Taken from Discord; posted by Raccoo

Raccoo — Yesterday at 2:22 PM
Casters and Priests

- Made the following changes to specialization skills:
- - Corrected an issue where the difference in specialization skills slowly disappeared starting with level 91, having been completely eliminated by level 120.
- - Once a player is above level 40, their secondary specialization skill cap (from Secondary Forte) will be set to 50 skill points below the primary cap, while tertiary specializations are 100 points below the primary skill cap. This should smooth the difference in skill values from level 40 to 120.
- - Characters over level 90 who had high third, fourth, and fifth specialization skills have had those skills updated to be below the tertiary cap. You will have to intentionally improve your specialization skill again. See Ostorm in the Temple of Solusek Ro to reorder your skills.

This means you will have to relevel your specialization skills. If you level your primary to 246, and your secondary to 196, the rest of the leveling up will fall in accordingly.

Please make sure you have checked your specializations before raids tonight.

Raider Essentials / FREELANCE DISCORD!
« on: April 22, 2021, 11:14:51 PM »


*FL Discord is encouraged, but not required*

Warrior / Warrior Trigger Package
« on: March 30, 2021, 01:45:49 AM »

Warrior Trigger Package is now available. This package is not mandatory, but covers timers and reminders for important abilities that Warriors should be using.

It would be beneficial to set up your own overlay and filter the warrior triggers into their own window. In addition, I break down all my timers by type and color code them so that I can see at a glance if I'm missing a type.
Warriors-Warrior2021-12-20 (05:24 AM)Warrior Buffs

-Champion’s Aura
--Champion’s Aura

-Commanding Voice
--Commanding Voice

-Imperator’s Command
--Imperator’s Command

-Full Moon's Champion
--Full Moon's Champion

Warrior Defensive Timers

-Brace for Impact
--Brace for Impact

-Composite Shielding
--Composite Shielding

-Primal Defense
--Primal Defense

-Dragon Glyph
--Dragon Glyph

-Finish the Fight
--Finish the Fight

-Main BP
--Main BP

-Resolute Stand
--Resolute Stand

-Warlord’s Bravery AA / Anguish BP
-- Warlord’s Bravery AA / Anguish BP

Warrior DPS Timers

-Brightfeld's Onslaught Discipline
--Brightfeld's Onslaught Discipline

-Glyph of Destruction
--Glyph of Destruction

-Mighty Strike Discipline
--Mighty Strike Discipline

-Offensive Discipline
--Offensive Discipline

-Spire of the Warlord
--Spire of the Warlord

-Vehement Rage
--Vehement Rage

-Wars Sheol’s Heroic Blade
--Wars Sheol’s Heroic Blade

Warrior Increased Healing

-Resplendent Glory
--Resplendent Glory

-Warlord Tenacity
--Warlord Tenacity

If you are uncertain how to create overlays or categories in Gina, follow these instructions:

Creating Overlays:
  • Open Gina
  • Click on Overlays tab at the top
  • Choose Add New Overlay Timer (Looks like a stopwatch)
  • Drag the new window that appears to the location you want it to appear on your screen. You may also adjust your font size at this time.
  • Click SAVE on that overlay window

Now that you have your Overlay you need to create a Category. I use several categories to break down by type but they are all set to display in my created Overlay.

Creating Categories:
  • Open Gina
  • Click on Categories tab at the top
  • Click Add (looks like a file folder) This will bring up a "New Category" that you can rename to your choosing.
  • Under the Category Settings > Under Timers - Change from Default to your created Overlay.
  • Open each trigger in Gina and change from default to your created Category - SAVE

*Note: If you plan on making multiple categories based on warrior trigger types, you can also choose different colors for your timer bars.

Freelance Ramblings / Im here...
« on: August 21, 2020, 11:37:19 PM »
Waiting for the servers to come up. I better get my on-time bonus!

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